-';y'VvV . i , -,7- - , . W i ' .V. ,1 ?;-" J CJhteentlt, Vc.jllmCMORAVIiUr' FALLS, ;;W, 0 00T0BEE, 1928. 25 Cents a Ycar--L. B. LAWS, Editor, ;--;w.?T-1 1 : ' mm ... ,.. , , , ,r , n, , r , , , , S i Llln - ' fi A 1 -f "V r -ft ; v : i it- ' '5 J! Vmi Tifnrt.nnat6 fellorft who Ar'nVfor Al fimith.4 Von:' had as 're hollow'RaTifdSmith" l V- t -for there'irbe , a';time, ierf you , , willt-labt if eel like hollowin g. yww5aoisy .demonrationf vwill suddenly - come ri?lwe ' about ' -' Noveinlpei Mhf ynth(& dull thud, ' " Everybodywith "enougK-intel-- ligence, tb'jgo m out of the rain, knowt&at Herbert tHooer is - going to,-ewMP country. like ratfdatwaye.'iy Wouldn't the republicansrelect.theircatfdidate witffAe suppoTtifof e eiiftre republican party and;' half the "democratst . x , Smith Jsn't going jtd be beaten butbeVgoin!1 to; be entirely 'dranieA'-'-Veycillot learn for about a nionth, bow bad Hooker .beat Smithy because it wiff fequire atHeast a month to v - 'count'the Hoover votes. 'vOandsKdefour years ago, and -i this year Smith will be de- :V 1 -7 Vfeated'bya ' mjountain tombling. : t-Ni i .vw us--4.-wiuir i its' way Jrito yoiir understanding. V 'K'? is reported Hhatthe'demo- 4$ratic headquarter.willenstall . ' a O-horse-powerclothes-wringer that"JsJhe'dries.;There won't : be, any". wets in.tbe' party after ' Kov.,' for thep party won't own -tJhem.jAre you -going, to be a 1 mong the folks1 wfio will have to - r:$hruthewr3nger,:; w "Qet ready totake yonr swat " tinVits eoniingas sure as Sun- v , - Miss. -Fannie ItegexsV, of .New " Bern, :N,'C may-see a Chance to :. l Oim a! f ew f rjBr" of f - the New T6rker'a -North; Carolina" major- V'v-ity fby deciding tbome out, for ' 1 -'- th KortfT- Carolina ;covernoi- Jfjthere bcrtany constitutional objections 'to 'her -bblding. the of- ;:ini;antejid 'thel eonstltulion. -sv 'XV ;i -Yessiheer I H , tak;e.r H upon ; . i!'55:! myself ' tofelect;her.and - stand ''rsz7 guj3f-McJiean7out: in- a corner V Vv r-X' Xtb xsoor iwd inakef speeches for Al , t. jSmStbJUifeJ7Ilsk.ino;rewarcl J?:-Tv: otherrjlian the - privilege of " .V. -1 c h vuuijLirwji jiiertti, xne lnaugu- Vote tor -cv, " i,.--,-xw.- va wura?, uiw exmgcub ieei preity ' :f i aurora :borealis - of. ;those beauti- raiSes 'the. rf'.hypnotisft her,andBletepuidn't do. then. '.v?;r ' see meaJinn-aown otb sides tccLmink'a f 7fJt; 1he; street at -pncer buV' f can my romanti6lieni6ry feast on ; ' . vV: licrcclf elected, rd discbunt her wanting tie aiid Jly f-, 0, little . brown jug, there 's many a slip Twixt the Whiter House Door and; the Donkey's lip; With that fellow" Hoov6r so aping the track, I 'm af raid-3u .days won 't ever come back; Talk bone-dry but yofe with' a.! slosh, . gym " Side walks of New York' UiutnitiAiw oltiiA Trnn ndn Trot along with Us for Smith and boozed v Then tak'eeMg,.rsixppef . Me and'my derby -and little brown jug? -Bf"l;:, And when':Votesj are: countedN I earnestly think, "We can pass around the jug and all take a drink -IH telMilver if he sheds any tears, :-ci: Wipe . 'em alT. away with my gets into a pinch; I'm willing to do anything, in the world I an for Fannie except pUton" her shoes, stockings ; eteVJfor ' her when she moves intQi,the Raleigh governor's mansion), Miss Faniiie-Jias ) rushed, her lovely portrait nkChe newspa pers, and he? mouK.wliicb" indi cates the -ample-eapacity;.for an" entire pumpkin 'pie assures us that she can L talk Jlromrthe cra dle to the grav"eV ' '"''r t This comment; doesn't mean to suggest anyVsiileH&'air funny business, but', my 1 political "enthu siasm is graduallyncreasing in geometrical -progressionT A DARK-SIDED PICTURE, Mister" Wprkingrniaijyoujnay uovernor? miui1 ana gooa ao,oui, xv tm ne jflood-gate" to foreign like e sayshe will youl feet.like' eastra- beyilledfwitV the lousy1; mploymentf offering caovcu. iUwvic, -ftu ted-jiiink at,a carnival 2 : , nfest the world t. If vou do, then Vou'Il bV;busyatyoura a 'et,yqnr .vote for Al Smith and day job' whcnsUfldenlV'lthe fac- -yri bnldn't do inore'.to bring, "IT"? Little Brovn Jug la .s.