LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mattsrs ol (uteres! to Homcfolki, Make your plana to hear Sam Jonet on the loth. , . Don't fall to read oar Bargain Days offer In this issue. Miss Effle Conley (pent Thankiglv log with relatives In Statesvllhs. : . Mrs. J n. Beall went to Cheater Tuesday on a visit to her parents. Hon. R. Z. Llnney or Taylorsvllle passed through Lenoir Wednesday. i firs. 0, W. Davis of Oaatonia has been Visiting relatives and friends here this week. " - 'lira. Vardry MoBee,and daughter ' spent Monday night in Lenoir with the Misses Norwood. - Misses Mary Miller and Maggie Burkett came op from Greensboro last week for a visit ' , The News wants an agent at every . post office in the county, a liberal commission will be paid. ' Dr. Johnson of Hickory spent a few days this week with Capt. P. J. John son, who Is not very "well. "Get in th push" and subscribe . for the News on one of our bargain days and thus help along the monu ment fnnd. The Lenoir Veneer works are cut ting some fine Veneers at their new plant. The machinery is running . well for a new mill. . Mr. W. C. Coffey of Boone passed through Lenoir Tuesday on his way to Raleigh to attend the Baptist State Convention. Messrs. W. H. Barber, L. T. Nlch als, J. H. Marlon and J. L. Davidson o the C. & N. W. R. R. were here on business this week. Mr. Walter Turnuiire, who has been at War Eagle, W. Va. for some time, came home last Wednesday on a few weeks vacation. Mr. R. H. Black well of Eastland N. C. joined his wife and little daughter here last week and will spend some time in Lenoir. Quite a number of the teachers of the county came to town lost Satur day to attend the meeting of the coun ty association but owing to the bad weather no meeting was held. Mr. Shu ford Haas tells us that Mr. James Laws of Kings Creek raised this year a Pumpkin that weighs 78 lbs. We ask Bob Deal of the Wilkee boro Chronicle to beat this if he can. The double daily mail service re fered to in the News some time ago. Is now a fact. It went into operatioi aionuay oi mis weeK. mm is a great convenience to the people of Lenoir. Mrs. Dr. Duncan- nee- Miss Willie Pendland at one time a Kirkwood school girl, spent a few days in Len oir this week on her wwy to Morti mer, where she takes charge of the Laurel Inn. We are told that some persons still give or sell liquor to minors, about town and it-does seem that the prop er authorities could catch and make an example of at least one of these violators of the law. Commissioners proceedings crowd ed out this week. Miss Price has Joined her parents and sister here this week. Mrs. B. E. Ballard of Mortimer spent Wednesday night in Lenoir. Mrs. 8. F. Watson has gone to Hick ory where she takes a position with the Hickory Democrat. . Don't fail to read the new advertise ments of Mattocks & Lenoir. Moore Bros, and others In this issue. Judge 0: H. Allen adjourned court Wednesday and left on the afternoon train for his home, at Klnston N. C. A subscription to the News makes nice Christmas gift and reminds your friends of yon every week in the year. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Black- well Wednesday morning a daughter, and. Wednesday afternoon to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jones a daughter. We trust out dealers will sell the little boys other toys than pistols this Christmas, for some times the little fellow gets the habit of pistol "toting" and it hangs to him through life. We are sending the Newtffhis week to several persons who are not sub scribers to the paper. We hope they will look the paper over and decide to become members of our growing family of readers and send, in their subscriptions. Public Debate. - On Friday night before Christmas the Boys of Lenoir Academy will have a public debate. The subject for discussion will be "Resolved that the Interests of the South will be subserved by inducing foreign iiniui gration. De Sure to Use Only Cream ol Tartar Daliinn Powder V"' : ")' ' .'. Food made with alum bangp6wder carries alum to the Aomach unchanged. Sden&ts have positively 'demon-Strated this and that such food is partly indi gestible and unhealthful. Elkville Notes. We are having wiDter time now good. . Mr. Lark Horton and Miss Sallle Byrd went to Lenoir last Monday. Miss Francis Isbell spent last Sat urday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Isbell. