The Davldsonfan Entered mm saoond-claaa mail matter June t, im. at th post-office at ThomaavUle, N. TOdSA&otJUrchfJilSlfc . TUB DAVIDSON IAN PUBLISHING CT. ififtTI SkaacrtaaWM a Vea...... , :! months 100 so a 1WB WW SOIJNTY; ih uavidsonian ba never gone wild over the proposition for th (preatiow of a new county embracing portions of Guilford, Ratldoicih'and Davidson, with High (oint 89 the county seat. We are free to say it would be a magrnifleent county one of the best 'and most progressive in the state. But Thomasville is not afc ll enthueed over the proposition as she is already in a good ' county and within twenty, minute's of the court house. The High Point people are to be commended for their zeal in the matter. It would mean everything to them. It does not help a dead town to be made the oounty seat, as for in stance, Halifax, Wentworthand Dobson but it does help a live town; and if High Point is not alive the rest of .Us are dead. The new county would also be a saving of time and money to the country people in the ter ritory who are from twenty to twenty-five miles from their county seats, . many of them having bad roads to travel. For the most part these country people are in favor of the move ment. The principle - opposition comes from the town of Thom asville itself, and the reason of this opposition lies in the fact that the benefits of the new county to Thorpasville would be so small that the game would hardly be worth the candle. If th3 whole of- our people living within the limits of the new territory were solidly in favor ot it there would be an excellent ' prospect of success before the legislature; but with any divi sion whatever among the peo ple interested in the case is well nigh hopeless. This, as we uneerstand it, is about the status of affairs at tin writing.s ' The qJestioW of' water works for the town miht as well be faced for it will become more and more pressing until we shall be forced in self-defense to take it up; and it may be at fearful cost. The Orphanage was driven by a scourge of ty phoid fever to put in its sys tem. Our fine natural drain age has stood us in good' stead, but it is. folly to depend on natural drainage for 5.CC0 peo ple. The wise man foreseeth the evil. Charlotte's famous "Four C's," the power company that has done so much' for the devel opment of that city, has been gobbled up by the Southern Power Company. So far from complaining, the citizens are chuckling over the deal, for ii means still greater things for Charlotte. It is said that David B. Hill left an estate worth only $25, 000. The world honors him because he died comparatively poor. In view of all this it is rather strange that so many men toil and sacrifice and suf fer to accumulate a pile that brings discredit at last. In a great number of ourhomes there ia joyous expectation of the Christmas holidays. Our host of college boys and girls will come home to spend that happy season. The splendid brick block oq North Salem street will add- immensely1 to the appearance of that part of the town when it ia finished. A WISE MV(Mtt .'! V I 'll im It is proposed "to Bold on next Monday night a citizens meet ing" tbat means" more to -the community than anvtnofM-Feir a a a at . t ' a - l this town this year. Fj it was suggested oy pit Kooert Li. iwamoetn, ana- is creditable ti hiheart.'' Bdis thoroughly acquainted with the financial condition of large numbers. of our., people, and that knowledge has moved him to make the suggestion. . Here it is: That an organ i zation, be. effected of as many of our people as will willingly enter into the movement to pay one dollar each month,- the money ' to be used in relieving the necessities of the poor and suffering among our, people, That a judicious committee be appointed to have this matter in charge, who shall work in conjunction with the Civic League, or not as may be thought best, their business being to fully investigate every case brought to their attention, and supply such as are helpless and destitute with the necessi ties of life. This movement is not intend ed to put a premium on lazi ness or thrift lessness; but to see to it that the innocent do not suffer through the neglect of others, and that the children of misfortune may not freeze or starve. It is a good time to move in this direction. The happy Christmas season is just ahead. Some of us may not have been wise heretofore in the distribu tion of our gifts. Why not put a part of the money, at least, that we are in the habit of throwing away, into channels service for those who really need our help? Let the grouchy stay away. This organization is not for