MOOR E BROS. s, f ii Our Spring ,c-v & I Uf ft 4 -fit J Line of General Merchandise Is Mou Comulele. We have the biggest Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Hats that we have ever carried. 520,000.00 stock to se lect from. OUR SPECIALTIES. StrauseBros. "High Art" Clothing. "Eclipse" and "Bay State" Shoes, Watch this space for our Special announcement. Give us a call. Our business speaks for our Prices. Respectfully, 1 ii?i-4p? Clcwhing kJESES V Ml U M o) o) o) fUl 0fr-fctl NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS As Told by Our Correspondents all Over the County. Happy Notes. Our farmers arc ready to plant corn. Rev. J'oe preached at Kocky ! Springs last Sunday. Rev.. I.. I. I j. Sherwood has re tu red from Watauga. He reports a successful revival in that coun ty. Mr. l. Kincaid died on the th at his home in this vicinity and was buried on the 8th. He leaves a wife and several children. Rev. .1. M. I'ayne did not meet his appointment at (Jreen Valley last Sunday owing to the severe illness of his mother. Rev. Dean Crisp preached for Mr. I'ayne on that occasion. One of near neighlors, Mrs. Mary Ivstes, is 92 yeai-s old and is very active and industrious for one of her age. She is a good neigh lm and an estiniible lady. The MuHical normal meets at ( 'olletteville on July 16thth instead of 15th as stated in my last letter. The officers are: R. A. Branch, chairmain and Rev. Dean Crisp, secretary . A meeting of the stock holders is called for the first Satur day in may to make arrangements lor the school. All stockholders are urged to le present. Below I give the names of some of the stockholders: R. A. Branch, Columbus Rader, W. M. Branch, M.C. Branch, K. M. Hudspeth, .1. R. Estes, E. 1. Crisp, McJ. Cook, A. E. Helton. M. V. Cook, M. .1. Bowman, II . C. (iragg, Elgin Estes and others. Mr. .1. F. Hayes and wife spent Sunday 8th at the home of Mr. Lige Estc. Crops are looking well in this! icinitv. I We are looking forward to the day an hen the roads will le kept up by taxation and trust (lie time will soon come. Success to the It i:ih-.i;. Governor Glenn is making a series of speeches in Rockingham county in favor of a 1300,000 county bond isue for good roads. Notes From Granite. ElHTOK XK.WS: Easter has come and gone, pass ed off quietly, the w riter smug no evidence of looze all da v. The farmers are very busy break ing land and preparing to plant corn. From what I can learn there will le a good portion of the corn planted in this section this week. Messrs. Deal and Blair, who are running a saw mill for Blair and Williams, finished a yard Friday for Mr. T. C. Williams scale meas ure of ninety seven thousand feet of tine pinelumler. and then moved their mill to cut a yard for Messrs. Deal and McRary. The writer has somewhat of a cu riosity in the shape of an apple tree. It is twenty one inches high and one half an inch in diameter at the ground and is in lull bloom. Who can leat this for an apple KAKM KH. Tli is is the season of listlessneBS, headaches and spring disorders. Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure prevenative. Makes you strong and vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. At Dr. Kents Drug Store. Report of the N C. Corpora tion Commission to the Con-' dition of The Bank of Lenoir, LENOIR, N. C At close of Business April 6th 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, 15i,4U0.00 Overdrafts. 378.25 N. C. Bonds and premium, 4,770.00 Fur. and Fixturers, 3.015.00 CASH In vault, 14,f,75 54. In other Banks, 34,722.03 49,31)8.17 Total, 216,9I1.42 LIABILITIES. Capital stock, Surplus & und. profits, Deposits sub ject to check 155.908.00 Time cer'teB, 27,51.80 DuetoBauks, 2,118.46 Reserved for interest on certificates. Total, 10,000.00 20,58.10 185,603.20 500.00 1216,961.42 Elkville and Blackstone Notes. We are having some fine weather now. Miss Clara Greer, of this place, spent last Monday night with her brother, Mr. Arthur Greer. Mr. Cleave Lunsford, who has leen confined with iuflamitory rheumitism, we are glad to say is improving some. Mr. J. H. Islll spent last Sat urday night with his cousin Mr. L. L. Horton, of this place. Mrs. D. R. S. Frazier gave an entertainment for the young peo ple of this neighlxu'hood last Thurs day night- The report was very fine. Mr. and Mrs. Woodville Horton spent last Sunday at Mrs. Steel Fraziers. 