Wineton-Sale V /CHigh Point THE TRIBUNAL AID ^ ain^i(l6.o-n cutd kcutdo-tfiU Go^44.4i.tie^ “Tell It Like It Is” VOLIIffi II. NO. 34 WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 15, 1975 15 CENTS PER COPY - $5.00 PER YEAR IN MEMORY OF DR.MARTIN LUTHER KINGJR OTHER VIEWS... “I refuse to accept the idea that man is mere flotsam and jetsam in the river of life which surrounds him. I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dec. 10, 1964 :in accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. “I know that every American of good will join me in mourning the death of this outstanding leader, and in praying for peace and understanding throughout this land”... PRESIDENT JOHNSON. “The criminal act that took his life brings shame to our country. The apostle of nonviolence has been the victim of violence. The cause for which he marched and worked...will find new strength”... VICE PRESIDENT HUMPHREY. “Those of you who are black can be filled with hatred, with bitterness and a desire for revenge. We can move toward further polarization. Oi- we can make an effort, as Martin Luther King did, to understand, to reconcile ourselves and to live”...SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY. “The death of Martin Luther King is a tragedy for all Americans. Not only have his people lost a great and noble leader, but all people - especially Americans -- have lost a man of peace. We can only grieve."...SENA TOR EUGENE J. MCCARTHY. “Some people would never kill. But even to speak of another with hatred is the same and causes death”...MRS. JOHN F. KENNEDY. “We all realize that something could happen. If it does... I think it will be the will of God. If it does, it would be a great way to give oneself to a great cause. But I pray to God nothing happens”...MRS. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. “The entire nation suffers for this madness and must grieve for her fallen leaders, and must rededicate herself to the sacred national goal of social justice for all”...MAYOR JOSEPH L. ALIOTO, OF SAN FRANCISCO. “The murder... was a shocking act... that solves none of our...problems. It is more evidence of a moral sickness that seems to be afflicting our nation.”...GOV. RONALD REAGAN. “Many of us disagreed with him violently, but none of us would have wished him that fate.”...GOV. JOHN CONNALLY, OF TEXAS. “When the white man comes, he is coming to kill you... Go home and get you a gun.”...STOKELY CARMICHAEL. 1929 - 1968 - > ■v-.'VV "«■' - ^ • r \v m •Jtnssri "WE SHALL OVERCOME" “The next black man...preaching non-vio lence should be violently dealt with men”...JULIUS HOBSON, leader of ACT. “Directly and indirectly, he caused every riot in the U.S. over the past 10 years. But I...don’t go along with his being murdered”...JIM CLARK, former Sheriff of Dallas County, Ala. “The philosophy of nonviolence died with Dr. King”...FLOYD MCKISSICK, national director, CORE. “Oh, my God, I am frightened! I pray to God this doesn’t end up in the streets”...JACKIE ROBINSON Hi ■ “He changed the world.:, enduringly”... MAYOR RICHARD HATCHER, GARY, IND. HAVE A DREAM—lt is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise.up and live out the true meaning of its creed ■ ■ that all men are created equahff Dr. Martin ljuther Kingi Jjtj