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Byrd was laid away to rest by the good christian people of the neigh borhood at the Horton burying ground last Saturday evening. "And bearing little Horton with songs of love, Through the blue depths of even, They laid him in his Savior's arms And now he walks in a heaven Sandy. Elkville, N. C. Dec. 4, 1905. Dr. Weston Stricken. The sad news was received here Wednesday that Dr. J. A. Weston was strioken with paralysis while en tering the chancel of the Fpiscopal Church at Sheldy lost Tuesday. Mr Jno. M. Crisp came from Hick ory Thursday and tells us at last ac counts Mr. Weston was in a very criti cal condition, being speechless, with little hope of his recovery. Great Success. The Confederate Bazaar held by the Ladies at the court house Mon day and Tuesday of this week was a very gratifying suooesa, The Ladles intended continuing the sale for four days, but the buying was so spirited that they closed out in two days. Their net sales amount ed to $339.58 which Is really a Splen did success. This added to the funds already collected for the monument makes the neat sum of $374.23 now in the Bank towards the monument. "Let the women do the work" if you want to raise funds for the inon ument. eS3S3S3SSSSSSSSSSSS3SSSS( u 11 Christmas Is Coming. 8 Get Comfortable $ Our Real Estate U Is Already (0 TT 8 ere. Mattocks & Lenoir. Real Estate and Fire Insurance. We call attention to the New Joint time table of the C. & N. W. andC. & N. Rallro.tds In this issue. We pro pose tt keep the schedules corrected up to date so our readers can rely up on the figures. Mr. George C. Earnhardt of this place one of the engineers on the run between Hickory and Mortimer, has decided to move his family to Hick ory. He has rented a house and they will move at an early date. Rev. Sam P. Jones will deliver one of his special lectures in Lenoir on Friday evening Dec. 15 th Sam Jones needs no word of commendation from us all who have heard him onee will be glad to hear him again. The term of court just closed here has been a very quiet one only a few cases of much interest being tried. In the case of Martin vs Houok and others, tried last week, the Jury gave Martin $300 damages. He sued for 1500. The Norfolk Western Railway Co. have our thanks for a copy of their Railway Guide. It Is a valuable pub lication of over 800 pages containing stores of Information about the coun try traversed and the cities and towns reached by its lines. It is splendidly illustrated and is altogether an at traotlve book. Mr. Dula the progressive Jeweler and Optician has recently added sev eral new show cases and other fur nishings to his establishment, which make It second to none In the coun ty and really a credit to the town. He Is issuing a neat advertising sheet called the Holiday Messenger which Is well worth seeing. . Thanksgiving day passed very qui etly in Lenoir, much like Sunday. Siere were services in several of the urches, and some liberal collections were taken for the orphans. In the afternoon the young men had a tour nament on the base ball grounds and Mr. Ward Hollifieldwon the crown and bestowed It upon Mrs. May Trip ' i lett. - - ' ' ' There is and has been a good deal ' of pneumonia in this community - already this fall and winter, but we are glad to note our physicians are treating this dread disease much '"more successfully than It was former ly treated. The several cases of the disease now In the community are - doing fairly well and no one of them Is dangerously 111 at this time. . - Death on The Rails. News Is received here of two men being instantly killed by a train on the Southern R' R. at Morganton last Tuesday forenoon. Some travelling men who were eye witnesses to the the accident tell us that the men were walking on the track near the station, while a freight train was moving on the side track and the east bound passenger train came down the road behind the men horribly mangling both of tbem. They paid no attention to the blow ing of the whistle and it is supposed that the noise of the freight train prevented their hearing the passen irer train. We were unable to learn the names of the dead men. Mortimer Notes. Mrs. 8. E. Ballard has