1 LOCAL AND S MATTERS OP INTEREST TO HOME FOLKS. $ ' ' ' m t Mr. J. U. Wldby, of Marlon, wh PERSONAL ... Alton i KCKaru, tuo uimoomtu, win be In Lenoir Saturday Miy 12th. Rev. Johu S. Moody will preacli at the Epiioopal Ohuroh thli evening at 7:45. . V Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boul wara last Monday a ton. ; . . Gen. K. P. Hoke, of Linooln, ipent a few dayi In Lenoli last week. Mr. 'George Wilson, of Gastonla, pent last Sonday with hii parents , here. . ; 7 - ' ' " Rev. M. JL Tattle will preaoh at Oakwood sohool house next Sunday atn. iu. ; .v . The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet at the home of Mrs. H. C. Martifi next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. L. P, Henkel and two of her daughters, r Misses Allie and Mary went to Norkfolk last Tuesday for a few days visit. Little Miss Elizabeth Jane Crad dock was at home to fourteen little friends in honor of her second birth day last Tuesday. Mr. J. O.- Seagle returned home Wednesday from Salisbury where he had been with his mother who was operated on for cataract We ae printing this w,eek an in teresting letter froin H. W. Goforth giving an account of his visit to many of the cities of the Great Lake Region. ' Messrs. Geo. A. andThos. M. Pru ne r and their wires, of Marion, Va., are spending some time in Lenoir. They represent the Davis Sewing Ma chine Co. The Kent Furniture & Coffin Co., reoel red last week by one mall orders for Sear loads of furnituueto go to San Francisco, 8 to St. Louis, and a half to New York City. Rev. D. Vance Prioe assisted in the dedication servioes of the Methodist church at Granite Falls last Sunday and there was no preaching at the Methodist ohuroh here. MieaJSinily Bartholomew, of Semi nary, Pa., who is a teacher iu the Mitchell Institute, seven miles south east of town, was called home last Tues. by a telegram announcing tho serious illness of her father at a hos pital in Pennsylvania. The Lenoir Postofflce receipts for the year ending March 31st, 1005, were $4467.89 and for the year ending March lst, 1000, they were $5263.02, an increase of 18 per cent. The post office rectepta have increased 70 per yent. in the past four years. Mr. J. M.Moretx came down from Boone last week to meet his wife aud little boy who had been at Salisbury for some time, where the boys foot was amputated. He had been suffer ing with his foot for a year or so and the physicians found amputation necessary. Quite an interesting entertainment was given at the Lenoir Academy last Friday night. The program consisted of a number of musical se lections, choruses and quartetts and three act drama. The whole per formance was very good some of the parts belug particularly well taken. Mr. J. M. Plummer, an Inspector f Rural Free delivery Routes has birieq working in Caldwell for several days and he says the people along the llrtes do not have enough mail boxes. In many Instances several families will use one box and this has a tendency to make the government annul the service. One of the means 6f judging the value of the routes is by the number of boxes used, and each patron should have a box. If the people want this valuable service continued they must Bhow their ap preciation by putting up more boxes add patronizing the service. Miss Lois Herman, of Hickory, Is spending some time with Mrs. J. W. Self. . j Mrs: J. W, Fletcher, 'of Chestor' spent a few days this week with friends here. Mrs. J. G. Hall's physician tells her she can leave for home with safety on the lfUb. Mrs. J. P. Taylor, of Hickory has been spending a few days with Mrs. B. A. Folk. rrann unurcu still lingers in a oritioal condition. Yesterday ho showed signs of being weaker. Mr. J. M. Powell is preparing to build a cottage for rent near his dwelling in the western part of town. Mr. John Bean and Miss Ida I'n derdown were married last Tuesday evening, Rev. H. C. Marley officiat ing. Louis Harris was before Mayor Poe yesterday charged with an assault on Rev. W. N. Cook. He was fined (2.50 and costs. Mr. W. H. Craddocklost his bal ance one day last week and fell down the steps at his residence severely straining his left arm. Mrs. Mary Sigmon 6hows uk a pe culiar thing in the way of a small white bean. It has the