THE (NEWS. H. C. MARTIN, Editor and Prop nUrdtthu IVrttofflca tt t.wiolr, N. C, M Mound-olua bII mtttw. If youf paper doei uot reach you promptly, let ui know to we can 'we where the trouble 1. ' Anonymous couimuiiieatioiiH will uot be printed. Adverttalng rate low ami will ! frlvonon application. Telephone No. 54. giihmriptiou pr' fl-00 a jw .lOcts. ill nutntliM, 2.rot8. tlirt-f nioiit lis. Fkidav. Ai'Kii. 13, 1")0). WILL WK DO IT? If our town, that we all love no well and that nature Iiiih done ko much for, if to maintain her position an an enlightened, progressive municipali ty, there are certain things that must be done. We must have good streets and side walks, we must have water works and we must have a sewerage system. All reflecting people will admit that these are necessities in any wide-a-wake and progressive town. Most people know the value and comfort of these as public utili ties and they want them. We lire in an age that demands these things and we believe the tai payers of Lenoir want them and are willing to pay for them. The way to get them is by an issue of town bonds of sufficient amount to put them in and to do so at once. The street improvements the water and sewerage should all go along at one and the same time. It needs no argument to a thinking person, to prove this, when the streets are be ing graded lay the water pipes and the sewer mains, the work of the one will facilitate the others, Improve ments of this kind cost money but, they are worth money and a whole lotofit, for there is nothing that adds more to the value of property in a townthau the things mentioned, to say nothing of the pleasure and com fort they bring. Now we can get these things if we will cast off our childish, antiquated, swadling chothes methods of man aging town affairs ami elect a Mayor and board of Commissioners, at the coming May election, who hare the courage and industry to act upon their honest eonvictions. The worthy gentlemen now tilling these positions know we need these things and expect to have them sometime, hut the?, for some cause, have failed to act upon that knowledge in any definite man ner during the fiscal year just closing. We are told by those who ought to to know, that the town commission ers have the power, vested in them by the town charter to issue bonds, or borrow money in any way they see lit, or levy taxes to make town Improvements, and the coming sum mer should not pass without some active steps being taken towards providing these urgent needs of the town. When the work is undertaken ample provision should be made to do it all and do it properly, there is no economy in "piece-meal" business when it comes to making permanent town improvements, and nothing short of first-class work should under any circumstances be considered. We all want our town to grow and prosper and want these comforts and necessities to modern life. We can "life get them and get them In short time, so that some of us who are now on the "iliady side of forty" can enjoy them If we will. , So the question Is will we do It? Caldwell Baptist Sunday School Convention. The Annual Baptist Sunday School Convention of Caldwell County will convene In Ixwer Creek church two miles east of Lenoir at 10 A. M., Sat urday before the fifth Sunday in i April. Kadi church and each Sun-1 day School Is entitled to one delegate with the Superintendets as delegates ! ex-ofllcio. ' 10-10:20 a. in. Devotional exercises j conducted by J. Caswell Sherrill. j 10:20-10:45 Reports from delegates as to condition and progress of Sun-1 day School in their churches and communities. ' 10:45 11 Organization. 11-11:80 The importance of study-I ing the Bible, J. A. White. 11:110-12 The greatness of the Sun day School teacher's calling. UKCKSS KOROXK HOI K. 1-1.20 p. ni. Appointment of Com mittees and miscellaneous business, 1:20-2. lhe dimrulties we meet in Sunday School work and how to our overcome them, J. U. Kenfleld. 2- 2:30. The importance of the Les son Helps ami how to use them, V. D. Moore. 2:10-11. How I prepare the lesson and how I teach it, J. V. MeCall. 