A. 5 -It E -:hs fcr Weak Ees.- Salt water, fairly strong, uevl rfjulirlv several times a day ill wonderfully stmighen the muscles of the eyes. It acts as a touic op en every part of the under-lid and the cornea, and penetrates deep even into the recesses of the tear gland. Upon eyelids'prone to gran ulation or U styes the action of the warm salt water is most marked and almost immediate. It t always best when advocat ing the -merits of a thing to state reasons for actions. The writer has personally tried the salt care upon eyes 'weakened by long nse that could not bear the light, yet had excellent sight, so far as power of vision went, if only the weakened muscles would allow the iris to have full play. The salt lath was tried, first with a unonw. later with the eves held i 0 - , open in a bain of salt water, and the result was restored tone, to every feeble muscle. Salt is a combination of chlorine with sodium. Chlorine is one of the most powerful Kses known. It can destroy anything brought near to its influence. Mixed with lime it is the noted disinfectant named chloride of lime, used where ever fevers and dangerous ferments ait1. Mingled with sodium it lie becomes chloride of sodium, our valuable most useful and indispen sable table salt. Stadium is soft, white metallic earth, which has alkaline nature. The sodium softens the fierce burn ing, poisonous acid of chlorine, and makes a salt of it, mild enough to be eaten. With hydrogen gas it forms hydrochloric acid in our stom achs, and this is a great agent in that dissolving of food which we call digestion. When, therefore, salt is dissolved in water to make our eve bath, a part of the chlorine mixes with the hydrogen of the water to make the powerful hydrochloric acid, which, in such minute quantity and so di luted, is harmless of burning pow ers. Hut it at once attacks the fer ments and bacilli that cause stves and so forth on the eyelids; it draws out their gases, alters their life; in short, eats them up Ueing so powerful an antiseptic the salt cleanses and purines every thing on its passage into the tissues, for it at once absorbed by the tiny blood-vessels of the mucous mem brane, and enters into the circula tion, which is given tone and ener gy .by the combinations made m lK)th the sodium and chlorine. Olxstinate catarrhs yield to this salt bath, and catarrhs are a fre quent cause of eye w eakness, owing to the tear gland leiiig blocked up by inflamed conditions of the blood vessels which line the membrane of the nose and prevents the eye wa ters finding their proper channels. Salt, by exerting a cooling influence, takes away the fever.The ferments in the congested vessels are attack ed by the powerful cWorine and de stroyed. The blood being render ed pure, nourishes the membranes aright, and so cure is brought about. The tonic treatment braces the muscles and makes them lit to un dertake more work without yield ing to weariness. In addition the salt bath, people .with weakened eyes ought to. sleep in a perfectly dark' room at night, so giving their optic nerves all the rest possible. Sleeping in light rooms often is the sole cause of weali eves. Fifty Th:iinjK:i!s. I Naples, April 9. The denta tion wronght by the eruption of Vesuvius has become so widespread that 50,000 are said to have I fen made homeless. Dozens of Tillages have 'been wiped out and 2,000 acres of vine yards, olive groves and farm lands destroyed. The eruption is growing worse eTery hour, and as a consequence a state of panic prevails through out the country. Thousands of persons are join ing the refugees and leaving the vicinity of the volcano. The heavy fall of ashes and dust makes living so unpleasant that many persons of the better classes living in this city and other towns who fear actual danger from the eruption, are leaving for some oth er places until the volcano's activi ty ceases and the air lecomes cleared. Refugees reaching here tell of narrow escapes from the flowing lava and of hardships of fleeing peasanters and villagers. Earthquakes have added to the horror of the situation. Later The volcano is suiciding. WcoJ tLseJ fcr Ye: Stock h Jst So. lMiiLrer From The Plague. There's rave danger from the plague of Coughs and colds that are so prevalent, unless you take Dr King 8 kv Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. George Walls of torest City, Me., writes: 'It b a (jou send to iieople living in climates where coughs and colds pre vail. 1 find it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures Lagripie, gives wonderful relief in Asthma and Hay fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward oft Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. 500 and $1.00. Guaranteed by J. h. bhell drug store. Trial bottle freee. Probably no branch of .forest utilization, with the possible ex- ceptiou of the manufacture of pulpwood, shows such rapid de velopment in this country as the veneer industry. Until very re cently the opinion has prevailed that the kinds of timber which could be made into veneer were very limited in number, but the reports furnished by the veneer producers to the Forest Service in clude 24 species. Many of these, to be sure, are now cut in unim portant quantities, but the ten dency to experiment with new woods is clearly shown. The following statement as to the kinds and quantities of wood used for the manufacture of veneer stock iu 1905 is compiled from the reports furnished to the Forest Service by 93 firms. It shoultl le noted that the total amount of wood used, 13s.640.0OO feet, is in log measure; As the amount of lumlier actually cut from the log averages about 20 per cent greater than the log measure, it is afe to say that the timltcr uvsl for veneer stock would have made some IWi, 00(1.