letters "I. N." on it In pink white, the remainder of the bean is white. Mrs. W. S. Covington who has been at the Stokes-Whitehead Sani torium at Salisbury for treatment, is Improving rapidly aud is expected home next Monday. Mr. L. H. Tuttle, who recently sold his stock of goods at Uamewell to Mr. Thompson, says he is now a farmer and miller. He lias been in the mercantile business for twenty four years. A destructive forest fire occurred a few miles Northeast of town lant week. The fire started from a saw mill belongiug to Mr. H. C. Markie aud destroyed a good deal of cord wood belonging to his son-in-law, Prof. A. E. Woltz. New Advertisements'. Read the new ads of Lenoir Realty & Insurance Co.. J. W. Self, M. M. Courtney, H. T. 'ewland, W. A. Wat ion and J. . Shell.' ' Marriages. The following marriage llscences have been issued by Register Miller since the 6th: John Hood to Mattle Hamby, Arthur McRary to Mittie Downs, J. W. Haas to Mamie White. Special Recital. There will be a recital at Davenport college on Monday evening 23rd in which a contest for positions on the commencement program will be held. There will also be selections rcn dered by the new Orchestra ld by Miss Crocker and composed of some members of the Faculty aud other musicians of the town. Electric Lights. The Citizens Llht and Power turned on the electric lights last Co. Fri day night and they were very satis factory. ! They shone with a steady brilliancy ' and power that was highly gratify ing to the members of the company aud woll pleasing to the community. Mr. Ivy, the manager, tells us the machinery is all of the very best that money can buy, which, being so, in sures for J.enoir a light system sec ond to none in the country. The people of the town and The Light and Power Co. are to be congratula ted on the prompt installing of this splendid plant. Tickets. The following good tickets for town officers have been suggested to the Nbws: Mayor 1'. J. Johnson. Commissioners: J. H. Atkinson, J. V. McCall. J. A. Allen, A. N. Todd. Another Mayor-M. K. Shell. Commissioners (t. C. Earnhardt, J. T. Montgomery. J. J. Hall aud W. J. Palmer. We have heard other names men tinned but these are tho only two complete tickets so far handed in. The Taylorsville Scout has been assured tha local support needed for its continuance and will be continued. Graded School Honor Roll. First (A)Ohauk. Martha McCalL Bryan Bush, Lee Price. First (B) Gradk. Annie Bess Palmer, Louise Todd, Eugene Allen, James Andrews. Sicooxd Gradk. Julia Deal, Jennie Day, Kvn Mun- day, Wraeie Smith, Lizzie Seehoru, Dolly Tolbert, Laurie Parks. Third Oiiauk. Clyde Sudderth, Lillie Healan,-Edna Smith, Alice Wrist, Rosa Mus- grave, Robert Munday, James Saf ford, Johnsie Underdown, Claude Andrews, Katie Lindsay, Wyatt McXairv, Avery Craig, Ross Hols- claw, Hemdon Clarke. Fourth Ohadk. Lillian Wakefield, Lucile Abern ethy, Cora Alley, Ethel Munday, Lily Tuttle, (iermide Hoke, Carrie (Joforth. Carringtou Harris, Wade Smith. Lee Spencer. Fifth Gradk. Pattie Bean, Bessie Dula, Lucy Earnhardt, . Lizzie Fuller, Tressie HefTner, Annie Lindsay, Cornelia Miller, Alice Kobbius, (Mem Goforth Sixth Grakk. Irene Bobbins, Mamie Hoover, Mabel Goforth, Fauuie Martin, Lucy Abernethy, Jennie Dysart. Charley Dysart, Russell HefTner, Floyd Black well. Skvknth Gradk. ( 'larence Hoke. Met Tragic Death. Asbeville, April 11. News of the tragic death of Tom Southern, of Ar ilen, last night, has been received here. Mouthers was returning to his home at Anion, eight miles from Asbeville, after a visit to this city yesterday. As tho unfortunate man stepped off the train on which he was a passenger, be walked delibera tely in front of an approaching car and was run over and instantly killed It is said that Southern' own careless ness cost him his life. He evidently did not see the approach of the mov ing car, or else misjudged Its nearness The body was terribly mangled and literally cut in two. Charlotte Observer. A good dear wife feared that her husband would go to ruin because he occasionally played poker. She read a story in a magazine which told of a woman who broke her hus band of going out at night by play ing with him herself. She decided to try the experiment and borrowed thirty dollars from