3- 3:30. Forward movement for new schools and new scholars. W. P. Southern. (Question Box. Adjournment. Sl'MlAY. :30-10 A. M. Prayers for Uod's blessings on the Sunday School work. 10-i0::i0. The advantage ofDenom- inational Sunday School over I'nion Sunday School and of Denomina tional Literature over Union Litera ture, J. L. Sherwood. 10:3011. The Sunday School work of . ('. Baptists our ideal, our task, our plan, our -duty our possi bilities, F. P. Moore. 11-12. Sermon by W. P. Southern.! Subject: "Our duty to laftor to bring young jieople to Christ and train I them for his service", followed by a collection for our State Sunday;80 prevalent, unless you take 1)T. School work. i King's New Discovery for Consump- RKCKSS kok on K hoi li. 1-1:15 P.M. Report of committees i 1-11 ii 1:15-1:45. The successful Sunday School. What is it W. M. Moore. 1:45-2:15. What does it mean to be loval to our churches, to our Sun- lay School and to our children'' J W. Whisnant. 2 15 2:45. Song service conducted bv Lower Creek Church choir. Adjournment. 1 1 is the earnest wish of the coin inittee that all the churches and Sunday Schools send delegates mid that all the speakers prepare ad lresses on the subjects assigned them and lie present. All Sunday School workers are ordially invited to attend the Con vention. 1. W. Thomas. I J. F. CliKTIS. I 'oiu. This is the season of listlcssness, eadaches anil spring disorders. H lister's Bocky Mountain Tea is a sure prevenative. Makes you and vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. At Dr. hents Drug Store. Some people put on airs because they ean afford to have appoliuarfes water served at the table. Why, we have aqua served three times daily. and give it no thought. The man who needs reforming is the uiau in the moon, as he gets full occasionally. William yneen, of Buncombe coun ty, committed suicide last Sunday by hanging himself to a rafter with a towel. Sell The Earth" and Lend You Money To Buy It If you care to take advantage of price and buy a home in Lenoir Now it will never be as cheap agjun we can furniah you money to be paid back on the easy payment plan. ' J. G. HALL, M'g'r. Insurance Dept. Sudden Death at Hickory.' Hickory, April 7. Two sudden deaths oceurlng here this afternoon were those of Mrs, Fannie Burns and Mrs. Mon Fry. Mrs. Burns, who died of acute Indigestion, was a widow of Esquire J. H. Burns, who during the cfty's early growth, was one of her most prominent figures, filling the position of mayor during several terms. Mrs. Burns leaves one daugh. ter, Mrs. Gib. Peeler, of Lenoir, and three sons, Krnest Bruns, of Ash villa; Ueorge Burns, of Columbia, ,8. C, and W. F. Bums, of this city. Mrs. Fry was killed by a shifting engine of the Southern, while cross- ing near the Ivey Cotton Mills, abeut a quarter of a mile from her hoiu, to which the body was immediately carried for preparation for burial. The greatest disfigurement to the body was to the face, which was struck by the engine. Owing to her deafness she did not real ire the pres- I ence of the engine until she was truck. Mrs, Fry leaves a husband and I large taniilv of children as well as a ; large number of relatives, to mourn her death. Charlotte Observer. - - Fatallv Shot. Nowlurn, April 7. Robert Rice, a ''""I'.man of Carteret county, was louay snoi ami laiany wounueu oy Ed. Lynch. Bad blood has eiisted betweed the two men for sometime. A few months ago Bice shot Lynch because of the hitter's attention to Mrs. Bice. Bice was arrested aud tried at the last term of court at Beaufort, but, an account of uiiBuffl ciet evidence, was only taxed one penny and the costs. Lynch having stated, while on the witness stand, that the allegations of his relations with Bice's wife were true. The men had kept apart until today when Lynch found his victim and shot him. Both meu are white and are regarded as deserate characters. News i Observer. The Democratic State Convention lias been railed to meet in Greensboro on July :nl. . "a"er ro,u 1 M 1 1Kue- There's grave danger from the plague of Coughs and colds that are t ion, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. George