(100 feet of ordinary lutnlter. You fefl the life giving current the minute you take it. A gentle sooth ing w armth tills the nerves and blood with life. It's a real pleasure to take Hollister.s Koeky Mountain Tea. :ij cents, tea or tablets. At Jr. Keuts Drug Store. Columbia Citr While the local merchants ia the small towns and cities tit around asd whine about the mail order houses ruining their business, the mail order concerns are driving away day and night investing twen ty five per cent of their profit- in advertising. If all the merchants of Columbia City would invest ten percent of their profits each year in advertising in their local papers they could put the mail order house out of business so far as Whitley county is coucerned. There are about fifty merchants in this town who are wailing loudest about this mail order business who wouldn't give a local paper a dollars worth of advertising to save the publish er from purgatory, and the same conditions obtain in other towns. They say it don't pay to advertis just a donation to the publisher. The mail order house knows W'tter and spends its money freely in ad vertising and grows rich, while the country merchant i too sting v to spend a nickle for printer's ink, I dries up peters and out. IS EW GOODS. t . We are now displaying; an up-to-date and stylish line of Mens and Boys Clothing. Be sure to see us be fore you bur your Easter Suit. In Oxfords for Men, Women and Chil dren you will find all the soaps and style you are looking for, all prices. We are receiving almost everjr day Xfcw and stilish Dress Goods and will sell them at very lowest prices. Don't fail to see them before you buy. We can save you ome monev on vour s Just too Late McCall's. One night, as a messenger from the office of an evening paper was passing along the quays on the banks of the river, he heard the sound of someone struggling in the water7 "Are you drowning?" he shout ed. "lam," replied a feeble voice from the water. "What a pity!" said the lad consolingly. "You arc just too late for the last edition tonight; but cheer up, you'll have nice little paragraph all to yourself in the morning. Plowing The Orchard. The Department of Agriculture has been gathering some informa tion on the results of different treat ment of orchards, i. e., cultivating vs. cropping. The deductions to Ik' drawn seem to be that trees iu clean, cultivated ground suffer less from a drought and hot winds than do those in pasture or grass lands; that the fruit from cultiva ted orchards is larger than that from trees in grass, and that tree roots extend more rapidly than may be generally supposed. In stances are cited of trees five yeaix old with roots extending in various directions ten feet from the trunk. The roots of trees which have stood in sod since planting were found just U'neath the surface of the soil, while the roots of those in cultivated soil were nowhere less than eight inches from the surface of the soil . This makes it clear that if orchards are to be cultivated at all they should be cultivated from the first; otherwise even shallow plow ing will seriously injure the roots. A Young Mother at TO. "My mother has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspepsia had entirely disabled her. unt i 1 six months ago, when she began taking Electric Hitters, which have com pletely cured her and restored the strength and activity she had in the prime of life," writes Mrs. W. L. iil natrick, of Danforth, Me. Greatest restorative medicine on the globe iSets Stomach, Liver and Kidneys right, purities the blood,, and cures Malaria, Biliousness and Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price 50c, (iuarantccd by ,1. K. Shells druj store. When a man is reading a news paper while his wife looks oyer his shoulder, he always turns th naees uuicklv when he comes to the bargain sale advertisements Trapped 19 Minks. Union Republican. The Ihisiness (J aide of this city, says that I'ncle Jiinmic Young, living out near l!ow den's Crater, has trapped 10 minks the past win ter, for the skins of which he has already collected over llfty si dol lars. This is what we call a geed 'side line" to the real Iox Mojun tain manner of living. Confederate Veterans' Reunion, New Orleans, La April 25th- 27th, 1906. For the above occasion the South ern Railway will sell tickets to New Orleans, La., and return at rates named below: (ioldsboro. $20.00 Selma, 19.55 Raleigh 18.00 Durham, ls.50 Greensboro, IT. 40 Winston-Salem. IT. 20 Salisbury, 16.45 Hickory, 15.75 Charlotte, 15.55 A Wonderful Being1 A Riddle. (iod made Adam out of chut. Rut thought it best to make ine tirst; So 1 was made before the man. To answer His most Holy plan. My body He did make complete. But without either hands or feet My ways and actions did