If i . Mi J I II- C. MARTIN, Editor arid Proprietor. An Independent Family Newspaper. Subscription Price One Dollar-a Year YQLUUB VIII. UHQIR, HOOT CAROLINA, FRIDAY, 0CT0B2R 13. 1905. HO. U. "'V r ANNOUNCEMENTS. Sunday Column; J.C HALL& CON. LENOIR, ' : Tfce Tttt M Tks DUnis!.' Many years ago slave in Brazil found a supposed diamond of nearly a pound weight. , It was presented to N,C. Greensboro, Oct. 2. The October tenn of the United State Court opened ibis morning and promises to be unusually interesting If not sensational. Th charge of Judge Boyd wa comprehensive and clear. There tea large crowd. The canes the Emperor, was constantly guard' ded by soldiers, and wm tuppoied to I against the Federal officeholder eon represent . milllona of money." An I atltute the chief topic or interest ana . if 1 ' i t t a - I m .u nnUa aa nninrm awlm WllSOn S Darber.bhOO. duoed a cutting diamond, and withal are here In the capacity of witnesses South Main St.. opposite Com raercial Bank, Lenoir, N. (XV Sharp Razors and Clean Towels. 'umbrellas i Al arri-prqparecl to cover 1 1 "ind repair all kinds of Un 2 Mas. Nice, lot ot Mew X Covers Just received. I Keever, ! Hamilton Building, . LENOIR. N. C. tMIMMMMM C' Banks McNairy, M. D OFFICE" OVER " SHELL'S '"- - DRUGSTORE. Call left at Shell's Drug Store or m v residence will receive prompt attention. p;k.derson UEADINQ BARBER. Commercial Hotel Building, Le- . noirVN. C. You 1 can get your. suit9 cleaned, pressed and repaired. Phone 67. W. LEE EZZELL, DENTIST. Prepared to do all kinds of Dental work. Prompt attention to patrons. Efficiency of work e-uaranteed. Office over Jfost- office. atHltlMMIHIMiM4l m arn "HTtrTriTirVT-CC S3 VV JsUJNAJN X LAWYERS icratch exposed the pleasing fallacy, One stroke waa enough. A. real gem would have suffered no scratch but It was no diamond at all, and the millions vanished in a moment into air. Soa!slngle stroke pierces and exposes character. It was thus With Christ and the rloh young man, -. He kept all the Commandments, bad kept them all from his youth up. Said be, complacently: "What lack 1 yet?" Jesus said to bun, "If thou wilt he perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure In heaven; and come and follow me." Fatal scratch! The youth was only white crysttl after all. "But when the young man heard .that saying, he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions." So was it with the woman of Sa' marla. How smart she was, how ready with history, what an excel lent controversialist! . "Jesus said unto her. Go, call thy husband, and and attorneys. It Is understood that these eases will , be called for trial later In the week. I District Attorney Holton stated tt. day that the noted ease against N. Glenn Williams would' be called for trial Wednesday morning. This rivals In Interest and Importance the against the -"ex-doodlers." Only two eases of Interest were be fore the court to-day, that of D. L. Arey, of Salisbury, who was con- Vioted at the June Charlotte term and appeared here to-day, and vol untarily surrendered himself. He left to-night in custody of a deputy marshal -for Salisbury,- where he enters upon his three months' im prisonment in the . county jail of Rowan. Arey also brought with him and is ready to pay 122,000, the the amount of the judgment against bim. He will also pay to-morrow a fine of $200 and costs, amounting to something over $1600, aggregating 124,000, which sum the United States PEOPLE OF THE DAY , To MaaalUla. Charles M. Schwab, bead of the Ship building corporation, who recently sail ed for Europe, said on the eve of hU departure: "I will visit the shipbuild ing yards of Germany and Friiucc un J study their methods of constructing ships. My trip Is In no fray connected with the Russian armor plate coo tract" , Mr. Schwab's trip abroad at this time. It U believed, marks the begin ning of the upbulkliug of the old Unit ed Shipbuilding corporation Into oue of the greatest concerns of the kind in the world. All the plants and properties ot the shipbuilding trust are now owned and coulrolled by Mr. Schwab, Incor porated as the Bethlehem Steel corpo ration, and it Is Mr. Schwab's intention to begin the most extensive campaign of shipbuilding ever inaugurated in this country. Mr. Schwab will be able to ruruuu practically every metal part that goes Into the construction of a racing yacht come hither." -One keen cut, and the geta from this one defendant jewel which had charmed many knew herself to be paste. So God will, one day or another, one way or another, find us