Wlls' uf F"r,t Ci,-V' Me - writeB: i 3 n nut ovini i" ljowluc ij i iiik u climates where coughs and colds pre vail. 1 Hud it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures Lagrippe I gives wonderful relief in Asthma and ! Hay fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Cousuinp t ion, 'oughs and ( 'olds. 50c and SI. 00. tiuaranteed by ,1. K. Shell drugstore. Trial bottle freee. Versuvious, the famous volcano of Italy, is in a state of eruption and doing much damage. Five hundred , jwrsons are reported to have lost their lives ami several villiages des troyed. A Young Mother at 70. "My mother has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspepsia had entirely disabled her. until six mouths ago, when she began taking Fleet ric Bitters, which have com pletely cured her and restored the strength and activity she had in the ' prime of life," writes Mrs. W. L. Oil patrick, of Danforth, Me. Hreatest restorative medicine on the globe. Sets Rtomach, Liver and Kidneys right, purities the blood, and cures Malaria. Biliousness aud Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price 50c, Ouaranteed by J. K. Shells drug store. A IjikeShgre t rain the Twentieth Cenpiry Limited ran lt miles in 8S minutes Monday night. A portion of the distance was covered at the rate of 00 miles an hour and it is said top siieed was not reached. Tiioce HaTrlrxg- Ivo:n.e;sr To Lend- can list it with us and have the Corporation's guarantee of interest and principal. We hire $50,000.00 back of us to guarantees ood. The Kxtensive Advertising we are doing, and planning to do, will readily find a purchaser for your vou list it with u1-. 1 T77"o Io2.G-u.xe in any one of Korty-Six of the best Companies in you in the best Companies known. Call and let BU3INES3(LQCAL3. WANTED! Fifty men to work in either cabinet, machine or varnish room in factory making suits, side boards and chiffoniers. Call on or address, Hknry Rkichard, Lenoir, North Carolina. - A Car high grade Guano for Corn and Vegetables, also Car Bone and Potash. Terms strictly cash. - ' -.Conley's Mills., Walk-Over, the shoe of character for men of taste. '' Walk-Over, the shoe of style. If its shoe satisfaction you want, buy the Walk-Over. IMPROVED Daisy Corn Planters at R. H. Spalnhour's. Not "Just as good" but "better," is the Walk-Over Shoe. See Watson for your new Spring suit in any style you wish. BROWN LEGHORN EGGS for hatching 40 cents tier setting of 13 or two settings, 20 eggs, for 75 cents at my house. John n. Hiulth, Lenoir, N0. Honor your feet with Walk-Over Shoes. Gillette Safety Razors for sale by B. H. Spainhour. LOST On April 10. on the road between Lenoir and Bhodhiss a dark mixed overcoat. The finder will be suitably rewarded if returned to me at Lenoir. J. G. Hall. New Summer Pauts at Watson's. FOR SALE A McCormick Binder, a disc harrow, a Babcook buggy, a Champion organ aud other things. N. J. Sherrill. WANTED Seoond-hand Office Dest and small Safe. Citizens Light k Power Co. Buv vour Oxfords from Watson. 1900 Wr ashing Machine for sale by B. H. Spainhour. Buy your New Hat from Watson. LOST On the public road between Hickory and Lenoir on Sunday April 8th, a double case gold watch, Elgin movements. A reward will be paid for return of same to the News Office, Ienoir, N. C. See our Millinery display, its the prettiest yet. Hundreds of stylish hats going out and hundreds more coming in by eipress. M. M. Courtney. See Watson for your Easter Suit. Ederbeimer, Stein & Co. make the Extra Good" brand of clothing sold at right prices by M. M. Courtney. Garden Seed at Bernhardt-Seagle Hardware & Furniture Co. 