been spend ing a few days with friends at Plnola for the past week. Mr. W. A. Mortimer was called away last Friday by the serious ill ness oi his mother who lives in Law yers Va. Mrs. E. F. Biggins the lady who has been keeping the Laura.ll Inn left for her home Marlon N. C. this morning. A lady by the name of Mrs. Duncan will probably take charge of the Inn soon. Mrs. Klntie who has been visiting friends here for a few days left for her home in Va. today. Mr. Delos Dolliver returned last week. He had been spending several days at his home in Pa. Several of our people attended court in Lenoir last week. Mr. J. W. Mayhew, of Columbus, Ohio, and Mr. Harvey Dean, of Panther, W. Va.. were here last week on business. Since the present change of sohed- ule on the C. & N. wo are glad to note several visitors from Lenoir and other points to our village. Rktortkk. Mortimer, Dec. 4, 1905. Mobile, Ala; Doc. 1. .Nine iwrsons whose names are not yet known, oc oupylng a "pull" boat on Middle river which runs between the Tensas and Alabama rivers, burned to death to dav in a fire whioe destroyed the boat. Sidney Wheat, the negro stew art, was the only survivor of ten men who lived on the craft. Wheat oaped death by being awake, owing to illness. The crackling of burning timbers wamlnir him in time, lie lumped Into the river and escaped just as the boat oollasped. Graded School Honor Roll. FIRST DRADK. Wlllard Goforth. Willie Harris. 8KCOKD GRAPH. Julia Deal. Bessie Chester. THIRD ORADK. Johnsie Uunderdown. Edna Smith. Fred Stimpson. Bessie Spainhour. Fannie Warren. James Safford. Herndon Clarke. Avery Craig. Charlie Warren. Everett Bowman. Robt. Munday. Rose Muskgrave. Wyatt MoNairy. James Deal. Alice Grist. KOURTH ORADK. Lillian Wakefield. Gertrude Hoke. Wade Smith. Edwin Earnhardt. Frank Fuller. Covington Harris, FIFTH ORADK. Liuie Fuller. Alice Robblns. Cornelia Miller. SIXTH SRAKB. Irene Bobbins. Fannie Martin. Mamie Hoover. Mabel Goforth. Lucy Absrnethy. Jennie Dysart. ' V 8KTBVTH 8HAB. Claranoe Hoke. Highest average, made by Irene Robblns M. - ' Total enrollment to date la whit sohool438 : r ..y ' ' r Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is ilmnlv liauid electricity. It goes to I every part of your body, bringing new blood, strength and vigor. It makes vou well and keeps you well. 36 cents at Dr. Kents. SAM JONES. DECEMBER. 15TH, 1905. Don't miss this opportunity to hear one of the Greatest men of the day. His lectures are unrivaled. If you don't hear him you will always ref ret. i TICKETS AT SHELL'S DRUG STORE. Proceeds for the Graded School. :SSSSSSSS3Sg We Save You Money On Shoes. W. S. MILLER & SON. A Class we Feel For. It is to be remembered that when we refer to an "Office-holding Syn dicate" we do not refer to all men who hold Federal offices in North Caroli- There are some as good men and as true In Federal offloe In this State u there are upon the face of the earth. There are men in office who are loyal to their party, who work for it and give liberally of their time and money for its success and who recog nis the mistakes of the leadership of the party. They deplore the meth ods of tbelr Bossism: they would rem dv these thlnirs If thev could, but they are helpless. Some of them need their offices and are dependent upon the same for their dally bread and for the support of their wives and the little angels of their homes. They are, therefore, in no position to re sent the lash of coercion which they know is held over them. The Tar Heel feels very keenly for this class of men and appreciate their embar rassment, and has no fight to make on them. It ts after the Bosses who trade and traffic and domineer and who are scheming all the time to maintain a cold-blooded Syndicate in order that' they may feather their own nests and destroy every man who ven tnres to Question their 'rule and ruin pollcy.-The Weekly Tar Heel. Steamer Goes Down With . 16- Clarks Harbor, N.S., Special .