TEST-M for paß LOT m SEGU ING I Federa^3^^^g^j|feSM| have a a Club RM sists of/ which cluhs can otHHI work fdr the year ami 1J points for each accomplish Two hundred points are req for entry on the National 1 Roll, and clubs attaining number receive recognij through the National A Magazine. As of which is one of the during the year reqiH port club ratings to tfl Counselor, the T nttJ Music Club has a ra« ' j points. This makes thj gible for the National 9 and speaks well of tißsM being made by this of the fact that it organized since SepM-Mj The regular mo for the month of 1 held in the Recrc Tuesday evening, with Peggy Blad Brinegar and Rob hostesses and host ents and friends members as specif With the Pr«yj Brinegar, presidi]flK«|| opened with the»Pjtl Junior Hymn stallation of offflgiH Brinegar, herd, Vice-Presi*£f 5 Eaton, Secretary;® -- jj Josey, Treasurer. 4 and Ruth Turner wm| as new members. Afta business session the 1 program was presented: Report on Donizetti, Old Mas ter, by Peggy McCullough. Report on Ethelbert Nevin, American Composer, by Sue Wagner. Hymns and Interesting Fact* About Their Composers: "Jerusalem the Golden," vocal duet by Anne Ridenhour an| Mary Shepherd. Story: Jean A they. "Doxoloy: Praise God Fran Whom All Blessings Flow," piano solo by David Milholen. Story: Betty Sue Eaton. Larry and •re ■■■■!■ of a teby 0i y nsqiad Sandra Louise. tjur Overseer's daughter, Dolly, : who is in school at Brevard, has bee* sick with flu. We are glad to jpport that she is well again ailCto tell the rest of the story. Her mother was with her, Mr. Dayis started to Brevard but stopped to spend the night with |i E ESW I N CHATTER Our Yuletide Season As we pause with sacred honors To our Lord who «•«"» to earth, Who by choice became a p**»«»"t. Choosing Mary, who gave him lxrth. These amidst the beasts of burden While feeding gently on the hay. Lay the fulfillment of all proph ecy Since the beginning of land's day. Presently came the A*r»ww*W voices, *Twas in the distant of night Shouting, "Hosanna, a new-bora King, Behold his star with glorious light." Then came sacred Heavenly voices Harmonizing quite low and sweet With melodies from golden harps, Gave chords o'er Bethlehem streets. Hosanna to our new-born King Present Christians are urged to sing, Through love, faith, hope and i prayer, His love abundant ever declare. B —By J. N. Parker. Kis brother near Shelby. Next ntnornmg, they wont rabbit hunt ing and caught three rabbits. Then "Jeff" went on to Brevard to get Mrs. Davis and came back brother's and spent another IBht. Again they went hunting jjiiHpext morning and caught T&more rabbits. Now "Jeff" of himself as a rabbit s. Mike Walker are ■ents of a baby girl Frances. only one reason for giv » gift And that is love, t is why Jesus was given ly our Fattier above." ||!||Hre wish at this time to each of our readers our ggSfebes for a Happy Holiday IS, and may each of us face flew Year with the love of S in our hearts. B would like to tell you about pe of our oldest weavers, one whom is Miss Betty Orrender. ■he has a record of over 41 years in the Weave Room and is now one of our best weavers. She lived in the same house on Street all of these years and is the only member of her family now in Cooleemcc. She h»« one brother, Judson, who lives In Texas. This is a good record, and w$ salute you, Betty, for it „ Our oldest weaver in years of •ervioe is Mrs. Nettie Corn. She has a record of 46 years, even thought she isn't able to work now and has a leave of absence. She not only has been a good worker but is also a good woman and a good neighbor. Can one say more about their fellow workers? Her husband is Mr. Charlie Corn, employed in the Warp Room. Another is Mr. Charlie Howell who has a record of over 43 years with the Company. He is now a weaver on the first shift and has ROOM EMPL °YEE WINS PRIZE IN OCTOBER SAFETY CONTEST—Jaff Davis, Ovimir, prwmti Bill Howard with prize mo nay for ''Wliil's Wrong Willi THts Ptcturtr' contoiL Another contest winnif not pictured