.::iii(ffltitii(fi(ft LOCAL AND PERSONAL, i ' ; MATTERS OF INTEREST TO HOME- FOLKS. I Mr. A.' h. Jones came home last Friday from Chicago on a visit. ' Miss Maggie Burkett of Greensbo ro, pent last Saturday and Sunday with friends here. ": .,. lira. JJ A. Berry and little daugh ter of Granite Falls,1 rUited at Mr. J. V,' MoCalle this week. i We underetand;Mr. K. B. PhUUpi of Hudson, will take charge of the Hickory Grocery .Company's branch office here. . - - We are grateful to a number of our subscribers who have called and paid back dues and renewed their sub- 'icriptions this week. - Mrs. W.G.Hall, of Blowing Rock, spent last Sunday with friends in Lenoir on her way home from a visit to her parents la Coneord. Hiss Blanche Cress well spent a few days in Lenoir this week. She goes North from here to buy Spring Mil linery for Mr. M. M. Courtney. Mrs. B. B. Hayes, of Hudson, spent a few days in Leuoir this week, with her mother and sister, Mrs. Azor Shell and Mrs." Maggie Wilson. The Eleotrio Light Plant is rayldly netting completion and the wires are well up. The llghtwill be turned on about April 1st, before possibly. Mr. George C. Round and wife, of Mannassas, Va., spent a few days with Mr. Jethro R. Wilson this week on their return home from a visit to Florida. - Rev. T. J. Rodgers of Mooresville, was here this week as a witness in the Lail case, he being the minister who married Lail to the Iredell coun ty woman. .Mr. R. F. Bhuford and wife ask OS to say they are very grateful for inmy kindnesses shown them during the recent illness and at the death of their daughter. Mr. M. C. Williams, Register of Deeds of Iredell County, was in at tendance upon court this week, be ing subpoenaed here as a witness in the Lail bigamy case. Miss England's music and elocu tion pupils will give a recital in the Graded School Auditorium Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock, March 'J2. Ev erybody cordially Invited. Mr. Lee Coffey left Tuesday for Minco, Indian Territory, where he takes a position with his brother-in- law, Mr. Stewart, in the hardware business. Judge Cook arrived on the 2:12 train Monday and proceeded to open court at onco. His charge to the grand jury occupied about an hour after which one or two oases were disposed of. The following named visiting Law yers have been attending court here this week. Messrs. R. Z. Linney, of Taylorsvllle, A. A. Whitnor, of Hick ory, Frank Liuney, of Boone, Mr. Morrow, of Rutherfordton. Our county and town official are becomsng quite active in looking for violators of the liquor law. Several arrests have been madereoontly and others are expected. Let the good work go on. Mrs. A. E. MvNairy and her Don-in-iaw Mr. A. A. Blaekweldor, visited her sons Dr. Banks McNairy and W. H. McNairy here laet week. Mrs. McNairy is thinking of moving to Le noir to live If she can Hud a home to suit her. Mrs. J. H. Weaver as chaperone, left Tuesday with Misses Allison, Trollinger and Cline of Davenport College, for Nashville Teun., whore they goto attend the Inter national Students Convention. This eonven tion meets every four years and this we believe, is the first meeting ever held in the South. We have a few complaints of delay in delivering the News to some of our readers and we respectfully ask the Post-masters, Rural Carriers and oth ers to be as prompt and careful as they can. We are grateful for the courtesies shown the paper by these faithful officials and are not finding fault with them. , The Idea of establishing a Dry Pro cess or Pressed Brlok Plant here, has been abandoned. Mr. Mattocks, who had charge of the matter, tells us that out of the several samples of clay sent away for examination and testing, only one was found that was entirely satisfactory. It came from !a place where the quantity available was not sumoient to justify tne es tabluhtnent of a plant, bo tlie pro . Ject has been abandoned. Dr. T. C. Blackburn spent last .. Tuesday in Lenoir on his way home from Oklahoma, where he was last located with the United States Naval Recruiting Corps. Dr. - Blackburn was appointed Assistant Surgeon in the united States Navy three years ago and baa just served out his term Tbeflrst two years of his service were spent on board aome of the United States Naval Training Ships