'Extra Good" noby, stylish spring suits for young men and boys at U. M. Courtney s. Buckeye DiBC Cultivators Great labor savers at Bernhardt-Seagle Hdw Si Fur. Co. Men's Spring Pantaloons, large stock, new weaves and styles, in ele gant patterns at M. M. Courtney's. FOB SALE. I have a latest model No. 3 Oliver Typewriter exactly like a brand new machine, perfect in eve ry respect. Will sell for f55 cash down, a saving of $45. If you want a good typewriter at a bargain call and see this machine at once or ad dress Geo. Ij. Andrews. Lenoir, N. C. Our New Spring Dress Goods stock leads in what's newest, prettiest and most stylish in silk, wool and cotton fabrics. M. M. Courtney's. Chamberfain's Salve. This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chap ped hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases of the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch, scabies or itch and eczema. It has met with unparalleled success in trw treatment of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box. Try it For sale by E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. A man named Coffey, of North Wilkesboro, N. C, committed suicide in Baltimore last week. It is said he had been drinking and had be come despondent. "STo"o. distance. If you want Life or Accident insurance we are fully prepared to place us explain. U7 fe3 J, Still Captured. ' , llamlot. April 0. Revenue officers McDonald nud Cox captured an lllisit distillery 14 miles north of here Wed nesday night. The still was under a sawmill and was In full blast. The The negro operating the plant was arrested, With the still was selred also 1.700 gallons of beer.the saw mill several thousand feet of lumber, a team of mules and a wagon. . This distillery has been suspected of fur nishing a large Jpart of the blind tiger whiBkey for this county, It be ing a very large one. Forest fires are raging near Ham let. Af large quantity of wood has been turned, the damage amounting to several hundred dollars. Char lotte Observer. Caught Cold While Hunting a Bur lar. Mr. Win. Thos. Lauorgan, provin cial Constable at Chapleau, Ontario, says: "I caught a severe oold while hunting a burglar in the forest swamp last fall. Hearing of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, I tried It, and after using two small bottles, I was completely cured." This remedy is Intended especially fo coughs and colds. It will loosen and relieve a se vere oold in less time than by any other treatment and is a favorite wherever its superior excellence has become known. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Someone wants to know the differ ence between a salary and wages. It is this: It is this: If a man is get ting four dollars a day for running a machine of some kind or five for lay ing brick on a wall, or doing some thing that makes white cuffs and collars uncomfortable, he is getting wages; if he sets at a desk and gets six dollars a week, has soft hands, wears a white collar and cuffs, he gets a salary You feel the life giving current the minute you take it. A gentle sooth ing warmth fills the nerves aud blood with life. It's a real pleasure to take Hollister.s Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, tea or tablets. At Dr. Kents Drug Store. UM8C AY THIS IS I 1 Throughout the Entire United States Don'! Fail lobe among the number of those who visit oar store and get a Coupon PACKAGE yj-r - - N op frV.. : i WLOOIHk JC--AC WD WTCTW WOPO k I irotx. tr pMfeucsl mat mrras and 1 Jf AXU OU AM KNOT KM FACTS VOO UX I 1 IMaBBI atoClljt MJOATS OUTWUli WOOfl 1 EVERYBODY WILL RECEIVE A COUPON " EINTITLINO SET "Put a Little SUNSHINE In Your HomeS AMD MAKE IT MORE CHEERFUL AND ATTRACTIVE. J. E. SHELL, Druggist, Lenoir, North Carolina. ot Fire E, MATTQ OKS, 1 .TV EI m v We are. now displaying an.up-to-, date and stylish line of ' Mens and Boys Clothing. Be sure toseeusbe fore you buy your Easter Suit. In Oxfords for Men, Women and Chil dren you will find all the snaps and. style you are looking for, all prices. We are receiving almost every day New and stylish Dress Goods and will sell them at very lowest prices. Don't fail to see them before you buy. . We can save you some money on your purchases. t Respectfully, I W. A. WATSON. ! Subscribe for The OF SUNSHINE FURNITURE, make our property if N M'g'r. Real Estate WO 6 Special King Quality Shoes for Men. IT IS OUR PLEASURE TO PLEASE YOU. Weekly News. SUNSHINE Finish AND A SET OF SUNSHINE Furnilarc TO THE J FIRST 50 LADIES f ( VISITING OUR rffoRB 1 DAY ER TOtAFPf3 . Dept.