THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. USSON XI, THIRD QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, SEPT. 10. Trclass1 Newt. Richmond and Norfolk Excursion. Test f tka Umi, Eaak. 1U, 1-1. Marr Venn, B-fr-OoMca Tsit, t. xxil, IT CBtir P ar4 hr BUT. D. , taa, (Copjrricht, loot, by Aatflcaa Prta AMocUUoa.) "We have In this lesion tb record of a river t living water Issuing forth from the temple ot Jerusalem and flowing eastward to the Dead sea, bringing life and health everywhere. On either tide of thertver are seen trees of unfading foliage, fruit bearing, the fruit being for meat and the leaf nr medicine, or, aa In the margin, for bruises and sores. Referring to the tame time to which Eseklel refers, the Spirit says In Joel III. 17, 18, "So shall ye know that 1 am the Lord your God, dwelling . In Zlon, my holy mountain, and a fountain ahull come forth of the house of the Lord and shall wa ter the valley of Shlttlm." Again In Zech. xlv, 8, He says: "And It shall be In that day that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem, half of thein to ward the eastern sea and half of them toward the hinder sea. In summer and In winter shall It be." In verse 9 of our lesson we read of "rivers" ami in the margin "two rivers," doubtless the same as those of Zecharlah. Our lesson Is In a portion of Scrip ture which tells of the future glory of Jerusalem, with Its literal temple re stored, the name of the city from that day being Jebovah-shammah (the Lord Is there). The context In Zecharlah tells of a change In the configuration of the earth In and about Jerusalem, and there Is no reason why we should not expect a literal fulfillment of every prophecy concerning the land and the people, but every reason wliy we should expect It, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken It Now, while the principle "literal, If possible," stands for all Scripture, we must remember that as In the story of Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac these things had also another meaning, so here we must seek the lesson for our hearts which will work out In us more of the life of Christ, for to that end all our study of the Scripture must tend. God, who commanded the light to shlue out of darkness (a literal eveut), not only hath shone in our hearts (If we have truly received Christ), but will Increasingly shine there as we meekly receive His word In our hearts (II Cor. Iv, 8; Ps. cxix, 130). A literal rock in the wilderness gave forth literal water with which literal men and women quenched their literal thirst (Ex. ivll, 6), but the other meaning is seen In I Cor. x, 4, where we read, "That rock was Christ" In Jer. II, 13, the Lord speaks of Himself at the fountain of living wa ters and complains that His people bad forsaken Him for water from their owu broken cisterns. In John Iv, 13, 14, the same Lord told the woman of Samaria of water that did not satisfy, and also of water that would satisfy and become in the believer a well of water springing up unto everlustlui; life. The line of truth suggested by "water" In the first seven chapters of John's gospel Is most refreshing nuil Inspiring, but the complete story take us back to Qen. I, 0-8, and on to Rev. EXil, and the cry Is ever sounding forth: "Ho, every one that thlrsteth, come ye to the waters;" "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life free Iv" "If anv man thirst let blm come unto me and drink" (Isa. Iv, 1; Itev. xxil, 17; John vl, 37). The four times measured river of our lesson may suggest to some the river that went out of Eden and was parted Into four, or the fourfold story In the gospels of Him who is the fouu- tain of living waters. But it certainly suggests the ever Increasing revelation of Clod In His wonderful word end the breadth and length and depth and height of His love, which a little child can grasp In some measure, but which Is also too deep for even the most spir itual to understand. Our range of vision must take In not only the present blessings of the gos pel while the church Is being gathered out, but the greater blessing to all na tions when "Israel shall blossom and bud and fill the face of the earth with fruit;" when "the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the wa ters cover the sea;" when "the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of the new Jerusalem and tbey shall bring the glory and honor of the nations Into It (Isa. xxvll, 6; xi, 9: Bev. xxl, 24. 