out. We notice sometimes that our friends suddenly stand revealed in a light It is impossible to have a clear heud, an active brain, a vigorous con stitution or a strong body when the digestion is weak or when the stom sou la out of order. Kodol Dyspep- most unexpected; they flash upon nsl iia Cu wjM put the ,tomach and di geetlve organs in good condition and improve the general condition. Sold by J. E. Shell. Dr. Kent's Drug Store and Granite Fall's Drug Co. in a character thitherto wholly un suspected. Indeed, the most start! ing revelations we witness are reve- latlona of people whom we have known for years. And so our true selves may long be concealed from ourselves: but at last ttod makes us to know ot what spirit we are, and we become filled with astonishment nd distress. By Christ "the' thoughts of many hearts are revealed"; by Him Weaserhd Wsrk. The work of Miss Mattie Perry at Marion, N. C, is something wonder f ul in its way. She has an institu tion there in which a hundred or "the more orphan children are cared for FOH W CHILDREN Am Aerafcatla Bat. Sir Godfrey Lagden, having found bis stables In Johannesburg overrun with rats, had great difficulty lu put ting down the pest. They lay quiet by day, did great mischief at night and wouldn't look near a trap. However, be killed a good many by one plan. He placed a square box, two feet deep, lined with tin, in a room, and inside the box put some burnt cheese. No self respecting rat cau resist toasted cheese, but, having got inside the box (which was easy), it was quite another thing to climb up the slippery sides. and so several rats perished. One morning Sir Godfrey's children found n rat in the box and placed their cat an excellent ratter beside it for com pany. But tne two animais cnummea up in the friendliest way, and the cat at lost Jumped out. Then a dachshund was introduced. The dog showed fight at once, but the rat dodged it cleverly round and round, and, finally climbing on the dog's bock, leaped out of the box and escaped. world is convinced of sin, of right- ousness and of judgment. ine Pharisee at last takes the place of the publican, and, smiting upon his breast, cries: "God be merciful to me a sinner." Was Ballt The SakwsyT the r PRACriCK IN ALt. ' wm COURTS w THK 5 ePKCIAL. ATTENTION QIVKN I. 1 I TO OOtXJXJTIONS. J I OKFICE IN THK j MATHICSON BUILDING. Dental Notice. I wish to sav -to the people of Lenoir knd tfurroundimr country that I have located in Lenoir for the tru'rpose of practicing Denis try mail its branches, All wish ing Dedtal Work done will do well to call on ine in the Mattae nn , buildinc oDDOsite the new rourt hause. fcirst class work and terms reasonable. E.W. MOOSE; D.D.S. J i 1 : S-vl - ) - MMMtUHMW iSMiir Squires Y" - . LAWYER . LENOIR, N. C, OFFICE OVER KENT'S 't , DRUG STORE.' Wilt Sell Surety Bonds at '?x. Reasonable Rates. "Who built the Subway? "I," says capital. "I built Subway with my dollars." "Who built the Subway?" "I."sald the engineer. "I built the Subway with my trained mind and professional skill." "Who built the Subway?" "I " said the contractor. "I built the Subway by organising and di rectiogUje work." "Who built the Bubway?" ''I," says the laborer. "I built the Subway with my pick and shovel." Capital, laborer, engineer and eon tractor all had a share in its aohiev- ment, The capitalist who claims that it was his money and ability for bus! organisation that have worked the marvels In industrial and com merclar achievement. and insists upon taking all the profits and glory, it just as wrong as the laborer who echoing what he has heard in some socialistic meeting, shouts, "There Is no wealth that was not produced by labor, and therefore, all wealth should he the reward ot labor." Capital, labor, brains enter into the accomplishment of every great enterprise. One it of little value without the other two. Capital would be unless without the strong arm ot labor, and labor wo'ald have nothing to dig If capital did not sup ply the necessary financial equip ment. And without education and training of the engineer 'and other professional men, capital and labor would be powerless. - Andrew Carnegie It tne of the greatest capitalists in the world; but he does not claim that hie money has done it all. Sir ' James Kitaoa asked Mr. Carnegie If heunderetood an- tntri eate machinery In one of .bis steel mills, and he tells Mr, Carnegie's an swer: ' ! 