A ii r xyw : r Air III I ! V 'liftl I I L m ' V ill ' ' . ' - 1 , ' " - H. C. MARTIN, Editor and Proprietor. An Independent Family Newspaper. . ' Subscription Price One Dollar a Year. VOLUMBVIIL;-. v , ltH0IR, NORTH CAROLINA', FRIDAY, 13 APRIL , 1908. NO. 40. I V V." , ' i : Or . J. .-' ' r i ANNOUNCEMENTS. P. K.ANDERSON V LEADING BARBER. Commercial Hotel Building, Le- noir. N. C. , :You can get your " suits cleaned, pressed and repaired. jhone 67, ; 1 v.. ' Cttt itttf !L G. Reid, D. D. S. 1 I Denirtry In all its Branches. J Office, Shell Building, X Lenoir, N. C. Phone 85. . 8 C. Banks McNairy, M. D.. Lenoir, North Carolina. Office at Residence on W. Main Street. 'Phone 110. O00OOOO0OOfrOO0 Mark Squires! LAWYER:-:-: LENOIR, N C, OFFICE OVER KENT'S $?DUG STORE. Jpi Sell Surety Bonds at " Reasonable Bates. V." v E. W. MOOSE, D.D. S. . I have moved my office to rooms over the Postoffice, where I do all kindsof Pen Ul work. I will be absent from my office one week be ginning with the first Mon day, in'each month. ' Respectfully, E. W. MOOSE. ooooooooo EGGS From pvre bred Poult ry, Barred Hocks, S. C. Brown and WAie Leg horns. Eggs $l,bt) per 15, $1.5o per 3o, 4.oo oer loo. Satisfaction t. guaranteed. J. C Coffey, RISDEN, N. C. oesoo J. H. COFFEY Wagon Co. i Amon; Our Great Lake Cities. We now in stock a , big lot of Honest Home made One-IIorsc Wa gons finished in extra style. Just finishing a lot of twenty-five piggies. Prices right. Call and inspect our stock .before buying. All,; Work Guaranteed;. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ; DiiiosU what you eat. ' To Rd. Newi: Perhaps" yor readers would glad to read touiethlng of Interest m toeu by a tar beel In some or our busiest eitlea. Assuiulug this I shall write a short skeoh of my visit to the cities of Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Dubuque, Minneappolis and 8t. Paul. At the oloee of my previous letter was in Erie, Pennsylvania. Erie is Pennsylvania's lake port and lying, as it doesnear the oil and coal region of the state is quite a manufacturing town. Stoves, En gines and other hardware and im plements form the greater part of the manufactures. Erie is of Interest as the place where Lieutenant or Commodore Per- bullded and launched the fleet that defeated the British during the war of 1811. It has wide streets, a nice "Soldier's and Sallors's monu ment and pretty parks but is not so busy a oity as theothers. The imp utation is about 00,000 From Erie I took the street car for ride along the lake for more than inety miles to Cleveland Ohio, The fare is cheaper than by rail and the trip is more eniovable. Ohio and Pennsylvania are both lined by Eleo trie Railways. At Couneant we entered the state of Ohio. The fine vineyards orchards and farmhouses well befitted that great commonwealth which now ranks fourth in population in the anion. Ashtabula, a thriving lake part is reached and after a ride of four hours we arrived in Cleveland, a oity of an estimated population of 460,000 and seventh in the union in aizo. 1 spent two days here visiting the great ship building docks and also ore docks. Iron and copper ore from Lake Superior ports Is sent here lu great quantities and Cleveland has become our greatest iron Mfg. city and one of the greatest in the world. The Cuyhoga county monument attracted my attention. The lower portion of the large structure Is a room some by 30 feet, the walls of which contain the names of the sol diers who served from that county during the slvil war. There were rel icsofall kinds and everything was arranged most tastily. In one of the parks there is a splen did bronie statue of Perry. 1 made several trips up aud down Euclid avenue on which are builded some of the finest residences of our eountry. In a beautiful cemetery near Lake Erie there is the splendid tomb of our martyr president, James A. (Jarfleld. It is builded of marble and is a credit to the state of which the pres ident was a native. On the second night after my ar rival in Cleveland I went down to the wharvM and boarded the excellent steamer "City Of Detroit" for Detroit Mich. I retired early and when 1 was awakened on the following morning I beheld Detroit for the second time on my tour. Detroit is a city of some 280,000 peo ple and is a quiet city of oompact buildings, It is one of the oldest cit ies on the Ureat Lakes aud is now celebrated as the home of a large number of automobile factories. Steamers are built and repaired and withal Detrrolt is a very good city. The monument to the Soldiers and Sailors stands on the public square and Fort Wayne is only a mile from the square. The D. V. Ferrys seed house is prominent. After a day spent in visiting Wind sor on the Cauadian side of the De troit