H-A-J-v. 1 iiiu :li ' --I .' 1'..:.:.'. .1 ..-" -t , 1-W3v , "" .r ... 'V, ,, v..- -J ...131 w.y WV'fp y IIW.i'l III I II ) a a v - ?V- M AT M JfST - St" A .1 Js vo HE f MORAVIAN PAIXS, N C,JtJAnGi.I9i3. ' V J. 4t -.77 r-.' . j- W4' !U T: V ,s me S iK'- '"it C f i 7i tsma he( ipeftfc eonancpiig a reiigionf crap abom irht bdj is. and wtich way yotr hav.to RO to &a it, and if. any. body1 ha ajiyte infotion along the lb,rdbegkd tfM4 caU tip thJp Now Ild: aiJi.anireirm in the tninistoriat fid whatevrr.br ad' Tfee,'tt itmnst farce a fcUow to draw ton hla fajittje ,bit to tee tb pictnTC 01 tcuJaa? wpoen as a .great aeuu a uivie 97 wuiure, anon, aenosu national cyd'on take the tak-tf . pictnr ingbel to hia cogTgWon;lie cnewetip . atwo.hirte load of election and 6pit it when he finished np his vyte' Itte holJerin' ina rain barrel aaidweat ww dripping on Jb eart and a oQirple of. . igmffantjellow etodlt iwaiTv - His aennqn was whot yoncpnid almost smell . tainkth& ptta?4v-ra f nxonttioo. ; to, flank oldNii,nd taWttlttpWat dodge ....dartrncf4m,f,ner the nn . lading glories a Cbrfefian will Anally . in Iherit, And if glory ttai as many degrees i af altitiiar ahlbtipttaecordiag ' 'terKontions 'v sWwffitaW , usup w w w gets mere. paying for Sunday School papers and fwbite silk "vers for the minister, ' and stands to the . financial rack withont nfckerin' that he will wake np some morning and find himself up there in the : etmi blistered from Genesis to Revela tions, thirsty as a prohibitionist, and not a bottle of soda-pop in a million miles beggin for a glass of near-beer to cool his parched hind legs in. f J?OW,what we need ifi this conntry to make bilks bleat and take notice, is a hell that the wayfaring nian, tho a democrat Or a repnblican can see without a spy low Reaches heD Hi ::. : Iwte m tie'WortlcerlSiii -it is W V " ' "cited ii't. Vear where ii . Yon see the way it's gettin to be thing AbonfP the hereafter, he has; to take it . second-handed from- some Minister who has nofnfcia Argf. bnNgot his idea ' frotpiomebody else dreamei rbe it out; ADVM, EVE AND THE DEVIL. 1v One time UierdUn ot true: eastwaron jtsaen ancroat gjara-r en Just spread JtseH all fover' the world Sat the Lord" had wade. . , . v Kountair 3 . a , dtia 4ess than - twfl I t?7 . .L;' -j. 4 tso xne jjoro'weni a: visiung. ana nipecftson with a gold crown on his head Wtbair parted in die Middle. " ; ri 'And-tbe Wife.of litit maV who" owned we earaen was Bixnng nnaer a 4en jjbvi qnJdn.f 1 -t-the, -latest .slice K" 5 : ;JaAwVaAi V:'' - -W - t?d perr- j 1 7 1 And in thaVgafden'the: ; fcprd. ut the straddlin 'sir-foot berthing called man. The garden vwai inst' lammed 'full of pletaty to : eat and, wear, jand fuel . and shelter:' - - " i'vAnd the Ird said to His renter, says "He TheSseeds of id theirnit' herein tifeja'' shall plant, and J Ipl the harvest thereof ehsll be' a thousand fold. Never snait tnon .lacs: or go' nnngry- ort cora While the sun shfnefib or the waters nonr ;And the snaxe he smiled a smole -and winkied S pricked wnnk and wiggled np ciillidy, and he saidctmto heti tiidlKS'ere's that measly old lhe;dy sniggered at the words of theaniake andiaid, "He's asleep back dftuft?"' '- ''Ho wotild yon like me for a boss?' 8a;thfsake. '.