1 : . and kept and the institution is sup ported entirely by voluntary charity. This la not so remarkable in itself, but the fact that the donations come in as answers to her prayers and often without any solicitation on the part of Mies Perry is the won derful part of it. It is said she bought the fine property, she now uses, costing several thousand dol lars, simply upon faith, not having a dollar to pay down on it. And in answer to her prayers donations from many sources come to her and she met the payments as they fell due. The, children are taught various things, but the most Important is faithful prayer and It is said by those who have heard them that the pe titions offered by some of these little tots are beautiful to bear. Mrs. W. R. Stine, who recently vis I ted the Institution says the little Clark children who were sent there from this place, are doing well and have bright prospects of becoming useful educated eitiiens. CIIABLXS M. SCHWAS. or a 15,000 ton battleship, and, working from the Bethlehem steel plant, be will be able to furnish the greatest warship be can ever be called upon to build with the heaviest and nurdest armor and the greutest guns that can be made anywhere In the world. Mr. Schwab is recognized as one of the steel aud Iron experts of this coun try and of the world, and his determi nation to take up pbtpbulldlng is but an extension of his activities. The bring ing together in one eoriorutlou of the Btecl maker and the shipbuilder will, it believed, solve one of the greatest problems in the way of re-establishing the status of the United States as a iblpbulldlng country. Bklelda aad Emblem. Now that every boy, and girl, too. Is wearing an emblem of some sort on collar or sleeve It to Interesting to know the meaning of some of them. Tbey are mostly those used in the United States army, and it will be a good memory test to try to locate Just what the eagle or other emblem on your new reefer Indicates. A general wears two silver stars,! with the arms of the United States be-1 tween. A lieutenant general shows three sil ver stars. A major general, two silver stars. A brigadier general, oue silver star. A colonel, a silver spread eagle. A lieutenant colonel, two silver leaves. A major, two gold leaves. A cantaln. two silver bars at each end. A lieutenant, one silver bar at each end. A second lieutenant, plain straps without any marks. The Secret of Good Coffee Even the best housekeepers cannot make a good cup of Coffee without good material. Dirty, adulterated and queerlj blended coffee such aa unscrupulous dealers shovel over their counters won't do. But take the pure, clean, natural flavored LION COFFEE, the leader of aO package coffee the coffee that for over a quarter of a century has been daily welcomed in millions of homes and you will make a drink fit for a king in this way : HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE. Urn LION COrriB, becanm to t bnt remit, joa mtut aw the bat coSm. Qriftd your LION COPPBB rather tne. Cm " ubhepoonfiil to each cap, and om xtrs for the pot" Vint diix It with little cold water, enough to auke a taka mate. aa4 add wtite otueggltleitgiatobe med ae a aeuler), Uvea follow one ot the following rake : 14. WITH BOILING WATEB. A44 hotlfaa water, aad let It ban TaTREE MINUTES ONLY. Add a llttla aald water aad act aalde Uv amlanriea to aettle. Serve promptly. . . Id. WITH COLD WATEK. Add yoar ea44 water to the parte ud hrtaa It la a fcoU. Thea act Ida, add a Utile aald water, aad la Uve sataalea tfa ready to aerve. 9 (Don't boll tt too long. . i Don't let It atand more than ten minutes before serving. DONTS (.Dont use water that has been boiled before. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE, let Wtfa Iff. TJee part of the white of an egr. aUxing ttwith the round LION OOFFKg beloreooUiot. ' Id. WHa CeM Water Inatead of egn. After boiling add a daeh of cold water, and art aside for eight or tea aUnntea, then aerre through a itrainer. Insist on getting n package of genuine LION COFFEE, prepare It according to this recipe and yon will only ase LION COFFEE In tutor. (Sold only in 1 lb. sealed packages.) (Lion-head on every package.) (Save these lion-heads for valuable premiums.) SOLD B GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON BP ICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. - AaWedevlRMe. often ends in a sad accident To heal accidental Injuries,- use Bucklens Arnica Salve. "A deepjwound In my foot from an accident,? writes Theo dore Sohuele, of Columbus, o., 'caused m great pain. Physicians wetwnelDlesa. but Bncklins Arnica Salve Quickly healed it." Soothes and heals burns lite matrte. icaj.r Shell, druggist. A