" ' ' C'4 ! ; f ..I,.. ... .. . -- i-,.. ...... -..i, i.. , ji'' i i -'-nnriWTonn-r.i'.ini ! wt. T --'j IT"- " ? ifV-fmi 4 , 3k M f' j.V ' Kill, v vVVt 1 . f 'V r, s t r r .ms t" -1' f J " iv v','' vSa I v. V f f v fix r . rl , ' 1 it' ; ii C M 1 lilORAVIAN.FAlXSN C, SEPT., 1913. 4 A t. V- . 41, U ' 1 v SG?..'.7lZj lt!E SL'.!E PATCH. j I "1 It V &wi um legislator lias m ' ' ' emWed again to scare the cock-roaches ont of our state capitoI and disturb the ' ' 'v '( peaceful bats toostin4 in its magnificent s r V vviuac ii'nm xuyvc iix u uijrbicituus V, "mijf ita'wonderto perform, and will, I - ,v . , irrsede7ipn$to'gnlate',ni 1 . " 1 tomb down o the quickest way of curing f, a aLmnp-suclungiiC4ayA , Our glorious trepreseqUtives;,' huddle 1 1 - i- - , up flown in JKaieign ( ana prance arouna V'H Jl 1 ms wcu as lOnrDociPi,, wniie FraaTicqi V1-1 ts? nly bald-fc"j,d itari Kp"'1 t c"tW. .WW vzkv ttVfLl 4-. :-' bai,k, perchetJana;Aey;W.been IT I ',v "V ; ' aappiiig the life-blood out of the farmers J ;j "" br srranHnsr facilities for transoortinu . - meir prociucis irom a niir cent marKer tV ";MV.:diaia; one-making cash "BWtetfdrhii cross-ties and tatera, tan ! , bark td turnip greens. r !c ' ' v VmeacIIaw gets .to, the legislature ;'t v : ' , tctatrauQfo laws, he bttn T.w, VIi.'V,d mp to about". 1 10 and pulls the throttle A f 5 t H 1 drink, finer beer than he 'does and ride in ; . 1 tt , . ; r , -palace can from' the proceeds of a million vi v;,!.i t couars m rainpaa stocx, xmiincy never "S i ;'J'J; ' ;i ' inention1 the fact that the railroads .hate S ? ad it;possihle to' abandon driving ' "f tV v ;A'ycieWpusselttedtwist-ta clear -V , ; f ,f 4 1 V cro8s orayur tnenr proaucts iq '"' ivh'h 'f'l CMketWhaulin, nome their supplies jii'f IT-M asysW avelthat enabWns VLr,v.f to t neud business whl4 would not . be " h tc: ' le without the means of fast md J a i Lkjty ' -diafe conveyance; " . ' v .'' l? 1 presume railroad men want to, get f ' ' Y!i $Ktj good dividend on their investment. f AVKAi l.'ter,, you are just like them- ' want the greatest dividend possible ' - ' .V, - 1 1' the railroad men get a bigger pet-' ' 'Si - T , c - - tta their moner than . the ' farmer, - y 'it' i - - " v- " i ' l V'i'A --scaseefhu? For an instance, the f It i i f- -rtys an average old domernecker -i r-t cf Dcctiterforcb.rwtd t: - f..t . f Tetrcsry .ahe has laid five 5 1!A 'is t ils" fW 1.5 :vri;:jlaCjt!iyscna'thirty 1 .J. tJU L; ' has old Domer left Bo railroad men ever make a greacer per cent on xneir money r ' Now while . our, legislavlve body Raleigh are swearing by the bald-head prophejts that they are going to make tb railroads sit up and take motice we canl understand for our life . wny jthey t don't pass a law fixing a rate for the sale.of chickens and eggs. Shall the farmers of the state be allowed to combine: ; with the hens arfd roosters and create art egg ust an arficle of fcod onl which fiO tamy people rely to. keep soul and bodr td gether? , Our heart has bled in the past, turned away eggless-gone to their hpmes to suffer untold agonies.; theresult of thia egg cprporatiop between farmers and hejasJWe beseechhelegMaruretoeottje to our rescue! ; We have been" looking w r tuueign aa a jsaun m uueaa. ; If the legislature allows , this Schick and egg; business o go on a Jew. y the farmers! and the hens will be beyond thepbwer'of the government tocontroh. I This, is a serious question, and if the wcaimy ; peopie o nor .ge . reuei, we might as wel( bid fareweir to our Ameri can insUtutions-ai the' liberty for whiph our forefathers kit their blood staind foot I ;n t " i ij i. ,v t W v'i-":':". j prints, on that path of ? gloom and glory t1 ' rl ""i.-. ' . .( irom ; voraiown rMt$ ninceton; lor iney wdn.t be worth' fifteen cents a year grots. t la there no1 relief in Raleigh? ' - : 1 I" j"' V 1 i wi'n ni..r. .' 