ft' 1 "i r CAL AN!) I ! Aiiilk-rt ol liiicrCNt (u llomtfalkl. Dr. Henry Abernethy, of Illokory, was hero Monday. i lit. W. II. Craddoek went down the road on business Monday. , Mist Isalwlle Richmond it visiting her parents In Concord. ; .' Mint Rosa Earnhardt goes to Salem Mr. ti. 11. Clarke 1m iitlu hi lou Mr. W. I). Clark In Btatwvllle. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Squirt 'a daughter Sunday. . Fred Allred ha resigned hit posi tion with A. W. Dula to enter school at Granite. Mr. M C. Weathen and family, of Wilmington came to Lenoir Tuesday on a visit to relative. : Mrt. G. W. Curley Mt Wednesday for a visit to her parents nearChloago. to enter college next week." ' ,, n i" n : Miss Florence Boyd Is home from . The Gwyu Vaueer St Panel Co. are a . Vm . ' ... .of their plant. V V ;-. " Miss Caiiilte Clay welt, of Morgsn- - too, visited her grandmother, Mrs. L. , : : . , M. Newlaud this week. ' '- v '" '.. Mr, Mark E. Keever and wife, who . hurt been living some time io Alaba- ... ma, are visiting relatives here.. . ,". Mr.A. W. Dula took his guest, Mr. MoWhood, of New York, for a fishing v "." trip to Mortimer this week. 'iV.. Rev. G. H. Church and family are off for a trip to the mountains, If Lenoir fails to vote for water and street improvement , bonds bow will she ever get these necessaties, 1 ' Labor-day, Monday 4th. was not observed in Lenoir. 1 ' Miss Celeste Henkel returns, to Salem Academy next week. . . Miss, eopbia Faueette eame over ' Messrs. Jake Bush ' and George from Bristol some days ago on a visit Moore are fishing near Mortimer s forlwberalrterf, a few days this week. - Mr. Frank Garvin Is here for a few I M toe- Mina Atkinson is going to days rest. 3r - Greensboro soon to enter Greensboro Female College. i . . Mr. "Gib" Green, of Chester, with bis mother and wife are spending a few weeks at The Martins. -h i - The work on Mr. W.S.Covington's new brick residence is progressing I nicely " Mrs. E. D. Jordan of Portsmouth, Is visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Shell. ;. Mlas Corrine Henkel has gone to Kehausvllle, N. C, to teach music in the James Sprunt Institute. Mr. J. A. McGheachy and bride of Wilmington spent last night with Robt. V Carter, Jack Tuttle and u r uneacny on tueir way Stewart Steele returned to the A. ft Blowing Book ,M. College Monday. - - Mrs. E. F. Reld and Mrs. R.UGwyn : w w." jn:i -Trt.iM. f entertained the "Wise and Other Charlotte visited relatives at Patter ton this week. ' . ' - Mist Carrie Wolfa. of Monroe, has been employed to assist in the Busi ness Department of Lenoir Academy. The Kent Furniture ft Coffin Co. are installing the machinery in their plant. V ; . Wise Book Club'' and a number of friends yesterday afternoon. Messrs. R. G. Green and George Sudderth of Blowing Rook passed through Lenoir yesterday for Chanel Hill. Mr. Gut Pressnell, of Patterson, who went west on account of bis health soma months aaro returned to t t . . ,1 MiBaei jessie vounney ana Jessie inof- vesterdav. Newland will go to school at Ran-1 dolnh-Macon Colleire this vear: thev Mr. and Mrs. Nolley returned Mon leave soon day with a party of young people - I they had been chaperoning on A,fc wiison nas gone w mmutaln trlp-they report a pleat ureenauoro to taae a poeuion nttime. teacher in the Greensboro Female College. With Lenoir's unsurpassed educa- Mr. C.B, Harrison went to Blowing be only neede the modem improve Rock Tuesday with hit daughter, ments of water work good.treets Elizabeth, who will visit friends and Hghtt to make her an Ideal plaee to live, art. K. a. sorter and children, of The County Superintendents who rormmoutn, ya, arrived in Umoir meet here last week were an intelli- Tuesday3on a visit to Mrs. I. M. Tut- gent looking body of men and their tie aud Mrs. W. 8. Covington. dlscussioni were able and timely. The building of the Lenoir Yaneer The following resolution was passed Works is nearly ready for the roof, unanimously by them: The County Tbey have some of their machinery Superintendents of the West Centra,! already Installed. district desire to express their hearty t -o ii x thankt and high appreciation of the w " vvs v stwuu uniio viwsa lulcreilluf Figuret. Rev. W. II. McNairy hat Junt com pleted a census of the white people of LeQolr and he finds the number to be 1879. Of these Ml are church mem bers and communicates 792 attend Sunday School. 