A -r"i M. . - - .4 ? k 1- 3 '"'A v -i.-v jfVAv ,va ;avi v.. v -vri 1 " i.t-. I '"'.a" -.V". . -.04 "..T-.-r " ? 7 V ' S I , .'r'J;-'. 'iiimwi i 1 " " 'ii f 1 i..-.ii-i. ii.. ri .1 i y I Tit tV,J-. ' I ' I I 'I ' ' -T-m, i ,i ..I i -,-3, ; j: K'r-' :c::.:En::::xacLj:co:3TO v x IL.n c J fc. - . ,-,t; v;,X Hear4 .the Jnewaf ;s. ... ; , ,; Si r-. .? ' It's amazing vwontofuli , y Jcsts'.tlTe closeC and -hold your ''woe newspapers tare; rnearea wiiu tuft Droiouna amiunciaiion ' 'tat Mys JEUzafeeth'Ebinezer T : IEanaiv daughter of tthe late y as. Hanana'nd Duca Don Arturo : v e Majo, Durazzo' of Italy ? aHto '-v 1 K - r granted they 'are thoroughbreds fey the double column phi2"jrhl'ch "we -vv lnsxon d ouruai xroxs out 6 T-hfeiPfek en Of,' course , iHz rand ' Ducal fcr "ir sucker, xpeetaThe Lashct'o give ; : l l to -a half column puff, off after v f .tae agony ' "! ' ; ove T tr c conspiracy , is gainst all overso I, murt !cnhiiraoy affamst v, dnle Jjlccsediza ' at least" a -'Uundry c?ap. hunch. -i ? ---vv ,t 'Sri a 'f l"i's -ifAniiitiM j4ir yfc.ody te3,fdvlf .the'aVanj . v. i fool enough toffiaelr their intro- hung around ma's , front gate to catcntfre'silyery accent of JM' 'hoj'do-ye- do ? And finally tiie4 word was . passed up t-liim: fPoUywantr a; cracker." . That settled it the courting stunt; 5tl meanl v Liz fis -by , her Own arithmetic, of marriageable age, being a rin egarTXaced. Dld -spjnster of ' 50 sumnwrsCr'. iJLr Ilia' UiJ their t humble earninirs. , Miss Annie Callahan, an lS- Nowthe j Lash can t smear UentbT became the victim- of;an their mug .all' d"ver,v "twool umn: article Uike .ThV Journal jfor it - is. , a -ral C; artist at A slmsr- jugr.the' goup; ! X liope the 7lzii li. if V"I " ' Yu wiiu., au, ica tusuaircere ptiylosophieal firogs-smg ; their merry evening nymns, 1 aope Luz and ner dfr. voted agdrazzly may be happy in; each fc other's love," arid i. that umier. vne juay ever suner wiin hookworm " or .wen; , LizJkeep buttons ewed on jine-; at aunaay scnool and wig gie-woggle .your 'hair, 'Duca-drazzleSQfrthjtt you quit wunjong ai snemaiea. taKe plenty- of 'batasVand love;youT1 motb- er-in-Uw, Vevenfahet knoweth not- wnat maner or cnronic jack assr' her grand nephew 1 may be fGoplV'tlvl-' . v Oood-by-Ducsy-drazzle, - rvLuck to you and:heVp of il Ii it- t.-l' - rit. i- . N i kiss uie -uone .oi. oi jvitta jauLJUdi riegea- utauan- saint - ; v - The:picifiousP rJJJW- ; "i-J for a cs;uvi; f, Cathplic Kjttight, ,of uColumbus, -r; 8 t - : v. tc-smblea ; - a private l; Secretary : Joseph P. . - ' Tek ccol: tru thrthe Tum . c. ten cent tin. - - - ttrs ' v : ;r r-nh: injustice- ; i :cn, lilza- a seed "r-r -bb- c'.i, r.r4a ( fimirkt v A - c-:r.:I"t:a to -frir-hten ;--r r-t t t 1 ... w lsodltcio "l-it .ti ougBonsiaeretiiese - letters i as Eome's V'bld. .bone' "r rouse woull cause intelligent people to laugh if it was'nt for the sad fact ihat-poor ignorant 'dupes are blindly; lead into its . vortex of superstition and robbed f incurable malady and ' before her death the. Catholic ; pastor pf me emiren aaminisierea1 xne sae rement of holy unction-r-ha4 . her The - paper neve3tl statedV how much jthe relatives f of the S -dead girl must 'pay that bloo-uik ing band of ecclesiastiaal;lpi; rates, but all they possessed very likely. -j Talk aboufheil! . Its a eold storage v compared with what, should finally