Free After .Many Years. 'Thank God I'm horce aginl" said 'William Kelly, octogenarian, who on the thirty-fifth anniversary of the date of hi imprisonment walked out of Siog Sing a free man and hastened, with his wid owed daughter, Mrs. John i'on nell,to her little cottage, 113 Wash ington street, Jamaica, N. Y. He was sitting while he spoke in the small parlor, gazing oat across the street at the churchyard of St. Monica, in which his wife was laid to rest ten years ago. 'She is lying over there," he said, poiutiug toward the grave yard. ''Wouldn't she le glad to lie here now to welcome me back!" Then while a hardness crept in to his voice and a shadow crossed his face he exclaimed, "Well, the judge that tried me and every one of the jruymen are rotten in their graves!" He laughed a triumphant laugh andchuckledand put his arms around his two little gramlsons and kissed them. Kelly was convicted of the mur der of Garret W. Xostrand in a roadhouse row at Syossct in 1S71 and sentenced to imprisonment for life. John Devine was given a like sentence for the killing: of N'ostmnd and is still serving it out in Dannemora. "1 knew nothing of the killing," Kelly said after his release, "hut the administration of the law in those days was queer. ' I always felt," he continued, "that I'd live to liea free man, hut how things have changed. I didn't know anything or where I was until I saw St. Monica's church up the street. It was built fifty years ago, and I used to go to mass in it. When I saw it I knew then where 1 was and that I was free at last." SI B WAY I.IKK A PRISON. Kelly then sat silent for a few moments, patting his orphan grandson on the head, and then, as if talking to himself, he said: ''I don't like the subway. It's white and gray and like the prison and makes you think of the cells. There's a prison smell in it. I'll walk the next time," he went on after a pause. 'I didn't like Clinton prison. I was there ten years, but Sing Sing was 1 tetter. They were all good to me there, but I was very lonely. The only offset to the lonesome ness was sleep. If you could sleep you were all right; if you couldn't you weren't. Sunday wastheltest day lteeause you could lie in your cell all day and sleep and forget it all. All the poor fellows long for sleep to sleep away the time until they're free. You don't want rest; you want, 10 iorget mat you're a prisoner. i -i i j i i i -i "ii s a nam lot u itc lockca up within four walls, and it took me twenty-live years to get used to it. 1 might have got ased to it sooner, maybe, if 1 was not innocent, but ten years ago I said, 'If it's the will of the Lord that I'm to end my days here, then let his holy will be done.' I was contented ever since, and when they told me I was pardoned it came as a sur prise to me. AMAZED AT8KY80KAPKRH. "1 was bewildered when I left the prison, and I don't know what I'd have doiie only for Mary here There's been wonderful changes since I left Jamaica, and, although I saw pictures of the New York skyscrapers, I could hardly believe my eyes when I looked at them 4- JM & 1 . wxiay. Aim now i m loia eiec tricity is doing everything and that they'll soon be no horses. Bu there's nothing like sittin' ttehind a line horse, even if he doesn' keep up with them things they're driving in now with machinery "Oh, to be sure, I'll smoke.' : .1 1L i .i . . . saiu me oiu man as a cigar was handed to him. Wa:er Tips Cior? ed Whh Fish. New York. Dispatch, Zri. Manhattan avenue, in this vicia ity of One Hundred and Eighteenth strret, at 10 o'clock thismormng resembled a fish market after an explosion. Street, side walks and door steps were covered with fish of nearly every variety, excepting sharks and whales. There were bass, trout, perch, eels, minnows and other species on down the fish liive to tadpole. Housewives, men and children thronged the thoroughfare and gathered the fish into pails, buck ets and paper liagj for use at the family dinner table. All the fish and there were thousands of them spurted out of the hydrants in the vicinity when the latter were opened this morn ing by employes of the lepart meitt of Water supply, in an effort to learn the cause of the impure water of which that section has recently complained. Investiga tion shows that many of the water pipes were clogged with hsh. some dead and some alive. How to Break Up a Cold It may be a surprise to wauy to LintxIiiton Journal, This (Thursday) afternoon, Jake, aged S, and Lewis, aged 5, sons of Mr. EJ. Crowell, received burns from which it is hardly thought they will recover. ' Mr. Crowell lives on West Syc amore street About half past two o'clock, the two boys came running from the kitchen, their little bodies enveloped in flames. Mrs. Crowell succeeded in smothering the fire but not until the clothes were burned from the little fellows. From the Itest information