river and other places of interest in Detroit. I took the M Ich Igan cen tral train for the greatest of Lake ParU and one of the world's busiest cities, Chicago. We passed then ,the beautiful farm land of Southern Michigan, through the cities of Ann Arbor, Jackson and other smaller ones and then entered the State of Indiana at Michigan City. Here farming seemed at a discount iut the highways were all maoademiied. The Sand Dunes on the shores of Lake Michigan were visible every- here. Now, we enter Chloago. First oomos Soutli Chicago but still we go oi For more than half an hour we fly past streets, factories and whole sale houses before we pull up at the Union Depot. I went out at once and boarded a car which took me out on Mlllwaukee avenue. Here 1 registered at a hotel and set about seeing Chicago. - First I went to the Montgomery Ward building which is the tallest in Chicago and one of the tallest in the world. The tower stands 894 feet above the street and the building is ii stories high. By two elevator was carried with an eager crowd of spectarors to the highest available point, Hera two excellent telescopes ,ot large site were tendered, to tb visit or. They were tnoUnted and the titw finder was stamped sd that one" might find tke point wished for. All of Chicago was visible to the naked eye. 1 Mlllwaukee, 85 miles north was plainly seen by telescope, at were Grand Rapids, Raeine, Zlon -City and a score of other elties in ad joining states. The steamer on the lake which lies on the east of Michigan avenue with in a stones throw of this bailding, af forded a good view. We remained at this height until we were dizzy. Men, carriages ana ears seemed to belong to Fairy land when seen on the street below; and then we descended to the lower visit ors parlor where we were welcomed by Mrs. Howard. We were tendered souvenir post eards which we addressed and drop ped into the' box without postage even. Montgomery Ward pays the postage. After going through every department of' this great store we walked into the street again walking for other places of interest. When in Chicago be sure and visit Mont gomery Ward. They will treat you royally aud you are not asked to spend one cent. We next visited Sears Roebuck and Co's new plant. This is a little out of the way but is worth peeing. It is the largest mercantile house in the world. One of the buildings is fourth of a'mlle in length. We next visited John M. Smith's store, the Boston store the Hub and and others. You are made welcome at every one of these. I next visited the'Stock yards the largest iu the world, a veritable city of animals. Miles in length by one in breadth, they are immense. Thous ands of cattle are daily slaughtered by the great firms of Armour and Co., Swift apd Co., Drummond aud others. Visitors are shown over the yards and one can see a large part of work ings of the yards. I next went to Lincoln Park. This is one of the prettiest Parks in our country. It contains animals and flowers and a number of statutes among: them a splendid one of Lin coln. 1 visited many other places of interest among them the Chrytal Palace, the Masonic Tenipio and the new Post Office. I wanted to see our Caldwell boys but after looking up the Coonley Mfg. Co. in the Directory I found that they were at Cyde, a suburb and so I had to give that up for lack of time. Chicago is a famous for her thrift It was orisrlually a swamp but was raised by hauling in dirt and build Ing it up to a height of eight or ten feet. After the great fire of 1870. In order that larger buildings might be reared, foundation of Rail road Iron and Cement, often seven thicknesses were laid upon piles drlv en in the ground to a depth of twenty feet. The Mayor of Chicago, Edward F Dune, gives the population at pres out as 2,000,000. It is said to be a busier city than New York Automobiles flirure in elty traffic both freight and passenger. The oat- dlogue houses do an immense busi ness. Though they are reliable in the strictest sense of the word I should always patronize home merchants. It pays in the long rn. But farewell to busy skyscraping Chicago. We ride due west in the palatial ears of the "Millwaukee railway through praries of northern Illinois until we eross the Mississippi River into Iowa at Savanna, Illinois and Sabula, Iowa. Here we follow the rivor to Dubuque, Iowa. Dubuaue is an important lumber market and is a port on the Missis sippi. The population is about 40, 000. It is the third city of the State and was the home of I). H. Hender son, ex-sueaker of the U. S. House of Represenatives. Now we go on Northward through the corn lands of Iowa, then the wheat lands of Minnesota. Fine farm ing land, all till we come to the twin oitics, Minneapolis an St. Paul