9 3w UtyJ Jijy V; w 3 JOt H.7C. MARTIN, Editor and Proprietor. - An Independent Family Newspaper. Subscription Price One Dollar a Year. YOIiUMS VIII.' - ' ' IiSEOIR, HOMH CJLHOLISA, FRIDAY, HASCH23, 132S. 53.37, ANNOUNCEMENTS. J.C HALL & SON. LENOIR, - N. C. Wilson's Barber Shop, South Mtin St.. opposite Com mercial Bank, Lenoir, N. 0. Sharp Razors and Clean Towels. P.K.ANDERSON LEADING BARBER. Commercial Hotel Building, Le noir, N. C. You can get your suits cleaned, pressed and repaired. 'Phone 67. 1 1., fl. Reid. D. D. S. t ; I m j Denlstry In all Its Branches. Office, Shell Building, Lenoir, N. C. Phone 85. C. Banks McNairy, M. D. Lenoir, North Carolina. Office at Residence ou W. Main Street. 'Phone 110. ...... ft.a6ooas' i Mark Squires f ... 1 A IUVPD . . . LENOIR, N. C, OFFICK OVER KENT'S DRUG STORE. Will Sell Surety Bonds at Reasonable Rates. f E. W. MOOSE, D, D. S. I have moved my office to rooms over the Postoffice, where I do all kinds of Den tal work. I will be absent from my office one week be ginning with the first Mon day, in each month. Respectfully, E. W. MOOSE. 4 EGGS From pure bred Poult ry, Barred Rocks, S. C, Brown and White Leg horns. Eggs $l.oo per 15, $1.5o per 3o, $4.oo per loo. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. C. Coffey, RISDEN, N. C. Always Keeps Chamberlains Cough Remedy In HIb House. "We would not be without Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, It is kept ou band continually iu our home,1' says W. W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. That U just what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the - outset and cured in much less time v than after it ha become settled in the system. This remedy Is also with, out a peer for croup in children, and ':. will prevent the attack when givon m as soon as the child boooinee hoarse, V or even after the croupy oough ap ypears, which oanonly be done when t the remedy Is kept at hand. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and - Granite Falls Drug Co. QoWltt's Ktt Oalvo ' For Pl!tf Burns, tores THE GROWTH OF LENOIR. Lumber Trade and Wood Making Industries-Two Banks-Intellectual and Moral Culture. To the Editor: Among the exeel lent general accounts of the rapid prog ree of North Carolina In indus trial development, and the specially floe "write-ups'' of the principal towns, I have looked in vain for something from Lenoir. And as pas tor of one of the Lenoir churches, and an occasional correepondeat of the old Reliable," allow me to pre sent a few facts Indicative of the growth of this beautiful and buxom "Mountain Queen." Lenoir is the county site of Cald well, one of the beet counties in the western section of the State. It is the northern terminus of the Caroli na and Northwestern railway, and the southern terminus of the Cald well and Northern railroad. The for mer runs from Chester, S. C, to Le noir, and the latter from Lenoir to Edgemont, about 23 miles north. The C. and N. W. railway connects us with the Southern at Hickory, and it ! hoped that the C. and N. will. In the near future, be extended to But ler, Tenu., and connecting there with the Virginia and Sou thw intern, give us a straight shoot to the coal fields of Virginia. As our railroads pierce a large seo- tion of Virginia forests of both pine and deciduous trees, you would nat urally expect that the lumber busl ness and wood working industries would flourish here; and such is the case. The trade in lumber is very heavy. Among the older lumber concerns, we may mention the Harper Furni ture Company, the Wilson Lumber and Milling Company, and their box factory, the Builders' Supply Compa ny, the Lenoir Wood Working Com pany, Conley Bros. Flouring Mill Co., Lenoir Roller Mill Company. Lenoir Cotton Mill Company, Lenoir Lumber Company, Hutton & Iiur bounais Lumber Company, Shakes" peare & Watson Lumber Company, The Globe Lumber Company. ; In addition to these, the following industries have been established dur- ng the past twelve months: The Moore Furniture Company, The Kent Furniture and Coffin Company, The Lenoir Veneering Company, The Gwyu Veneer Company, The Coffey Wagon Company, Tho Blue Ridge Bobbin and Handle Company, The Lenoir Steam Launday, The Citizens' Light and Power Company, The Hickory Grocery Company and The Lenoir Grocery Company, both of these wholesale houses, and the Le noir Bottling Works. Nor must 1 forget that the new court house was completed last year at a cost of about $22,500. Lenoir also boasts of two banks, both sound and prosperous, a large number of retail mercantile establish ments. But our chief pride lies in what we are doing for the intellectual and moral culture of our people our pe riodlcals, our churches and our schools. We have two weekly pa pers the Lenoir Woekly News and Lenoir Topic. Both are clean and wholesome in tone. The Methodists, the Presbyterians, the Baptists, the German Reformed and the Episcopal churches and the Adventists, all have, their organiza tions here: and all except the Utter have neat church edifices. Davenport Female college, a long established school of fine record, has recently taken ou new life. Not long since a considerable addition was made to its dormitory capacity, and its facilities otherwise increased. Un der the presidency of Dr. Charles C. Weaver, a member of the Western North Carolina Conference, and Ph. D. of Johns Hopkins, this old school is doing a fine work for the brainy and brawny girls of this