1 ' 1 f G . He , j Y Wnr;"1 , Y s Y - y-c f v vfcfh-f 'V J -' v Y 1 'f'iv' MORAVIAN PAW tvMArCn, l9tjJ ri ' h'cvmJXfisJinJlOxzxt V $XXTf ed front JUng George i -jV-JcnM"' 'WorJre8it:oifle' indfiMlfag hot, to the arch Angela' of Peace and yirtne iN'nngle plow the,' land beepfxk maMvie Jt eai'theo W'AVv'? ' J' y:r?y tofrt ihepitA crinkle some oetsall over tbe ground, one fay,. ;W ; ''V',,' T v P'h7ail5!l?ar?8P?i: SSJA'VJ1?" 'Jr NowIajriJWjvocateofyUJwJ, setnpnighu tokeep thechickeiiid - 1"- - like men and show "the people of tbla nation that lot, altho the states that have done ao,phow moat of theni, then pray for ome rain 'then reap hook Vlif?Aijh ' ',' . , woinenonld be protected in the pi City Kbf reform statutes. Bntl do favor their, jotection, 'em then bind them up with a band, dendack ; .y -t 'V, , :?;:;.,'kv;.;r.:;i!AV;itii? tn marrtilf''' in -knits onrl in T iai 1knv etriinV fm1 ih ttitti f itoVv tiMet fhMin Kfl.n-'-i-isrM .t Kiw&Viti:' . L of the ,white-Uered hemons -and" monkey-faced ' acts of those featherless, hebnzmda at, .Washing- th en clean thtm no with a fan m31t then sharpen v 1, ';','..")" beuta'AK'Ji's , ,. ''nf's ton, whose mother ofconrse,vere t women, it both ends of ibcninHb i knife then store he.oVf JvfV,' up to ' in tne granery, then spend ?fet days fuA Snildaya ; kettle ( rapping ifor rats and mice. -.AMX'fk .v k ' The chief of police must be a bnaard-hatcbed ma'kesmewant to roll an elephant1 cannon , v ; , ' s , paltroon; and hia force a band of ,bnrnt ont demi. his front teeth and discbarge a fifty-gallon j , k : 1 1 'A johxisittnable; totop a rooster ' fight, . or the of rthotsoap-grease right inis faceU . . . : - ' Let the Rubicon of political differences forever 'iur Ttrrtmat they 48 o Mi 3 -y.tw. 1 , One way to raise a crop of oats and get a good price for the crop is is to feed four quarto of them to Tslj ' irch the third. toll between men and parties; let woaaa be- gwen an old domernecker rooster and murder the n ' (, ; : ;7 in this Republic of the ballot, or let her be refused;,! shall, advocate . rooster and sell him for 25 cents a rxund, crop and """' A 1 ; degenerates Heaven-denied , her protection. She who is first at the cradle d.' all , ' r - ' (. nd sp,t npowomen because last at the grave. And I know I voice tbe, sentiment,; - . IT,'. ?r4hWW 'of the manhood and onnhoodf ;atfon. , ; nnnnmrii) ; litTf 'y'V V are nation of degenerate cravens, and need some And not tUl the-bright and morning star: comes l i T i FPPff? t Jiaw ?n ywo ag co down out of the heavens and blends it glory with V' ? iurdicewhicli floats from ;jtbe pinacle ofourcoun- a nlggers eighieen-inciimotfth," wDl t,smxendcr i , " vV" tfy.andtrumbaekttie waveof savagery and out- . , tty respect for women', fairrWoinens , fc ! ty , ' J rage, threatening the land; Y, " J V i? ') '! i -CCv'i ;Weannot afford"'' to lose our reverence for DEAlt OLD FARB1ER, SOllU IlORE. tSS? !f woiaL;;she;was ieW and beW gift & i ' TH UV V CYi V-4l 'GodAthechoicehandiworK of, all IJii lendid ' Vttftid Farm 1 A) -'-' ! C; rttrifc Xet yulr tongues lash, thek futyipoa V; ("f Vf ' V How's your pulse bealnVfarming 4. ' - T e'vf ' Y'other things! Onr pride, our glory, our strength, v since l emptied out to you oodlins' of4 information , V. lW, ;r.