1083 do not. 838 over. 19 years of age belong to . no church and over 128 of these are heads of families. . Estimating one fourth of our population to be colored who are not, included in this count would make the total popu 1 a t i o n 8U00. At Atskgy, In the report of the concert given by the daughters of the Confederacy aud printed in the last issue of the News, there was an omission of the remarks at to the charming recita tion, "Knee deep in June," which Miss Rose Earnhardt gave with per fect mimlery of the little urchin and his Joy in the "perfect day of June." We were called to account by the admirers of the reading, and can on ly say that the ommlssion was entire ly, due to interruptions, while the report was being written, as the wri ter was delighted both with the reel tation and the young lady who gave it with such truth and feeling. Schesl Opcaiafs, The Lenoir Academy began the fall term last week with a large and increasing enrollment, The Graded School opened last Monday with 815 in attendance, large increase over last year and the enrollment is increasing daily. Davenport College opened Wednes day with a chapel full of girls, an even fifty coming in Tuesday and ten Wednesday, besides the local pupils. The Weaver school opened with twenty five boys and others are ex pec ted, making this a record-break ing term for Lenoir's schools. With ail these institutions of learn ing, well equipped and prospering, it is easy for our town to maintain her reputation as an educational center. The following named young la'dies are attending Davenport College this term. Misses. Emma Carlyle, Whitakers. CampmeeUng and from there will visit relatlvetln Hewtoo 'aod Hick ory. ' n;.. v "V - courtesies extended them by Suptt. Y. D, Moore, A. E. Wolti and the kind people of Lenoir during their star among them. We further desire Prof. Jas. R. Conley went to Young-1 to express our thankt to the trustees vllle, Franklin county Monday where of the graded school building for the he teaches this fall and winter. ' He use of the auditorium during the tee left the where with for the newt to tlon of Our body, follow him. . A C Wright. Chas. E. Boger. Mr.vrol Rabb left for Guilford ' . Committee. College t&nday. He wants th wws loa, i it tower ill. from limiiA ui lff. him atihaAvir.tfrtM , ' - V .... with III ' ' . " . I , . tt . nr . r .1 am .. oiooa, mm, vi, n. avwrr rauvreu m There Is only one way open to ua slight stroke of paralysis, at hit home to Improve our town, that it by a In this place,- UU entire left tide boud Issue.. The bonds should be was Involved an., while the stroke j promptly and unanimously voted. was very distinct It was not tcvere e Mr. W. A. Barber, President of the- nuh W to faU; or loose 0. ft N.W. Ry rwIth bis family and oonciousness. He was Immediately afew friends went to Mortimer last gitbebestof attention.andatthis ruing, Thursday noon, ne is con siderably better and an early recove ry is anticipated. He was in his ut- The Harper Furniture Company uat health up to the time of the stroke loaded and shipped this week a solid and bad been engaged in light work SO-fuot ear of 'furniture to Grand about the yard. Rapids, Mich. This is quite an inter esting fact at Grand Rapids it one of Basra el Trass. the Furniture Manufacturing centers An interesting meeting of the board of the countey. of trade was held latt Monday night Mr. J. C Coffev has received a let- " T7 attendance wae pre- ter recently from hit son Mr. Horace 8ent Coffev at Hay, Wash. Mn Horace Iron Station. u I, SUtesville. Collettsville. Mt. Pesgah. Rockdale. Gamewell. ii Concord. .1 Glen