... Af(vvj : -IT IT H- C. MARTIN, Editor and Proprietor. An Independent Family Newspaper. Subscription Price One Dollar a Year YOMJUB VIII.- L3 H 0 IRf H 0 RTH C ARO LIS A, FRIDAY, OCTOBSR 27. 1905. HO. 16. A ANNOUNCEMENTS. J.C HALL & GON. LENOIR, N.C Wilson's Barber Shop, South Mala St., opposite Com ' mercUl Bank, Lenoir, N. 0. r Sharp Razors and Clean Towels. I am tsreoared to cover m . . 2 and repair all kinds ot um- rH,MMm"M,M,Mi , m w mm a- a-v 1 A " X ; brellas. Mice lot ot imcw i I Coven Just received. I I; P. M. Keever, Hamilton Building, LENOIR. - - N. C. 45 C Bank McNalry. M. D OFFICE OVER SHELL'S DRUG STORE. Calls left at Shell's Drug Store nr tnv residence will receive prompt attention. P. K. ANDERSON LEAD1NQ BARBER. Commercial -Hotel Building, Le noir, N. C. You can ret vour suits cleaned, pressed and repaired Phone 67. W. LEE EZZELL, DENTIST. Prepared to do all kinds of Dental work. Prompt attention tn natrons. Efficiency of work cuaranteed. Office over Post- office. J 8ejf, Whitener & WHISNANT LAWYERS PRA.OTICK IN A LI mW COUHTS THE J BPKCIA.L ATTENTION GIVKN m 5 TO COIjLKCTIONS. OKFICE IT THE t MATHKSON MUIIDINO Dental Notice. I wish to say to the people of Lenoir and surrounding country that I have located in Lenoir for the purpose of practicing Denis try in all its branches, All wish ing Dental Work done will do well to call on me in the Mathe son building opposite the new court hsuse. First class work , and terms reasonable. E.W. MOOSE, D.D.S. ROM NIAGARA TO" QUEBEC An Interesting Letter From a Vs ; Caldwell Boy . After leaving Niagara Falls on July 23, 1 bad a pleasant ride around the Western end of Lake Ontario to the thriving city of Toronto., Toronto bai a population of nearly 800,000 people as estimated by the Railroad llapi and it second in (lie toUontreaL ., f. .' It in a nice, ap-to-date Canadian elty and haa a large business both over the Lake and by numerous Railways. From Nlagra Falls to To ronto la OS miles via Grand Trunk By., batty boat from Lewistori, N or Qneenstown, Ont. it Is about miles, just across Lake Ontario. From the Falls to Lewlston or Queenstown' la 7 miles by Electric line. The roots via of Electric ear b the boats of the N. N. Co. is nicer cheaper than by rsJL However the boats ran daring daylight duly and when going by rail you may go to sleep at Viagra and awake in Toron to and not lose any time. Excursions are running several days of every week. Hamilton, Ont near the months of the Nlagra River and Wetland Canal ituated on a bluff at the extreme western end of the Lake. It is reached by a special line of steamers from Toronto, a distance of SO miles. While in Toronto I looked over the eity generally and bad very enjoyable time. King and Tooge streets are the busiest streets of the eity. The pas senger docks are at the foot of Tonge St. I also looked into the immense store of T. Eaton Co. It is the largest general store in Canada ex oeptlng Hudson's Bay Co. store front lag on 4 streets and being 6 stories high. Tbey do an immense business and have branch houses In Winnipeg, AtS p. ni. on Monday, July 84th, took passage on the steamer 'Toron to" which runs across the lake and down the St. Lawrence as far as Prosoott, Ont. After getting on board at Toronto we had a pleasant trip going diagonally across the lake in a South-Easterdly eouree for miles when we come the city Charlotte, N. T., which is the port Rochester. Rochester Is reached from Char lotte by electric ccr and is seven miles South. After spending some teme in Charlotte we started again across the Lake to the Canadian aide at Kingston. Kingston has some 20, 000 inhabitants and is a fortified cl ty third in strength to Quebec in this part of Canada, The canal connecting the lake with a river running north east, at this point connects Kingston with Ottawa, the capital. Kingston is a very pretty city and appears almost dauling In the early morning sunlight. The houses are built of native limestone. From Charlotte to Kingston is a distance of 90 miles. After leaving Kingston we began to dodge the outlying Islands of the "Thousand Isles" and to begin our entrance to the St, Lawrenoe. The islands which oompose what known as the thousand islands are 1002 In number, varying In size from several miles in circumference to on ly a few feet. These Islands form one of the most popular resorts of this region. Many rich persons own an island and have beautifully arranged cottage 90 of it a.e.Saasaaaeaoaej w Alt n mr Cmiiae i c, :- LAWYER: LENOIR, N. OFFICE