-v ' , - f 'TPIojr swjiat? said the lady. Von e tlie Irdlild; joever mentioned a word fsliaadthe lady didn't Jcn&w, iit; .. .'. . v ' ;;! ... )-kn- me have this garden for my self and 'yen. can:;feaththAtser them to me,4 and I will 'feed : yon enough to keep yoii at work. . yi- And the lady- was charmed witbt the old cuss's logic, and she said unto hfan, "Let's go wake np the old man and .tell hiniof y'our.''plftB.tl 'j So the snake and the lady hiked out to wheje the old man lay a-snoozin' his snooze, and woke him up and, told him aUf that the snake had saidt and the old Now gc nrvte jc to, ay-jk nic, .wheze't:sciMnb vlfoin;' ;todanc the haicbHpoocbe stand, on. InVi head end kick a- hole in theair as big i ,ar ansar- barrel and jump thro it; S-i -. Oia'State TocgooaValOoa&S .1V ' : V. ;that.wilmake:ywishow Wlongasa clotnesindyccf r jyier''ljwiit every mother son " 'Thars ond thmgVt.nLord, oyer looked" quoth the man. "He forgot to give me a boss. Now my happiness is complete. Take nntO tiryself , oh, snake,, tis garden iud grant that I may sweat my brow with much sweat for thy sake! And so it was done jintb man even aa Beiiad voted for it. Jfynxl it remaineth so even to this day. If&itiepwd." That waa'e'day' that THE piG PICCrCURSION Heigh'tibere, JoSftfflenry, and all you girls who wanVsweethearts! ' I've got a message that will make yon laugn kinks in ytmr Tieck tickle every sqnare inch of 'ymr ; pink cuticle from feelin-.good('-nd about' jMenty''nilee. square of it is to down in the monew Of yon, and evjodyVejie, who nasnt been lightning-struck or lynched to go with v us on this-. - big - picnic excursion, which starts today, and will stop; and , take on passengers at every station from Pan Handle'to Poker Flats. " Round fare is only Fifteen Cents, -' Just wrap up a dime and a alf in a brick-bat and throw It at our head,- and if yonvdon't standinp-and swear that V yon've got your money's worm before yon pass two stations, then b-banged if I . dont eat my cd bfeeches for salad, and hire to'We .Salvation Army tossing oass Now.Ccairades, Brothers, Friends and v -evwy body whose gtmerosiry hasn't grown ' fast to their ribs, loian fifteen ceats;to$be Lash, wieldex nd take it in bnnt leaiher delivered at your office evety monfB, ' ' Remember there'll br-no'particnltar brand of politics served on the. trifti -Von may brshfp Woodrow, slobber; Gt .civ ei ' the Bntfmoose or sing hallelniahtiVe the Socialists and we'll not turn tae hose onyon. -' ,; " ; B$iijy ' I plays 'I'bontin' . house biscuit . I thrn the Rye," I want thirty seven tnons- 1 want to make you feel like you were I and of yon good Sanmritanawjlh' Hearts, fresh married to everybody and couldn't It 1 ' " ' 1 ' r J- v sv-.i bole in your face that fits a boarding- Now while the band plays .Comm' . Tl V ' 153 r: ' r-sx-"" . ' L J - so big 'your clothes won't, meet, 'ttget CS 1 1 S 5 4 nt and hnstle an hour for h- a&v'. . - A "C I , Voii-tnoW Ibm't no : cnbstitnu ; for wk likt 70s lud maitcta W.kJ v,.-, ; '.;-V..; ...'." 1 r firri ritn-'.. .V-rn. mi ntcm si- aunt tsoosa to v . . .,; . : i f r

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