'The" big4 slick-lipped gospel expounder wh6 only spills hu1 religious thunder where he can wipe it np witnTen Dollar bflls.'is walkin boss for the devil, and isn't worthy of his hire, -A- if . - CODFISH AilD SAUER KRAUT. When all creation was finished when the ' jackass and the skunk, the mud turtle and the carron crow had ' been made there remained yet a few worthless scrapain the junk pile which were too inferior for use., So when Adam: and Eve went off on their bridal tour, and the Lord was busy greasin' the earth's -axle-tree and placing the stars in heirjre spective places; the devil sneaked up the back' way into fe work-shop, 'scraped up said, "yerily; ,sl, l;,JJIOv baU rbe cursed with this pleague of aU ageeuV- x This sanctified sen of Satan is an al- leged white man. and a Roman Catholic pnest. . ; His mission; is damning , Protestantism and slandering North Carolineans. The hon orable school board of Char lotte, N. C, recently extended the ice hooks to the Caiholic teachers of its pub it i ' ' lie school, and that cansed Pbelan to lash his A tailgtdnst the floor and commence dallyuig' with pet pitchforks and burning brimstone. The cowardty old black-guard is re sponsible for the following remarks: : 'The men of North Carolina are notoo rious libertines. ' The wealthier, class do . V HAiJ wM.bM . an1 mnltrVkHr mulattoes. They have neither religion m morality.,J It haa always been a disgrace to belong to worm caroima. . . , .'".IB at K Wit. jif '. Now perhaps the - Charlotte school- board had the fortune to encounter, the prototype of ; Phelan and judgmg v -de SvOCX uy VUlCWUBpiC Bticu rrwtjjr ui w y'll J I'?, house-cleaning. . . : A Iieine is the trump card of the oevu, and if we judge a tree by its fruity there small danger of Phelen missing the log neaps oi neu more tnan. taree , quart- ,f. The OM North SUte luu pndottd ' t 1 noble men and women as ever tood be- V i neath the great white Ji'-t cf j6odpeo ? -pie who would not peri;im to : go mto thor hoff pasture, and associate K with their sows, v 7 ,W,Y m uixc uiu iuicwukib 'were m around thru Eden collecting rent of TTricle " . , rt , v't Adam and Aunt Evey PhelanYa ancestors '., ' Vl werehanngby bffi melungks . ofAfrica; t X ?;?'J- to neu as nm oia utttaf caedicta. men I v ' pray that PheWtsent'Wsew '1 r'v , ....... - - -i. w.-ww m w '..."i.r-'L.tf, f . r:t 'V.vIM . Romanism claims to be the only true , "I f; ' mterpretation of Christ's teachings ana ' W - i ' regards aH other sects as petng natd2e9 : 5 A ,fV;: era and traiton to th cause cCbxisti y church of this courtry vfolates ohr eca- , , . stitution by nrmarK..rg a portion of our ! free school fund to srporttheir 7oea, f -ial sciiools.AttXa therord Wn' );;V publie schoolsasliot beds oi'kiTdela SV theydemand 1 that the teas te permitted , , ( ' (in their convant grbs) to teach in ou a v'a -'RATES: A- Orrri ! 0 CWille-. id v, "your f ' crip . tion t :,Tcaia for a cl " cf 5 " M'VrJv - TtroCDBSCitrPTioirs Ons Ycva,---4.25c fjJ rt -iP ' i rivs Subscriptions ,0ra Yr jr-'Sp5 ioo U P fi.oo Tn SuBsaOPTidNS OU Tr. J V t.. i.oo V f' rt ? " a ijr ( s - & Iff unitedly tryng to underniai l,Arid for' S : X. this reason, we lovers of political and re- e v M. 1 ' " ligious liberty are goin "to denounce ' r, v; - fi them until either , we n: .the damnable' . v$'." 1 conspiracytare dead.. 4 ,li jffv i.'t Atadldoatt think yotr need to .sin ty w)Y songs xyiog to ge( . xar-iieeis w- 4, a heaven where such begoddled old vaga- , boadsareextjetedii:? r, :sC, St. Iouis is welcome, to the aid gag. ' ,. 1 , Wejiave one tree heie in 3Tor& Carolina 3,3 ,1' on ywhicli we nave nangea eleven better - ? -menand they- are Wlm.lXvlV. 4 ladyarrested.lforwearirj aa attt tE? -- Sample Cc?-s VentY bet to a ssamstrecs and had theCd fidentseant sewed np end sent ifcer tcz. -Ilantdif I dcat :ve' fcur 'dcllsri far '- ; that mlyorto .H to tit' T1;-:"ax f.r acold-stcrc-t- t? tv? iJj ,M n '1 . 1 'j ' i" JW,"n . 1 "jni.ni.mi ii iwii.1 1 , . ...win 1 Jii. .."" : Udt&liowc' ,b: , 1 ? ": i : : s.7 . ,'.-7 1 - v-