Ifou* Jlepotteti Says , SPINNING ROOM Reporters: Edith Cook and Rath Waller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Canada are the proud parents of a boy, Jerry Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Holthonser are the proud parents of a girl, Katherine Elaine. Mrs. Hoithouaer and Mr. Canada are the children of Mrs. Nina Cana da. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Jordan an nounce tiie marriage of their son, Turner, to Mrs. Sadie Spry. Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Crotts of Greenville, N. C., spent the Christ mas holidays with Mrs. Crotts* mother, Mrs. 0. 0. Waller and sister, Annie Waller. . Community Christmas Pageant Cooleemee's Union Church Ser vice and Pageant was a grand suc cess this year with approximately four hundred people attending. These services are to be an Minn*) affair and one that will unite our j little community together religious ly. No other country in the world can or will have four different de nominations coming together as one •to worship God. There was a won derful participation from all church es and members of the community. Following the Pageant, over one hundred adults and children went out into the community and sang Christmas Carols to the sick and aging. They were rewarded by re freshments served at the Recreation Center by the ladies of the Coolee mee Methodist Church. The program was planned this year by a committee composed of Mrs. J. W. Klein and Mrs. Creola Wilson of the Baptist Church; Mrs. Frances Miller and Paul Liven good of the Presbyterian Church; Mrs. Lemuel Roberson, Mrs. Ike Huske and Mr. Hood of the Episcopal Church; and Mariola Crawford and R. H. Pierce of the Methodist Chunk f * The Pageant and Choirs were ably direeted by Mrs. J.W. Klein, Mrs.i|HMK|jßpa&«| s£ Miss Mari^^^^^HKK^BSpCreola * KZL tions nIMWPWwftk sH Ushers; Mr. Hood, in Costumes and aeeesaorifl . Frances Miller, in city; and Paul Livengogjfl _j of Lighting. Miss Ctjfl ably assisted Miss CrS piano during the eveniifl The minister of eaclfl churches took part if services. Rev. H served as one of Pageant; Rev. LemuS was First Reader in uM = ; Rev. J. W. Klein aangfl lead the congregational Rev. Harold Austin efl ' M it S Ililli• mm , A* R^SSS : : || S^p^:'| SCENE FROM CHRISTMAS PACK ANT: The pUyora, toft to rigkt, am: Mary, Mm H«el Ana Barber; J««pfc, Mr Em gift t© Christ, CfcaiHa Bakaaea; and Aagei, Ass Mllkr, Choir it m tu« tuSj COOLEEMEE NEWS .' fEET iSSWIpv - - jm3a£m&£m- ZBBTM^^W .GAOIX- GHK GHRHGBFF? : SHH| | '-IWBTTLL^^ CHRISTMAS PASTIES were held on the first and secoid shifts, Grey Cloth Room. Mr. C. W. Shepherd is the Overseer. Manager J. L. James was a guest of the seconl shift employees. Christmas Prayer, gave announce ments and lead the Carolers after the services. The following program was given at the Cooleemee Baptist Church: COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Cooleemee, N. C. Sunday, December 20, 1953 7:30 P.M. Piano Duet — "A Christmas Med ley"—Miss Mariola Crawford, Miss Catherine Jarvis. Choir Procession —"0 Come, All Ye Faithful"—Choir. Prayer—Rev. H. C. Austin. Announcements—Rev. H. C. Aus tin. Christmas Carol —"Silent Night" —Congregation. A Christmas Story—Mrs. Earl Stewart. Solo—"O Holy Night"—Rev. J. W. Klein. ... m» m THE BRWm CKATTKE SIS I SB | 7 " r m * M : N .: "'^■^ HWIiJ ®L 01 •• »« wPwwwn* SGT. WALTEK J. MILLER, JR. of Camp Lejeune was recently presented a Meritorious Promotion to the rank of Sergeant for Ma outstanding work in the Administration Branch of the U. S. Marine Corps. Sgt Miller is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walker JJ||H of Cooleemoe. Hia the woika s&i R, i^^|Pi "Well done, Crey cloth room 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Padgette and IpLr. Padgette's mother toured parts of the mountains and the Blue Ridge Parkway recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phifer and children spent a day recently in Charlotte with Mrs. Phifer's sister. While there, they enjoyed the Christmas parade! Pvt. Bill Bivins has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bivins, for several days and is now being shipped overseas. A searching party was sent out glast week to look for a man who jprorks in the Napper Room. It Seems he