4BSSBI^ VoL 3. No. 1 ' jmbi * 2T"VHHHBHF v IVrVQ^L J ''" V ~Z3HKiifij **■ ■ t **■ i|g m*.~ * w I *sEsi£Hl IBE I.««3KBBVpSi£StSMB - 1- 4 % B £ '*jfff B jd 1 "111^81 mam _ j _w . IfJ ffißHp&yt -'*&?w-- % - •-" i v ".'' BBwBMMFfL />!/?':''' «n t-V. 4 **^BHHHHH^B^HEdB n||p- in 1 Ji|i HBMIM mi.' !T* ~ IB -f| .- T%-^aß' flBjK \ tllliilililiiilliilliiß . m n.r|i l ■-'. .;; v.-»Jb W iillfe M 1 i ll ll " '11" Jm Sm 'lllll I i#is PI .JHHH^^LIVU COLORE! REUS • North Cooleemee School held its dosing exercises on Thursday and Friday nights, May 22 and 23. The Primary Department, un do: Mrs. I. J. Burke, gave a mu sical playlet, Magic Gifts, on Thursday night, and the Gram mar Department, under Mrs. W. T. Davis, held their exercises on Friday night The North Cooleemee P. T. A. gave a banquet at the school on * Monday evening, May 26, in hon or of the parents and a few friends of the school The school was beautifully decorated with pink and green crepe paper, and a profusion of spring flowers, a bowl of which adorned the center of each table. The guests assembled at 8 o'clock and were shown to their • places by school girls who also served as waitresses. They were entertained with two solos from Joan Burke and Dolly Patterson. » Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. A. M. Houser of Salis bury who is a prominent leader in the A. M. E. Z. Church and is well known throughout the (Continued on Page 4) * mm JSi • I 188 - * wm * mSM - _ _ # • Cpl. 1-eroy Kerley of Camp Le* jeune, N. C, eon of Mrs. Keeie Kerley of the Spinning Roam. Leroy has returned to comp after a visit at home. ,t ' M HH . THE ERWIN CHATTER Vacation Notice The Company has announced that a one week holiday will begin Thursday at midnight, July 3, 1947, and the plants will resume operation on the third shift, July 13, 1947, at midnight. Lite vacation period was agreed upon by union repre sentatives and the Company management representatives. Pay will be according to union contract, article 5, covering vacations. In making the announce ment, management of the Company expressed the sin cere hope* that every member of the plants would have a safe and enjoyable holiday. They feel sure that the rest and relaxation will benefit everyone. THE CHATTER requests that every member of the Erwin Family have a most happy vacation with the hope that off the job everyone will sanely practice-, safety and re turn well, rested and hearty to their various tasks when the holiday is over. The reporters will be looking for those snap shots covering your vacation. Take your camera along and make a record of your happy times whether you stay home or vacation somewhere else. Playground In Full Swing The playground opened Mon day, June 2, with a large attend ance. One hundred children en joyed the new sand boxes, bat tennis, ping pong, checkers, car rom, Pollyanna, volley balls, etc. Mr. Sinclair, high school ath letic coach, has organized baseball for boys and is organizing soft ball for the girls. The tennis court will soon be ready and teams will be organized and tournaments arranged. Members of the staff this year are Mesdames Charles Hannah, C. W. Shepherd, Miss Nancy Ridenhour and Sonny Miller. COOLEEMEE, N. C., JUNE, 1947 Former Editor Has Baby Boy Wo are sure that all noderi el The Erwin Chatter will be glad to know thnt Mrs. Mildred W. White, former Cooleemee editor of The Chatter, is the mother of a new baby boy, Mteheal Wag oner White, born May M. Mrs. White is now living with her husband in Elisabeth City, N. C. Stoie nut kernels in airtight containers to keep them sweet Put them in a cool, dry place away from the light ?tf"T 3IOHHHBH A bMuUful •olorW picture .» th. r.w Cj.l«m« »w«irt Churth U.l~« and was unveiled before th* congregation on* Sunday. Thie picture thews th* but let ng M it will WW ***•* completed. It Is expected that construction will begin sometime within the pwrt tlx menthe. No Chatter In July Due to the long vacation period coming at the deadline time fee The Chatter, there will be no publication in July. However, the reporters are requesting everyone to take cameras en their vacation* and torn in news and snapshots of their trips during July. A big edition is being planned for August With each employee's cooperation, The Chatter staff can make the post vacation edition the best yet- Plan now to turn in your news and pictures!!!! THE NEW COOLEEMEE BAPTIST CHUHCH FIGHT INFLATION! SPEND mower WISELY! Circulation 1200 COTTON CLUB IMS OUTDOOR SUPPER The Cotton Club members en joyed a chicken fry on Park Hill Tuesday evening. May 27. These girls were the first to enjoy using the new tables built for the ben efit of those in Cooleemee who enjoy cooking and eating a meal out of doors. The grounds have been cleaned thoroughly and we hope others will come out and use the tables and grill, shuffleboard, and horse shoe equipment The above picture was made at the chicken fry by Rev. G. L. Royster. Those present were, left to right: Helen Walker, Mrs. C. la. Isley, club sponsor, Lorena Nail, Annie Riddle, Jean De- Weese, Hallene Beck, Allie Jar vis, Dolly Spry, Margaret Brine gar, and Kathryn Jarvis. The little baby in the foreground is little Sara Frances Walker, dub mascot, and daughter of Mrs. f Helen Walker. The Cotton Club was organized in 1939 for girls from eighteen to twenty-five years of age, who i have graduated from high school , ami are employed by the Erwin I Mills. These girls are very civic minded, having helped with va rious drives such as Red Cross, Crippled Children Fund, and were I sponsors of the recent Cancer i Drive in Cooleemee, realizing s $233.80. At present their project • is to improve the appearance of the spot in front of the warehouse on Main Street by planting flow ers and shrubs.