Alpine. Newton. Keernesville. Boone. Murphy. Morvin. ii Rest. i Murphy. Saturday by special train, and spent Sunday, o i - hat just told bit wheat crop of 8,000 bushels for $1,800 and expects to eome to Caldwell about the first of October to locate, v " The proposed bond Issue by the town for water, sewerage and street -improvements was discussed in au Informal way as well as many oth er things of vital Interest to the wel fare of our town. No-special Impor tant offloial aotion was taken in re- Some ttept should be taken at once gard to any matter, but an enthusl- to put Lenoir in a better sanitary astie and Interesting meeting was held condition-There are a number of and quite a few dollars was turned lo- baok joU and pig pent in the town to the Treasury In the way of does, that are offensive and tjey are men- nM p, ,r' M aolng to the health of the people. . . . . , ". . . - Yaa 'Wattars. Herndou Laney and , It was through the generosity of nuton Story, WbtU and Ed. DuU v. v. o. cryan Bnu aiew oiners oi Kjuk Mlohnaux, colored were all hit household that Elixa 'Mlcheaux, Djttoabyftlnfcddog Tuesday the colored girl bitten by the mad vWattert and Laney were seriously dog, was enabled to go to Richmond hltlAn .boat the arms and hands and for .treatment, ; Mr. Bryan left on the afternoon train Tuesday Richmond himtelf with ths girl, j or Baltimore to take the Pasteur ; J. A. Dula Esq., who returned last treatment, week from a visit of a few' weeks to Flora Rutledge, Dallas. Bettie York, Shelby. Kalie " Georgia Rendleman Pinkie Ola Webb, Edna " Bessie Mason, Lou Bogge, Dora Tuttle, Graoe Gertrude Honeyeutt, Margaret Newell, Hettle Pitts, Moselle Trolllnger, Annie Lowrey, Suma Little, Carrie Tate Bessie Pratt, Winnie " SalUe Lilly, Nealie " Lula Fain, Annie Cooper, Fannie Fain Mamie Harshaw, Zos Porter. Vera Quarles, Clyde Slguton, I ma Carpenter, Eva Blair, eereadolloe Garton, Marietta Currier, ? Graoe and Addle Steele, States vllle. ; Pansy Brunt, ; : Fartnlngtoo. Edith Arer; Elmwood. Mary Stacy. Wax Haw Mac Murdock, Oak Forest. Mamie Lue Johnson, Hickory, " Vena Little, Newton, Zelda Cline, Catawba. Stella Owenby, Acton. Helen Marie Allison, Thoinasvllle Maude Weaver, Thermal City. Esther Brown Ashevllle Ethel Terrell, Granite. Ruth and Lela Klosey, Cheraw. Cora Blair. Boone. Zabrelia " Jennie ft Liule Osborne, Disen. Edna Holsolaw, Vilas. Lucv Rankin. Mt. Holly tlerllaMr Nsles. The Standard gauge Railroad will hoeomDieted to Edremont If tha work continues as it has been recently. Mr. Deloa Dolllver who had fever a Rett? Is Ruder. Some one seems to he anxious for Information and I really do thluk he. or she, needs It. Will not some of you brethren or sisters of the Lenoir Baptist Church give it, not what he wants, but what he needs. I am satisfied he needs what the sermons, that he condemns would lead him to aeek if he would faithfully consider them. (I wondar if he heard them.) I did not hear them but I make this assertion on the grounds, , that I know that the pastor is a man of God He it one of those who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, Rom. 8 1. and would not preach anything that a faithful minister should not, but he Is not afraid to declare the whole truth. . It is not my Intention to answer the inquiry, but the piece in the News last week, entitled "Asking for information," opens the way for me to tell the News things, that have born heavily on my heart for some time. The inquirer seems to want the "World at large" to be in formed, which 1 think to be very ini Dortant. too, Jesus says "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," but I am not sure that it is important for them to know everything about the actions of the churches until they have received the gospel in honest hearts, and very especially I think it not necessary to inform them about the movements of the Bowling Alley, as it is one of the snares that I have heard so many of the good people of Lenoir and com munity speak of as being set for our boys and their money. Brethren