OVER KENT'S DRUG STORE. Will Sell Surety Bonds , Reasonable Rates. - at ; J. Henry Bush, ; CONTRACTOR FOR Painting, Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, Glazing and Graining, : , Floors Filled Polished and Roof Painting. We use and recommend Harrison's -Town and Country Paint. ,: 'LENOIR, N. 0. . ' , All work Guaranteed. v and continues until Lake St. Francis 1 entered near Cornwall. , After changing boats the change from English to French was very notices! ble. French was spoken by the crew and officers to the utire exclnsion f English. ' The erew was French' Canadian with the exception of Ca tain and Two waiters who also poke French bat were Englishmen. 'The banks along the shore were very pretty, in some places tbey were cliffs and at ail places along the shore the banks were twenty feet in height and from the top of these table lands sandbanks as far as the eye could reach dotted here and there with the cottages of French-Canadians. On the way from Montreal from Presoott two stops are made. The first is at Cornwall, which in addi tion to being the Northern end of New York, Canadian boundary is celebrated for its part in the rebellion or Revolution of 1837. It is situated ou the left band side of the river and lies just at the Northern end of the Long Sault Rap ids. A canal nine, miles In length, car ries boats around the rapids. The sight of a steamer in the Canal high above the river is very unique viewed from a steamer on the river. The boat In the canal seems to be riding on the prairie. After leaving Cornwall we enter Lake St. Francis which Is one of numerous wideniugs of the . river and for a distance of thirty miles the river is quiet and we enjoy the scenery along the rugged banks with now and then a distant view far across the table lands of the blue Mountains. After passing out of the Lake we pass beneath the Arches of the Cana da-Atlantic By. bride and. enter the Port of Coteaa Loading, Que. , - The change from the Province of Ontario to that el Quebec is very per ceptible along the shores.' The small white houses and large Catholic churches for the French are all Cath olios and even the laborers wear the beads and cross at all times; tell us at once that we have entered Lower or French Canada. Soon after leaving Cotean we enter Cotean Rapids which are two miles long and are very swift in places. Af terward we run in succussion Cedar, Split Rook and Cascade rapids. The Soulanges canal, massively built of stone and lighted and operated by eleotrloity, parrellels the river here for a distance for some ten miles or entirely around the three Rapids, part of which contain the swiftest current of the St. Lawrence River, Afterward we enter Lake St. Louis and a trip of 13 miles pass between the City of Laohine, and the village of the Caughnawagas or praying Indians. I neglected to mention the fact that we passed the Indian village of St. Regis, famous in history and Ro mance while running the Long Sault Rapids near Cornwall. It is situated so near that part of the Rapids known as the "Cellar" that the tourist has just hod time to catch his breath after the sensations of fallinK and sliding downhill. The village is very quaint and olden. To be continued next week. A BOON TO SETTLERS WHY QOOO ROADWAYS TEND DRAW HOME 8EEKERS. TO wrckaaea ( Km? Ftae Plant Ib California Coaatr War Dm to Lore ExteBf to Hard aad Doatleaa Ulahwars- The value of good roads to a commu nity is thus treated by the Santa Uom (CaL) Press: As an abstract proposition most peo ple are, of course, "in favor of good roads." Yet as a matter of fact com paratirety few stop to think how much well kept thoroughfares -really nieaa to a community. They not ouly stimu late travel, popularize the sections traversed, Increase land values, at tract new residents and build up trade, but they also make life more pleasant and Improve conditions generally. No one appreciates the value of good reads more than the real estate man. who makes It his business to sbotr prospective home seekers about, point out the beauties and advantages of tbe country and locate as many desirable residents in his territory" as possible. When he starts out over a but. dusty road be knows that the enanees in against him to begin with. The way seems long, the country uninviting, and his customer will nlno times out of ten become disgusted nu;l got out of the notion of buying before the ob jective point Is reached. The trip Is therefore a failure, and unless the agent is fortunate enough