-The Norwelgian steamer 'lurbine, witn her captain and crew of about six teen men, is thought to have found ered in a terrific gale which swept over Nova Scotia last Friday. The coasting steamer Edna R., which ar rived here from Mud Island, brought the news that on Friday about 5 p. ni. a large steamer supposed to be the Turbine struck Black Rockledge, off the south coast of the province, backed up in a few minutes, and then disappeared in the raging sea. Persons ou the island who saw the steamer strike on the ledge were a considerable distance away, and owing to the tremendous sea run ning, it was impossible to launch a boat. SAT COURTNEY'S w STORE. I Jackets new styles and g Patterns, Ladies Capes g and Misses and f) sx it a r Uhiiarenrs Uloaks. I Ladies Rain Coats in all t sizes and styles. Our sales on Rain Coats have so far excelled our expectations that we have had an elegant line made up by the manufacturer so as to in elude a number of smaller and medium sizes not before shown by us. This lot of Rain Coats is now here and on sale at bargain prices. To buy these Wraps here is to save money. Respectfully, M. 8M- COURTNEY I Chips from Granite. (Crowded out last week.) Rev. J. H. Weavt r I). J)., of Lenoir, preached two atilo sermons to the Methodist congregation here Sunday. Thanksgiving will lie a quite day here from present indications. There wili be Thanksgiving services in the Methodist Church tomorrow. Watches As Xmas PRESENTS. Wtlthtm Watches re cxnied ill ether the orld. They trt the best md best kno-am Witches. Mechanical pre cision, perfect material and careful finish are the features that have made W a 1 t h a m Watches the best in the world. Watches are useful and acceptable gifts at Christ mas. They are constant reminders of the giver and by their merry tick ing repeat over and over again the Yule Tide of joy. That Christmas Present can be found here. Get a lasting reminder -something that will re call pleasant memories in the years to come. We have increased our stock of Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware and added a fine line of Toilet Sets and Noveltives Silver. WE ALSO DO ENGRAVING. IFYOU GET IT FROM DULA ITS ALL RIGHT. DULA, The Jeweler and Optician. Lenoir, North Carolina. Mr. Ijaurence I'nyne its two fine girls. is all smiles. Office Phon. 106. Haul. Phon. 78, Clear thinking, decisive tot I on, vim and vigor of body and mind, the sparkle of Ufa, comes to U who nee HoMstsr's Rooky Mountain Tea. 85c, Tea Or Tablets, at Dr. Kents drug StOret . . rf ... v ., . W In Praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no other medicine manu factured that has received so much praise and so many expressions of gratitude as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is effective, and prompt relief follows it use. Grateful par ents everywhere do not hesitate to testify to its merits for the benefit of others. It is a certain eurefor croup and will prevent the attack if given at the first appearance of the disease. It is especially adapted to children as it is pleasant to take and contains nothing Injurious. Mr. E. A. Hum phreys, a well known resident and clerk in the store of Mr.E. Look, of Alice, Cape Colony, South Africa, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ward off croup and colds in my family. I found It to be very satisfactory and gives me it pleas ure to recommend it." For sale by J. E. Shell. Dr. Kents Drug Store and Granite Falls Drug Co. Dr. it. E. Flowers is out with a black eye this wetk, he got miied up with the clothes line and a piece of plank. Mr. Caleb Clay of Hickory spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. I. L. Lanier. Miss CuddiaHeukel is spending the week with Miss Precious Jones. The Houck-Doal Martin case has called several of our good citizens to Lenoir this week as witnesses. Mr. Robert Barnhlll has moved in his new house on West Maiu strtet. Mr. J. E. Keever has treated his residence to a new coat of paint Reader. Cleared for Action. When the body is cleared for action, by Dr. King's Jiew Life Pills, you can tell it by the bloom of health on the checks; the brightness of the eyes; the firmness of the flesh and muscles; thebuoyanceof the mind- Try them. At J.E. Shells drug store, 25 cents. A Virginian has obtained a divorce on the ground of mutual "weariness." Lots of families would be broken up it that should be generally accepted as good ground for divorce! A FACT That should be remembered when you need DryGoods, Notions, Hats Shoes AND CLOTHING. We sell for CASH and save you money. "Live and let live," is our motto. Give us . a call. Yours to please, J. W. SELF Subscribe for The News t : l ) y'l 1