4 1 ; - A". ' ; ' J VVW " , " SIMPLE rv; XJ 4 - ; 1 - VH , , TV 4 w i-rif -.- - . JWnV-- ';f I . V. ' ' - - - -v - - . . - - - - -T-V r , VOL. 3. Na? ii. MORAVIAN FALLS. N.C DECEMBER, 191? 15 Cents Per YKiJi. Trai Cornsi i4o SOME GOOD TOOLS FOR LADS. ,':r v ' - Some of nnr literary quill jerkere have wicked some wbappin ftig essays on the subject of good raisin' A great 'many of them have done bully, but there's oodlins,6 say yet without spoiling it Bvery few days there's children bein raised somewhere or other, and to know just how to do it is considered a gwt art . About the best article to have layinVaround loose for children to mess with, is a chunk of old-fashionr ed honesty the kind that wonts sour over night;' The LaWaecUrt honesWTS & -cet &m ievetl)cttm Mtweenthe L -it VTt--jj.!! needs and it It took two winters, a multitude Of gum hickor ies and fortitude enough to lick ,a whole army of .Turks before I fully mastered that word, and eith er; Noah Webster or t one, are sorter spraddled yet bout the right wayto spell it. . Then there's another tool that is bully for a youngster to hacve in hewin his way thru the early years of his adversity, and that is the art of bein ' at home of nights when the bedtime whistle blows. I learned it when I was a lad. , That art was as familliar to me as corn-bread and sow bosom for breakfast. I knew it by heart. It was the eleventh commandment in my cate cism. '. ! ' . . Pad taught it to the whole push of us while we were brats, and if one of us were a little slow a bout learnin.' itwe were invited out to the wood- shed, aiyd there the arfwas explained to us so that we got told of the. idea forever and amen. Now-days, by the time dtnkey little dude is old enough to kick off histrianglar bird's eye swkd dlings.he's out aiid gone kt night-fall wandering far away, with only the" Lord andi himself on to the-racket; 1 " ' demand for another four years. Probably the earth will continue to grind around on its azletree while our political doctors dally with the dudes and continue (0 serve for liire pander to trusts and corporations for stray penniesr4md that's no lie, but it's strong language tat will nd echo in the heart of this mighty ation.. ,f? " Official extravagance' will continu, thea vultare of prey will fly on with wings uncropped, graft will flourish as a bay-tree and the loud-smelling old stable of corruption remain undeansedt ' i We onlv continue to view the dancrer-lin which is drawn Ulween1 IheuiuittJiitthii 5 WE'RE DONE G6NE FOR. A-WHILE. Ding-dong; ding, dongj toot, toot, toot, and The Lash has fcteamed out from the political depots Good-by-wkdhtersI leave vour glimmer mir thhkb lur wiiiie ;. . - . I shall retire froi politics and let the wounded ajtmospher heal from tile foul stroke of the lpud V mouth Uatctera and hair-brained bubblejocks. , ' Dur ti-i cSdals will t-ain flatter Mammonior Vtheiribddzr end slobber over everything the plutes man wuo nas millions in excess of jus needs and the man whose chief capital is a strong ann, a slice of cold corn pone and a soup bone. , Something must be done to make thes working man feel that he too, has a country and that it is in every truth "the land of the free-aid the home of the brave.'' Something to give him courage to' say to the enipying capiIy tryman,not your slave, you can nave my .labor py giving me a just proportion of its products, I ad here to these principles, and they are not for sale or rent." REJOICE DOWN IN JOUR CRAW. And high cost of hvin is now over with, all but pidkin' your teeth and takin' a pill. . ; Mr. Woodpile WUlsoon is goin' to waltz the old pirate around the. nnk and call down the jhjlgh cost of hog and hominy, and if he doesn't make it ante, we'll plant Mr. Woodpile in the Taft patch next time we get a whack at his wish-bone and let the political ghosts dance on his official monument. We believe Democracy can bring it down, like hog hides skootint'down.a greased pole, because it holds the original patent on cheap soup ; A It is the only party known or unknown that can build enough soup with one old'Shanghi rooster to float a war shipl, ' V-''-'-.' v ' r gosk it done iVhank you. : v ; . ,' Besides thejr,gave Us free soup when democracy bossed thegnibWunter under Grover. -J ' ; ' Then say they can't nuJke livin' cheaper? v-.r 1 . . i With a lair chaneeI beliey tbif..-aiat.-could mane' a black-snake strtdde a log, or even eanse boneU'gtoWitt baMtlki Swat 'it1 over , the .Wd ;Uncle 'Wf&k&gl knock it down and sit on it, makehigh cost o' grub beg for mercy. I've run my thinner over the aituatibn goin and ' coming, and I've concluded that there is about as much glory in founderin' on free soup as there is ( . m'starving to death on- footv Tlkke :70m .choice. One is as bad as the other and a blamed sight worse. " .' -f , , We know what it is to eat dried apples for break fast, drink water for dinner, and swell up for supper. And when you propose to lower the price we have to pay for rations to keep Sallie 'and ' the babies alive, you have poked your voice'in at Jhe , window of our soul and sung a song that sounds sweeter'nthfi the golden harps of airyXand. We know vwhat it means to borsow seepnd-hand biscuits and not be able to pay them 'back in a . week, ' , V .We have heard the hoarse howl of the wolf at our cabin door more times than one. - 0 - We have struggled with every degree of poverty r and feel proud of it, but don't understand me to 6ayllove U. . r 7-. K And when we survey the prime cause of most - of these conditions coupled with .the woeful ; waste and excessive extravagance of those we suffer to sit upon the official throne, it demands our notice. Into the world there's talent born. . But without means' to bacK it: Millions of true and honest hearts Beat neath a ragged jacset. CD1 o' on ma walkhj'0 .Somebody said once 'that the good die young ; somebody else said the younger the better. I recon nbttiobe born at iali would be a sure dead thing. . m mim" ' " ''rThe Wilsonites tell ns they are raisin cotton all ready instead of raising C. ; Now we are not hiving an measly fits about(cotton goin' any high er; our shirt tail lws!$eena 'ia , wearin' sinkers onfit to keep it In our breeches. Hiai., we hate'to make yced.:li maulin' away on Vour dear political party, . Wt wben we catch a cuss stealing the gDaleti make . a practice of Img him square between tae horns, Mr. Taft sent the republican party up Silt lUvex 1 . w its tail frbz ;-;-'-.t v , : hi the mud. - Tea - 1 i..v: '. 1 1 :