Jadete'a Paaallaa Slsnatare. A distinguished looking lutiu walked Into the Hotel Lincoln one morning re cently, asked for a room, picked a new pen out of the potato and proceeded to write. Ho made niueteeu loops and two blots on the line aud wrote Thlla." after it. The clerk did not pronounce the name of the new guest Just then, but banded over the key to the bell bov. thought real bard for a moment and then said. "Show Mr. Klrkbaum to his room," says the Thlla delphla Ledger. The guest who had written the serlej of loops on the register looked amaxeu. He was Judge John E. Klrkbaum of Philadelphia and for a quarter of a century bag been famous among hotel clerks as the man who anus himself with the most pusxliug signature. He makes all the letters alike. In long. wiry loops stretched out In vertical fashion. It would not be so difficult to decipher were it not for two Impatient blots which a bad pen invariably makes after tbe sixth and eleventh loops. When the register Is tilted slightly upward, however, tue name can be read by any person experienced Inuntangllng handwriting. Aavaatafta seOeH Teeratr. There is always good policy in keep ing one's tamper. As often as temper is lost a degree of influence is lost with it; ind while the former may be recovered, it will be found much more difficult to recover the Utter The politician who allows himself to rat anrrv whatever mar be the a ' - wr w - provocation does his cause an in jury which his soundest argument III hardly repair. Just so with tnen'of all professions, -and with men of no profession; If they would be able to exert a sway in their sphere they must leant to keep cook Who ever listened to a discussion In whtoh. one party went raving mad while - the other maintained his com J. Henry Bush, 1 -r-cOITRACTOI! FOR ! Paintinr PPr Hojin rvaiBotnininif, uiasmg auu Graining1,- Floors Filled ' V.i:.t.i,l a Pnsif'Paintirtrr. I III 1 mi U WU14 - n v We use and recornmenu Harrison , Town ; u d Country Paint. l--::-f . , LENOIR, N. C. ;, -AH work Guaranteed. "No"' replied the great ironmaster; Mhnl f Vntw hAar 4V MLiKa hhrillm ma nn that do know machinery . ",tnou b,n to 'P and all about the steel business..; 1 don't know much .about steel ma- ehlnery or the steel business, .but I do know the human machine. "rK- thlea-enllsted with tha latter, even though. In the beginning, his pre judice might have been, in favor of the -former, Tbe Original Laxltive Cough Byrup I is Kennedy's Laxltive Honey nd testa. Kfdaey trouble often ends faUlly Tar. It excels all cold from the sye-1 but by choosing tha right medicine, tern bv actio1 as a ' cathartic on the B. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, - Iowa, bowels. It relieves the feverish con- cheated death. He says: "Two years dttions of the throat, draws out the ago I had Kidney Trouble, which inflamatloo. curee""the' couih and! caused ine great pain, suffering and strenethena the mucous 'membraneal anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters, of the longs and . bronchial tubes. I which ' effected m complete tore. Kennedy's Laxltive Honey and Tar I have also found them of great ben Is 4 oertrln, safe, prompt and harm- eflt in in general debility and nerve less core for colds, eroup and whoop- trouble, and keep them constant tug eongh. Sold by. J, K. Shell, Dr. ly on hand, since, as I And they Kent's Drug Store and Granite Falls have no equal." J- E: Shell, drug- Drug Co. . . , - ' gist, gnarantees thera at c. The Cam of HlUewka. Hillocks Is a fine anie for the sea shore. Make nine small hillocks or cones on the snud. These hillocks must be at least two yards apart, and the tops xbould be flattened sufficiently to bold a golf ball. Each hillock bus numbered paper stuck In the Ride. The game is played with small hoops. and the object is to throw them hi such a way as to knock a ball from Its ikU- estal. This l not an easy thing to do unless the hoop Is thrown with a pecul iar twist of the wrist. Each player has three chances lu turn unless bis hoop falls over the hillock at Us base without moving the ball from iKwitiou, In which case his turn Is at an end. The player who knocks off the greatest number of balls wins. Mratcrlaaa tiaeata. The game of mysterious guests la played as follows: The people assemble In oue room. A stranger appears at the door. He Is dressed to represent some character In history, poetry or song. The purpose of the game is to recog nize who the truest Is. He may be Siudbad tbe Bailor. Martha Washing ton. Sauta Claus or Little Bopeep or host of