20). Who shall see and share all till Whosoever chooses now tL4ake the water of Ufefgeiy-Butbow can they takA-r-1rho have never beard of It T here Is onr responsibility as stewards of the grace of God. Let him that beareth say come! What are you do ing about It? If we really know what It It to drink of the pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceed ing out of the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev. xxil, 1) we cannot but want to have others drink also. And If we do not most earnestly desire that then may know and drink it is a question whether we ourselves have tasted. There are many worshipers who do not worship In spirit and In truth because they bare only a form of godllnes wltV out the power thereof (II Tim. 111,6; Isa xxlx, IS; xxxUL 81, 82). iome of them make mod) of turning bJtbe east when they worship, possibly not knowing that facing the east meant turning the back to the temple. Bee Terse 1 of our lesson and Baek. vtlL 16. In the first verse of the lesson there are two very sugges tive phrases "the door of the house' aad "the altar" each of which points ta Elm who It the only sacrifice for tin . aad the only entrance Into the pree , ucpf God. Men, who know when they get enough.may be too full for utterance alter getting It If you ever took DeWltt's Little Early Risen for bllllousness or eon ttlpatlon you know what pill pleas tire la. These famous little pllli cleanse tht liver and rid the system of all bile without producing un tdeasAnt effects. Sold by J. E. Shell. r. Kent's Drug Store, Granite Fall 'a Drag Co mi. - t .i t ai a IX. - tiAfl olvAn mm Ann facta t.rt AJik f fir I space In your paper for Treland. aod Western Kailway will oper And now for the benefit of those who ate a low rate excursion to Rich are not acquainted with Treland we mond and Norfolk. Your oppor will say it is a small atatlou tnree turjjty to visit the Capitol, or mllet from Lenoir and hat a nice pub- '. P!. . Ca, .. V; ,:.,!. Ho school building. The community " v -7 L. ' . A' have been greatly benefitted by the Beach, Pine Beach, Ocean View two excellent schools which were or any of the nearby resorts taught by Mr. James h. itbeii. The The special tram will pass next term of the public school win Bristol 7.00 a. m.and the round open October 8nd with Mr. David R... frt R. . . ,m .a nn and iSonreruHiHuor, , i . riorioiK 9o.du, mere nat oeen a nne ounaay potnrn;n iha R,WUtTMluul.t.nnimA Mr I "6 t-v.-. J. H. Johnson, our Superintendent, W1" leave Norfolk 8.00 P. M it an earnest worker and people both and Richmond 11.00 P. M, f n- young and old, seem to be deeply in- day September 8th. You have terested. the ootion of two davs in cither - The steam shovel which has been city at work for the last week filling up Call on vour nearest Norfolk ... ....... . a 1 " the Largent trestle win proDamy oe nd Westei n Railway Acent. or. 1 A. A.V ...l.n I Mr. Avery Martin and family, of General passenRer Agent, uranite r ana, spout ouuui) t&i wie home of Mr. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Martin. Newton, is Miss Essie Setzer, of visiting the Misses Deal, Miss Fannie Powell, of Lower creek spent a few days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. J. Powell. Roanoke, Va. M. F. Bragg. Trav. Pass, Agt. Roanoke Va. NOTICE. North Carolina t Before Board of Caldwell Comity ) Commissioners. Notice is hereby given that a peti tion has been filed More the Board Mr. Sidney Martin, of Knoxville, 0 Commissioners of Caldwell, by I. Tenn., is visiting his parents, Mr. B Holsclaw ami others, to lay out and Mrs. B. Martin. ,i autaKiioi, ,,iiin mail from Mr. James H. Blair is attending Wattie White's store to Blue Doe school at Hudson. Grandma. Cigarettes do not effect the brain for obvious reasons. A wife is always willing to love, if her husband will honor and obey. school house, in said county. The notice required by Section 2038 of the Code, has leeu giveu by the petition ers: And the said lietitiou will be heard at the ueit meeting of the said Board on the 4th day of September, 190."). J. L. MlLl.KR, Clerk of the Board. The News Free. In order to collect the small amounts due us on subscribtions and to induce new subscribers and those already on our books to pay in advance, we make the following very liberal offer: All those who will pay up back dues and pay us one dollar in ad vance, may have the News until Jaunary 1st, 1907. And new subscribeas, who