and du ring the part year he has had land " duty. During toll term of office he has travelled s great deal, visiting many important foreign eltles as v'well as being stationed in many of the principal cities of this 'country. - His affections turn however to hit native state and mountains and he will take np the practice of his pro fesslon again In Boone. Mr. James MuCall of Illinois, is visiting relatives In Lenoir and vicin ity. Mr. R. S. Crisp and family leave next Monday for Ewalt, Montana where they expeot to live. " .. - - s Miss Doster of Hickory, cam over Wednesday to sbrve as court stenog rapher in the Welsh trial. ' ;; Mrs. Phillip Stineand her daugh ter Miss Zora are visiting Mrs. J. N. King in Greenville, S. C. ' 'Mr. Theo. P.! Kinoalds new dwel ling east of town is progressing nloe ly and he will probably move to It about April first. Mr. Frank Clinard of Hickory and Mr. W. L. Wllholte of Charlotte rep resenting the New Tork Life Insu rance Co., were here yesterday. Horse trading has been quite lively this week and prices have ruled high. We saw one gentleman tak ing home a pair ol mulea for which he paid near five hundred dollars. We are informed that Mr. Charley Dula and Miss Mary Bryant of the Hudson neighborhood, were quietly married at Newton on Jan. 19th, and kept the matter a secret until recent- It would have been well if every young man and boy in the commu nity had heard the speeches of Messrs. Linny and Newiaud in defense of L&ll Wednesday night. These two gentlemen referred to the smoking of cigarettes, which is thought to be, to a degree, responsible for Lail's con-" dition, in a way that ought to cause any one to stop smoking them. Improving. The many friends of Mrs. J. G. Hall will be pleased to hear that she iB being benefitted by the treatment she is taking in Richmond Va. Mr. W. J. Palmer is also doing nicely at the Johns Hopkin's Hospi tal in Baltimore and that he will not need to be operated on for appendicitis. U. D. C- Meeting. Quite an enthusiastic meeting of the U. D. C's was held at the home of Mrs. H. C. Mrtin Feb. 20th. The interest In the Monument fund con ttnues. It was decided that It would be the thing for us to give a Confed erate entertainment at an early date, and the people of the town and coun try surely have a treat In store .for them. . : - It was suggested some time ago that we have a grand Confederate Reunion, and on that day bestow the Crosses of Honor on the Veterans, who have not yet received them. Decoration day, May 10th, was con sidered the most appropriate time for this occasion. It was decided to hold the meetings of the Chapter the 8rd Tuesday of each month and it Is hoped that all the Daughters will attend regularly and that they will find the meetings both Instructive and entertaining. We will study at these meetings the lives of our Confederate Officers. each meeting being devoted to one of them. Each Daughter is requested, as the roll is called, to respond with some incident or information about the "Officer of the day". At the next meeting we w ill endeav or to learn all that we can about that daring hero General Jeb Stuart. All ladies throughout the town and county who are eligible to member ship, that is who had any blood rela tion who served the Confederate cause are cordially invited to join our Chapter and om apply to Mrs. H. C. Martin, President of the Chapter for membership. The next meeting will be held Mar. 20tb, at the residence of Mrs. E. F. Reid. A large attendance is request ed. Secretary. fil:. Big Cut Price Clear ance Sale. Mens Clothiug and Overcoats, 12 GO Suit for 8 50 Ladies Skirts, 10 00 " " 7 50 8 50 " " 6 00 7 50 " " 5 00 fl 50 " " 4 50 5 00 ' " 3 50 5 00 " 3 50 3 50 " 2 50 :t ( " 2 25 2 50 2 00 2 00 " 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 " 75 New Advertisements. J. W. Self1 Speaks of new and at tractive spring clothing and other goods. W. 8. Miller Si Son-Give four good reasons for patronizing them in tailor-made clothing. M. M. Courtney Furnishings and special sale on shoes. P. M. Keever Coffins and Caskets near the News Printery. J. C. Coffey High bred chicken eggs for hatching. J. E. Shell Stock Food for the farmer and cattlemen. Elkville and Blackstone Notes. We are having some flue weather in this neighborhood. Mr. Frank Smith and Mr. Edgar Shuford went to Lenoir last week on business. Miss Elma Horton spent last Sat urday night with her cousin Frances IsbU. Rev. J. A. Downs of Lenoir spent lastSaturday night with Mr. W. A. Smith. Mrs. Hattie Horton 6peut last Sat urday night with Mrs. I). R. S. Fra. tier of Blackstone. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bltmkenfhi spent last 8unday evening with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Greer. Last Wednesday at noon Mr. Ed- ar D. I'ulliaiu and Miss Maud Hor ton were quietly married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. N. Horton, on North Main Street in this place. Rev. Geo. H. Church of the Hap iat church, officiated. Mr. Pulliam is a popular salesman u the storo of Mr. H. T. Newland f this place and is a capable young man and his bride is one of Lenoir's !opular and worthy young woman They left on the afternoon train Wednesday for a bridal trip South and will be away some days. Court. ome Wedding. As noted elsewhere court convened last Monday Afternoon after the ar ival of the (train from the south which brought the Judge, Hon. C. M Cook, of Louisburg. This Is Jurlire Cook's first court in our county and he seems to be giv ing satisfaction. Several cases of minor importance have been disposed of and Wednes day the case of Arthur Lail, for biga my, was tried. This case elicited c good deal of interest. The argu ments were made and the case given to the jury about 10:30 Wednesday night. An agreed verdict of guilty was rendered and Judge Cook sen teuced him to four months on the public roads. The man's mind is evidently im pared and this fact caused the sen tence to be so light. The case of State against John and Roy Walsh for the killing of Shee ban was taken up yesterday and the trial Is in progress as we go to press. In the spring time you renovate your house. Why not your ooayr 1 1 oil ister s Kooky Mountain lea drives out impurities, cleanses and enriches the blood and purifies the entire system. 35 oents At Dr. Rents Booker Washington knows wha he is talking about when he declares that the negro should be left to work out his own salvation. That is the only way to deal with any class of people. Why all this special solicitude for the . negro anyway? Half a million white lives were sac rifioed for his welfare; the war of the Rebellion cost billions of dollars. The Constitution of the United States has been- amended for his benefit. How Is It that the North ern friends of the negro do not wor ry much about the Chinaman, the Italian, In fact' about any of the emigrants? Why is the Red Man's welfare of so little concern? In short, because these can't vote for a while at least, and the Begro can. Furs at Cost. Jackets and Capes at Half Price. We handle the prettiest and most up-to-date line of Mens, Ladies and Childrens Shoes in town. We also carry a beautiful line of dress goods all of which will be sold at specially low prices for cash. Give us a call. Respectfully, A. WATSON Mrs. W. A. Smith sjient day evening with Mrs. Horton. Feb. 20, 190'.. last 8 u n-Woodville "Sandy." Boone Items. Beautiful weather for the moun tains. Farmers are plowing much earlier than common this year. Quite a number of cases of pneu monia fever in this community. Mr. R. F. Edwards, Assistant Grand Lecturer, has been with the bretheru of Watauga Ixnlge for the past two weeks. Isaacs, murderer of one Teaster was arrested in Va. last week and placed in jail here by Deputy Sher riff Byrd. The A. T. S. boys say they will cross oats with tne ixmoir team March 10th. The Appalachain Training School was never better, something near 200 students and new ones arriving every day. Mr. J. C. Mast of Sugar Grove, is putting in a now Telephone system here. He says he will have a tins from this place to Mountain City, Tennessee in a Bhort time. Saxon. Feb. 27th 1908. Boone N. C. GOOD For Leaving your Order with us for Spring and Sum mer Garments. Lowest of L,ow Prices. Style that equals the best. Pit that is perfect in every detail. Wearing Qualities arV'' Guaranteed. Blackburn Appears In Court. Ashville. Feb. 2(1. Congressman Blackburn,s friends are jubilant to night. They deolare that the eighth district reprehenative has hiB ene mies and persecutors on the