them. The Lord loveth a cheer ful giver. Those who are sus picious that .the money will be improperly applied need not join. It is more than likely however that such persons are really not suspicious; they are simply stingy. The benevolent of the com m unity will be offered this means of exercising their be nevolence; and we believe that there are one hundred people in the trvwn of Thotaaaville Uo will gladly givewne'o'birer1 a month to relieve the dis trees that will be felt during the cold bleak winter months. . We trust this undertaking will apt peal to those who have pity in their hearts for the poor, and that they will promptly report on Monday night. The Southern Power Com pany has its eye on Thomas ville. The fact thatit has pre pared itself to furnish almost unlimited power at th's point means much every way. Wha t le town is now is nothing to what it shall be. And we will not have long to wait. Ransom it shall be. We are not enamored of the name, but that is neither here nor there. It would have been wissr, how ever, not to have selected the name of any man, especially of one who was by no means a universal favorite. The N. C. Conference is in session this week at Elizabeth City. The Baptist State Con vention meets next Tuesday at Hendersonville. Then cometh the end of the big religious, meetings of the year. Mr. E W. Cates and family have moved into their elegant new residence which stands on the )ot occupied by their home which was .burned. . And-Tho-masville has added another, te her long list of beautiful homes. f. We arei ; feeling, .better .b6nt our passenger station. Jt is not here yet, but it sounds good to hear it talked about. vi "r tiffin 4lm- of ' r -- IWrl a. " - f' Ml IPT' -Wi L I w -a-i Uispatch, published tilse nvhefe is the neatest piece of work we nM een.i in -jqjite . while. iCowmofleoTsneaianwitar i The : meeting t off fivernprs ;now in session, at : Frankfort, Kyv ought tor b pctodactive of great good. 1 This Venrto tan ference of our executives ' was one of the wisest ideas! oi; our spectacular, friend, : Mr. Theo dore Roosevelt. & '. v Greensboro ; will no i 'doubt soon begin the agitation 'for the removal of the Beat opgervern ment from Raleigh, to , that town. Why not pull for Wash ington and be done with it? We are not hearing much about 100 bushels of corn to the acre since1 the time has come to measure it. Corn looks 6 bigger on the stalk than on the scales. " , ... i ine indications pointfto a tremendous Thanksgiving of fering for the Orphanasne. '; The contributions continue to come through the month of Decem ber. We are in hopes that the South will be delivered from the Suffragette. We haven't the nerve down here to put the sisters on the roads. A Durham advertiser t says that, $10,003 will be spent in Christmas gifts in that? city. And they will all go into the hands of receivers. Several'dangers confront the Democrats. One of them is the tariff question and the other is Mr, Bryan. Each of them is hard to handle. We are still claiming a popu lation right around four 'thou sand, though we have had not a chirp from brother Stone. The iVews and Obaen-er has discarded its pokeberry jar and comes out in plain black and white. - The Sunday Schools will re port a large attendance from now until Christmas. High Point , must hand us tne' court' bouse and the jail' tori its no go. Now York Stall. The Statelof New York, with 9,11 279 inhabitants under the new cen sus , has more people than any one of these European kingdoms; Bel gium, Holland, Portugal, Denmark! Norway, Sweden, Bulgaria, Servia, Roumania, Mentenegro, Bavaria, Saxony or ' WuTtembnrg. It has as many as Scotland ' and Ireland combined. It has twice a many as Australia, and it exceeds all Canada! by at least one-third. Its population ia the same as England's at the first census of that country; taken In 1801, and two and one-third times greater than that of the entire United States at our own 6ret centsus, taken in 1790. '".L ' New York S'ate is more populous than any country in South America except Bfaxil, and it exceeds1 any other country in North America ex cept Mexico. Its increase of 1,84,. 