"I w a I Lowland Personal. r " I.Iattsn cf Interest To 2 - Honiefolks. mt One of oar lady friends has tak en up the refrain for a cleaner and better governed town. Mrs. W. D. Jones, of Yadkin Valley, returned Wednesday from a visit to her daughter in Hickory. Mr. Joe. C. Moore ha moved nis lamuy 10 town ana tnev are v. occupying their new home, near the Moore Furniture Factory. . Mr. D. P. Pmwnell has sold hw farm a mile or ho North of town to W. B. Watson & Co. Mr. Prow nell think of moving to town to live. 3Iessw. Edgar Allen and Eugene Miller and the Misses Price went as far as Hickory with Miss Mary Miller on her return to (ireeaslioro Monday. Dave Clarke and (ieorpe Nelson returned yesterday from their anu- al squirrel hunt. Thev sav tliev killed alnnit a doeu squirrils in ,. the two days hunting. We acknowledge with thanks an , - invitrtion to attend the Third An nual Cominenoeinent of the Appa ' lachian Training School at Boone, on April 23rd. ami 24th. . Mr. Walter ,1. Lenoir, of the Valley, was in town Tuesday and left an order with the Nevvn Print ery for some job printing for his : ' firm, 8. L. Patterson & Co. There is still a good deal of fruit not killed in this part of the conn try and now the ''Easter Hurry" is past it Is reasonable to presume we will liave at least part of a crop. Mr. T. II . Sherrill of the tirm of Sherrill & Whitner, doing business a few miles South Hast of town, was in Lenoir Tuesday and left an order with us for some job print ing. Mr. T. II. Coffey, of Mowing Hock, was mi Lenoir Wednesday buvyig Furniture for the new Watauga hotel which is just com Jjpleting on the site of the old Wa ' tauga hoU'l at the Hock. The put )lic School took holiday last Monday and Prof. Woltz. Mrs. Fuller and Miss England went with quite a large numlxr of the school children on a little excur 'sion to Granite on the 3.()" after noon train and returned on No. K at night. ; . Easter services at St. .lames, next Sunday, Subject of-sermons are, 11 a. in., "The Three Facts of f Easter Day, M p. in. "The Will Power in Conduct and Iveligion." of especial interest to men. Ser- ; vices and sermon at Chapel of !; Peace, 4 p. in. There is a young lady in the vi cinity of Lenoir making up her "weddin fixtures" and there is a young man of the town who has had hi measure taken for a wed ding suit. They each, however, nave tneir anecuons ceniercu on objects bevond the con lines of i Caldwell. I Mr. J. T. Robertson, of Atlanta, ; Inspector of electric light plants ? for the South Eastern Tarriff As- 1 soclation, came to Lenoir Monday to inspect the plant of the Citizens Light & Power Co. He pronounces the outiit iirst class and says Lc noir has a liettor system than most towns of its size. General Manager Nichols, of the 0. & N. W. Railroad has requested Mr. Floyd Locke, of the Topic, to go on a trip up to Mortimer, Edge mont and the regions thereabout. to make a series of sketches of the railway's properties in that section. Mr, Nichols has made a good r ' . choice. Mr. Floyd Locke certain r , Jv has talent as a drughtsman , 1 f ' anbod doubts this, just let ', 1 . the; unbeliever go up to Lenoir, ' 1 walk into the Topic office, and j ! view, upon the walls, a sketch, en titled "Ye Old Maud and I' Lo ; tcal.l' Their doubts will certainly .be removed. Hickory Democrat Mrs. W. S. Bradley and fully etarned to Chester Monday. Mr. J. A. Groves, of Albermarle, spent last Sunday with friends in Lenoir. " Mr. T. F. Sherrill of Hickory, haa lieen employed by H. T. New land as naleman. . - Mr. J. G. Hall went to Rich mond. Wednesday to bring Mrs. Hall home from the sanitorium. A Lyceum course of rare excel lence has been engaged for next year by the Lyceum Committee. Messrs. J. H. Sutterndd, of Winston, and E. J. Cook, of Bris tol, were among the traveling men to upend last Sunday in Lenoir. Mrs. -Mary Corpening, widow of the late A. J. Corpening, Esq., spent some days with her daught er, Mrs. P. J. Johnson, last week. Mr. E. A. foe has sold his new brick building on Mull)erry street to Mr. M. N. Harshaw. We hear the consideration was about ?3.!i00 The many friends of Mr. Law rence Wakefield are glad to see him on the streets again after a severe illness with pneumonia and grippe. Rev. I). Vance Price preached a particularly able and appropriate sermon at the Methodist Church last Sunday on the subject of the 'Resurection of Christ." Messrs. J. M. Chikis, Geo. E. Moore and Guh and Ned Jones went on a tishing tjip to Shull's Mill's last week. Theey caught al)Out three hundred speckeled beauties thev said. Mr. John R. Steele, who is con nected with the State Cattle Quar antine, has lieen assigned work in Guilford and Forsvthc counties. He left this week for Winston where he will probably locate for the summer. We are sending out a numler of sample copies of the Nkws this week and any jkm-soii who is not a subscrilM'i , receiving a copv. is re quested to look the paper over carefullv and is cordially invited to subscriU'. Mr. W. II. Harrington has I tough t a lot at the coiner of Ash and Vance streets from Dr. W. M. Earnhardt and will build a ma chine shop on the lot at once. This is a needed industry in Lenoir and he will no doubt do well. Rob Piercy and Rnlte Swanson had a difficulty near Hudson last Friday afternoon in which Piercy cut Swanson severly with a knife Swanson while seriously wounded is not considered in a dangerous condition. Piercy was ltonnd to court in the sum of $200. Mr. F. P. Hooker, of Aurora. N. ('.. who is fertilizer inspector for the State Agricultural Department spent last Sunday and Monday in Lenoir. Mr. Hooker has repre sented his county Reaul'ort sev eral times in the legislature, hav ing served with two of our townsmen, Messrs. ,1. L. Nelson and W. C. Newland, at dillerent times. Another instance of prompt i suits from advertising in the Nkws occu red last week- Fink Ander son, one of our popular barlters, placed a 2.t cent Business Local in last week's issue of the Nkws of fering a reward tor the return of a lost watch. On Saturday after the paper came out on Friday, the watch was brought to the Nkws office. Mr. 1). 