obtain able, the boys were pouring oil in the stove, this igniting, pausng the can to explode, covering them with burning oil. Dr. L. A. Crowell was the first physician to reach the scene, and- every effort is lieing made to pre serve the lives of the unfortunate little boys, but very little hope is entertaiued for their recovery. Their whole liodies were burned, the skiu falling off upon theslight est touch. ' It is a pitiful sight to see these lit tie Itoys lying on the bed in their agony. The parents have the deepest learn that a severe cold cau be com-1 sympathy of the whole town and pletely broken up in one or two day's time. The first symptoms of a cold are a dry. loud cough, a profuse wa tery discharge from the nose, and a thin, white coating on the tongue. When Chamberlain. s cough remedy is taken every hour ou the first ap learance of these syntptoiui, it coun teracts the effect of the cold and re stores the system to a healthy condi tion within a day or two. For sale by J. K. Shell. Dr. Kent's Drug Store and Urauite Falls' Drug Co. Pumping Out Wine Cellars. The California Wine association reeentlv sent to Stockton a liarge oad of wine saved from its cellars on Fourth and Bran nan streets, in San Francisco, which will lie dis tilled into brandy. The wine was pumped from the cellar of the burned storage place into the liarge, which holds 250,000 gallons, and was towed to Stockton by a steain- Itoat. Then it was pumped into tank earsand conveyed to the El Mnal winery. A tire brigade is now being used to pump out the wine in the San Francisco cellar and it is inn through 2,000 feet of pipe to the foot of Third street, where it Is oaded into tanks. About one and a half million gallons of wine will tc saved in this manner. Long Tenneswe Fight ... For 20 year W. L. Rawls, of Bells Tenu., fought nasal catarrh. II says: "The swelling and soreness in Bide tny nose was fearful, till I began applying Bneklen's Arnica Salve to the tore surface; this caused the sore ness and swelling to disappear, never to return," Best salve In existence 2fto at J. E, Shell, Druggist. all hope for the recovery of the lit tle fellows. Later As we go to press we learn that Jake, the oldest, died ami the other is not expected to live. Dicycbs! ; Bicycles! I have ust received a shipment of new high-grade Bicycle which I am selling cheap. Also several second hand machines ai very low figure. , Respectfully, P. At. KEEVER. P.K.ANDERSON LEADINQ BARBER. - Commercial Hotel Building, Le noir. N. C. You can get your suits cleaned, pressed and repaired. 'Phone 67. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf, ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever; 9 cases out of 10 are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars free. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Going all Rij ht. As I rode up to the shanty of a Nebraska pinoneer and helloed to bring someone to the door, the man came from around the corner of the house with a shotgun in his hands. I asked for a drink of water and got it, and then asked: "Folks gone away or sick!" "No." "Expect trouble, that you have that gun handy!'' "May be trouble but, but I seas y think so." "Aren't you putting in any new crops this year!" "Not yet." I took another look around and then started to ride away, but he halted me and said: "oiranger, tnmgs may look a little blue to you around here, but they are going all right. The old woman has gone to town to sue a feller who sold her a snide sewing machine; my son Joe has gone with her to sue a widder woman who promised to marry him and then th rowed him down; my daughter Mary has gone with ma and Joe to sue a feller for breach of promise, and I'm stayin' home to pop the sheriff if he comes along to fore close a mortgage on the farm. We are all right, and old Nebraska is all right, and the only thing I'm kicking about is that Ave are too goldurned happy as a family!" New Cure for Epilepsy J. B. Waterman, of Watertown. 0., Rural free deliverer says, " My daugh ter, afflicted for years with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New- Life Pills. She has not had an attack for over 2 years." Best body cleanser! and life giving tonic pills on earth. 