4 -I ' i.' i" gv. 5:.r ry'i ' 'F " : ;, .:. V; gs ; : : . :v;;. . Let Women Rock the World! - - , ....... , , . f There. Jiaa allers been plenty of big fat-mouthed quidnunks and quidnuhksies.spoutin' off their 'eut-balf bit", about looking tmaiiishfor.awoman to vote. Biit I-can't see 'the point. So if ybu'H -double up your fist for a seat and sit down on it, ryour ; Uncle will proceed to fire off his goose-gun a few pot shots. y l Now if poking a little piece of ' paper in a ballot box makes a man out ofa woman, well, then hang ed if Nature ain't pretty easy hit on the " funny-bone." Yes sir-ee, if women can split wood in the Qljyardjvplow steer,- or. keep ' 'tuue- to Tankee-jDoodle oil. a pair "of dirty breeches' with a battlin' stck without . knocking a pucker in her ; womanhood, it does seem that she could; ncjrape up enough physical strength to slip a little . piece iof paper in a ballot-box. Ajxjl if I thought she couldn't I'd have, ?my little s thinkery unscrew ed and treated fdr the., swivels, swap eyes with a darning needle, and go to . Madegascar, and ketch grasshoppers for the heathens to eat. v w ow. . n may - oe a woman '8 sphere io chop wood? feed the horses andgo to millbuif such '.as that won't make, a- woman j'.iinanisH?, I can't see for my life whytuc1cing a little "slip of paper into a? ballot box expressing her i piuion,sholild inake siich an aw ful changed h . "J N; i "unayve uetgooa uora, mienaea omen to lug a pail pf . rater . and ciuugijw.uaojr.uu eaqn ,mp while men handle.,s:the ballot, Thich, of course is a tliunder-of-- a-sight ' harder to t handle than . a pair of babes.and avpailtof water, but J can't see' the pointy , V I can t'!see whys she; hasn't, as ...Wj1 right to say hpw much tax Biimj-iie paiQ on nervmiik cow and ;:: t i Pas somebodylwho.hasn'even1 - j . ' Ecadtrs "Comrades, and Brothers: Allow, me to dropmy cap xay feet and talk withy oaor'xnih - :? -V;Vn : '7 fot th3 yea have passed into my pains in tha years gone by. I fed 3 bur thoughts oft fcavo'r:;! and parted. We turn 1 ? i k ' , V i- . r3,03 tJli "r- - and ;onr face to vthe f ntnrj? ; Yra-names are treasures heaped npon, the urn of n:zicry. . I want you to ccntia- : t , C f 0 f 3 ny rc i:r;3 1 811 youT friends to bsccnreaders, and if -extra inducements and squire drilirj will v?in,"I am gcinj.to : : s C , .5 Cf rc"-"' -t!i4hirty,days. If .your subscription expires within thz next six toonths deart to respond to this clTer; I - - .,rs ..f , T71 1 rt-r.: ycur n-no up csa year. from the tints it czpircs , Here is my THIRTY-DAY1 OPFE3: Cczl 25 cents, and the names aud i - ' :tW l - c: rjrc3 cf ycur friends, and I will send Tho Lash a whole year anJ cbo .renew or extend ycur subscription lor one' Vycar"5 - " i -1 -V. Vc::l ' -'3 il n:r: cit This cffer;only hold3 need fcr thirty idays. If,I fail tohear frcn yc: I skill conclude that you-tava : " - ; ! . " " -irr -i i43 ciTrard march. I dcn't believe ypuf would do.tLat. . llowwiU YOU :! .ZTt ycur paper to thre3;cf year ; . ' ' 'i ;- . . r f" ' - utesription?,r.Ycu (ret tho 1 -per another year frc fcr dcing thia.'l T Mzr6 III hear frcm f ycul fcr I : V'7o Vy,-77V 'V-'-v c7.f'fH: tAVi- . 747 ' " -v k - . - v' . , - 7" v ' ' -5 ; V-. A -1. ?V if 14 A v -7, seen them - Yes,' and why in the name of Bill Bryan shouldn 't she be as much : interested in. , raising local tax . money to educate her baby: as the straddling blackguard who sells likfcer to make her hus band drunk! "Women's sp'her.e!" When I hear one of these auti suflrragettsvscrew up hjs mouth iiu in resemDies ine snout yoi a stud-grubwornr and jingles his leather cdw-bell about, women's "sphere," I can't help but won der if the devil made kickers ac cidentally, or whether they are liKe nousa-nies just come so. They seems ,to think her sphere is to do drudsrerv. and keen her laeas uuwii 'io iue levei pi;Deiiev- ing her; husbandt is tf"god, v While he does the elevathigr work of voting forjr I alwarolhiuk that these bril-liant-mmjed snacker jipes who op pose this slip of paper business for the women, want their wives to fetch wood and water while they tug away at the sup of paper,. I don't love my wife so abom niablyas to want v her