These Cities are opposite oaoh otli er on either bank of the Mississippi just below St. Anthony's Falls. Minneapolis is a city of some 250, 000 people, while St. Panl, the State Capital, has about 180,000. Mimpeappolis is the greatest flour city-at present in our country. St. Paul has large Ry. shops. After looking ver the city of St, Paul generally, I visited the new State Capitol. It has just beeu tin. ished at a cost of 12,000,000. aud while not the most expensive, is said to be thejnont symmetrical and beautiful of all the SUte Capitol. It is a cred it to the Oopher State. Guides are furnished and strictly prohibited from receiving fees of any kinds. They are on salary. The visitor has the use jf elevator and other conveniences free of charge Every particular is nanled by the punctilious guide as we completely "do the Cahitol." There are 44 kinds of marble used id the construction. Many very rare and costly patterns. The chambers of the Supreme Conrt, Sonata and House are luxurious in the highest I The Governor's office ' Is heavily trimmed with pure gold. After half a days sight seeing here 14etoook myself toseeanothei piece of nature's work, having seen one of man's artificial masterpieces. It was Minnehaha Falls, made famous by Henry W. Longfellow's poem "Hla, watha." The Falls and surroundings are beau tlful Indeed. A regular miniature Niagara. From this place I went over to Fort Snelllng, famous in Minnesota's his tory, and from there I took my de parture Via "2000- for the "Land of the Dakotahs." H. W. GoroRTH. There is more catarrh iu this see. tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and nntil the last few years was supposed to be ineu rable. For a great many years doo tors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure it with local treatment, pronounced it incurable, Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It acts directly on the blood and luu cous surfaces of the system. Thev offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Address: F, J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti patiou. Frightened Foreigners. ED UST RECEIT Cotton Seed Feed and Meal, Timothy and country Hay, Baled Straw and Shucks--at right prices. 1 carload White Corn, 1 carload Yellow Corn and Woods & Son's Seed Oats, Cloyd and Johnson Co. Every Bif Ru;-.' High Point, April 7. Another band of Italians, four in number, arrived here this afternoon, walking. Word has been sent ahead from Thomas ville that the dagoes were bound this way. Arriving here they were sur rounded by a crowd of union men who thought the Italians bad come to work in the factories. The for eigners were severely frightened by their presence. The officers took them in charge and are giving them rooms at the mayor's office for pro tection. The men had been subsist ing on grass for the past three days and bad a plentiful supply iu their pockets. Some of the Frenchmen and one Italian working in the glass factories here befriended them, fur nishing them with substantial things to'eat and making up money to pay the fare ol one of the number to New York city. He, in turn, will send money back for the others. They are part of the squad working on the railroad near Marion, large numbers of whom are returning daily to the North. Some of them are due their employers money advanced for transportation. The greatest excitement here since the so-called lockout resulted when the 16 Italian labors lauded here yes terday, as told in tills correspondence. It was first thought by some of the men that they had been sent to take the places vacated by union laborers n the furniture and glass factories It was later ascertained that they topped here simply because they did not have money with which to pay railroad fare further. It was learned today that these Italians are wanted at Marion, this information being; conveyed by the chief of police of this place. It seems they were furnished trans portation by a railroad contractor to Marion and they left there before the obligation was met and only had enough money to pay their way to High Point, where they were put off by tho conductor, who was probably under the erroneous impression that this was a tcood place to land them at the present time. However, such was not the case, and the people of High Point are glad that they de parted as soon as they did. They left here, eoine in the direction of of Greensboro. Charlotte Observer Durham, N. C, A, a move on foot in this an act passed by the next U-g. authorizing the county to iisuo bonds sufficient to grade aud inaoad amlze at onee every important thoroughfare in the county. There was a meeting of prominent farmers, business men and lawyers this after noon, the objeet being to get the sentiment of