and sisters of the different churches are speaking against the "traps" like this, "this town is going to ruin The bowling alley, pool room, match ball games, etc. are traps for our boys "Lenoir has gotten to be a pest hole. One young christian said, while on her death bed grieving over her bro ther who had stayed away after these things "Oh! that there never had been a ball." These and many other like sayings have 1 heard from the lips of fond parents, not only a few Baptists, and oh my dear brethren and sisters, have we been asleep that we have failed to lift our voices with the few Lenoir Baptist against these evils? until the other side comes up in this form. I do not know whether the inquirer claims to be on the Lords side or not, but I am surprised at any one claiming to be on the side of Christianity to take such a stand for auy of these things. I have wonder ed that these good people seeing the evil growing so stroug have not made an effort to quell it, though I suppose that fonie are like 1 have been, felt their inability to do any good, but why should we fear, Listen what Je atissavs PhilliDians 4: 13. "I can do all things through him that strength eneth me." with such scripture as this why do we not be united sollid ly against these evils. I think the reason is that so many of God's little children have allowed themselves away from their post of duty? The word does say "He that will not work shall not eat." Keep yourselves tin- K)tted from the worlk. I praise the Lord for the faithful few who are not willing to make a compromise with satan, and all glide along together so that no one could be able to tell whe ther there be a church. ' What I have silj about tho lnflu encea, has been -, i"ncriilng those thrown around boys uu.l men, I am ust at much interested about the girls but this seems to be the time to work for the boyt. I thought I "would not put my name to this, but for fear the criti cism might fall on some innocent one I will just put it down In full, trust ing that what I have said may help some. Let us all search Hods word for the truth. P. H. Pardue. U as ton la. Gamewell, ii Llucolnton, Greeuboro. Harmony. Pjnola. Elkvllle Notes. We are having some fine weather now In this neigh horhood. Prof. J. H. Isbell made a business trip to Lenoir last Friday. Miss Jennie Hendrix, who has been visiting her sister at Lenoir returned home. Mr. Robert Carter, who ha been pending the summer at home, will leave tomorrow for the A. ft M. Col lege. Mr. J. M. Button was awakened by a burglar the other night. Hearing a noise Mr. Dutton got up and think ing it to be about the dining room he looked about the room. Think ing everything ; was alright he re tired. Next morning be found that someone had been there aud taken some dishes and ate all they wanted. Who it was is undecided. Rev. R. Isbell preached an inter esting sermon at German Chapel last Sunday. A large crowd was present1 Miss Cora Greer and Mr. Steele and Master William Southern spent last Saturday night with Mr. Arthur Greer, of Elkville. Pinky Elkville, September 3. 8 New Goo d s AT ja a C O U RTN e wsp . Druggets and Art Squares Different sizes in many beautiful new up-to-date designs and patterns from the cheapest to the beat; direct from the manufacturer. - - 8 n 1 Ladies', Misses' and Children's, new styles and correct shapes in Jackets. Made by one of New York's best manufacturers. : : : : : : Ladies' latest Cravenette or "Rain Proof" fcJoata. Elegant line black Mercerized Under-skii ts - Ladies and Men's new Underwear. New line Boys' Knee Pants and Panls ami Suits. Suits and Youth's long Another lot choice patterns loons. New York make. of those new popular Panta- Leathe: fort Shoes, Stvlish Shoes, Shoes lor Wear and Com- New Fall Dress Goods very Pretty and Desirable. M.M. Courtney. par ti is to ot is The others are not to seriously bitten, Ellta Mlohaux went to Rich mond Wednesday to take the Pasteur treatment. It la thought Qthen are In no danger, as they were only bruised through the clothing and the teeth ol the dog did not eome 10 eon' tact with the flesh. A yonng man ; :' relatives' In MJtoheli manly,: telle , at V: that thing! are prospering in that " ' muntyThe Wnt. Ritter Lumber Co. V v V are pushing their narrow guage rail- " ' j 'rod on to Edgemont to meet the "fjf.'Jj Caldwell 4 Northera and a big force 7 V ' ' i. . .i . ... . nn 4U. .ia a r". 