to locate bis man elsewhere be leaves the country with an unfavorable Impression and carries this opinion with blm to be lm parted later to his mends and ac quaintances In other places, not only to the Injury of the real estate business. but to the detriment of the community as a whole. On the other hand, when bowling along behind a spanking team and ever a fine road, well sprinkled and free from dust, ten or twenty miles are reeled eff before any aste realties It the good points noted ea roots are dis cussed and properly considered, aad the prospective customer Is very apt to And himself favorably Impressed with the whole country and Is sure to reach the place he started for In a frame of sia ROADS AND MOTOR CARS. KMemt of OmI Htaawars aa Rc 7 Am AatoaaMUat. Whatever the reputation for reck lessness and disregard for the rights of the road which many automobile drivers or chauffeurs bare acquired. the advent of the big enr is undoubted ly exerting a strong influence favor able to good roads, an Increasing Intiu ence which may be exerted powerfully when the time becomes ripe for legis lative assistance, says the Auto-Ad vocate and Country Roads. An Inter esting experience is related of roads and country ways by Whitman Osgood of Washington, who with his wife, two children and a chauffeur made a round trip to 8t Louis In his Oldsmobllc. They went by the famous old national . l r - babd votobiso oa a bad bo ad. road, passing through Hagerstown, Md ; Bedford, Pa.; Pittsburg. Zanesvllle, Co luuibus, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, etc. "The roads In Maryland were very good." said Mr. Osgood, "even In the mountains. In Pennsylvania they were bad and In West lrglnla they were bad. In Ohio the roads got better, especially around Columbus, where for seventy miles they are as level and smooth as a floor. In Indiana they were fab, but In Illinois and Missouri well, the next time I go over those roads It will be with a flying machine. Tbev were simply fearful. We bad HO bad weather. "I never knew before what an excel lent Index te the character of people the roads which cut through the coun try are. Where there were good roads there were jooe farms; where the roads were poor the farms were poor, and the rartwrt looked shiftless aad devoid of energy and ambition. : We found.it difficult to get proper food la some of the country districts, the farm ers seudlng all their products Imme diately to the market." PLBASAHT IMPRESSIONS ROAD. FROM A GOOD tawuetc. Most of thenrown launches of their own but if not, numbers of canoes and row boats can be had. A few sail boats are to be seen and two or more excursion boats run between the different ports. The middle or tbe Bt. LAwrenoe forms the boundary between New York State and Ontario from Kings ton to Cornwall, a distance of 130 miles after which the St. Lawrenoe runs through Canadian territory There are three Channels through the Islands by whtoh ships may pass. As most of the Watering places or resorts are on the New York aide we went through the American channel and called at towns or stations as follows: Clayton, Round Island, 100 Is. IPark and Alexandria Bay, All of these belong to New York and are on the Mainland except 1000 Is. Park which la n the 1000 Is. in Can. Alexandria Bay seems to be a favorite resort, A hundred passengers dlsem barked and quite a number at the other places mentioned. The vovajre through these Islands is most Interesting and Is delightful, After leaving Alexandria Bay we crossed again to the Canadian shore andoalled at Brockvllle and soon af ter at Presoott. j , t At Presoott ' passengers transfer from the Toronto to the River Steam er Presoott whioh is much smaller and is used the Rapids. : The change ia made . without landing. From Pressoot to Montreal the trip la made entirely by daylight as the'seven different Rapids to be crossed are dangerous and eould not be crossed at night. The distance is 198 mllea, " The River la about a mile wide here A Daredevil Bee. often ends In a sad accident. To heal accidental injuries, use Buoklen's Arnica Salve. "A deep wound in my foot from an accident," writes Theo dore ' Sohuele, of Columbus, O., "caused me great pain. Physicians were helpless, but Buckllns Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soothes and heais burns like inaeio. 