decided to go hunting after ■fork instead of going home. When M was found, he said the reason he Hrgot to go home was that some fte started feeding him country nam. However, the hunt was to be pontinued next day but his wife had other plans. Better luck next time, "Bunk." - ■ v - ' ' CLOTH ROOM Reporter: Jessie Steele We welcome Nellie Webb to our shift and hope she enjoys working j£h us. wJSMku on the 2nd Htoa flHHpd has been a Hat Hospi weeks. We hope CARD ROOM 3rd Shift Reporters: Camilla Shaw & Mary Benson We wish everyone a Merry Christ mas and a Happy New Year. We extend our deepest sympathy Ito Edith Boger and family in the death of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Rena Boger. Wonder why Richard P. looks so sleepy when he comes to workf Is he having to baby sit or walk the floor? Is that Christmas bells or Wed ding bells ringing in Anderson's earsf Baxter Boger is planning on doing some special farming next year—raising peanuts, popcorn and hogs!! John Ratts is not sleeping* these days. He has too many TV pro prams to watch. I Ruth Myers has her stocking tanging on the door. She said Santa can't get down her chimney. We are glad to have Pansy Myers back with us. Mary Pinks ton, tell us more about that new Mercury parked in front of your house. George P. wrote Santa a nice let ter telling him what he wants for Christmas. Let us in on the secret, George. Toy Lee wants it to snow. He has several people he wants to throw snow balls at and roll in the snow. Sam Boger kilted some "mighty fine" hogs this year—weighing 125 lbe. each. We believe he made a mistake and killed the pigs instead of the hogs. John Smith is spending his spare time hunting. Wonder what he has lost? We are glad to have B. Spry and Frank Watson baek with us. A Merry Christmas to you and yours, and a Happy New Year too. May God be with you all the year and all the next year too. Beat Wishes I'm not much of a reporter, Bat 1 surely do my best In this poem I'd like to say, To you and all the rest: Frank's big smile is surely great, and when you feel so sad, It makes you happy just to see, His happy smile so glad. Sam is an awful good bom man, and corrects the things he should His striet facta and happy words are always understood. This concludes our little chat, Bat just a few more things, May you have a Merry C|jfctma&, with the WmiiifM God bring*. , Mra. todh v > -V ; .. •••. *•• • i V CARD ROOK 2d Shift Reporters: Lois Moore A Howard Swaim We are glad to have Howard Martin bade at Work after being out sick for a good while. Oaear Latham went (her hunting sometime bade and he aaid that he would have girt to kill a deer if fie bad got just about one-fourth mile Beter lode next time, Oscar. Mi*. Coreane Phelps* husband has returned to camp after spending a few days at home. Mr. Phelps has bpent some time overseas. Just wonder why Vertie Coraatssr and David Wood are all late ly? Wonder if it is beeause David won a 20 lb. Turkey and Vertie, a Ham at the Turkey Shoot Satur day? Bill Marion tried oat his gun Sat urday morning. Thought he was good enough to win a Turkey but when he shot, he did not fait the target at all. He said he was too eold to shoot. We wonder if he 00 aid have been seared! Better luck next time, Bill. We would like to know what the Game Warden was doing with Mil, ton the other day. How about tell ing us, Milton f John Gibson has worked in the Card Room since 1916. Mr. Gibson was 78 years old cm December 18, 1953. He has two sons work in the Weave Room. Mr. Gibson and Mr. Gardner are the two oldest men on the second shift in the Card Room. John Thomas Gardner was born Nov. 30, 1889. He has worked in the Card Room 5% yean. He *"* two children and three grand children. On Dec. 6th. he had been married 42 years to Carrie All bright. CLOTH ROOM Ist Shift Reporter: Nig Gibbons We want to express our deepest sympathy to Agnes Tickers in the death of her husband. We want to welcome Lucille Bock to the first shift. We hope Nellie likes the 2nd. shift We miss you, Nellie. We are glad to know Roy Nolly is getting along nieely. We want to welcome Mr. E. L. Croxton to the Cloth Room. Hop* he will like it and we wish him the best of luck. We have some who have been out riek. Hope they will soon he back at work with us. Page 3