' I V " ,V tf f,V, ! fi r j lei V"'L y 1. tl-J! I 11.- H d i , L v f. , t 7 !" i ,, 5 V '.."'..' 'il.ini"! iiiHiii f T . i iy.tr iii.yt.111111111. i iin.iK hii.iiiiiU.iii mi i ,1,1 . 1 1.1 ili.ii u mi , 1 1 11 1 'n 1 1, i.iiii I ) 1 ..1 (.n iIi)im.p.ji nli 1 1 1. tn 11. " j'r...t '..'.I'L " Jll".,(t. '' " "' 11 fii'1'1 111 imi'.,'; iTjlnflrfnTii HI hL.r Hi I III II lillllHi IJ iiiilll .11.1 ill I, , iC ( t n- , vv xiust go minus Art' ute isasie ; ; .1 , "SH ,? till . ve 'anttfeocrE.L2 slickerft. iv' i wWMj mpp-wf wppii iiiii. 1 ,-4-:' t'fT .l.eelJi $ree to Sate. vm.' - ,.. 4UIU, IrilW W. IHUUouk &, I- I.' II t! LOOK OUT ITOIi YOTO GOALP. Listen " a minute. Mister. . did yoiilmow'thatjrouared upon tile crest ot a loaded oica- v-i;7oi7;-r 5 :vV: are. v v'j1 todayjfiecrctly gpting w our ; ; h iiona today, in', Europe are Sbhe di- . ; Ittas Iccqi- revealed' that.' under ; . i . fcand policies ; cX ,the 1 Pope : of i- Eoraa have dcsa more to hnng X ..,-oth.c::J cabined: . And this ?bl! i10 r4: Am- N. .-. juicnv fciii? u.i4.u tofcica. -xxoi uuii6 pit.i ijve uzs- iouotp panaerxn-j j,o ineir aemauua. . rujf. ; ; . r-" "--::3 cf thrco "cf 'cr frl m,vll : , TirhoU year, r ' :d rener or cxtcid yc n-lrirtpUca,, f:? r y:iri: Wiv: 't r rtir.3"tt,xr.r- c V r7;r ' " - tliirt:days If i Ml tshcar frcn yc X irul c;::5 1 - mto'the jaws of deaths dpn't, for trei ' mat Vou are ' sleepihff vwhile the nemy.ia training. rt$ guns up VU. JViu vni uvuicar - y t .. , ... man 'Catholic, ; church ,-;4oVS fK a UdoaVbanner' Vut five years va go this month and recall i theN ; martyrdum. of, Fran ciseq :,Ferrer;Wors1upful:Grand Master of the, 'freemasons 6i ' "Ux chools in Soain f roiri the "control of Catholic priests." - Thllaw of Spain; iforbids' ay: schools ligionis; not 'taught: JiisH lai Francisco iPerrei? .; wanted " repeal ed.; ; jHe as 'tried f for , treason agsinsv lue.jving ana.ine. jaoiy I chtiPh ,v Ite was ' ftrtiiviritftfi. - hpt1 tenced to death; and was shot on 0ci X V The pope was ap pealed tooy nearly every scholar in Europe, asljvell as ;j Ferrer's own familyrhe;popeTemained dumhand one;mote ' damnable was charged to the ' infamous unurcn tnat nas cursed the eanh erime'ioae.ffldrioV ' vfi i)' f"- l'.. ,iv . ! ' T fojj:centuries.f?lv? ; Bemember that the accusers of The only ; crime was beccuso ihe au vocaiea Jf; xree ecccois. v ouia n t you'; like ; toVhave -this ' damn- mgtrdc,:accountO?,:V ;"it t.t.3 a Tery special lavor in cnat ithe Irelatlve? 0f thes victim , ww5 al loved, to rbfipreaeat; at his f qneraL tferrer remained visible a a corpse, accoriUs to the 'Spanish custom un til the last .moment, his coon was of ; tl rbi blackened pine. FerrerV was etretcLtjd out in the gray convict gar- Ilia head was wrapped ; blood-t2.iaed bandages, hut, the sin ister tuxbaa -did not, conceal the splintered. 1 broken bones, the . jelly- like, fragments of his oozing brain. His rizht cheek bone, was broken In and hia. throat was bleeding ,a' little, and. had -been stopped up with a hand fuL' of soap, ln, the' middle " of bis for'elieid, a alVoibftce ;evesledj 'the r;ss3W:-cf a bullet, which had gone oat M the top cf his . skult .When the coffltt was. lifted , lor burial, I noticed that it had been, standing', in a jpool t blood, and all thru the funeral pro cession-Uhe horrible box.Jeft traces ot its passage , along the - road. The authorities would; not allow burial 'in a private tomb, and the remains were consigned, to. a-common, ditch, like the bones of ; Cromwell. His mother was taken 111 during the painful cer emony, X is v related " that this poor old .woman came to, the .office of the Castle of . Mountiulch the orevious ev ening,: (afikgtase her son ...hot knowing ihat 3 he Jhad already been shot. . Permission was refused her without ,, any explanation,' and she went away weeping silently." Now, ;Mister(rAmerican is not inui oue ttctjoi .uie auiuiui vatu- Vim, CUIU,UI vTUUUgll VW UOUUI n.v through air ages in the minds of the civilized Christian people Are "you eager , to have this same wretched aggregation of Dark' Age fanatics and public murder ers to fun "the gbveriunent of the United States t ; If you. are not, then t itis' time ttou are beginning WeU bgesh, t2ie panic's Ifetred:y; v';' Woodrdw emcte -the thic.lDerswat! I'l listen how he mixed tbi Uto;r mfSk Ah; the remedy,, how gtepls:j0;yi., t Watcif the cottcn prices fl3C;HV f ' Sing his" pHn-ye"Bcihern:jtaiiB -Land tte-lKmluWth&sklesJW , Sambo, hentf.more. a steseiv " -' 1 ;, ' Tailing MiULavmAlfr( But he's gone to tmytas cotton-, Tarned a speciaatlnr,tool. y , , tfxMYZMf "It : everybody;. buy a, bale,- rmJ1: ' A, - Titt democrats wto&ZMSW y v J A :'' r And: pUe it back int yo isnaeltM' j . lrIcea;rWfe Hieyand.bree Just buy; a bale and .lay asMe- Help Mil :tlw; cotton ;wltchee.: yy.n;Ifl:t f , . Tes,Wooe,: I would pay . Itele, ;j-;.4r ; : ? ASdUaiunioniu?4 .Tbefact?ls,,ZHJC-onlmast'fr , Thel)oakeyartyislmik; Just tloF Wpie;o.th; Wttfetuyou?iuiik.1 IJA Vfife; . Look herevMisterV ' must pay for ts.white pap; ?&41 gotustoirfiBt you .areasleepmrderM ttix uX0i Z?fa : this.lWouihelp;i,us!mt club of three or four! i; h e dca t : -f ' vlfefci.'' kno what ui is ,iliVtovrif'' ( goes ;aowtt .cu WmzrX sajthrealtoi.waa oufcf tactbsVVS iBhaV M'"ti""i 1" ni"ili i) i,i7in'n.nin J11M.11 -11 .in f iiji' ' Inijni iji ii'iV'ii'ii hi'i i i f js .Ci QlYcar;.!?-. : yl v i v r r". r" . , t . ; , .y y

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