' H - - _____ ] 1 dBSSMffiS : Wfj TTT Mm IS ■ Safety Contest For 1948 To Run For Entire Year i~' Ik* Mm m pwiwa content*, depart " iinaiisii* rtMe; nAi «3 be given the ananal «Wy li^tfAy of av nifcT -SiS b tti earn mnri aad «fc pac- Hon due the whu antedd WmIU each iv- Lock of safety laaata ooJy learning the troth ia tkTlSiiLb ui am tekiag prilc ia their depart Mortal safety records," states Mr. lofc af the pleat —(Kiiatwiwh that he la Mt to arm the aafety wri far the year, as it Mm if plaqae if the workers cooperate to keep their ftern tain to Mdr aaa With eat* aa attiteie aai cooperatioa, the ■■fill if Tin iadeed aake IMB a p Tho National Safety Gwb»l A(U b one which aaeh will daabt - _ _ __ 1M give esase thwnght to adeptssa: "BE GiUEFDL THE INJURY TOU PREVENT MAT BE YOU* OWN - If they do, thee ttrihiH in to lanli— nss win be entirely fna time to tone aotieee will be paated en the safety baOetta boarde tftaaagbeat the planta fer the papeae the aanepapn *Ol carry the staad- ON THE JOB OB OFPTHE JOB —BE SAFE EVEBY HOUR EVERY DiTI fif - " " * Joint Party Given Scant* and Brawniet The Quanta aad Brownies Cbriet aua Party was held at the Recreation BjA Tbaniay afternoon, Dee. 18. »■. Q I*. leley told the Christmas Story The Small One" by Chariee |"j|*aaonali. Mia. a W. Shepherd Jeaa A they, groats, aad Inea Niehale and %hria Phelpe, Browaisa. Pratt aad eaady ware served to WW WHITE CHKISTKAB At THB RV COMKUKITY CXRTKI ,V, : iS: jr-JmT «Mskw 22? "i £i ' \ • •" ■ - - ir ; ; r • -- : '•"-- .. , . , \ . . Safety Plaque Awarded Plant 1 Far 1947 Retard A aifoer heea aedeeed tor boner Plant Na. 1 oaipftayees Her In- fre«nemy nk daris* IH7. Dnaf the pnt year, Plant Na. 1 worked a! total af 772,780 saaa hoars with ant? am leat toaw iafny. natontaow whoa aa unplm u loot a part af bin fiager while "tenting the ightaini af ning." This was the feat teat tee iajary far the plaat sinem May SI, IML Bwwn, while enjeyiag the ree ard af only ne linat Ihan aceiießt, Plaat Na. 1 had a total af >5 nefinl daetar. He fwnaeney rate far thia anit, the lenaet af any ia the pro dactiaa orgaaicatioß, wae U fer UtT. Bat ia spite af haw bad theee fig am May eeess, Pleat Na. 1 eajeys a rexy goad record. Saeb a atark ehawa caaaed by neridenta eaa be etinuaated by the noopiialiii alt Unite aa dia ptayad by the aaperrisiaa and the ea |i%m toward the preveatrea of nc- Mrs. J. L. James Hostess To Woman's Club The Jaaaaiy aseetiag af the Wo- Man's CUb wae held ia the aenrfa dam reeai af the Methodiet Chareh Taaeiay eight, Jaaaaiy Cth. The |i■ unill it, Mia. J. L. Jamee pnahd aver the beataeea eeeaien at which taut tha urinates of the fant meeting were reed, the roll called, and the tunaainla report (inn by Mn. Ar nold Kirk. Reports were given by Mia. Charles laky, chairman af the Ways and Meaaa coauaittee eoaaded a warning to the dab, ea dab aaa ber beware yea any be kidaapped! The program wae pieeaaled by Mia. 8. A. Caraes, chaineaa af the fisaar ieaa Citinnahip Departneat. Follow ing the Pledge to the Flag, the dab sane "Aaerin." Mrs. Garnee read aa iatereatiag article en the impor t«— «f A'H training in the home