pay us One dollar now in advance on subscription, may have the News until January 1st, 1907 for the dollar. In other words you get The News the balance of the year 1905, FREE, by paying up back dues and one rear in advance NOW. All H0NES1 readers of The NEWS expect to pay us for the paper some time and this plan is an inducement tor them to do so NOW, and get the paper several months free. The sooner vou take advant age of this liberal offer, the long er time you get the paper FREE Very Respectfully, II . O. Martin, Editor. RAILWAY COMPANY. Sehadul ffctlv!Nov. 13, 1904. COLLETTSVILLE DIVISION. A Judicious Inquiry. A well known traveling man who visits the drug trade says he has of ten heard druggists inquire of custo mers who asked for a cough medicine, whether it was wanted for a child or for an adult, and if for a child they almost invariably recommend Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. The reason for this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it always cures. There is not the least danger ii giving it, and for coughs, colds and croup it is unsurpassed. For Sale by Dr. Kent's Drug Store and (iranite Falls Drug Co. Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it Bow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tllnr Indicates an , unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains Many a man has ruined hi eywil.t looking for work in a saloon. your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out 01 order. wast to Do. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- kooi, me p-eat Kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage, it corrects inability to hold water and scaldlnsr cain in oassinr Without the sense of humor no U. or bad effects following use of llauor. man can enjoy right life unto the or beer, and overcomes ftat impleasanl .. . 1 necessity of being compelled to go often "mlt- during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won- 4rflll fill n ika vtnaa ,Jl4...I..,. a. When your ship of health strikes H yo neel. me the hidden rocks of Consumption, best. Sold by druggists in50candjl. sizes. Pneumonia, etc.. you are lost, if you ou my ave a sample bottle of this don't get help from Dr. King's New wonaertui discovery -. . . i iiu si uuuK 1 1 la i if.iiw nsoovwy lor v,onsumpuon. j. more about it. both sentJS - C aicrvmuon, 01 laueoega opnngs, absolutely free by mail. Ala., writes: "I had been verv ill Address Dr. Kilmer & ,! with Pneumonia, under the care of - Blnghamton. N. Y. When writing men , ... .... . ... . . tion reading thli generous offer In this paper. .-v UWWr, uu, w uu8 u iu- pon-, malt8 tny mutake, but remember ter when I began to take Dr. King's the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's New Discovery. The first dose gave Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton, Strikes Hidden Rocks. euei, ana one Dottle cured me, Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and oolds. Guaranteed at J. E. Shell's drug store, price 50c and H.IK). Trial bottle free. no man lias ine courage to tell a woman the truth as her mirror does. It is easier to touch a man's heart than It is to touch his pocket book. A bucket of whitewash usually goes with each political in ventila tion. The Colonel's Waterloo. N. Y., on every bottle. North Bound Lv Lenoir. . . . . Setters Ollvett ArCollettaville. South bound Ar Lenoir,.... Setsers ........ Ollvett..... ... LvCollettsvllle Mixed. .....5.00 p.m .... S.iOp.m .... 5.0p.m .... 5.43 p.m Mixed 5.40a.m .... 6.23 a.m .. 5.13 a.m 5.00 a.m LENOIR & CHESTER DIVISION. North bound. ' Pas. . Mixed. Lv Chester........ 8.00 a.m 4. SO a.m Gaatonia..... 10.88 a.m S.6? a.m Linoolnton,.. ... 11.50 a.m 10.45 a.m Newtou 18.88 p.m 1.00 p.m Hickory 13.5? p.m 8.15 p.m Ar Lenoir. p.m s.wpm Home-seeker A Word to You: South bound Pas. Lv Lenoir 8.05 p.m Hickory ... .... 8.5? p.m Newton 4.84 p.m Linoolnton 503 p.m Oastonia .... . . 