3n for the last 'decade is greater than the population of any State west bf the Mississippi except Cali fornia, and is almost exactly equal' to that of Maine and Conneticut combined. .' ' ' But what is still more interesting, the population of New York City ex ceeds by more than 400,000 the pop ulation of the rest of the state. ' CoflgraMfflta H N. Pan to Maki AppokrtmMrt to U. S. sUHtawy teadmy. Congreasman Page, of this, 'the Seventh District, wants to find some bright young man, a resident of the district, oetween the agrea bf seven teen ' and! 1 'twenty-two years, who is prepared to stand the-ekaminatiorr, mentaf atid 'physical. and weald ktBBprJ6Tntmeht! at cadet to the the y. S. Military -Academy at West PtrTnt -Tbeexaminatitm will o!. Held the second TaesdaVht triniArvt KiV km tHr--atJDeintrneM DiiBtsi made befoe,thrt rito-rif Wr st Washingrton, D. C. givlnjr yo'iif axe, preparation, etc. - I Pavldaon County. . , ioj. aciuacK, owner, ana auouwr per eona. Iran or corporatlona fiaTlna en r in- tereatox abareln tlie fauowinc deeerlbea land ffisWostVtf.sMhth taxes on the Mh day of September, ltOt.iMiId of Tlnai-evUli, -hie-, wm Hst-d jortaxa. -on in the name of J. m Black, was sold for taxes tor thf aw !rajsftaih amonnt- injr to a-ui utat D uooaman, Deinir tne laat and hUrheat bidder at Bald aale. became rhsimrc-eaer, a-d sttfssq-eottr solds-H property to toe natfela-no aaafeaecpthat the time of redemption of aaid land from aaid tax aale expire April Mth, ml, ' A H. RAGAN, Assignee; Notice! North Carolina , , To Jerry Thomaa, Jr.,(c61.) Owner, and all other pereoua, firata and corporations hav- Utm an hiUreat or ahare . in the . following described tandai . This ia to aive you notice that at a sale for taxes on the 6th day of September; 1909 said aale being- conducted by In H. Hilton. Tax Qollaator for the Town, of Thomaavillei your one-sixth interest in, a certain lot or tract of land In the town of ThomaavUle whleb- was listed for taxation in the name of Jerry Thomaa,. Jr., (col.), was sold tor taxes- for the year 1C38, said taxes, amount, log- to 20c i that 8. Goodman, betas-the last and fcifi-hest bidder at said sale.became the purchaser, and subsequently sold said property to the underaisned asaisneei that time of redemption of aaid lands from aaid tax sale expiree April Mth, 1B1L A. H. RAGAN. AsaUmee. Notice! North Carolina, Davidson County. To John Dicen, owner, and all other per sons, firms and corporations having any interest or ahare In the following-described lands: This is to give you notice that at a sale for taxes on the 6th day of September, 1906, said sale havintr been conducted by I H. Hilton, Tax Collector for the Town of Thomasvllle your one.fourth interest in a certain lot or tract of land in the town of Thomasvllle, which was listed in the name of John Dicen, was aold for taxes for the year 1906, said taxes amounting- to $1.01; that S. Goodman, being- the last and high est bidder at said sal", became the pur chaser, and subsequently sold said prop erty to the undersigned assignee; and that time of redemption of said lands from said tax sale sale expires the Mth. day of April. 191L A. H. RAGAN. Assignee. Notice! North Carolina, Davidson County. To A. C. Holton, owner, and all other per son, firms and corporations haying any interest or share in the following described 1 lands. This Is to give you notice that at a aale for taxes on the 6th. day of September, 1906, said sale having been conducted by L. H. Hilton, Tax Collector for the Town of Thom asvllle, yourone-fourth Interest in a certain lot in the town of Thomasvllle, which was listed in the name of AC, Holton, was sold for tor taxes for the year 1908. said taxes amounting to $1.12; that S. Goodman be came the last and highest bidder at said sale and subsequently sold said property' to the uderaigned assignee; that the time: of redemption of said lands from said tax sale expires the Mth. day of April. 1911. A H. RAGAN. Assignee. Notice! North Carolina. Davidson County. , TO R. C Alexander, owner, and all other persons, firms and corporatlona having any interest or share in the following de scribed lands; This ia to give you notice that at a sale for taxes on the 6th. day of Spetember. 1990. said sale having been conducted by I H. HUton, xax.voUector for the Town of Thom- You can save money only While yon have money." ' When old age comes don't let It be fettered by the folly of your younger day., . It Is pitiable to be uld and poor. Bank your ' money and have your money. .-- ; . .JHk OtRABaftfpiytBank:' ; , "'."'I '" '.1..I1:-K-- ; 1. 4ii - i , v : J. ' . . 