and ita effect en fataie ritinnehip. A film "America the BeaatifaP waa ehawa en the aereea aad the pro gram waa ileeed with the eoag of the Dariag toe social hoar, delicioas refreskmaata ware mud by the heet eaaas; Mia. M H Htyle, Mrs. O. L. Royster aad Mrs. Arnold Kirk to tin foDoariag: Minds mm W. P. Price, W. T. Greene, K. D. Shockley, George Miller, M M Calkoaa, L. J. Davis, T. C. Fepaa, J. L Jamoa, A. T. Lewie, & A. Caraes, a L. Way, Orakam Gabble, R- D. Jealrian, W. D. Bowea, William Jeakina, GL W. Shepherd, E. C. TaUaa, Prank Seders. Miasm Janie Bala, Awa Clayton aad Bala Dearie. The dab waa delighted to have Mia. T. P. Bagtiah aad Mia. George Apperaon of Moeksville, Rente 4, aa raiton. GOOLEEKEE, K C, JOUART, IMS COMMOH SCENE DUKIMG TME RECERT SROWPAJUL The npher did nst report who get tied ap in thia little skid, bat aa aaaal whea At kaa, aach a aoene ia goad wamiag to be prepared tor aainj weather and Icy rends if one intends te drive dariag each days. COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE got a spriakliag af anew by old Moth er Natare when last aoath's aaowfall fare Cooleemee a white Christmas. Christmas Seal Sale Acclaimed Big Success Mn Charlea laky, Chriateaa Seal! Chainoaa far Oookeaaee, expreaaee her: appreciatioa to the aehoola aad local fitawa for the fiae eoopeiatloa aad apieadid itepani ia the IM7 Seal (hanip aad pceeeate the foUowiag report — Realized from aaailiag Uat to date *10230 Necio School and Ooaaaaaaity. 10.95 White Bchool 9L50 Total *90105 Meadaasea Loaiea Johaaoa, Mary L Davie aad Hedge Phifer had charge of the aale ia the Negro aahoel aad eoouaaaity. Mia. Mildred D. Beam aad Miea Dorothy Hihahwl had ehargo of the aale ia the White School aad have Beat the followia report: Chriateaa Seal Catrihtiaaa froaa Each Grade Mr*. Mildred Rearia *IA96 Mha Crawford ILM Mia. Buhe 9.80 Mia. Dyeoa ' US Miaa Reavia 7.96 Mr*. Sextoa ; iM Miaa Apperaoa US Miaa Helaabeeh 3.38 Miaa Tataaa US Miaa Oaytoa $43 Miaa Stewart 3.00 Mr WMMH ' Mrs. Wiiaoa US Mi*. Wayaieh U0 Mra. Booee 9.01 Mr*. Jeahiaa - L5O Mra. Apperaoa 1.43 Miaa ParoeU , ; 1.30 Mi*. Beat I 1.39 Mha 1.90 Mr. Braaae I.H Mte Bautuaa , I.o* —~i " , . '' I , -V - Thm is two & Meamiaß tfeat ' * FL JUI T * _ ■£■ * Mm _ Mrs. J. W. Ward Naaed Pres. Woman's Qub"^ The aaaad Christens party af the Hesse Demonstrstisn CWb wae held at the heeae of Mrs. J. L Jamee, with i the sfwjjr derted ahmi as hoeteea.: Mrs. M. H Hoyif gave the devo tmaal part af the program JCmj Mary Lee MeMahaa gave a Christmas; Readiag. aad all the members jeined tVmoani ataons aa comet table setting*, gifts aad gift wrappiags snere given by Mm Plorenee Mackie aad Mrs. Christine Daairis of Macke- i rifle. Delieioaa refresbmeata. carryiag oat the Christasas aaetif, were euiul by Meedaaaee J. W. Ward, E. C Tata*. J. L. Jamee aad M. H Ridew boar. _____ Troop 32, B.S.A. Has Hamburger Fry Troop 32, Boy Scoots of Amerira, was given n bambarger and hot dog try oa Decmber 2S, 1947, ia the base neat of the Methodiet Cbareh. Sixteea of the Beoats attended and several of the Scoat Committee were present to enjoy the feast, which was