other frleuds of us all. As the guessera say "It Is So-and-so," if their guess be wrong tbe mysterious guest shakes his head sadly. If tbe guests be right he claps tiLi bands. bows pleasantly aud disappears. A lot of fun can be had at a children's gathering where tbe characters chosen are all uooular with the children's tastes. Raaaell Sac Ho are ta ah Par. Russell 8age, the financier, who re cently passed the eighty -ninth year mark of hU life, said to a friend on that occasion that men die too young. T am golug to live to lc a hundred years old; 1 am going to par,' he re marked, with a grim smile. "There la really no reason why I should not live tomrer-than a hundred years: but, on the whole, I think that la a good, con servatlve age to attain. "Tbe trouble with most men Is that they die too young. It takes them thir ty or forty years to learn how to live Boaaxu aao. aad bow to make money, and men Just as they have acquired knowledge death gathers thera ta. Many a promising career has been cut abort at the prema ture age-of forty or fifty years." Certainly those who have been In dose touch with the aged anancler bare seen no Indications that years are breaking the magnllcent physique aad Intellect of the master mind of Wall Drlaklaar Lamb'a Wool. One would think that "lamb's wool" could mean nothing else but the fleece of the lamb. In point of fact, the words are also a corruption of old Euglisb and are the name of au an cient beverage which, If grateful awl comforting, was hardly a teetotal drink. The gathering of the apples every autumn was made the occasion of a great feast, for which there was specially coucocted a drink made from ale aud the pulp of roasted apples. with the addition of spices aud sugar. Thin beTeraa-e was called "la macs abbal" ("the day of apples"), which In popular speech was converted Into "lamasool," and this again to "lambs wool." R.at at tha SeaeUak. The amount of traveling done by some of our birds Is astonishing. Or. Cooke says that the common ulght hawk spends the summer In Alaska and tbe winter In Tatagoula. Tbe Imbollnk, which Is tbe reedblrd of the middle states and the rlceblrd of the south, winters on the waving pani t of southern Braail. It covers TOO miles from Culw to the Soutn Amcricnu coast In a single flight, fol low Ing a track not popular with other birds, which might be called tbe bobo link route. Raamaalaa Sahmtaataa. A strange custom Is still retained In Oouiuanla which reminds one itronyly ot Robinson Crusoe. When a servant baa displeased his or her master the offender takes his boots In his hands and places them before the bedroom door of his master. It Is a sign of great submission, and the boots are either kicked away as aa Intimation thst the fault will not be forgiven or etoe the servant Is told to place them on his feet, which shows that be Is for given. Taasraa Tvrtatara. Captain Crackakull cracked a catchpoll' 1 eockaeonh. DM Captala CraekakaU crack a catch. poll's ceckarcmbt If Captain CrackakuD cracked a catca- pair cackaeoaab, Where's tha catchpoll's cockacamb lw lam CraekakaU cracked? Trace the General APPEARANC of a great Uuek's Range. There never was one to comjKirc A Buck's is with it. - -built so solid I v and so splendidly that it prcsctils a handsomer appearance in vour kttch en than any other make of a range. - - - - This pi it VOll Wli Remember, though, that the appearance t $ I ! 4 ! - v . turc does not do a Buck's justict .igree with us. - Any Buck' cooking or Buck's tr.idi s range, cook stove, or heater any heating apparatus that bears a mark, presents a handsome appearance. t 6 i t - t 4 4 v V -avt- m ff RNti AUin -SEAGLF V i 4 , but when vou f - - 4 is only one point. IIm 4 fO-arl an Now Open and ready for Ihe trade, a full line of new goods for Fall wear. Dress (ioods Notions Clothing Shoes (lents Furnishings Ktc. Ktc. all of the latest Styles and Patterns. We have just received a new line of Ladies' Skirts of the lat est Styles, which will be sold close. We are marking all our goods at very low prices and cordially invite you to us a call. Respectfully give 7. A. VMlTSOn. Extremely Low Rates to the Northwest Oommenceing September IStK there will be on sale from io oir and vicinity tickets to all pari in WASHINGTON, ORE GON, MONTANA, IDAHO, CALIFORNIA & COLORADO,, at extremely low rates. This i an excellent opportunity for intended settlers to save money. For full information as to rates routes and folders w rite Ernest G. Woodwakd, . , T. A N. C. St. L Ry., Atlanta, 6a. ' i 4 1 i - i K . "5 .J . '-.! . t