t -..: - . .. ,-n:iV-.-"-;...' ...-' 'i- - .;.'.:: ' - - . : ' - - j . . ' 'V '.."t ;'-' l i Hi I'l i I i ,i n 1 1 II iiiimi in i ii i ii Hi. i ii i n i i J t . . ,i ii I I ..i ii i I i.i ;j iHliiilll , ... '" " "' I i ii i i i V I ii i in ii n riiin" . I VJ- 'Si!S ; i,,'Ji " . iW ,i,.y''r':ii.'. -,-.' ,,fl',.:.v V 'i i.',.'.;, ..".' 5 l Iff t. v , - ' - ' '1 , VOL. 5, NO. 5. V. v " MORAVIAN FALLS, XT CM SEPTEMBER, 1914. .1 - let 'YC3n nock fhe V7orid! ,-.;,,y?:,i.iu. t v 'ifM ' ' There has allers been plenty of v- bifat-taothed, iununks and ? qmdntinksies;'sp6utin' off their "cat-half rbit", about looking "manisVi for a Ionian to vote. But I-ieah't see? the point. , v Soif ; you HI 4wble up your fist for ay seat mud. sit : down on it, ; your Uncle yiwill proceed to fire v off his goose-gun- a few" pot shots. ' NW' if poking a little piece of paper in a ballot box makes a man out of ra woman; well then hang ed if Nature-ain't pretty easyvhitj vn the i funny-bone. ' xes siree, c if women; cahr ,snli .wboiint,lhe . back 1 yard,1, plow a' steer," or Keep seen them. Yes and why ii the name of Bill Bran shouldn,' she be as much interested in raismg local tax money to educate' her baby as the straddling blackguard who sells likker to make her hus band 'drunk! ' ' Women 's sphere !M Wheu I hear one of these anti suffrageits screw up his . mouth till it resembles the snout of a stud-grubworm and jingles his leather cow-bell about women's "sphere," I can't help' but won der if . the devil made kickers acr cidentally, or whether they are like house-flies just come so. Thev. seems to think her sDhere U i.h da drudgerT.vd; heV ! ideas down to, the levelf Hbelier tane-I)ooSe on a Palr ing her husband is aJ god," while . stick without- knocking a pucker in : her womanhood, it does seem that :8he "could scrape tip enough physical IstengtK to slip 'a - little piece ' of- paper in a ' - ballot-box. And if 1,'thoiight she 9puldiift I'd have my littlethinkery" unscrew ed and; treated- for. the swivels, , swapyeyeA with a darnings needle, and go j;o;Madegascat.and l?etch grasshoppers, fotHhe heathens? to N- Now ittoay ' be J a woman's sphere-to 1 chop . jwood, feed the horses, and; go to mili;"but;if such as that.' won't make ", a" "-woman VniaiiishV; I can't see for iiy. life ..why tucking a little' slip or paper .jniQ a uanoi dox expressing, ner ' .opinion, should make such an aw- $ mi change. f , , s i h Maybe the, good Iibrd intended ti uiuvu v lug jfCMf V4 WabCX OUU. -, A4 yellu boy-baby; . on V each', hip t ' while'' men i' handle r the ;V. ballot; . , which't o cturfe,sifla tnunder-of-5 f ;, v ;;a-sight ;harde to" handle than a ; : pair Jplbabes and a pail of water, ; 1 '' 'if .but Ican't' see. the point " v . V - ,;-;r;l can't s(B why she,hasn'tfas Vr.. v : much -right , to say how muchtax snaii De paia on ner, muk cow" and poinu ' If women are chatties or apples why don't we buyjand sell them. If they are machines for .makin' pies' an shirts an ' so forth, why don t" We get a patent on . em 7 ;Maybe a man can represent a woman at the polls, but a drink of whiskey-may often make him rep-! resent. something that didn't suit her. 4I never see a fellow who' wants, me to represent him when h's thirsty for something to wei his whistle with. CHEW THIS WITH TOUR TO BACOO. t-J3wTr-U you spoon-shaking cof commonsense. When Congresc V' P1 a somebodywhohasinever ' i iVIH f Pri;cw,"' fearer r-.Vt ycu fcr tho ycu have p;: ; r, ;tac urea t!:-5 r-:t and ctar f i A Al.. J 3 I'l. I put sugar ou uie xeuuceu xisi juu heard people talking about the! sugar industry being ruined that it would be so . cheap . it would float on top of your coffee. But now the sugar barons have proven to you that the tariff hasn t a blamed thing to do with the, price of sugar. Recently the price-has been doubled showing inai -u? law ox suppiy anu : ue mand plays no part in fixing , the prices of our commodities.) The price is set by the infernal barons and we must pay it or do without it. 4 , ' - ; , : ' .Now let's see if you ever knew a game like that to. be played in ,the ; price . of ; , postage stamps. tamps and sugar are botn made rom products grown out of the arth, and both supplied by hu- ma laooivy oiams are uoi xuaue nd sold tot a speculation off of 11 who must use them, but for the bmmon good' of ; all. Then sup ose the government , owned- and paid those who : work -in' them just such ! prices as are paid all jgovernment' employTou would !today; be' buying : your sugar, , at the actual, cost of r producing 1 it, rhich would be less . than ' , one alf of the usual price, and those have gotten, along without"-; a. kee Doodle", and ", Dixie,?V and A r' -v " i nave , decided. to seiecjt a nation-: ; ; i r; ;s ai air jor tne ' Germans. . .Now, 10. don t know, whether, they, are go-t;', - L'' ing toJtrornotutviABli? know they ought to. It is so an- ' n ; . prbpriate f orj every. - soldier" .to r ' ' ' sing who. is engaged in the great ' -' vv war;of today. It is the .national i hymn of Siam, ,in the original :f' 7 -V?-;. Siamese Janguage. I hope you aref t scholar enough, to translateit tin-! ' v. ; to EncrlLsh." An for-feur vnn wt v. ; " V1; embarrassed, maybe you had, bet: C ' fe , you getfready to translate 'Bpta agine yourself one of the Emper- s vf ', s;,hif ed ;assadna fchtins fori V: iS$ Jfejs-J more, gold brai4 : to . add to his ; r,,. royal robe; nd then sing these s , ': lines ta the tune of 'America. ,,rv-$feV f O wha tan nasiaxal v -Ml we. was lan.nas oiani l Q wha tan KWha SuchaT fef;..Sucha nas SiamH Vri. . JkK -;osucha nass rH T : iv-5dl t : i 2: v : U3 to lb xny r: I;rc.; I Tr-nt all ; iftv';hr,D jv-a ir ,7 Triton thirty C '"'iv '': r nirio tp cno yc- V;v "' c; - ' el ll-rco cf yct:r fri: fr, 1 15 rji cut 1 1 2 Lrtli 1-7 a its czr f i- - my cat at my feet and talk v?ith 'vcu ' a ''rknuta." ' I-ci"r rrr !"'t4!r by. I feel as our thca-Ltj eft Lrcj r::i And pirtci!. TTo turn c; casiuKi iisapcu upoa ua urn c r cry. - I vrast yea to ccstin. ;carr and also renew cr crt 1 ycur. cutscripticn fcr .csr 'vc:: I raid do that. , How viU VC .lizri, your paper . Id t';rc3 cf .r year frc3 fcr esisjtl:.:.. I !. :licve I'il hcar-frqn .yo, ' v i i ' - t ft f 1 V ft r .5(

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