the people from differ cut sections in order to frame this matter and get it lu shape. There is a strong sentiment in all parts of the country for just this thing and there is no doubt that if the question is submitted to the peo pie it will carry. The county has now completed between nity and ixty miles of good roads and it will take seventy-five additional wiles of good roads to complete every impor tant thoroughfare to the county limits. It is estimated that this will eost iu the neighborhood of $32&,000. The work can be Idone at once, the people getting the beuefit of the good roads at once, or a soon as the ork can be done by contract aud convict labor and the eost will not be nythlng additioual to the tax-pay ers. 1 he road tax iu this county Is now $27,000 each year. This will I pay interest on the bonds proposed and create a sinking fond sufficient to retire the bonds at the end of wttnty years without additioual tax. Once the main thoroughfares are graded and macadamized the convict force of the county will be sufficient to keep all the roads in good repair. At the meeting tills afternoon the move was started and the question ill be submitted at the approaching lection. News and Observer. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation which is quickly cured by Dr. Kings New life Pills. They remove ail pois onous germs from the system and in fuse new life aud rigor; oure sour stomach, nausea, headache, dizziness and colic, without griping or discom fort. 25c. Guaranteed by J. E. Shell druggist. There are some things in this world that one cannot understand. One is that you can catch a cold without trying; If you let it run on it stays with you, and if you stop it goes away. Chamberlain's Salve. This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chap ped hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases of the skin such as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barber's Itch, scabies or Itch and eczema. It hat met with unparalleled suooees In the treatment of these diseases. Price 88 cents per box. Try It For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. - - A Young Mother at 70. My mother has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of uteuse suffering from dyttpepeta had entirely disabled her, until six months ago, when Bhe began taking Electric Bitters, which have com pletely cured her and restored the treogth and activity she had in the prime of life,'- writes Mrs. W. L. Oil patrick, of Dauforth, Me. Ureatest restorative medicine on the globe. Sets Stomach, Liver and Kidneys right, purifies the blood, aud cures Malaria, Biliousness and Weaknesses. Wonderfnl N erve Tonic. Price Wc, Guaranteed by J. K. Hhulls drug store. To The Trade: In undertaking the Wagon, Vehicle, Harness and Machinery department of Bernhardt-Seagle Hardware&Furniture Co, Idoso with the aim to give the best value for the least money pos sible. I wish to thank all of my oldcustomeis for past patron age and feel confident I am bet ter prepared to serve them in the future. We most cordially invite one anJ all when in need of any of theabove named goods to call and inspect our line and get our prices. We mean to keep only an up-to-date and first class line. Yours for business, JOE POWELL, JR. This is Corn Planter week with us. The man who t- in one night throu;!t . death of his wif. black hair in less i tec the other day. M . preparatory to renewing In love affairs. Dauger From The Plague. There's grave danger from the plague of Coughs and colds that are so prevalent, unless you vas.e ur. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. George Walls' of Forest City, Me., writes: It's a Oodiseud to people living In climates where coughs and colds pre vail. 1 find it quickly euds them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures Lagrlppe. gives wonderful relief In Asthma and Hay fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by J. E. Shell drug store. Trial bottle freee. YOU ARE INVITED. To call and see our Stock of General Mer chandise, which is now complete. We are doing more business than we expected to do and if vou have not given us a chance to serve you call let us show you our stoek. All Goods New and Fresh, Kespectively. Munday & Gash. The man who has never lived Id the eountry when a boy and made elder, milked the cows, kissed the girls at the husking bees, staked bay In a high wind, swallowed quinine la a scratched apple,' castor oil in cold coffee, ate molassec and sulphur nd drank sassfras for three months Spring to purify his blood, has lived in vain. COFFINS AND CASKETS. I am adding; a line of nice Coffins and Caskets to my business next to the News Office. Prices Low. Respectfully, P.M. KEEVER. r . .4-