i - V ' V S ' V I' '1. iU (i a, v ; , ." A fc Hi . ' v -r v- t- 7 i i 'ft' t i.-. .-X: v?& r-' MrfeK ci 1 i 4. 3 i 1 --v , ' rf " h - ' 1 'f a 1. 4 ' , ' 4,. 'J I- t tlt:.",,s'-r. ndT rnc:r tx: bat, im 1 , il ti J 1 a m ' . .lr t .countryis.miesiea witn aj r;;,Bref bet? 1- the legions xr hcl;rwitiere jjeiter merfAtfi esolatioaV f oleVer ants who are as courageiess as a ii -mnVa n JTk&MA ihrnea 2hU - v A, ' ar silent as aipunkot pn alo. I jJt ; ' .Enough' people; of; thiss country OLUB-TOOTED PICSIimCS. stronff hold of white slavery, f if nftrmatiftTi in istinVniali - 'he . to purge the land of its c presence tween a stone bruise and a'butiibn , : ; . ,u less time tharutwo gods could or- find the ioints, in a string; of - k the courage of -their cqnvictibns. rant, he begint"4oui)t the; Te- ! NThe; editor of :TheLashhas ligjotf of Ks kother;;a5V-his Sim- v- . vv weeu varget v ,miwuj, I'lucoiBjaay-scnooxn-eacner,' -wnovmaae - ' Mobx and Bif simply because5 it , A; .a.iaa'jctaced t tellthe j tnith :;onstraggle:.autforee"day -in , il V'who hayeppetifeshaien . YThere is' an annual Catholic swindle getting; ready tooe pull ed v off 'again this year which pours; J;he cold cash into'the' pock ets of the priesthood like hail. It is; the, elhibition of a sacred relic which is claimed to be one of Saint, ' Anne ' bones. This wo- man declared j. by the gath- - for carron'.' have hurled down the ceeda torrip religion thA by the I ters- a being . the ' Lt- ' rVfdarefeVfb usiecause we are out roots and xztQrqx the world wbile gratidnjrnother ' pi Jesus, and crrf-n looimo that t ha Ua v.iwt i trt Ar ft trthrt h nn a at thflao Vft . hile' printer int,will WmMfalihchpintave slipped' out of hi- bones iskW instant cure for any - iVwewilljContiauerto plod theoldlment contract onIlia hands.' She V v j scanex Least max is trying xoigay jaDDerwocs wnacan xirive 1 ti, k'. squat 'und'distiU its" poisonous! the-Deity but of the hearts and a; fortune , tumir j rtccian'. ,wells finside out and peddles ihemifor stomach;, Ttes J sir,c he i j nimbly spits.inru ni3 omgers: ana, pro- . Mperty. rt j v i J. ''No; it 13 net TheLash'a nature f- 'toVcecse lail tir a; gang1' of sanctilled va. :rc3 vending a rer telegraph -pclcs.- Cat these little batter - riindctt t intellectual piss- ligion which t!.?y !: :l2re should mires kve to rzzz fra a.period r,";,-be clubbed. e: :I crlumed in- of, doubt and dcn-1, fj.t c3 a tad- 1 a;.. .to the coub cf f "..Ld reject pclejhcds its t?l to become a Jij, i 'Vita infaincuV tc V" ' - TTe'd frc-.nd wl ::i ti Izxe finally fcrrr- atc:t riTj" Evil's theclc;:?al t: ' . -!c"V .m4 ;ly" stararid doTrn 11 " c - of wild pep: all the powers cf eartli end catc.tVo r:z t - Liriortal I k - ' t ' truth begins to bore its way into the knot on : the top end of their neck;, that the fear of, God is the berrir.rjr.g of - wisdom. V y t (Thexistence of God' is .flame- written 'hieroglyphs' of 'the" sky which no man will ever success- fully ese. . V ,;Who made God! . TSubpose Mr Smart Alec,' that I find thee an answer t Whe will furnish ;tZce AwltninteUect io understand ; it t How wifrk.n 1 .1 1 , ' If this txm'a-, -presence ' HslK; ' " cue Deginnm THE SAI1TT AN1TE B01TE . VCV7UU)LE. ' 4 human (ailment iform a clabbered -preseuc the sick as they claim lit wilL -why :T w ine oam Jim ao mey iesp ,t i hideaway aUthettimei except" l .'f V nme days in eacty yearf C rtJ , To prove that j&e-priests real- v v' ize fthat tbe; whole business is, a j s , t , , , ' swindle, when they; aire stricken ; V with gum' -boils or.gbut, itSTnbt S old bones :,that' they; aeek'ut kf '. physician. ;EV "holy'J " V V ) -A poreLIuiself .continually " ' '.1 physicianj, althb;the churches . v , t ' and sacred relics. ' - f--' s ' - This ridiculous ; Bone: - racket"1 i Vw , is good eiwugb'for the'poor dupe .j of the "Catholic church to tumble" ; to, but, it ain't worth a rwhoop invs V V Cf j . Halif ar for the ;pbpe orV priests.; fv :l i . ' Intelligent people who will de; - -fend such, nifprnaL rot ought to, -tv be lawfolly shot full pf green eu- t ; , r , cumbers and- then operated ' "bn ? ; V l 1 for choleramorbsV v And, the coK ) v '.V rupt priesthood 4who a hatch upXs .;( -' ; ' such diabolical schemes should J ; , . be denied Ceven a iront - seai i in ; I Hadest but consigned, to . the very ho oomont at YtAiiiTlArki txrhpTo rho f ' mangy oia asn-cais nowi ,,meir -a , abseene nW thru ''?Iens"Halfc; .; ' aire"" ' 'AXu'Ui bradown'to "an ' epidemic of I . Father Phelan is the -leather- c Vf'( poor , MaticnV 7-' " : , f lung .lion for "Borne .who said it V ,Nin6?days in each year the Catholic priests and hired news papers twMchVareV serving for a paitpf the swag,iirge the faith ful', to scramble forward like so denounce it if, we'L . , it would f-Vt.'- trinjr "down, upon u? ell 13 ar-J V c:r.t admirers ofV the 'h: had always ' bee considered' a rJ"K . aisgrace io uTB inucn.ft varo- ? lma.-; He Wd, '."to hell with tin'? government 1 of tKe , United V, States.' He said that everybody ' jtheir children are bastards, xc", he's thq ycontemptiblej: trwli many testis after v a lightnbglwliorwernotinarried by apriect bug 'and liek thepopes toe and I is living; in adultery, and;, th- view the Lely bone.,- , These r -rpaper; editors "and money - grl ling . prieste know as well as v, o do that this, pretended relic is a a fraud and a coii tenptiVs ."lemeof 'ihe priest hood to ;t the ignorant and I'd drown it.' tyrant; ; who , oppccc3 frca pr. -3 and free speech' V , con: :" 3 ehculd caU niy dc2;PLc!:n ar.! 1 didn't resent the danniz iz; " 11 I V "r 1- n cr noil L.i. . r : .7. 15 : :,' :'i