a neighboring woman, and then got her husband In a game. He won her money In half an hour and then went out to hunt a real game. Easter Offerings r I I v. 1 3 l f I J VTWaaoY Tiff STAR ,fSK rt 1 J w K W? Star BraiM g Shoes I Are Better. ARE BETTER, KA l We have just opened up a Dig new lot f) FORM TWtNTy-Owe If You Want The Best Suits at reasonable prices, don't fail to look over our splendidly comprehensive selections of "EFF-EFF" Fashionable Clothes for Men and Vounj Men. The designs are by designers who know every little detail of this season's smart fashions, from "A to Z" the cut and finish of every garment shows the master-hand you will find that your "size" fits you as if made-to-measure and the fabrics include quiet and distinctive effects of latest pattern, weave and shade. Lower prices wouldn't be possible without sacrificing qualitv. The kind of sack suits you want in single and double breasted models. Fashionably long coats with lapels beautifully shaped; trousers that hang free, and set grace fully over the instep. Imported and domestic clothes of refined character. From $5 to $20. Our Haberdashery Department is a liberal education in correct fashions for-Spring and Summer. There's much that's truly exquisite there's nothingthat's not "right" and values are remarkable. H. T. Newland. Cast of Star Brand Shoes. They are the finest we ever saw and we want you to come and look at them. We know the shoe business and can conscientiously say that we have never placed on our shelves a better lot of footwear. "Star Brand Shoea" are made in St. Louis, by Roberts, Johnson & Rand Co. a firm which has but one aim and that is to Make the best Shoes on Earth at the lowest possible cost. This concern operates Five Big Specialty Factories and in each factory only one grade of shoes is made. This in sures absolute uniformity and the best pos sible workmanship. Buying leather by the train load, secures the lowest prices, and it is turned into shi.es at the rate of 30,000, pairs a dav. The Star Trade Mark is on the Heel. of every shoe and it means "honesty "noth ing but the best leather and other material can enter into a Star Brand Shoe. 'Ladies, Misses and childrens stylish Oxford, Ties and Sandals in the well known brands, Quak er, Satin. Silk, May Day, Mascot and Vacation--Patent Colt, Gun Metal, Vici Kid and White Canvass. Selz and Keith & Pratt High Grade, Stylish Oxfords for men. Your Eyes Over the remarkable collection of Jauntv, Clever Spring Hat Styles we are now exhibiting and you will find not only the partic ular new style and color most be coming to you but a rare treat in matter of price. Panamas $5 to $6.50. Straws 5c to $3.00. There is not a single new style missing from our collection. Complete line of Derbys, $1.50 to $3.00. Let us show vou. More Glasses Are Worn Now-a-days than ever before. No doubt of it. People used to think that the wear ing of glasses should be put off as long as possible. We know better now. We apply every known agency for the relief and cure of eye weakness, and there are methods in common use to-day which weren't heard of even ten years ago. Now we commence to right eyesight just as soon as it begins to go wrong. Now school children by the hundred wear glasses. And it's wise and proper, too. Let us tell you what shape your eyes are in. WO If 7Tff fO HTTT The Jeweler and Optician. . o. Miller and oon. UULA- Unoir North c-- in. OO.ce Phon. 106, Mom. Phon 78. Ml ' f te I QUALITY THAT MAZES T HI B SALB. A Few Questions: 1 Do you appreciate real bargains? 2 Do you believe in economy? 3 Is not your money-as good as your friends? 4 Is it right for you to pay more for goods than some one else? Answer the above questions for yourself. We do not believe in a half dozen different prices. 01,00 ' of your money is as good as the other mans, it is purely a matter of business and right, to treat all alike. .We not only have the reputation of selling good goods for less money than our competi tors but we do it, That's all. See us for any and everything to wear. Just received 3000 yards of Ginghams, worth 8 1-2 cents will sell for 6 cents the yard. Yours very truly. Ho mm m The Cheapest Store in Lenor. (J ! s mi 1

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