is Mary Barrier. COOLEEMEE MKIC CUB HOUS NOVEMBER MEETMG one son and one daughter work ing in the Weave Room also. Still another is Mr. Henry Nail who has over 42 years for his rec ord. He is also a weaver on the first shift and has a son working in the Weave Room and a daugh ter who works in the Warp Room. These four people all have good work records and have seen many changes in the way things are dime in the mill, all the way from "skinning" quills with their hanriq to the modern quill ma«»hin«m Miss Mildred Sedberry of Boone and Mr. Bruce Sedberry of Washington, D. C., spent Thanksgiving with their father, Mr. "Kenny" Sedberry. IT, it is almost , and most of us Eway to en n is by shar blessings of ember that it is give than to re- We are glad to see "Mart" Simmons back on his job after a severe illness. Word has been received that one of our former employees, Ray Spry, who is now a sergeant in the Army overseas, has received a fine commendation from his su perior officer. Good work, Ray! Keep it up. Rev. Jesse C. Pack, Baptist minister who at present is em ployed in the Weave Room, has purchased the property known as the Old Laundry in North Cool eemee and {dans to start a Bible School there about the first of the year. We are glad that Babe Myers is back on his job after being out with a sore hand. Mrs. Bill Beauchamp is back at work after being out due to her husband's illness. Mr. E. L. Head will have plenty of fresh meat He is out at this writing killing hogs. Everyone in the Weave Room seems to be very good. Guess if s because old Santa is on his way. Mrs. Mary Shores and family spent a recent weekend with her mother. Mrs. Nellie Houpe is enjoying her new home in Gladstone. Mrs. Catherine -Barnette spent Thanksgiving in Harmony eating chicken. Mrs. Ruby Dunn and Mrs. Geneva Gregory ate turkey at home Thanksgiving: Mrs. Vetra Brown spent Thanksgiving with her mother who celebrated her 74th birth day. We hope Floyd Nail will soon be able to return to work. * *■■#•-■■ w'_ -jgj I K * ji |9| II - MHHi l ilil l IB ,v 'iMWßMt.'" V IS H m j ® «\ H £ We are sorry to hear that 9 FORMES MEMBER PRE SENTS OWN COMPOSITION Hie Cooleemee Music Club hdd its November meeting at the home of Mrs. Baxter Young, a»vi the members were fortunate in having as special guests Mrs. A. A. Kyles and Mrs. C C. Herbert, Jr. Hie feature of the evening was the presentation by Mrs. Herber of Mrs. Kyles' ofm com position, "Oh Little. French Clock."' Mrs. Kyles served as ac companist. This number was es pecially appreciated since Mrs. Kyles is a former member of the Cooleemee Music Cltlb, and the Federated Music Clubs include in their program special upon the work of American com posers, encouraging all new com posers to continue their work along this line. In addition to Mrs. Kyles* song, Mrs. Herbert very plpawngly sang "Sunset," by Dudley Buck, and "I Love a I tittle Cottage," by OUara, with Mrs. Kyles ac companying her at the piano. Other visitors at the meeting were Mrs. C. L. Isley awJ Miw Peggy Brinegar. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Young, assisted by Mrs. W. B. Wilson, served a delicious sal ad course with coffee. George Miller is back on the sick list again and hope be will soon be with us again Zelma Brooks, one of our re porters, has been in the hospital for the past week due to an acci dent Little Harry Scott Vogler ate Thanksgiving dinner with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. EL Vogler. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Houpe spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Delia Pierce. We are glad to have Ethel Gib son and Irene Hellard back with us after being out sick. Mrs. Sadie Kin 1e y spent Thanksgiving Day with her sis ter, Mrs. Tim Deaton of near Woodleaf. Thomas Swicegood and Carf Blackwood are bade on their jobs after being out several weeks with the flu. We would like to welcome Roy Garwood and Bill Howard back with us. Mr. Md Mrs. Bap Jordan spent Thanksgiving «ky wife their (Continual 00 Page t) . J Page 5