control; Yet I was made without a oul. A living being I became, And Adam first gave me a name: Then from his presence I withdrew. And more of Adam never knew. I did my Maker's laws obey, From them I never went astray; Thousands of miles I move in fear, And seldom on the earth appear. But (iod in me ouie power did see, And put a living soul in me; A soul from me my (iod did claim, And took from me that soul again. And when from me that soul had fled. 1 was the same as when first made, And without hands or feet or soul 1 travel now from pole to pole. I labor hard both day and knight. To fallen man I give much light. Thousands of people, young and old, Will by in y death great light behold. No fear of death doth trouble ine, For happiness 1 cannot see. To Heaven I shall never go. Or to the grave or hell below. The Holy Scriptures you beleive, But right or wrong I cant concede. Although my name in them is found, It is to me an empty sound. s s s s s s s s 1 i : : : purchases. Special King Quality Shoes for Men. IT IS OUR PLEASURE TO PLEASE YOU. Respectfully, W. A. WAT ON Home Industry. Homemade Overalls, Shirts Pants. and Clodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Approximately low rates from oth er points. Tickets on sale April 22nd, 2.')rd, and 24th, with final limit April 30th. The original purchaser may secure extention of final limit until May 21st by personally depositing ticket with Joseph Richardson. Spec ial Agent, Theatre Arcade, New Or leans. La., not earlier than April 25th nor later than April iiOth, and pay ing fee of fifty cents. (ieneralJ. S. Carr has selected the Southern Railway via Atlanta, Montgomery and Mobile as the origi nal route for his "Annual Confeder ate Veterans' Special," which will consist of first class day coaches, and Standard Pullman Cars to be handled through to New Orleans without change. This special train will leave Raleigh N. ('., at :!::J0 P. M., Monday, April 2:ird, and will reach New Orleans about N::i0 P. M., Tuesday, April 24th, Any one may use this special train. Berth rate from Raleigh and Dur ham ifli.00, (ireensboro $5.00, Salisbu ry and Charlotte $5.00. Two persons may occupy a berth without addi tional cost. Excellent service on regular trains in each directions. Ask your agent for rates from your station. For further information and Pullman reservations write, R. L. VERNON, Trav. Pass. Agt. Charlotte, N. C. Caught Cold While Hunting a Bur-' lar. Mr. Win. Thou. Lanorgan, provin cial Countable at Chapleao, hitario, says: '"1 caught a severe cold while hunting a burglar in the forest swamp hist fall. Hearing of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, I tried it, and after using two small bottles, 1 was completely cured." This remedy is intended especially for coughs and colds. It w ill loosen and relieve h se vere eold iu less time than by any other treatment and is a favorite wherever its superior excellence has bwoorue known. For sale by J. E. 8hell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Some men drink because they like to net drunk, others because they enjoy the process of getting drunk but the grout, majority just leeauso they are invited and hate to waste a good ehanec for spend ing another chaprs money. A woman who will nurse a pug dog and hire a nurso for the Itaby, is liiictvd with an allopathic dose of hereditary softening of the brain that would warrant hor hus--land in having her confined iu an asylum w ith other lunutfYs. YOU CAN BUY LAND In The New Country Recently opened up in east ern Arkansas, Louisiana, (Mississippi Delta) and South eastern Missouri alouo; the lines-oj the Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route at $7.50 to $15.00 an acre which when cleared and and slightly improved readily brings a cash rental of $4.00 to Sb.00 an acre. UNIVERSAL, Opportunities exisd for the Ilomcseeker and the Capi talist. There Is No Better Land in the world than the rich alluvial Delta and River bottom lands of Southeast Missouri, Kastern Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Honey in Land Beats Honey In Bank Kspeciallv land that is rapid ly increasing in value. Write for Maps, descriptive Litera ture, etc., etc. llomeseekers Tickets sold I am now taking orders for anv of the above named goods at my factory. Poe's new build building, Lenoir. X. C Prices Right and Goods Equal to any on The Market. I will pay the expenses, to and from Lenoir, of any dealer who does not find my goods and prices satisfactory, Respectfully, HENRY DAAB. ISt. I.E and 3rd. Tuesday Every Honth. At. REHLANDER Tnv. pass. .U West Ninth Street. CH ATT A NOOC A, T 10 X X. NIGE STATIONERY. And if that is what YOU want, this is the place. We make it our business to please everybody. THE NEWS PRINTERY. COFFINS AND CASKETS. 1 am adding1 a line of nice Coffins and Caskets to my business next to the News Office. Prices Low. Respectfully. P.M. KEEVER. V. mm DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Th J 1 00 bottls contmin 2H times the trtil rite, which Mill (or tO oenf. MtrAlID ONLY AT TM1 LAMKATOIT 0 E. C. DWITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL For Sale by J. E Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Fall's Drug Company.

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