15. Moore having found the watch and saw the ad in the Nkwk brought the lost article in at once. Sometime ago we l-efered to the fact the Sealtoard Air Line Rail way Co. was hgunng on a new train from Wilmington to Ruther- fordton: The new train went into service "last Sunday and by the present arrangements persons can go from Lenoir to Charlotte, by way of Gaston ia, and stay from D.20 a. in. until 4 p. m. and get back to Lenoir at !).0."i p. m. Wil mington and Charlotte people also have splendid facilities now for coining to this part of the country and the travel this way this season will no doubt be belter than ever before. See oar speoil Introductory and Campaign elTer in thit isue, head ed 50 cents. Mr. Munroe doer came over from 3Iorgantoa to spend Easter with his parents. Miss (Carrie Wolfe spent Easter at her home In Monroe, X. C, re turning Monday night. The News U an 8 pager . this week and we believe the best pap er ever issued in Lenoir. Mr. H. J. King, of Concord, came to Lenoir last Saturday for a few days stay on business. Miss Eva Goforth left yesterday for a visit to friends and 'relatives in Marion and Rutherford ton. Miss Mary Miller came home from her post of duty in Greens- twro last Saturday for a visit to her parents. Real Estate Deal. Last Monday Mr. M. C. Spencer sold the Commercial Hotel proper ty to a company of six gentlemen composed of, ). T. Spencer. Jno. JtY.Tolltert, Will MeGowan, Rufus Barlow, Theo. P. Kincaid and R. Steele. The new oWners have not yet definitely decided-what use they will make of the property, but thev Ih ink thev will convert it into business houses, building up the vacant space next to Court ney's store. This is valuable pro perty and modern business houses will lie in demand at good rents as the corner is one of the )est loca tious in town. We understand the price at w hich the property changed hands was .."), 500. Temperance Meeting. Last Sunday afternoon an inter esting meeting was held at the ( i raded School for the purpose of advocating and advancing the tem perance cause. Rev. D. Vance Price was chair man ot the ineeuug winch was opened by the audience singing Ml Hail the Power of Jesus Name," led by the orchestra. Rev. (i. H. (lunch next led in prayer. Dr. i . . Weaver spoKe first on the cause of the present temperance movement throughout the state and country, which he termed almost a revolution, and placed due credit for much of the work to the efforts of preachers and school teachei-s. Mr. .1 Nelson read and article showing the enormous amount of money ex pended in this country for strong drink and the amount of good the large sum would do in building churches, providing homes, etc., if directed into proper channels. Miss Ruth Kinsey next gave an interesting reading, entitled "Good Night Papa." and a male quartette sang an appropriate selection. Other short addresses were made by Rev. D. P. McGeachy. Prof. .1. F. Curtis. Dr. Ranks McNairy and Prof. A. E. Woltz and Miss Maud England rendered a touching lit tle recitation, as did Miss Ocie Comann and Phil Johnson gave an extract from an address of the late Robt. Ingersall on alcohol. Miss Gertrude Hall presided at the pia no and accompanied the singing and the instrumental music ren dered by an orchestra, composed of some of the musicians of the town and schools. The musical selections were very appropriate and well rendered and added much to the pleasuiv of the occasion. The impressive addresses and all the exercises were calculated to awaken and make more active tem perance workers and enlist othei-s in the noble cause. The meeting was largely attended and it would lie a good idea to repeat it each month and thus keep alive the interest in so good a cause. Urip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the Hevere winter weather both my wife and myself contracted severe colds wioh speedily developed Into the worot kind of U prrippe with all its miser able symptons," says Mr. J. S. Etr leston of Muple Landing, Iowa. Knees and joints aohlnK. muscles, sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We bewail using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a double dose of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, Land by its liberal use soon complete- Jv knocked out the grip. Mold ir J. E. Shell. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. We ak our readers to note carefully the new advertisements of Moore Bros., Rj H. Spainhour, CSoyd & Johnson Co., W.J. Pal mar and Bernhardt Seagle Hdw. & Furniture Co. in this issue. These as well as all our other advertisers cordially invite persons interested to rail and see their spring display of new and seasonable goods. Hartley-Steele "Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr. Fred Hartley and Miss Lola Steele were united in marriage at the home of the bride's grand -father, Rev. (i. D. Sherrill, who was the officiating clergyman. Mr. Hartley is the son of Mr. R. B. Hartley, and his bride Is thedaugh ter of the late Elkan Steele, both of them deservedly popular and highly esteemed. They are a youth ful couple the groom in his 19th and the bride in her ISth year and they have the hearty good wishes of a host of friends and relative in which the Xkws joins most hear tilv." Expensive Livery Bill. Last Sunday Mess in. W. K.j Seats and' Henrv Hoover hired a team from R. E. Span, Jivei vman. of this place, to drive to Boone. They got as far as Blowing Rock where one of tltv horses got sick and in spite of all efforts to relieve it, died Sunday night. Mr. Span claims the horse was over driven and demands pay for it, while the young men insist that they did not over drive the team, lteing nearly live hours in going from Lenoir to Blowing Rock, 22 link's. Rather than to go to law however and stand the expense of a suit, they agree to pay for the hoist' altout j! no making a high livery bill. Town Impovement Society. A nuinlter of ladies met on last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. II . C. Martin and organized a Town Improvement society. The names of twenty two ladies were enrolled, as memltcrs and an organ ization was effected by electing Mi's. R. L. Gwyii Presidnt and Mrs. ,1. B. Atkinson Vice President. Mrs. Martn acted as secretary. A committee was appointed to confer with the town commission el's and ask their assistance in the work of f e n c i n g and lieautifying the plot of ground, in center of the square, where the old court house stood and to urge establishing of a garbage wagon. The businessmen will be asked to provide suitable receptacles in front of their places of business, in which all scraps of paper and other litter will be placed for removal by the garbage wagon. These and other similar needs of the town, the Society will work to secure and the ladies should have the hearty co operation of all the people of the town in the work. Our Correspondents. With the increased size of the Nkws we are enabled to handle the communications of our regular cor respondents and others 1 tetter than heretofore and trust they will not hesitate to send us items often. We have set apart one page of the paper for our regular county cor respondents and we want them to feel that it is theirs and for them to use it freelv. We want items of news from all parts of the county and will appreciate anything of the kind sent us. We ask that our correspondents refrain from "ltoost ing" candidates for office, as all such should announce themselves in the ndvertising columns in the paper, as other business and pro fessional men do and the Xkws is not doing free advertising for any political party. We also ask that each writer always sign his or her name to each article, not for publi cation, unless the writer desires it, but that we many know who the writer is. Often articles of merit are not printed simply because we do not know who the writer is and it is a rule of all well conducted newspapers, not to publish articles without knowing the author. Then again all communications should reach us on Tuesday, to enable us to handle them the following issue. n f" S ji rf"- vx vV V. xV -"s- T" "'sZ'v -vV iw- 'nJ J ) W &mr m 'mJ tfT' h WP1 imJ ft STAC U BBAND U CMOP.S ARB c . BETTER, m i w They are the finest we ever saw and we want you to come and look at them. We know the shoe business and can conscientiously say that we have never placed on our s!Helves a better lot of footwear. "Star Brand Shoes" are made in St. Louis, by Roberts, Johnson & Rand Co. a firm which has but one aim and that is to Make the best Shoes on Earth at the lowest possible cost. This concern operates Five Big Specialty Factories and in each factory onlv one grade of shoes is made. This in sures absolute uniformity and the best pos sible workmanship. Buying leather by the train load, secures the lowest prices, and it is turned into shoes at the rate of 3O.OU0, pairs a dav. The Star Trade Mark is on the Heel. I J of everv shoe and it means "honesty" noth ing but the best leather and other material can enter into a Star Brand Shoe. Ladies. Misses and childrens stylish Oxford, Ties and Sandals in the well known brands, Ouak er, Satin, Silk. May Day, Mascot and Vacations-Patent Colt.GunMetal, Vici Kid and White Canvass. Selz and Keith & Pratt High Grade, Stylish Oxfords for men. mm New Lines at In addition to my complete stock of General Hardware, Mill Supplies and Farm ing Implements, I am adddition a line of medium priced Furniture. Call and see styles before buying. Big lot of Roll and Cap Metal Roofing, just in. Respectfully, R. H. Spainhour. i - i Packard. The Cartoonist 4 Crowning Event of The Lyceum Course. Will Appear in Lenoir Saturday Even ing May 12th, 1906. t f I 4 4 I An Entertainment of rare fun and enjoyment, Millie. Mirth and Song with Fiinn Cartoons. Nothing like it has everappeared in Lenoir. 4 V 1 4 i ! 4 Remember The Date May 12th, 1906. At Graded School Auditorium. (ft Star Brand b Shoes I Are Better. We have just opened up a big new lot of Star Brand Shoes. r A I spainnours. 4 t S

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