-,.?s..',.-,-A ''si "'',, CM "ft J I bra And bray, xr Mi laKft:.jy-.S. and give it atyfJ S, brown-derby ears. sixty cents' a day. JDo you know what will happen then? You may offer to work as cheap as they do or you'll go out at the door. These foreigners who take but two baths during their , lives one when they are born:and one widen they die, would be tickled half to deathto gefifty cents a day for their labor. That would be double what they could get in their own country for work. . Then That happens next? Your wife and family 's standard of living - must r -come . down to that of the foreigner,- or you 11 remain out of employment. In no, country; which the sun shines, on do the people live on a nigner sianaara xnan America. o you wai io see America me stamping-ground of Chinamen, r .Italians, ; Hungarians, Russians, and . every undesirable, class that -Ab6nt these miserable conditions. yway with ;s.jouti " home and all -fvr von pome im .vow to n a- A Letter From the Devil 1200 Brimstbn- Street, Oct. Ik,, 1928. Dear old Voter-straights : It tiekles me into double-bow-knots almost, to see you Smitho crats trying to turn the world oyer to me. It looks like a heap of you democrats are playing L hell up there on earth. When JJ. J: you hear folks say that At Smith . : C prohibitionists beat the: Devil tell them that I said it was true : If the Smithocrats haven't beat me then I'm a yellow gophpr I'm getting jealous of my job That ' 4 support the party ' is "a v regular gobler trick to get suck ers. Keep busy telling the folks that it is the "patriotic" fellbwi who always supports the whole ticket even it has a hyena on it. Make folks believe that you .can't scratch your ticket and bp true to your party. This trick will "spread more damnation on eleo tion day than a thousand camp- t meetings can wipe up in a. whole- - yearfc I'm somewhat of a liar: my- , t . seujLtbAgvtee I.uvuu AW w MAim-AiAAaAAL L ' VUV j J ilAV f'.rj:.! ribbon on ; Of courseaeUawS who supports CviBDL;f- prohiDitionxtbe- ouldnXCf . be driven inio heaven witbvu the Pearly-Gate standin' wide open Si If it wasn 't foi; Al Smith and" th ; democratic party I 'd rent J. out Hell for a skating rink, stump the country against Hoover and' sell my brimstone all , to Tamr jnany. Hell without Smithocrats would become as" 'sounding ' v brass and tinkling .cymbals ; I want all you. wet democrats to vote for, Smith and booze. I like booze myself. It is treason under a mask. It robs virtue 'OH its purity, it robs enterprise of ita success. Smith and booze is ra spectability in league with hell. It pushes' criminals' to the front, youth into crime and the aged into the grave. It also drives vuv tuous womanhood into lives of shame. Olerious old Booze ! How many sins have been committed in thy name! Bring out the band, and play "Side walks of New York." Sing songs of praise to corn li- quer ! Patriotism, morality, humani ty. Christianity, all for sale I 1 What do we hear? - , A bid! 5 - Who bids? Ta'mmany ! . I What's the bid? v Booze! , - Going, going and gone booze Get on the Smith ' band-waff on! - .. --,:-:v All, aboard , for HelU . . Sold for; booze. 14 , " i 4 "IT? ' -..iV-A,- - -'A 4 - .i 1 "-I 7-