15c at J. E. Shell's drug store. MAIN Where will you and the maid, (Madam) and the Kiddies spend the summer! Why not take a flyer (Our Fly er) to the finest Summer Country in the world! Cool, Bracing and Invigorating Colorado. It only takes a day. Leave St. Louis on the Missouri Pacific at 9:00 a. m. The next morning ear ly you are in Colorado. Living is cheap. Write for de scriptive pamphlet list of Board ing Houses, etc. UOW RAtBS. To Denver, July 9th to 14th, ac count of meeting B. P. O. Elks. To San Francisco, July 24th to July 6th. To Colorado and Salt Lake City all summer. I. . Kehlandeb, T. Pas. Agt. Chattanooga, Tenn Did you know that true love makes a man so reckless that he doesn't care who knows of his happiness. " 11 ' 111 " 1 There Is no need worrying along in discomfort because of a disordered digestion. Get a bottle lot Kodol for Dyspepsia, and see what It will do for you. Kodol not Only digests what you eat and gives that tired stomach a needed rest, but Is a corrective of the greatest efficiency. Kodol rellevs indigestion, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, flatulence,' and sour atom ach . Kodol will make your stomach young and healthy again. You wll worry Just in the proportion that your stomach worries you. Worry means the loss of ability to dor your Worry is to be avoided at all times, Kodol will take the worry,:' out of your stomach. Sold by J. E, Shel Dr. Kent and Granite Falls prug Co, Ucdcl Dyspepsia Csra cigottt what you eat J. H. COFFEY Wagon Co. We now in stock a big lot of Honest Home made One-Horse Wa gons finished in extra style. Just finishing a lot of twenty-five Buggies. Prices right. Call and inspect our stock before buying. All Work Guaranteed. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite CURBS Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. ThU remedy it f amoo for 1U carat otbt large part of the etTtllied world. It ean always be depended opoc. It contain do opium or other harmful drag and max be fuen aa confidently to a babj as to an adult Price 25 cts; Large Size, 60 cts. LAND ENTRY No 6218. State of North Carolina, ) Caldwell county. ) W. J. Crisp, a citizen of said state, enters, locates and claims three bun dred acres of land in said State and County on the waters of Mulberry creek and adjoining the lands of Joe Estes, C. A. Abernathy and others. Beginning at afnickory in the side of the branch of Anderson Mill creek corner of the Dickson and Glass land and running East to the line of the Tadktn River land association, then V - .5 J J liiiirj You are going to buy a Spring Suit and of course you want one of these fashionable cuts. The kind that is just like it was made for you. We" have them and everyone is guaranteed in fit and work- menship. Come and take a look, it costs nothing, . .and b a pleasure to us. Straw Hats and Panamas to Fit all Heads. Our Spring Oxfords for Men, Women and Chil dren are the best that money can buy. We have them in all the newest shaps, leathers and colors. H. T. Newland. "Everything to Eat and Wear." Perfect Fitting Glasses 1, 5 relieves eye strain, head aches, nervous prostra tion and other ills of lody and mind.. We have every facility for testing and fitting. We make No Charge for Examination. If, after you are convinced you need Glasses and wish to purchase, we will guarantee to fit you properly for all de fects of vision at moderate cost, etc. nTTI A The Jeweler and Optician. WLIi Lenoir, North Carolina. Office Phone 106, Houee Phone 78. 3 HAVE YOU SEEN SPAIHIIOUR'S FURNITURE Xf not, "before Beds Call and. oee It "bVLTne:. Iron OtOa R. H, Respectfully, ainhour. south82opoiestoa.take; thenwest Carolina & North-Westcrn Rv, Co. 160 poles to a stake, then North to ' . the N. . corner of Joe Estes 100 acre tract; then with the line of the Wil son Lumber and Milling Co. and Dicksons lines to the beginning. Entered at 1 P. M. March 15th, 1906. W. J. Crisp. A true copy, J. L. Miller, entry taker. -AND- Caldvyell & Northern Railroad Co. TIME TABLE, South Bound. North Bound. Ice! Ice!! your orders, will give same prompt attention. G. L. Hamby. No 57 No 61 No 68 No f No 7 No 8 No 10 No 69 No 60 No 50 Edgemont . , 18.00 Mortimer 11.05 . 1.00 Collettsville 11.05 ' " 6.00 8.40 8.05 5.15 Lenoir' 9.05 2.13 9.00 '2.80 6.20 8.45 8.83 5.29 Hudson 8.49 1.54 7.45. 7.10 4.05 8.88 5.28 Granite Falls 8.89 l.s2 7.00 1.00 8.80 5.40 8.57 6.00 Hickory 7.58 12.57 6.00 8.00 . 11.B0 5.40 8.28 6.25 Newton 7.28 12.28 1.00 ' 9.00 4.58 6.58 Llncolnton 6.65 11.40 10.45 - 1.80 6.00 8.80 Gastonia 5.50 10.88 7.60 ' 8.05 6.50 9.10 Yorkvllle 5'10 9.48 5.57 . 5.10 7.40 9.50 Chester 8.80 8.50 4.80 Yon cannot Induce a lower animal to eat heartily when not felling well. A sick dog starves himself, and gets well;" The stomach once overworked must hare rest the same as your feet and eyes. You don't have to starve to rest your stomach. Kodol for Dyspepsia takes up , the work for your stomach, digests what you eat and gives it a rest. Puts it back in condition again. . You can't feel good with a disordered stomach Try Kodol. Bold by J. E. Shell,' Dr. ! Ken and Granite Falls Drug Co. 1 ' CONNECTIONS. - ' Chester Southern Railway, Seaboard Air Line and L. & C. Yorkvllle Southern Railway. , Gastonia Southern Railway. Llncolnton Seaboard Air Line. ' v '! Newton Southern Railway. Hickory Southern Railway. E. F. REID, Gen. Pass. Agt. CHESTER, South Carolin Subscribe for The News. tr I A I r '

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