mountain country. The Weaver School, a private train lug school for boys, with military features, is a new enterprise but bids fair to grow to large proportions. Its president. Prof. Charles Anderson Weaver, Is a man of the highest type, and Is a regular "boy charmer.'' The Kirkwood Select School, under the management of Miss Emma Ran kin, an "eleot lady," of rare culture and refinement, is well and favorably known all over this section. The Lenoir Academy, under thedi reotlon of Rev. J. A. White, a Baptist minister, la doing a great work for the grand old Democratic church And last, but not least, we must mention our graded school, of which we are all so proud. Out of a sohool population of 700, there are actually enrolled in the graded schools, white and colored, about 700 children Isn't thai a fine record? Of these 460 are lathe sohool for whites, and 260 In the oolored sohool. Prof. WolU, the superintendent, Is a great teacher and a great school manager. . . y; ; " ;"' To glye you some idea ot how rap idly Lenoir k growing, I will ask you to compare the population of 1900 with that of today; it was then 1,850, it is now 1,009. The iaereeee for 1906 wae nearly 700.. The scenery here it entrancing, the climate irigorating without severity, the agricultural production varied and abundant, the people refined, bright, moral and religious; and all in all. I do not know a better place to live and die than Lenoir. God bleat her! D. Vance Price in Newt ft Observer. The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strongest animal of its site, the gorilla, also hat the largest lungs. Powerful lungs meant powerful creatures. How to keep the breath ing organs right should be man's chiefest study. Like thousands of others, Mrs. Ora A. Stephens, of Port Williams, O., has learned how to do this. She writes: "Three bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my friends thought con sumption. O, its grand for throat and lung troubles." Guaranteed by J. E. Shell druggist. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Government Care Of Confederate ! Graves. The President has signed the Fora ker bill, and 89,000 Confederate graves in the North will be provided with marble headstones, and the grounds holding those graves will be fenced and protected from animals aud un warranted intrusion. The Birming ham Age-Herald says that the Fora ker bill by no means meets the views of Congressman Underwood, of Ala bama, who was greatly Interested in the matter ot caring for the graves of those who fell In defense of the South. According to the paper quoted, the Alabama Repreeenative looks upon the civil war as he does the War of the Roses in English history. Those wars, too, were civil wars, and the English people booh ceased to dis criminate between the men who won aud the men who lost. Mr. Under wood, as we understand It, desired that the government undertake the marking of graves of Confederate sol diers who fell in battle in whatever section, while the Foraker measure limits the ereotion of headBtones to those graves located in the North. The Alabamian's view of the civij war Is doubtless the proper one, and the glory of both sides is the com raon heritage of the Americans: but we Question whether any of us are really willing to so regard it. Few, if any, of wo Southerners are enabled to glory in the achievements of any of the Federal soldieis in the late war, and certainly we are not more preju diced than those on the other side This is one united country and so far as the present and the future are concerned this section is as patriotic any other, but time alone can wipe out all feeling. This being true, the matter of the government care of the graves of our soldiers should be voluntary. In other words, while it is no more than right that the graves of ex-Confederates be marked at government expense, it should be done without special effort on thepart of our Representatives in Congress, and without objection, especially of a captious character, to what is done Representative Underwood is out of order. Charlotte Observer. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness. aud that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by nflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustach'an Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling Bound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, aud unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for olr culnrs, free. F. J. chunky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 5o. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipatiou. Special Low Rates. C. & N. W. and 0; & N. Railways. To all Agents: Upon application and sufficient no tloe to this offloe, Special Round Trip Tates will be quoted parties of Twenty-five to Fifty people on one tioket, on regular trains, between any two point, on these lines. Effeotive on and after April 1, 1906. E. F.REID, General Passenger Agent, Todr Tender Mercies. In one of oar large eltiee, last sum mer, a policeman making hit roand at midnight, found a dying man ly ing at the foot of a stairway in a building need for offieee and club room. The man was suffering in tense pain, groaning in agony, and before be could arrive at a hospital he died la the ambulance. The am bulance doctor said that it waa heart dikeae, and It wa supposed at first that the man bad been taken ill in the street and staggered into the en trance for shelter. But later the truth came