200 ai j. &. Shell, druggist. FRANCE'S FINE ROADS. Good Thinfs to Know. That "It is less pain to learn in vouth than to go ignorant in old age." that to make long lived friendships one must be slow in making them That the man or woman who gains a trifle meanly is meaner than the trifle. That it takes two to prolong a fain II y quarrel; one can therefore always terminate it. That if we thought all we said we'd be wise, but if we said all we thought we'd be foolish. That if she oonnot throw bright ness over her home It le best not to throw a wet blanket over It. Thatfilling a house with bargains keens a couple from owning tbe house in whioh they place them. That nroud people very seldom have friends. In prosperity they know nobody, and in adversity no body knows them. Woman's life. Nellies la Fear. Mother need have no hesitancy in continuing to give Chauiberlin s Congh Remedy to their little ones, aa It contains absolutely nothlug injurious. This remedy Is not ouly perfeotly safe to give to small child ren, but Is a medicine of great worth and merit. It haa a world wide potation for Its enree of coughs, oolds and oronp and oan always be relied upon. For sale by I. E. Shell and Dr. Kent's Drag Stores. Granite Falls Drag Co., Granite Falls. . i mind where he will at least give the arguments presented by his guide due consideration and attention. As an Indication of what tills means let us look at the Kenwood and Qlen Ellen country, In Sonoma county, Cali fornia, where the sprinkling of roads with oil was first Inaugurated. Many of the roads in that vicinity had been neglected for a long time. Aroused to the necessity for action, the residents and property owners of that section organized a "good roads club." A "good ronds convention" was even held there, with delegates from many dls tant points, and, in short, the matter was agitated to every possible way The natural result followed. During the past few years more real estate has changed hands In that vl clnlty and more desirable new resi dents ltsve been brought in than In any similar period before. Thejinprov ed condition of the roads alone may not have brought about this result, it Is true, but it has, beyond doubt, con tributed very materially to It. The Henry Dolle place, for Instance, has been purchased by Warren English; the Jewett estate has a new owner In the person of Rudolph Spreckels, who Is ranking It oue of the show places of California; ex-Senator Kerens, the Utah multimillionaire, has bought the great Los Gulltcos ranch, for so many years the property of William Hood; Judge Carroll Cook Is now the pos sessor of the Tarrant ranch, where be makes bis summer home; the Olnella ranch has been bought by W. D. Rey nolds; several small tracts have been anM off the old Behler property; the Clark place Is now owned by 1 u. Sly; the Ross property, purchased long ago by Mrs. Smith, has again changed hands, the new purchaser being Mr. Schubert; Louis Kunde recently bought the old Sbaw place; the beautiful home of Mrs. Yost also changed hands not long- since, the new owners being W, TL Stearns and M. F. Johnson; the old Warfleld ranch la now the home of Will U Ashe. These are only a few of the more im portant real estate changes that have taken place in the Kenwood and Olen Ellen country during the time referred to, but they serve to Illustrate fully the truth of the assertions made at the beginning of this article. Mlllloaa mt Dollar Spent bT tbe Got. raaiaat loarljr For Iltsawarn. There are sonic things In the old world from which America should draw instruction and wisdom, says the Kansas City Star. France has the best roads on earth, divided Into four classes: First, national; second, de partmental; third, military, and fourth. communal. National roads are built and kept up by the national treasury; department roads are a charge upon tbe departments through which they pass; the military roads are usually kept by the government, but some times the government Is aided in this work by the departments through which the roads pass. Tbe communal ronds, like our civil district and town ship roads, are kept up by the com munes, but even these receive assist ance from tbe government when they pass through thinly populated regions. The departmental roads are thirty-nine feet wide and the other ronds vary In width. Not less than I7.000.CXX) Is annually expended by the French government In making new roads and repairing old ones. This work gives' employment to 35,000 persons, and the total length of the roads Is something over 350.000 mllee. Tbe roads are so well con structed that one single man can keep ten miles In repair If furnished with piles of broken stone, placed at Inter