-v istte womanhood of America. irV'v tn?nthR ' ' '?3tT? -f; ; Ktr vYndfeWbxtteTer advised ' woman suffrage,, , How dots agriculture and.al itslfdlkscorne on? '"V f Iv.we ddcondemn the brutal devils 'who ntade the-tv "IJeneve Agriculture was first, discovered by -?1rfV4l f y Americtomahhood should be. ai ready . ( sf4 umpkinspwe all tlieir success, to; aguj V V fi " 'to show'the whiu'featheV of cowardice and irrev- J andaodoes onions and blade.fodder;t 3:;t 'jr V J. ' rK t ; enihte as thoce Washington policemen?' - : v r;Pumpkmpie was iscoveud aometimeafter the yWs' V; : It must bf ia the mad race for gold, alwayai on , . Mayflowerammed ite nose sandy . short . iX'h-? Vp there, that those WashingtonianV are'staSpped. of 'America and ,tbat conglomeration1 of-,baked ; e , ,of evcrytairs but the , desire" of dollar-mawng. f Jiotigii ana Duea pumpm. -was rewgn as.jne f Sit' 'cWtr rch fcit street without beings spat upop Sometime siipce I was a boy, the last time, this J for expressing their views, rJ f pie was lost v Large sums iiave Dsen , cuerea . tor Well, Mr. Rich Man, excuse me, hut yon make . ,V ' ; blamed big show with yonr pomp and splendor, J -v , . ndso does a balloon- uolhin in eitherone. Y vV Y, vj"- Yonhaventanyreaiiweaith, v V, ,v Y)H'rVf ' GoId, Hlvend riches are but frW'of the Dead ' ' ' y - y5-' ; ' tyP1:1' 1 sea. imen men wimoni a ooiiar in me worm in ' ys:: & wMltniM- than rtimmn s . " ' -K- . The simple crust; Sweet Home'Ywho has health and strength f and'v V'Y 'rfri''' can look the whole worm annar in-, rtw fa, Sa ' J - hservice and vin show?, ,. Y Y',V Y in It can t tuy health or happmesa. v Hv .,, Y;r . ItcanHntbraWoh It can't bring back the loved and Iost.V . ' f 'J?1, It has no purchasing power at e? !Throne , f f .W, TOciiod wiU. " lu rtcDverj-.by th. govmioracf t-.-mal tatr, tat A wotata in rag.,-; ea.g conTr" ,,'.. Y2'tvitrefuc"s to come back. 5 V, " wijr v . , v Soae poor fmitotlona of the blesred eld original ".r,.,M? J eiaier v; - ,k are' lr-g abound bul pVmpkb I it.'W . andard 03 can brfng to Xf . t trampled and JIZ I w y?fifT ? A r V IU ,;.:'r. , w, 1? - -x -J a)0 : 1 Y -r;ral-- - - nts an'd dealing infers I ' " the abundance cfthe tt-rt theon-e!Y - ' -iaity existed throcsV-;C ' 3 rr; worthfromvoto 75 f t waetsosaidoldlSoloncnY 1 itc-jrta's .w -ittose won-a; tlta-Vac totheirprice", ard r-Y to ticUe.V' hecii .zctbe rhoss-staL: i-Y-j'Ca- Us '-V rtheri-Y3,rr;i I: : . Y They' anus 0 t!is : .he of 5 the Y fia? ill r ab-rag, Y,1t, - " t 4V4 "A , v,4?&m o s-Yf-"'YMv Y- , ' YlY'' -; liY:-V 'Y,lY- YHKYrYY" ,r'f.t, y .'. .CyY;Y . yjX? ' " - 4 3f-YY:-':Y- ' ' p ' .i4 1 , . ; - tl.2 C. ; j t?s2 in rotten . . Y , ; , " C -1 : i a city cf balf a millkw inhabitante,witli 1 " - 1 l i.iC 1 cf ctrength-and respectabilityv.Y .. ...'..,...... . ... v . 7. .. . . .. , J . .... ' .. i .