'road from Spruce Pin. toward. Ma J B,d J1 , - .-. Monday, evidently by the same dog. ' ' ;!: -'V t y' -The dog was killed near . Patterson - : Leuolr needs iome.more business and brought to town, but owing to houses, we know of several parties! the expense incident to an examlna ; ! wishing to engage In business In Len fct!on of its head and evldenee of the 'J-hAr but there is not a vacant business doa having rabtee being to eoncluslve, , i house is the town.". Shall the town no examlnrtlon was made. ' Mayor be retarded In growth and develop- poe, as a matter of precaution gave , ment for laok of accomiuadatlon for Immediate notice that all dogs round ; new entetnrlsest Business houses at lartre In the town, without muule, will nav acood rental and a number should be killed. In the enforcement can be rented at once on favorable of thle order several dogs have been "dry up" from the neglect of th study of His word Oh! you who eannot see the harm that there is in such things. Open your eyes and look, it certainly plain to be seen by them that see, look at the heart strings of moth ers (widowed mothers and invalid fathers) snapping one by one as they see their poor boys borne away down the stream of life at such a rate that thev will not listen to a word warning That great serpent "No Harm', one that beguiles do many dear ones, yes he would have all think there is no harm in anything, but the work of the Ixrd; let ua watch for in 1 Pet er 6: 8. He tars "The devil as a roar ing lion walkethtabout seeking whom he may devour," I am very sure I do not want my boys to atteud such placet for we are taught in I Thes. ft: fri. to abstain from everv appearance of evil. And 1 tremble when I think how likely I hiu to be taken away from them, see ing the dangerous influences that are thrown around the boys, and seeing boys that are as good as mine, being. led away to to the extent that they appear to have lost all interest la any thing good or building upacbristian character. 1 have never heard of Je sus being at such places, even'pteach ers seem to loose their influence for good when they frequent such places. I have wondered If the manager of the Bowling Alley has been in the spirit enough, since he gave up his church for the bowling alley work, in ajik ainner to come to Jesus, or few weeks ago hat a relapse and his I have a prayer uieetlng iu the alley? many frienaa fear ne win not recover. l woud urge him to think what Mist. Irene lnwiicn irom nynon- , foundation he is on. . . , , i . L ara- vs. arrivea last weea ana o- Ckips frosi Qranite. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Bolick left Fri day to spend a week or two with rel atives around Conover. Rev. W. R. Evaus is visiting ents in Murfreesboro, N. C. father is in very bad health. Dr. Smathers, of Hickory, pre&rhed for the Methodist congregation Sun day morning. He giwe us a thought ful discourse on "Reconciliation through Christ." Mrs. Wiu. Marshall returned Sat ur urday from the Sanitarium at Salis bury. Mrs. I. A. Starnes itt utill there under treatment but is doing well. Mr. Kobt. Payne is grinning louder than ever its a loiincitig big hoy lost master Stamen aul otnerx weut to Charlotte on the excursion Saturday. Hev. W. K. Spatigh ami family are spendiug a few days with hisMNter, Mrs. A..C. Sberrill. Whooping cough which has been lingering among a few families is now a general epidemic among the children. Miss Bertha How man and Mr. P. C. Bowman are visiting M. E. Starnes'. Asa Markson. Sept. fi. FOR $l,ooo.oo A 12 room house and a half acre lot at Granite Falls. We stake our reputation on the assertion that you cannot duplicate this for $1,500. Remember the terms are to suit and the itle is guaraned Mattocks & lUenoir. 