6.00 p.m Ar Chester 7.45 p.m CONNECTIONS. Ry., Mixed, 9.48 a,m 9.00 a.m 7.00 a. in 8.00 a.m 1.80 p.m 4.45 p.m S. A. L. Chester Southern and L. & C. Yorkvllte Southern Railway. Gastoia Southern Railway. Linoolnton S. A. L. Newton Southern Railway. Hickory Southern Railway. E F. REID, Q. P. A., Chester, S. C A man is much more apt than a woman to go crazy win n he falls in love. It is much healthier to live with a swearing man than with a crying woman. It looks killing to see a full grown man smoking cigarattes and It is. A girl's idea of a trust is to have a monooly on a young man's affee tlOllH. Startling Mortality. Col. John M. Fuller, of Honey (irnvn Taiu nonrlr mnf tita W 1 loo, from Liver and- Kidney trouble. - 8tatic,, "tnrtling mortal. n a recent levter, he says: "I was nearly dead, of these complaints, and, although I tried my family doc tor, he did roe no good; so 1 got a 50c bottle of your great Electric Bitters, which cured me. 1 consider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you the knowledge to make them. Sold, and guaranteed to cure, Dylpepsia, Bllliousness and Kidney Disease, by J. E. Shell, drug gist, at ooc a bottle. To the ladles there are three kinds of males. men, lovers and husbands. Good breeding keeps a lady from eating as much dinner as she would like. A Widow never tells her age, be cause she is old enough to know bet ter. from appendicitis and peritovftts. To prevent and cure the awful dis eases, there is just one reliable reme dy. Dr. King's New Life Pills. M. Flnnnery, of 11 Custom House Place, Chlcaga, says: "They have no equal for Constipation and Hilioushess." 25c at J. K. Shell's drugt. A man limy smile and smile but if he doesn't, quit in time he will see snakes. Many a irirl shatters her ideal when she marries him. Some Seasonable Advice. It may be a piece of superfluous advice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be needed before win ter is over, And much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon aa a cold is con tracted and before it has become set tled In the system, which can only be dona by keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying it In preference to any other, it is for sale by Dr Kent's Drug Store and Granite Falls Drug Uo. Increditahle Brutality-. It would have been Incredible bru tality if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syr acuse, N. Y., had not done the best he could for his suffering son. "My boy", he says, "cut a fearful gasli over his eye, so I applied Buckleh's Arnica Salve, which quickly healed It and saved bis eye." Good for burns and ulcers too. Only 33c at J. K. alien s drug store. N. & W. Ry. Schedule in Full. Schedule in effect Jan. 22, 190J LKAVK BRISTOL DAILY 8:15 a. m., arrive K. Radford 11 50 a. m., arrive Roanoke 1:25 p. m., arrive Lynchburg 3:35 p. m., Petersbury 7 55 p.m., Richmond '):05 p. m., and Norfolk 10:30 p. m., Hagers town 10:00. Pullman sleep ers to New York via Hagers town and Harrisburg. Pull man buffet parlor car Roa noke to Norfolk. 7:00 p. m., (Limited) Solid train with Pullman sleepers for Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, via Lynchburg, Pullman Sleepers Rad. to Norfolk and Lynchburg to Richmond 1.00 p. ni. daily for all points be tween Bristol and Lynch burg connects at Walton 5:50 p. m., with train No. 3 forall points wcstandnortL west, Pullman sleepers Walton to Columbus, Blue field and Cincinnati and Kast Radford lo Philadelphia, via KoanoUe. WINSTON-SALEM DIVISION Leave Roanoke 5:15 p. m daily except Sunday for Winston-Salem dnd 9:15a. m. daily for Winston, intermed ate stations and Charlotte, N. C. CAROLINA DIVISION Leave Pulaski ( a. m. daily except Sunday for Betty Baker and 8:00 a. m., daily except Sunday for Galax and Kries. NEW RIVER BRANCH-Leave E. Radford daily 6:00 a. m. for Columbus. Pullman sleeper and Cafe car to Colu bus 10:55 a. m. for Blue- field, Pocahontas. Taze well, Norton and Welch, 6:25 p. m. daily except Sun day, for Bluefield and inter mediate stations. DURHAM DIVISION Leave Lynchburg, (union station) 3:00 a. m, and 4:30 p. m-daily except Sunday, for South Boston, Durham and all in termediate stations. Trains from the East arrive in Bristol daily at (vestibuled limited 10:40 a. m., 3:20 p. m. and 10:50 night. For further information apply to W. L. STAFFORD, Ticket Agt. Bristol, Tenn. W. B. BEVILL, (J. P. A., Roanoke, Va. M. F. BRAGG, T. P. A., Roanoke, Va. -fACj Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. ltglvesinsUBt rellefandnever falls to care. It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents foriaatlonofgason thestom acn, relieving all distress after eating. meting unnecessary, rieasanttouke. It can't help out do yon good rrcparea only by a. a Diwmtoa, Otalcaco roe si. oowic conminnH, For Sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent Drug Store and Granite Falls Drug Company. M YEARS' KXPIRICNCK 1 I f a Tmm Mams VIWMI 'Mf1 CflPtMMMTS Aft. A n n MBittng a