:iM f vA;; v'Z5iw yL &, Mim EA Y " " ;" V ' ,lfe , , . ,y , -; v.vy y; MORAVIAN FALLS, Nt JAPAy 103- - 3 CENTS PSR Yyt ,Wtpr Cowga 00 n ' , J " gallop off the ter.wayir VI ' ' W I and whistle ''coagttbmlQmiistard" .011 ome v oyer again; next time tke murderer axmykXcdi V . other lively tune, and jw&i&we got one be tgtd , man&Uttghter and giVen'y 1 I A flirt is a tonsrh thine to ovethavl unless ! tae - ' ! 1 a4Il(tlylawlli.twl.' ' 1 t ji ; t -1 a. (, . ta ; 4. . ; i 7 - -v- Jfc i? A flirt is a tonsrh thine to ovethavl unless right dog gets after them anyway," bnt if yon do make a hawl she often tm nef impudepce politeness and het pinnWWf into mppfil. Old bachelora are lik? died apjplesey need a, lot of soaking before $hejll do,o nseV . Kv V I've heard the dried-nt bone-baskets boast about J r 9 - i 'Jm " - meir ireeaom. inaenenaence ere. . wuen mcy . ' simply old dead beats past'resumfoV for e. body knows there isn't a t more aniious gang pf uupes on carta uaan uacy are. ,u tncir arei are abput boarding-schobTMisSes and girls istx toe ?3 often minutes in a' rope haltov . So "in lew months another cold-blooded murder occurs tmdir like' conditions, and tlie1 people remember; tie sham proceedings of the court and bike' the; law into their own hands. ' And the mistake thtyf make is hanging the a$sasan instead of, the lawyers who use thdr. skffl in protecting crifninals and taxcapx It is as impossible now days to predict from law ' and evidence what verdict a lury will render, as WUCtfS:, MgWUUI4g Will SUICCJICU, W WUM KrlUHWf j pat republican wouldn't do to get elected: "ct about the" only thing to predict for a certainty is, ; beads, cirluvatebumons to please' the women and . 'Why not elect our Jurors and pay herj tLs . Anlv yf 1.nV,t at ttiif nolno '". " ' ' - SflWf All W An art incr? Tf AaW frticf'. an old disgusting,, clammy-hearted he-thing v gates fomakd our laws, why nr the dickens eim- ; v 1 hasn't anythinpr farhis nature bnt canity; then he we trust delegates to enfocoe them? ,By so doing 4' is pretty apt to ipakeM-tachelor.-; f" r 1 -- we'cotOd secure the service of men- cnmr;taaff vs , j -s j?ow, oia pegs wuavare you gwn ok -uo aooui j, it? Going to continue fto be a set- of ,ngcagin, - zeros that ought to be ear by r a flock f leather ' winged bats and, puked intftje middle of the salt 4 seas - f , - ' 'H ; '- 1 ' I" 7 The old bachelor represents about as much .value to human happiness as thretf eents worth vpf -;itch 5. medicine and as useless as"a shirt-button with out ' . any button-hole. He goes thrn'life dragguAg out l . his own tracks and dies like cologne water spilt on ' a dirty apron.; , 1 - - BacHeioritius is an awful disease to Have, and I don't know but one sure cure for it, and that is a wife and eighteen or twenty babies. Try a treatment old blond, 'mustache, no; cure, A ft avcram- work. With 4 bench of trabae Judges, the - Iitae?; t'k " un-nora awyers wixn orains wonn aoc, .a.i cenisA-'- a pound for soap grease, would cut out their tlfrr ' uuux xuuic aungs wjucu jmpcoe our juuiciai pro s e;. , ;v gress and tax our people with long term courts. . 34, 'rv'V, Let us put men in the jury boxV who at leastr - Know a sow-pig from a hand-ewmea wto freely : . f i I . 4 I i .- .j i 7M-T-4F- ' . tf.vM.t'- G". dear old farmers, I must go; I'll stop ' . no pay. f ' "1 : .aud seyou nexf month. , . , - . v ,r " A - - , , AiA CONFOUNDED OLD UfACUELOR. - to: r3;fh;n a ;j.v; &Vf say, w yo ( iViertpmtandapMrofworeoutbreecheflIdon't f " :v?fare.hoW Wncn bet it aint so, liut ome ci mem nave a gooa, excuse ior uaeir neuierness. t v accent the service, instead ox those wtoare scared : ? ' into niccbughs and try to manufacture lorry v ex-... V'i fcusse to shirk the'task.f rr U4 IE ART THOU? ever thought what a . ridiculous farce pur courts have become. Poypu.pver take a close smell of pur, present" Come of theni are too 'dadgummea stingy to inarry ; Nf (fljft itin'sy aint fit to nave a,n!onaan;;i? ' .hym'.aido had.ttore 'A J ? t faeTeatthaabad since, puttln system pf pretended justice? y f Has not, the jury syfttem tunkeq wo f allure? - Dp you npt Know that it is more dangerous f qjf a V begger to steal a peck of .meaj tban' it ja for plut- , ocrat to kill 'fc nian? , -,, A -'Z " , ( Tn p csjierf he w has ap Ipro hole in . it, twelve honest men, knowing the facts and ,ac auaintlith. the parties may be expected to re.naer a;Ti;nepus veraici;tpuV wp can, we .ex- ma4 a D nAttitn 4nnr nrattiMia turn. aImkm i ! j a ;v k lit,, t fl;:iw th tniddu r . a t. v3vedfaDdaiiTthe ' -t 'i ecrtnltV-t a Cirt-to hard to ketcb,' aad jt .andthebiglveriainakirjeverdrst?; . ; r v. ..Nii: 'jwtte C:at c1- ia fetry ana'chocplate cakdy hanged or, put the penitentiary f-: -J;, tH - 'f r sorptte dy ;trd triuie them out cf tieiriiapi"4;' C'ten jurS agrees to' 44&5?t3 t-;ly because ; : s ; -t ,tt? Crrt sccp. VC I" 'r - n V;' f; v -.the isiseratle bicci-icafisd ticrs cann'trU 'tT- V'Theay tokcthvaPrt 'to?gtt