run; that he has taken the first trick; that he came all the way from Washington to demand an Immediate trial, and that he was dished up delay, and fur ther that he will be acquitted and will be the next chairman of the State Republican eiecutive commit tee. It Is also learned that Mr. Black bum will not undertake a fight of re taliation until his skirts are cleared. His friends are already claiming his acquittal. They say that when he is. acquitted he will begin to fight and that the fight will only end in the complete route of the Congress man's enemies. Charlotte Observer, Three littll rule we all should Jteep. To make life happy and bright, Smile lu the morning, smile at noon, " Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Dr, Kent,! Starving to Death. Because her stomach waa so weak ened by useless drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St. Clair St., Columbus, u., was literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from useless drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I. could not sleep; and not before I was given up to die was I Induced to try Electrto Bitters; with the won derfttl result that Improvement, be gan at onee.'aod a complete, cure followed.11 'Best health Tonic on earth. 50o. Guaranteed by J, E Shell druggist. - These and a number of other convincing our favor will be better appreciated after our several hundred different samples of ready at any lime to show you every one ferably now. Complete Suit to your individual measure Two Piece Suits Single l'uirs of Pants Fancy Vests. irgumcnts in yon have seen cloth. We are of them pre- $10.00 to 50.) 9.00 to 10.00 io to 1U0 3.50 to o 8s3 jjj New Furnishings New and Cheap Once Your Tailor" Always Your Tailor. W. S. Miller and Son. -AT- t COURTNEY'S, Iron Beds, Oak Beds, Dressers, Tables, Bed Springs, Mattresses, Kitchen Safes, Chairs and Rockers, New and pretty Spring Mattings, Art Squares, Rugs, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Porlier Curtains, Lace Curtains, Curtain Swiss, Crockery and Glass Ware, Table Cutlery, Tinware, Cook Stoves, and all Furnishings for your house from cellar to garret and Kitchen to Parlor. If you want to save money on above see us be fore buying. Don't Miss our Clear ance Shoe Sale now on. Hundreds of pairs of Shoes going at one half to one fourth of regular prices to close out broken sizes, odd lots, &c. &c. Very Respectfully, . COURTNEY. 7 -r, ONTlME , n I AlViQu, low unei yuu iwoi ucu- '"' '-"'v ) plfjjy-l would luvt ,,C4rv',!l brei there a agreed yMi but ? k' MmV wi,clv w4 wrorv$ W m Thiji rally io new. ) VflM U '-'7 eweled n i . i v o. ro 5ili'lrtririrT ' V ' ' V uajanntu 11111 I i ' U K.ecper. we tarry a lull line of EI$iiWMcKesih(ul4r$e Vock of Jewelry, Jilverwajr. C!ock&c. A Stopped Watch. One that will not go at AT ALL doesn't cause as much bother as one that runs now fast now slow, in an erratic fashion. The first you don't pretend to depend upon the other is a constant source of annoyance. Most people can afford a watch, but no one can afford an uncertain fast and slow one. And when our repair department is so close at hand there is really no excuse for carrying any thing but an accurate timepiece, no matter what the first cost was. Consult us about any watch troubles that may arise. pvjTf The Jeweler and Optician. jLIUJU, Lenoir, North Carolina. 0((k Phone 106. Houi Phon. 78. r FARMER TO THE CATTLEMEN. A N D "Did you ever in your life," investigate the advisability of feeding your horses and cattle Stock Food, if not, we will sell you International Stock Food and guarantee it satisfactory, Get International and you get the best, from 25c package to $3.50 pail. 'Phone 16. SHELL DRUGGIST. Russel H. Con well. Preacher, Author and Orator, President of the Temple College, Philadelphia, Pastor of the Baptist Temple, Phil adelphia, President of the Samaritan Hospital, Philadel phia, President of the Philadelphia Orphan's Home. Will Lecture in Lenoir, Saturday March the 10th, 1906. SUBJECT: "Acres of Diamonds." Greatest American Lecturer, Greatest Baptist Preach er. The most distinguished man that has ever visited Lenoir. Admission: Reserved Seats 75c Gallery and First Floor 50c Kg ht and Left Win;s 25c Children 25c Anywhere except Reserved Seats. (1 u n 8- u n