out. The man turned out to be a well-known gambler. With several others, he had been gambling in a room upstair. Sud denly he waa "taken ill. The other men were too much Interested In their game to spare time to call a doc tor. They decided, also, that it might expooe their gambling to the author ities, s that arrest would follow. So they took their comrade, suffering, helpless and dying as he was, car ried biiu in a hurry to the stair foot, left him to die and went back to their gambling without losing a min ute. "The tender mercies of the wicked cruel," hit off this modern incident as well as if written yesterday. Many young men and women ignorantly believe in the warmth and perma nence of what they call "good fellow ship." The friendship of the reck less and evil seems to them franker and deeper than church fellowship bad company is the most shallow and treacherous thing In the world, Ev ery lawyer knows how promptly the criminal will betray his fellowi to gain himself any real advantage. The promises of evil men are useless to lean upon, as thousands of duped victims have found to their cost. The friendship of the good is the only kind worth having. The tender mer cies of wicked companions are cruel; and the dying man in the lonely stairway is only one of those who have found it out too late. Selected, Kozeiua, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. All of these diseases are attended by intense itching, which is almost ustantly releived by applying Cham berlain's Salve and by its continued use a permanent cure may be effected. It has, in fact, cured many cases that had resisted all other treatment. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Good Roads. To The Editor of Tun Nkws. I saw in the News you wanted to hear from sone one else concerning roads. I have worked 208 days free labor on public roads within the last 27 years and now I would love to see them kept ap by taxes. The farmers, what few there is, cannot raise grain enough for the county and keep up the roads for the lumber haulers. As a general thing, the mill hands do not work roads. If roads were kept up by taxes we would all fare ailke and men would not have to go so far to work roads. I have known hands to have to go from Rocky Knob to Collettsvllle, a distance of 18 miles, also the same hands had to go to Sidlinghill, a distance of 13 miles, so 1 think all hands that had to go as far as the Rocky Knob hands and do as much work as they did, would be in favor of taxes. I heard today that we would be notified to go a distant of 8 miles to work on a road leading from Sam Bentley's to the Yonnahlossee Turn pike, it would be better for me to pay $5.00 tax a year. If we had taxes, of 45 cents on the poll aud 15 cents on the $100 worth of property in Caldwell County, it would be plenty to jrive us good roads in two years if it was in the right man's hands. I think we ought to have a chain gang in Caldwell County and those that will not pay their taxes be put on the road until they paid them, and instead of putting men in prison put them on the chain gang. A Road Hand. Keep tho little ones healthy and happy. Their tender, sensitive boa ies reouire irentle. healing remedies. Ho lister's Kockv Mountain lea win keep them strong and well. 35 cents, Tea or tablets. At Dr. Kents Drug Store. A good Jdeal has been said about the nice old eirls of this city, but no I allusion has been made to the fact, that we have the largest and most oarefully selected line of old boys in the whole world. The old boys and the old girls ought to mix up a little, and get married. The best safeguard against head ach, constipation and llvor troubles la DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these famous little pills in the house and take a dose at bed tlmo when you feel that the stomach and bowels need cleansing. They don't gripe. Bold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. The Iron For every Season, one visit here will convince you that this is the Iron Bed Store. Beds in all sizes Styles and Trimings, and at all Prices. These Are The Best Values We Have Ever Shown. I JUST 0 otton Seed Feed and Meal, Timothy and country Hay, Baled Straw and Shucks-at right prices, 1 carload White Corn, 1 carload Yellow Corn and Woods & Son's Seed Oats. Cloyd and Johnson Co. J. H, COFFEY Wagon Co. We now in stock a big lot of Honest Home made One-Horse Wa gons finished in extra style. Just finishing a lot of twenty-five Buggies. Prices right. Call and inspect our stock before buying. All Work Guaranteed. Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Cure for sufferings it has relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. A certain cure for coughs, croup and whoop ing oough. Makes breathing easy, outs out phlegm, and draws out the inflammation. It should be kept on hand for immediate use. Bold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Bed Is the Ideal Bed "VAlWI VJUa Li "CAJ1 VPLWFCa. rrt.ia-m.Kiv jii.i ji.i.Mi i iff. w YOU ARF IHVITEB. To call and see our Stock of General Mer chandise, which is now complete. We are doing more business than we expected to do and if you have not given us a chance to serve you call let us show you our stoek. All Goods New and Fresh, respectively. Munday A CAR COFFINS AND CASKETS. I am adding- a line of nice Coffins and Caskets to my business next to the News Office. Prices Low. Respectfully, P.M. KEEVER. Subscribe for The News. CEIVEB. & Gash. LOAD OF