to grow angelic carrying theA, heavy end It 's - a . mighty hard task to be come a nigger under- the banner of marriage. - Women have done housework, rocked cradles, and been kept a wake nights by a drunk husband a-snorin' till she nehteously de serves a ballot-whack at the hell ish saloons.. If men's spheres was pruned down to rockin ' cradles and churning I much fear there would, soon be a baby panic and a buttermilk drouth. If a man has; just sense enough to not put his breeches on hind- side before he . is .allowed to vote on any queston,while the presi dents f daughters' can't vote a- gainst making a Iawt to hang ev ery "woman-who '.wears a corset andcu?ls her hair.v Maybe there is common hdss sense in such a sys tem,' but : blamed ifrl 'can ; see the ''.A.W. -.7..' ' . point.' If womn are chatties or apples whyperon't we buy andysell;them. If Jmey: are machines; forr niakin' ieVan'shirts an', so forth,1 why on!tJw'e'get a patent on 'emVr worn whiskey m resent 'somethingthtktdidn't suit her.-vl never see aUeWiszho wants ine to reprent him whe. he's thirsty 1fojHSomething to wet CHEW THIS WITH YOUR TO BACCO. Say, all you spoon-shaking cofr t f eesweetners, v JleV sHfcalk a - little c.QmmQnsfinse..,.wnen- .uongressj put sugar on the reduced list you heard people talking about the sugar industry being j ruined that it would be so cheap it would float on top of your coffee. But now the sugar barons have proven to you that - the tariff hasn 't a blamed thing to do with the price of sugar. Recently the price has been doubled : showing that the - law of . supply and de mand plays no part in fixing the prices of ( our, commoditties. f The price is set by the infernal barons aud we must pay it or do without it. ; " , Now: let's see if you ever knew a game like that to be played in the jttice ' of postage stamps. Stamps and sugar are both made trom produets grown out oi tne earth, and, both suppliecTby hu man labor. Stamps are not made and sold for a speculation off of all who mustuse them, but for the common good of all. Then sup pose the ; goyernment owned and operated the; sugar refineries and paid those - who work , in them just i suclT rprices s,as are paid all government, employes.. You would todaybebuying.'ydur sugar at the actual cost of. producing it, which would be less than one half of, the, usual price, and those!, Nti i ul 1 a man tan 1 lcuic&ciil A aat tne pons, put a arinx oi ShMften make hun rep- 77 'WWW infernal food gamblers would be?' working in 'the government em--ploy for a living' instead of steal-& ing theirmiHions of dollars, from the consumers. Now Mister this? is not 'mere theory, but has beenl actually put, . into practice where . ; government ' ownership has been recognized, and it's ' going to come right here in the United States of America in spite of the! lnid Thomases who : can tsee half way to the end of their ndses. The banker calls it ''interest" And heaves a pious sigh, . The landlord calls it "rent" And he winks tne other eye, But the good old honest burglar -Hi simply calls1 it swag.":l ;: THE LASH SUGGESTS AIT AIR The-merchant; calls : it profit' ' The war of '61-4Jcould never have gotten along without '.' Yan kee Doodle" W "Dixie V and. . I have decided to select, a nation-1 al air for the Cternuuis NowI' v don't know wheier"they aretgct-' ing to "O-it or not, but I'' know they ought W' It is 'jta'apv; . propriate for every soldier- toT v sing who is engaged in the" great," war of today .It is the;iiatibnalf : hymn, of Siam, in the ' original V Siamese language. I hopeu are x scholar enough to translate it in- ' io xiiigiisa. An ior'iear.yc get ' embarrassed, maybe you1 he ,bet ' ter go out back of, the barn when you get ready to'translate-iti: Im-$ agine yourself one of the Einper or's hireji assassins fighting forf t more "gbid: braid to radd to . his royal rohe, and then: sing these! lines to tne tune of "America." O wKa tan hasSiamT ' ; Gee wha tan nas Siam! - A '.O wha tan? nass I ' ;,.Wha' ta-fOof las Siam i ' t 5 Bucha dar nas Siam ! 0- i Osucha nassl - uuuua una oiam i - ' it r- v. 1 v 4 " p e . , Jf 7.. is y . ,1 f 3 .f '4. j s,

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