1 .in -'ironUU rt v irona-t ihtH Interest In a cer. i ini k o (racti, Imv I, In the Town of 4boi! aat Itfiv'hli AimirA uatbaname f vtj. dxaw . itmi sold for taxes for tne pr ihh, saia taxes; BaaoantUa .to so, IS; tH8, Goodman bocame the last and hlahest bidder at said sale anaV aubss- Aiianny imd said prawoty to ilie awto redemp 1 wm oi sara lanna trom aaia tax aale expiree A. H. KAGAN, Aaaiirnee.! To John Domett, owner; and all persona, n; orations haTinarany interest or share in Thlsis togiveroiAaR that at a sale for taxes on the 6th day of September, una aaid sale havina- been conducted by I. .H. Hilton, tax collector for the (own of thorn aSvule, your one-half1 lntereat-ln a lot or tract ef land describe as foUo-rs., In, .tntar toay a orTomavUle..waa sold for; taxes in. the rear 19pB,amountlnarto 64.86; that the same was Usted for taxation In the name of John Dorsett ; add that the 8. Goodman became the! last and highest bidder at said sab andand subsequently. aol ,sa(4 pro perty to the unqerslgnea assurnee: that the time of redemption of said lands from said tax sale expires the 8MB day of April, inv. y - ... ; . . A. H. RAGAN, Assignee, Nbtice. North Carolina. Davidson county. . ,. To Mrs. H. H- Hyatt, owner and aU other persona, firms or corporations having an interest or share in the following described landn . , This is to give yon notice that at a sale for taxes on the 6th day of September; 1606. said sale having been conducted by L. H. Hilton, Tax Collector for the town of Thorn asville, your oneketgth Interest In jt certain lot in the town of ThomaavUle.waa sold for taxes for the year 18p8, said taxes amoqnt. ing to $1.44; that the same was listed In the nartie of Mral H. II. Hyatt; and .that S Goodman became the laat and highest bid der at said sale and subsequently sold said property to the undersigned assignee, that the time of redemption of said lands from said tax sale expires the 84th day of-l April, 1911. A. H. RAGAN, Assignee. Nbtice! North Carolina, Davidson County. To Mrs. A. B. Roberson, owner, and all other person, flrtns!and corporations hav ing any interest or shure in the following described lands: - This is to glye you nstice that at a sale fortqxes on the 5th, day of September, 1906, said sale having been conducted by L. H. Hilton, Tax Collector for the Town of Thomasvllle, your one-eighth interest in one lpt or tract of land in the town of Thomasvlile. which Was listed In the name of Mrs. A E. Roberson, Was sold for taxes for the year 1908, said taxes, amounting to $1.12; that 8. Goodman, being the laat and highest bidder at said sale, became the purchaser, and subsequently sold said j property to the uuderslgned assignee ; and that time of redemption -of said lands from said tax sale expires the 84th. day of April, 1911. A H. RAGAN; Assignee. ' If you are interested in- Thomas vllle subscribe' for The Davidbon IAN. Published weekly. All home print. $1.00 a year, 50c forfl montha. Address - THE! DAVlDSONlAN, Thomaeville. N. C. The l adles of THteJ1 vine and Vicinity , Are cordially Invited to . ll and inspect our iarg ' and '- haridsome a sort ment of - Pattern- hats, Miss Vchctia Smith HIGH POINT, N. C. ,..rr Wot- Ad Cc: rsiMiiall OMK CENT A WOftB. Year Wmmt lim Titm , '-.'a t t- J K.M- la- K aar...,.i 1 I TO BECOMK and know that we are i4MT pUotographs-Mp-tct and. aajas. ;itni8Htr pTdfnpuy, . we wflFpsy car iare noin ways oOTnars amounung- to $5.00 or more. -' i.r:.: , DrjNwiat andXcbbist. ; v.,t...teinirton,N. .C J. p. LANE'S for1 1 nitrn IViMev feUW-Bat. : :.-"-.--V'. - .j FOB SALE Old papers for. safe at 'your orn prtcB.' Apply at Dav idsonVan offlce; M li MiHill Hiill NEw LINE . oi . Sweet Orr ft.. hig-n grade trouaerS at J. Laae's. WANTED:!. ,.you know thai ttia Charlotte Evening-, Chronicle "pThej Grea,t Penny Paper"; is on eaie in, your, town each evening an tliat Chaa. White andRayinond Buttoi are our regularly , appointed ngents and) , will deliver at your home or office,, for, one cent per, day or six cents per week. Give it a triat J. F. LANPS is the place to boy shoes of all kinds.' WANTED--You to try Thb Dav- roeoNiAN want' ad" column. It giVes results. If you have any thing- for rent' or for' sale, try all' ad in this column. i DR. . . W. H. WAIIELD, of Charlotte, will be in Thomaaville at the Thomasvllle Hotel on Thursday, Dec. 8th one day only,: His piactice ia limited to the medical add 8urg-ir cal treatment of disease of the Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat and Fitting Glasses. DON't FORGET J. F. Larieks if you wapt .a tailored suit GET YOUR night shirts and pa jamas from J'. F. Lane. News Wanted. ' The varione clubs and societies of Tliomasville are earnestly request ed to furnish' us with all the news matter ' obtainable. Dd this. It wili'heipVour club and it will help youi paper." - ' Another tliiilg, If yod have a visitor, or if yott epect to Visit out of town youreelf,; tell us about it Phone us all yon know. - ' - THE DAVlDSONlAN Phone 23. J. W. Lambeth Bldfif. 61 LOl Oj mmeru at Miss Eugenia Fife s Call and ict Jtet.tlocki t Miss E. C. Fife Wycbt$bdv Vhomasville, C 0 tl Hahs