vals along the road, and n cart for dis tributing the stone. Every rut and bole as fast as made Is filled. Proooaoa Btehwar AUast the Hedaoa There has recently been considerable talk of building a state road from New York city to Albany and from Albany to Buffalo, a distance of about 600. mllea. A part of the distance will con sist of a tunnel under the Storm King mountain. The route up the Hudson It Is proposed to make a part of tbe Pah- sadea driveway. ' Conviction Follows Trial When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happen to have in hia bin, hOW do YOU kflOW What VOU tr getting ? Soma queer stories about coffee that ia sold in bulk, could be told, if the people who handle it (grocers), cared to speak ont. Could an j amount of mere talk have persnaded millions of housekeepers to use lion Coffee, the leader of all package coffees for over a quarter of a century, if they had not found it superior to aD other brands in Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity? Thia 1ar ema t UON COFFEE eaahei la mm atraaair Mot el mmty to Sahara mtrU. TSwtw Wr prmat If the verdict of MILLIONS OP HOUSEKEETEBS docs not convince yon ol tbe merits of LION COFFEE. It easts yosi bat trifle to bay package. It Is tbe easiest way to eonrtnee yourself, awd to make yov a PERMANENT PURCHASER. UON COrVIS m told only In 1 lb. mled packa, sa4 nadbca jroa at pan lad deao aa wba U laft oat lactory. Uoa-bead on awry package, 8av theac Uoa-ondt t at T&hubl pnmhnBf SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE E5S50ras? Broader I'ae ol Soil Sarvera. For several years past the depart ment of agriculture has been operating soli surveys In various parts of the United States for the purpose of deter mining the value of ie.-lnl crops. More than (50.000 square miles have al ready been mapped, and records of the surface and Bubsoil constituents and of drainage have been made. Beyond the value to agriculture the Importance of the Information thus gathered Is being appreciated by the war department In nnawRRlnir data for military roads in case of necessity, says the Good Roads Magaslne, Such Information at the time of the Spanish war would nave prevented the selection of a pestilential camp like that established at Chick- amauga. These surveys will doubtless prove of great value, too. In determin ing highways for the many uses of peaceful life, and the scope of the un dertaking may well be broadened to meet the demand for good roads, both In do(lnlng the most favorable location and In discovering the best materials at hand, Baral Fro DallTerr Not. There Is a close watch kept over the rural route carriers to see that tbey strlcty observe the orders of the de partment relative to matter placed In rural delivery boxes with postage stamps not affixed. All articles found that have not the postage prepaid must be carried to the distributing office and held there until the proper amount due la paid. Some of tbe carriers have discovered such- unmallable matter as beefsteak, bottles of medicine and the like. One farmer Instructed a peddler of coffee to leave a pound package for him In the box once a week. One of the oackam was carried to the post- office, and the farmer In order to get his pound of twenty cent coffee had to pay 10 cents postage.. Make Your Foot Prints on The Sands of Time WELL ABOVE HIGH WATER. 4$ c& t When you buy paint that is claimed to be equal to Harrison's Town and Country Paint you buy a substitute. You will be constantly reminded of this fact when you compare the appearance of your house to that of your neighbor, who bought Town'and Country Paint - because it was perfectly pure paint made by Harrison Bros. & Co., who have had over one hundred years experience in the manufacture of paint. And when the cost of Town and Country Paint is compared with other paints the' balance is in favor of Town and Country Paint, because of its wonderful covering capacity. Ask us for color card. $ is- : : 1 Now Open ami ready for ihc trade, a full line of new goods for Fall wear. Dress Goods Notions Clothing Shoes Gents' Furnishings Etc. Etc. all of the latest Styles and Patterns. We have just received a new line of Ladies' Skirls of the lat est Styles which will be sold close. Wc are marking all our goods at very low prices and cordially invite you to give us a call. Respectfully VJ. A. VIATSOt). WHEN When you want Printed Stationery, just leae an order with the News Printery. We do the rest. H

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