settle the Roman Catholic priesthood. A maflj whod try 'to ram such rot as that- down the throats of Americkn- people in this age of enlightenment ouerhtn't be ' al lowed to atop three miles this side . oil hades long enough to tie hia 4hha: - 1 ' , V little vwonder the old graft-bileeding'. shirt-tail drag ingr Pode -ofBome" counts hia in nual; dme y Tinillidns. V l.k; 4.1 UJti. U While TJosephus Daniels ' is a- bout as full of pride as it will do for. a. man ' to be and 'not crack destroyed more than -8,000 let ters written to ' President v Wil son protesting against' hisTilCo man Catholic policy. v Tumulty- nave had two coats v of - society paint smeircd on. with ! a- hcr3 brush, recently' tried .to faint ' ana iau oux oi - ineir tau bioc-k-ingaj beeausS Joe referreVt them as "females.". ' rrlr' ,rpwould -perhaps" bo -tpedi.;x. ; ent for the honorable -Secretary. jr.y. v 61 the. Navy to . carry them.thrii ' -1 ?t aritid InsDeGtibii before he' V-f ,r ?:t gainr handles their " gender t r: -j recklessly. - f .' ;7 - ' .Yes- tliOM Plutocratic TJuf'V s ' pucl ered up t their ; problcix like ; 1 ' . the ; abse-endl of a - tobacco Vag U ? . "4 anai garl with the -7,lnchguna'iif4he Na: .f'-1?'. . lilt m. L-L w 3 W. vv lmb bun over tapeer barrel and. vft beat ng ofittfs " patent -rhther $ . bust e witha buug:starteto --r": ,y. I'll bet; 7 cents afifalnst: 'al ' u i against; Sanders' wooden leg ; that Joe'; V-f ; knew better, but"watoo uodsst wv v , to i efer to 'em as stupBJon , -maLi with ears'" so lonff that:i ley 'K' need no tail to keep the' gad-Hies - V ' off M their heelslVlSIven plaiai! ;' facts woul causetnem to : rebel ; . v y, e aga: nst the ,bust , of - hia vpantleta ' C t ; , ' -witl. the: solid impaet -of a' car V5 j loac of mule-thunder; ; v iV consider old Noah T7ebster " cis :r'' "riV(. imntaculate-ass unworthy 7jto tut .Vv' Vf sociate his jiictionary express '':p:- r ; ioni in N Washington I frass-isty, V; As f i and they,propose to put the holy cablosh to thejf word,''femsl3J L-'" Suppose Sir Walter Jlaleigk 1 1 1.AJ i' UUIUaUJi i WAfcil VilS V 7 ""lf or itnose jd. u., over-modest hO!K k 4 :u, ' bleUkirt .tuckers., Ho misht liaV v; : ?Xl , bridged & mud . puddle with Jh5;VV' . : A Prin:3Aibert coat, ;1ut " 'inort i) likely La ould' have told her.'tVVr; v 'i?;,: climb, upon "his 'back 4 ;t j'1' ; :: If we iui't play down -a, t'Tar 4 , openAheanTtf'spread ptt"4to'ncel'V for political '0ame: withf please Washington snoboeracy.- out nicldfrplatd- Sissies trying ' " 4M The -iiigh -cnt Ctrippie opiate j to r him.off hiy common 'eat V - f"?M Matties rtof t ,WasMnon . Who I rr . then it's time to hitdi' BOlS DII?- '" 'ScA" WWW,li lIMWiA0M IHMWWIWijAAA iXrf '-jIlfU CT21T'. i ' JlATXiS: aoo - 'Xi.m -pie Copies ;( ill m I I Tvo Cr ctjttions One .Ybaj - 30c ; ,1TV3 w miPTlOS UNE YKJLK., 5OC Ten zuimoNS Onk Ykar,. - fi.ooA 'Or we -' s will extrr .1 your ttt-- ' ;.tioa tcn'j v for a el- ., " U: . ct;to a star and breal 1, ; ; v.It s no i-all; wonder that : the . A "eld Ircca Indian on top 'of V tha ' ; t . Ccr-cl doesn't wear : out"1 thr?A - ' dlr-pb on .his - istomacV . cli "'- j-i r t A ccris to ease, his pain, caused 1 4 l7Alo"bking upon. TTc:!:irtcn V, arritocracy. ;H " r ' rriciids"'r&rid ? rcz. ''t rcrct'iny pres3 cC:r iz" r ; a , ccttle .tor . iae till , : - 1 ? ' " ,1 - r t.yi::;tv. IVz in' your hand. '