1 Miss Jewel Lunsford, of Love ' lace, is visiting her brother. Mr. 1 K . R. Lunsford of this place; I Sandy. April 18. j -- - i A woman has brought Hint against an Asheville hotel for dam ages to the amount of $10,000 on account of injuries received by fall ing on .the polished dining-room floor. I, J. H. Beall. Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and be lief. J. H. BEALL, Cashier. Attest-G. W. F. Harper. North Carolina, Caldwell County. Subscribed and sworn to before ine this 14th day of April 1905. W. A. shkll, .Notary ruonc. 2 Gar Loads Engins and San hllills. Don't buy until you see my Goods and get prices. 1 Car Load Celebrated Spach genuine INorth Carolina Hand Made Wagons, Just in. Respectfully, W. J. PALMER. Carolina & North-Western Ry. Co. AND Caldwell & Northern Railroad Co. TIME TABLE. Excursion Houth Bound. North Bound. The body of young J. M. Sher man, a grocer of Wilmington, who mysteriously disappeared from his place of business Friday, th, was found Thursday lry the side of a creek seven miles alxrve Wilming ton, on the Atlantic & Yadkin Valley Railroad, by two fishermen who were attracted to the Hcene by odors arising from the dead liody. Believed to be a case of suicide. No 57 No 61 No C3 No 9 No 7 No 8 No 10 No 82 No CO No 50 Edgemont 12.00 Mortimer 11.05 1.00 Collettivllle 11.05 6.00 2.40 3.05 5.15 Lenoir 9.05 2.12 9.00 2.30 6.20 3.45 3.33 5.29 Hudson -.4t 1.64 7.45 1.45 7.10 4.05 8.33 5.23 Granite Falls 8.89 l.s2 7.00 1.00 8.80 5.40 3.57 6.00 Hickory 7.58 U.57 6.00 8.00 11.60 5.40 3.28 6.25 Newton 7.28 12.21 1.00 9.00 4.58 6.58 Lincolnton U.65 11.40 10.45 1.80 6.00 8.30 GMtonia 8,60 10.38 7.50 3.05 6.50 8.10 YorkTille 6'10 9.48 5.67 5.10 7.40 1.50 Cheater 3.80 8.50 4.80 CONNECTIONS. LAND ENTRY No 6218. State of North Carolina, I Caldwell county. ) W. J. Crisp, a citizen of said state, enters, locates and claims three hun dred acres of land in said State and County on the waters of Mulberry creek and ad joining the lands of Joe Estes, O. A. Abernathy and others Beginning at aihickory in the side of the branch of Anderson Mill creek corner of the Dickson and Glass land and running East to the line of the Yadkin River land association, then South 820 poles to a stake; then west 160 poles to a stake, then North to the N. E. corner of Joe Estes 100 acre tract; then with the line of the Wil son Lumber and Milling Co. and Dlcksons lines to the beginning. Entered at 1 P. M. March 15th, 1800. W. J. Cripp. A true copy, J. L, Miller, entry taker. Chester Southern Railway, Seaboard Air Line and L. & C. Yorkville Southern Railway. Gastonia Sonthern Railway. Lincolnton Seaboard Air Line. Newton Southern Railway. Hickory Southern Railway. E. F. REID, Gen. Pass. Agt. CHESTER, South Carolina. DO YOU LIKE TO PAINT OFTEN? The lest wav to avoid frequent painting is to use HARBISON'S "TOWN & COUN TRY" PAINT. When you put it on your house, you can le sure of good servicce. Bernhardt-Seagle Hdw. & Fur. Co. Subscribe for The Weekly News. RATES TO- C A LIFORNIA ACCOUNT Imperial Council, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine MAY 7th to 10th, 1006. Tickets will be sold April 24th, Inclusive with a limit of July 31st. The Rate from Lenoir to Los Angles i$75.50. Propor tionate Rates from other points. The Route is yia St. Louis and the "Scenic Line of the World" viz: Missouri Pacific and Denver and Rio Grande Railways through Colorado and Salt Lake City. This rate is open for the public. Write for illustrated litera ture and maps. Low Rates will also be made to Denver in July account of meeting of the B. P. O. E., The National Educational As sociation meeting- in San Fran cisco, July ')th-13th and the National Baptist Convention. Los Angeles, Cal., September 12th-19th. I. E. REH LANDER, Trav. Pass. Agt., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. BO YIAItV r 1 2 I i r-fAJ 'ttt1' COPVRMMTS Aft. . Anran wndlni tkoh ul nrjMfm mJ alaklr ofUln our opinion frM vhathar M lBTnUna lrotb!r rUnth!. ( tkOM ttrtotiy eonMtnUal ill trmm ifMflat ammua PalnU Ukaa ttirof Mann m W. rotr idna (robablf pUfitblfc ftHnm,l ttrtotiy eonadtnUal. HAHiiRI PUoH frM. Old irmf for ourinftoUnU, IfteiM ooMw, without W-f, la tail sci:ntuic jicmcan. A ttndlonMlr tltaftnta weakly. niuwn ok anr rniDUHu wra T r Mr. Tarnia, U a ,L cMkysllBcwadawara. :0iirT.NewTcrl( ltOB.O,U 'w i f onr mon Btmmb Otto. M rltsWst-iactoB.I, KILLthe COUCH id CURE the LUNC8 ""Br. King's, Nov Discovery FOB (J rONSUMPTION OUCHtanf 0LDI 80t ft.OO FrM Trtat. Sart and UulckMt Car for all TBSOAT and UJNO XR0T7B LSS, or XONZT BACE. i 1) 1 " v