1 A mail carrier has been suspended for stopping to kiiw a pretty ctwik on his route The cook was really the guilty party, for she obstructed the U. . male with her overioweriiig charms. Modern people have many mlv.-mt ages, which the lormer ages were withocWFor iuntauce, not even Shakespeare had a single raimmil accident wlik'h killed off the vidian in any of his plays. oeoeeooooX'l,y? E A TIP TOP CLOCK eepted a position with the Wilson Creek Lbr. Co. as assistant stenogra pher. Mr. J. V. MeCaU eame up to see ut last week he was representing the Lenoir Grocery Co. Mr. A. N. Todd was here last week selling Insurance to some of our peo ple. President Barber and Gen Mgr. Nichols of C, ft N. W. with a few of their friends eame to Mortimer on' a special train Saturday and left this! morning. Y J.u. 8epi 4th. 10011. " ' STOCK-HOLDER'S MEETING. Is there anything worth living for except to prepare to meet God in peace and try to get others to do so, "Te cannot serve God and Mammon" I am not one of the Lenoir Baptist Church, but I trust I am one of the redeemed of the Lord, and I have watched the movements of the few of the church with great interest and say Amen, do not become weary In well doing, but go right on with the good work, for gain is not godliness. read Dute 19, S3; 35, would kindly ask the inquirer to read, a Peter 8 8:10 concerning what he said about the naator. and Thes. 1 8: IB for Infor mation about making an honest liv Ing and calling the bowling alley Hi.. I I t !),. ,lr. XwthCa tern Railway Company win he held The honesty there is In things like at the offlee of the Geneal Counsel, at these reminds me of the negro who Chester. 8. a on Thursday the 14th said, he worked all day and etold all of Rent, at 19.00 noon, r . ; . . I night and then could not make an Individual stock-holders, on pre- honest living. "Only trying to make seotatlon of their certificate to con- an honesl llvlug," what Is It to make doctor, will have free transportation an honest living? Has God told us? to and front meeting. By order of. Is there anything lo his word that Win. A. Barber, Preat. . would Justify anyone to encourage J. J. McLure, Seety.' . men to spend Ihclr time and money 'H It has Seoa determined that the most effective method of kfNuig n tos With eoal oil, is to catch tueai and drown them in it. Frank Hamlin, a flagman on a work train, was run over and killed by a shifting engine in the railroad yards at Greeuslwroat 7 o'clock Sun day evening. Mr. Hamlin was a son of ex-Sheriff J. I. Hamlin, of Yadkin county. Dr. Chas. D. Mclver, president of the State Normal and Industrial Col lege, and State Supt. J. Y. Joyner have gone to Europe to spend six weeks. The chap who really don't care hetber she can cook or not, has it bad. IS A TIP TOP THING YOUR HOME Our Clocks never fail to make a strike with every one who see them. They run with the sun, so never lose time. You wont lose time, either, if you have one. Come to time and get a Clock. ALFRED W. nm a jeweler optician, I.KNOIK, NORTH CAROLINA. TOHAYEIN: T i 1 aaammmmmmmm , ' '"-iTv"5-' .. , Afcii oceeeoeooice cost see I SPECIAL SALE IN W Tkret Dsyt Is Ctlltarsla. This Is the fast time between Chicago and San Francisco made by the overland limited. Leaves Union Passenger Station, Chicago, 6.0 p. m., arrives Ban Francisco the third day )n time for dinner. Route Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way, Union Paelfno and Southern Pacific Line. Another good train for California leaves Uniou Passenger 8tation, Chicago, 10.83 p. m. daily, and takes a few hours longer to make the run. F. A. Miller. General Passenger Agent, Chicago, or W. S. Howell, 881 Broadway, New York. to Youth's and Boys Clothing close out to make room for NEW STOCK. Ecrly Risers Tlf toaiw litllw pKU. , Any other goods you may want will be sold at the very lowest prices. Come and see me W A. Watsi Lilo 9 terms. " ' ' killed t