prepared by the Seoatamster aad his After everyone bad laished eating, Santa Clans made hia appearance aad gifts were distributed to all the Scouts present and to the Seoatona tera. Honor for the biggest enter of the evening waa aaaaiamasly gitea to Jisuny Holt, after he fiaishad his sixth hot dag and seeoad Fepri-Oola. The troop aow baa 18 active mem bers and all parents are reasinded they are welcome to visit the troop on any Teeeday aight at 7 PM, in the base smnt af the Methodist Chnreh. Alao any boy of 12 years af age thioagh 16 yean and desiring to beeame a asam ber af thia troop is iavited te attend any anetiag aad sabnit hia applka tkm for Seoatiag. L H. HUSKE RECEIVES SILVER BEAVER AWARD, aatioaal Boy Beoat i>C mii Bww km froaa meat ewdave of the Uwharrie Owwil de pict part of the miiny of the ivaidiig of the 83m Beaver for oatstaad l>| work for Boy Seoata. (Mr two Silver Beavera ore |hw in the VwHurie Goudl each year. Mr. Hnkc ia the drat 808 ia Davie Comity to reeeive thia award. Ia the top pie tare, Mr. Haoke ia aeea neeinac the Silver Beaver. Ia the lower pie tare, he ia beiag escorted boefc to hia place at the diaaer at which the reeocaitioa woo made. The 80ver Beaver ia the hiffheat bad*e of hoaor gifta hy the Boy Seoata of Aaaerica. i - -3 Cirafe*. MO The Qui in Moaar CMb reek a* the bmmt «f Geae Miftila, Tln^ t deal, Mra. J. L Jaai. Xk Mar «*«« Kit, fiflniiwiiirt |inM, The ■Mlit wpnal villi tht eiagav of the MmtHi flyw art the M Oailwl L H. for a Mbt Mfptr litk a apodal FVtewarv metiag. «kc eaact Ml to be art later. Mia Peggie tttaMr r partod thatdaud WiUaaaa P. Price W prtrt ahwt Cftoca in—to which M beta deaatod hy dWk Ma here to to arat to a fetowT l» pitoL Mra. V. A. Kirk iiii.ialul a Mat iatoreatiag review af (to chapter aa Mk Open fceea the atrty book which toe deb ie aaw aafc«. Foftvw iag tola aa iahiaal art hiiigtatol eug Hrrf Mb ' toe Night," a Welsh toat; *OH Bto* Joe," aa ftaawrirae fdk MBf; "Be lieve Me If Afl TVMR Faiaa Yoaag danaa," aa haak oaog. Geae MHhoka art Margaret Ink Me Oa|jr with Thiae Eyes," aa Eog lieh taae, art 1 iediaiu»»j Air" which wan to aa fraa Iralaai. Aa Aamaa folk mm, "Shell Be Oeaaiac Soaad toe Meaatoia" with ■Mtaeaa, wae lei 1* Miaa Marirta Crewfoed art eaag by the whale greap with aaaeh faa art laajMn. The eJ*b eaoyed aa nawoeal treat la the for* of a troeaboae sola—"Aall Laag Sjmp"—a folk aoag froa Boat load—played by Mia. George M - holea. The hoot, aaaiated by hie aarther, Mra. H. LL art Mra. George UiIhJHH Hoover, art Mia* ]p|jjjg ' ■erred delicious iefij|QH The ewetiag eioaed with the of the Natioaal Aattoi. Pre-Xmat Bingo Party Has Many Winnert A Chrietowa Biago Party wae held at the Beereatioa Hall TWaiedky aight, Deceeaber 18th. Wiaaata ware: Joka Karnaugh, Drtaaa flfilhiaa. Roberta Shepherd, Dock npiflaaaa. Ia- Venae Bowles, Jackie Harrie, Kahy Bowleo, Gleaa Coraataer, (la—lie Carter, «BaWy" O'Neal, Donald Phelpa art Noraaaa Bowles. Hew Ysart Faster: Happy Mew Tear." "Haw Is a goad tiaa to take ear hate eff to the fart art aw ceata af to the fwtara.*—Aether Uakaowa

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