rtltes M IwalfUw aleklr Morula mi oatatoa frM wktw aa UoaiMifeUrmaStfantUrtlAfcfi OH PaUnM mmnt M. ffblM SMM far MOUllU tUl PaMota team tErotuaMana.att, raatT MNriai aataM, wRaoaa , m IM Sdtntinc Jinrica a anaawjUT BtaattataS W Mp. alattoa ofaul immuut t oar Kontka. SL aaMkaall aamlar 1 1 Tht Appalachian Training School Offers three years work above the requirement of the public schools. One year of this is given free of tuition charges to public Bchool teachers. The third annual session begins Monday Sep tember 4th 1905. - - Address inquiries to, SECRETARY OF THE FACULTY, . ; Boone, N. 0. - There are more openings in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho in every line of industry than' anywhere else in the Union. Our new and handsomely illustrated 88-page booW, - "ORE GON, WASHINGTON, IDAHO AND THEIR RESOURCES," tells all about the three States. (Four cents in stamps.) - . i Our beautiful panoramic folder VTHE CO LUMBIA RIVER THROUGH THE CAS CADE MOUNTAINS TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN," describes'the 200 mile trip along the matcheless Columbia River. (Four cent ia stamps.) Write today. The Union Pacific from the East gives you an opportunity of a delightful side trip to Yellow stone National Park. A, L. CBAIQ, General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railway 5c Navigation Company PORTLAND, OBEGON. NOTE: Don't forget the Great Lewis and Clarke Exposition, June 1st to Ootober 15th, 1905. The President Of the Lewis aud Clark Exposition, Port land, telegraphs as follows. "I congratulate and. thank the Union Pacific ou behalf of the direc torate for the superb Lewis and Clark folder. It Is one of tbi most elaborate and complete of any issuod in connection with the exposition." Those who Intend to vlnlt THE OREGON COUNTRY will find in this publiontiou n rare fund Of information. It tells you of the shortest ways to reach the Exposition City, what Is o be seen en route, and of the return trip through CALIFORNIA Free on application to J F. VAN BANSSELAER QA. 13 Peaohtree St. Atlanta Or. N. After acquiring a European repu tation the actor seeks an American salary. The enthusiasm of many people is not far from lying. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, "ViXZSX'l Thamtk cram In HiOICIlt", (UNCrtY, timimt a4 ijm t iiw umtwM ut niuutt. Latlaft Hill,, Liharinnlri. Hmelul if I Diipnxa-; mi impif eqilfpn M nccawil tcukici. temtj Teirhro, Will nat Mm hit Raw it, r,,'l!j!lr" 'ri"t 8. Till l'QTOK. NOTICE. North Carolina ) Before Board of Caldwell County f Cortiraissioners. Notice Is hereby given that a peti tion has been filed before the board of Commissioners of Caldwell, by J. B. Graham and others to lay out and establish a publle road from Granite Falls to Petra Mills in said connty, The notice required by Section 20$ of the Code, ha been given by the petitioners: And the said petition will be heard at the next meeting of the said board on the 4th day of Sep tember, 1900. J. I MlLLKR, Clerk of the Board. Opportunities In California The trade in the Orient is opening up. Our exports to Japan and China multiplied during the last year. There will soon be a tremendous increase in the trade of the Pacific Coast cities with the Far East. Big opportunities for the man who lives there. Why not look the field over? Oi,ly $62.50, Chicago to San Francisco or Los Angeles and return, May i, 2, 3, 9, 10,11, 12,13, 29. 3o 31 June 1, August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, 1905. Tickets good for return for 90 days. Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour ist sleeper from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and many other points in California, only $7. Through train service from Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the Chicago, Hllvvaukco Q St. Paul, Union Pacific Southern Pacific Lino 8 This is the route of The Overland Limited, leaving Union Passenget Station, Chicago, 6.05 p. m.; and The California Express at io. as p. tn. The California Express carries tourist sleeping cars to California every , day. Both trains carry through standard sleepers. - . ' . Complete Informatloa snt free ea receipt of coupon with blank lines filled. W. 8. HOWELL, Oral Eaatara Af tat, all Braalwajr, MBW YORK CITY, - ' ,'. " P. A MILLER, . ' Oaatral Paiataf ar Af aat, . CHICAOO. . Name. 'Street aadrsn. .State. Prebable dtitlaatlea. CAuroasiA

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