I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1974 THE TRTRTINAL aid PAGE 7 WEE PALS By AAorrie Turner WW/ WHERg DID you 1.&ARN TO KICK Ukp THAT, epoRep? NO, A lCUNe-FU~^ 1 INSTPUCTORV I MY UNCl,B TAUGHT l?ANDy C. I. A. A. OMLmvnyE BftSKEmLL STAHSnCS January I3, 1^74 Nbrthem Divxsion HE'S A PLAVeRp K5AH-V, PAUI-? W&H,, HOW ABOUT ^ that? I DIDN'T kNOVS^ YOU DIDN'T KNOW^ WHAT, Wpl-UNSTON ? THPV HAVP peanut BUTTER THgRg, TOO / that/ THAT AND DIZ CAN 60 TO MEXICO SOMETIME gSPKIAU-y WHfN X'M OUT H&RE, AND NOT IN THERg.eeORep PR„ 1. ^ REAUT/xr PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE DO YOU KNOW IT'S HOMEWORK TIMgP NO, MA'M IF YOU HUM A FPW BARS, MAYBg I CAN FAk^ T HOW DO YOU I KNOW - I CAl-U IT "TH& SlUPNT BUUPSV 1/ Wl\., I DIDN uk& the N&W HEAR ANYTHIN© SON© I WROTE OWE, BABEP I 1-18 DOESN T BEING A YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO Bg BUUE" ABOUT BUT WHY / A BWES SINGER CAN'T I Bg A HAS TO EXPERIENCE BL-UES SIN0ER, HEARTACHE AND DIZ P I PAIN, OHVER UTTl-E OVERWEI0HT COUNT P raric School G W L Pc± PF PA W L Pet 1 Va. State College 9 5 0 1.000 426 382 8 1 .888 2 Ncjrfolk State College Va. Union University 8 4 1 .800 388 360 5 3 .625 3, U 2 4 .333 460 445 4 7 .363 4 Hanpton Institute 11 2 5 .285 545 574 5 6 .454 5 Elizabeth City State Univ. 9 1 3 .250 385 437 3 6 .333 6 Saint Paul's Coll© a 11 1 5 .166 477 549 3 8 .272 Southern Divisicjn .444 1 Livingstone Collega 9 4 1 .800 396 382 4 5 2 Fayetteville Statr. Univ. 8 3 2 .600 319 393 4 4 .500 3 J.C.Sknith tftiivers.ty 11 4 3 .571 540 567 7 4 .636 4.5 Shaw University 8 3 3 .500 451 455 4 4 .500 4.5 Winston Salem State l&iiv. 10 2 2 .500 31i2 298 4 6 .400 6 Saint Augustine's College 7 1 3 .250 357 358 2 5 .285 BftSKETBAUi Sooares ,thro(j(;^, January 13, 1974 Fayetteville 83 Livingstone 66 Norfolk 69 Va. Union 68 Saint Paul"s 95 Saint Augustine 94 Livingstone 89 Hampton 76 Hampton 76 Va. Union 68 Va. Union 84 Saint Paul's 72 Va. State 89 Hampton 76 Shaw Univ. 76 St. Augustine 68 Belmont Abbey 79 Livingstose 63 Norfolk 84 linston-Salem 78 J. C. anith 93 St. Augustine 87 Gardner Webb 112 Livingstone 89 A&T Beats FSU In the Greensboro Coliseum Tuesday night, the A&T Aggies edged the Fayetteville State Broncos by one point, winning 66-65. The Aggies did not come alive until their sharp shooting All-American candidate James Outlaw, the nation’s fourth leading scorer, found the range and began scoring. Until that point A&T had trailed by as many as 16 points in the first half. The turning point came when Broncos’ coach, was charged with a technical foul. It was as though from then on, A&T began playing like they came to win. At half time the score was Broncos 53, A&T 42. When the second half opened, the tempo was slowed by the Broncos but the Aggies and Outlaw chipped away at the Bronco lead. Fayetteville State failed to move in to. get the good shot, while the Aggies, continued closing the gap. Then Outlaw got hot, and of course so did the Aggies. When the game ended. Outlaw had a game high of 22 points and the Aggies, the victors by a score of 66-65. The victory pushed A&T’s record to 7-2. Good Fellow Of Year" Arnold CRAVEif' Fine Men’s Clothing HIGH POINT • GREENSBORO kif, Mcuik \4kd tify\€ 1 tZcltVV ^0^ 'food, L I i If You Don't Vote- YouJust Don't Count MERCHANTS PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH ABOUT EQUAL OPPORTUNITY WHEN THEY ADVERTISE IN YOUR PAPER. PATRONIZE THEM! ABA BASKETBALL Carolina Cougars UTtH STtRS & Zelmo Beaty Friday, January 18 8:00 P.M. Carolina ^ Cougars VS INDItNli PACERS I Roger Brown Wednesday, January 23 7:30 P.M GREENSBORO COLISEUM TICKETS: LIHLE CARS ARE HERE WANT ECONOMY .... AND COMFORT TOO? Big car comfort at a comfortable price . . . that's DODGE DART, the Roomy performer that forgets it's a compact. ILDERTON DODGE has received d shipment of the number 1^ . rated DODGE DART 4 doors and DODGE DART SWINGER two door hardtops. Approximately 30 in stock to choose from built prioi* to the price increase. Contact one of the Good Guys now while you have an ex* cellent selection to choose from! ILDERTON DODGE 701-709 S. Main St. : Phone 885-4091 BUY MOM THf DEAIER THAT CAH AND WILL TAKE CADE OF YOU« EVWY AUTOMOTIVE NEED. IlDERTON-DODOE HAS AN EXCEUENT HAFF OF FACTOtY TRAINED TECHNICIANS, A »ODY SHOP WITH AU EXPERIENCED BODV REPAIR M«N PIUS TWQ (J) COMPANY OWNED WRECKERS THAT STAND READY TO ASSIST WU IN AN IMEROENCV. SUCCESSFUUY SERVING HIGH POINT & Tl% PIEDMONT TRI.AD FOR 47 YURS. »