PAGE 4 THE TRIBUNAL AID WEDNESDAY, EEffiUARY 5, 1975 TXF VIFWS OF TMF WRITrB’C IDF MAT IIMriVC TUnCF AF TUF PIDCD'C You’re A Part Of The Solution, Or You’re A Part Of The Problem THE POINTER by Albert A. Campbell Now that it’s quite obvious that the Eastwood Area- the development running off of Cedrow Avenue is rapidly becoming more and more black, there are a number of elements that should be considered by the new inhabitants of that neighborhood. That being summer will soon be upon us and naturally summer recreational activities will most certainly be in order. In the Eastwood community there is a private swimming pool which is solely operated by the dues of the neighborhood members. No city or tax funds were believed to be used to support nor aid the development or maintenance of that facility. It was strictly privately intended for the exclusive use of the surrounding and invited neighbors. Because of this, prior to this coming summer there was little or no chance for Blacks to be admitted. One of the stipulations eliminating Black was none lived in the neighborhood. Well now, this is no longer true, but I dare say that blacks are welcomed to join the swimming club even as residence of the neighborhood. I’d like for you to consider that with the majority of whites moving out - running - and more blacks moving in that club is going to need paying members to support it financially. With this in mind, I’d hate to see blacks become victims for financial support only. It’s quite obvious like any other financial venture, payments have to be made to maintain a piece of property or facility. And if the members move to other areas, they will unlikely return to the Cedrow pool to swim which will be engulfed within a predominately black community. With this a strong possibility, that swimming club on Cedrow will have very few remaining white members and no Blacks at all. This, I say, could be a blessing in disguise. If the blacks will maintain the status quo as it presently is and refuse to join the club, eventually the club, the pool, the property, and what ever else attached to it can possibly be bought at a very small price compared to what it is probably worth. Don’t be tricked into believing that you are honestly wanted as a member wen in reality only your money is sought to help pay the note. Even if we have to wait long enough, there is a good possibility the city will maintain it at a minimum rate and open it to the public as a local recreational facility. This is the trend of municipalities now; to locate neighborhood swimming pools to serve the immediate area rather than operate one or two large facilities to serve the entire city. The Black residents of the Eastwood area have now gained a bonus, providing they properly utilize the available opportunity. ALTHOUGH THE EDITORIATS WRITTEN BY ME ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE THE ONLY ANSWER TO THE PROBLEMS AND CONDITIONS EXPRESSED, SOME PER SONS STILL MAY DISAGREE WITH MY THOUGHTS. BECAUSE OF THIS, I WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND AN INVITATION TO ANY RESPONSIBLE PERSON WHO WISHES TO REFUTE MY EXPRESSIONS, FREE AND EQUAL SPACE IN THIS NEWSPAPER, IN WHICH TO DO SO. »BOOOC THE TRIBUNAL AID 1228 Montlieu Avenue ^ Post Office Box 921 fhone l919] 885-6519j High Point, N. C. 27261 i Published Every Wednesday | bv Triad Publications, bic. I Mailed Subscription Rate i $5.00 Per Year Payable In Advance | Albert A. Campbell Managing Editor j Jean M. White Secretary I LEXINGTON | Jessie Wood 246-6521 1 THOMASVILLE Kelly Hoover 476-7472 WINSTON-SALEM Velma Hopkins J 725-144Z Second-Class Postage Paid at High Point, N.C. n n H H H P'OOOOD g ni Black Perspectives WASHINGTON --When I wrote my recent personal views of Mr column about what I perceive to be a subtle erosion of support for Israel in this town, I was under no illusions as to what the reaction would be. 1 was prepared for a barrage of letters to me and newspapers carrying my column accusing me of being “anti-Semitic.” I expected letters saying that I have “been bought by Arab oil money.” I knew there would be people screaming that I have now become the leader of “black hostility toward Jews” and that I owe “an apology to the Jewish people.” The main rolling in has met my worst expectations. The only surprise is that some of this silly nonsense is being mouthed by people who ought to know better. This whining, baseless name-calling is a certain way to turn friends into enemies, but I shall ignore it except to make it clear that I owe an apology to no one; furthermore, I never expect to see the day when I apologize for doing what a responsible, honest columnist ought to do. I would like to comment, however, on a fair and reasoned reaction by Rabbi Allan Tarshish of Chicago. He writes that “people are asking: is this (column) just a reporting effort; is this a friendly attempt to let Jews know what their detractors are saying, so that they can be forewarned; or is it a subtle method of spreading calumnies about Jews and Israel and actually a reflection of the LINES GETTING LONGER. TEMPERS GETTING SHORTER, MR. PRESIDENT BY CARL T. Rowan?” Anyone who reads this column knows that deviousness is not my style. When I want you to know my personal views, I tell you straight out, in language most readers can understand. That has been true whether I was writing about Richard Nixon, abortion, black hair styles, or any of the other issues about which people tend to become emotional. When I want to give my views on what I think is Israel’s right to survive, or the need for Israel to make territorial concessions, or the need for the Arabs to engage in direct negotiations with Israel, nobody has to read between the lines. It would seem to me that friends of Israel would welcome honest reporting and commentary from any responsible journalist who thinks he sees an erosion of support for Israel. I have been made acutely aware, however, that some supporters of Israel don’t want such reporting because they consider it “counterproductive”. They think the Arabs will become more intractable, more belligerent, if they are led to believe there is any wavering in the U.S. commitment to Israel. Maybe so. Maybe not. In any case, I am a reporter and a commentator, and not a propagandist or strategist for Israel, the Arabs, the U.S. or any other party to this grim dispute. I cannot let considerations of WHITE unemployment 6.4% SLACK ^^UNEMPLOYMENT CARL R0WAN~H.YP05rj/// TO BE EQUAL This country is like a punch-drunk fighter reeling from one blow to the head after another. The economic news has been dismal for a long time now, and I’m afraid it will continue to be bad. There are three major compo nents of the economic crisis. The first is the need to cut unemployment, which is higher than it’s been at any time since the Great Depression. Aside from creating a few hundred thousand public service jobs, nothing has been done to really put the seven million unemployed people to .vork again. That will take a massive new federal program of joint public service employment, training, an ' work projects. Recognizing that this economy’s record of persis tent high unemployment is a permanent feature, such a federal job effort should also be on a permanent basis. I don’t see the demonstration of guts and vision on either side of the aisle to push such a program through, but anything short of it is likely to wind up being less effective and more costly to the nation’s progress. The second big economic problem is ending the bleeding of monetary reserves by cutting oil imports and encouraging Ameri ca’s self-sufficiency in energy production. Really dealing with this problem will take even more guts and vision. It may very well be that the only way to do it is to ration fuel oil products including gasoline to ROWAN strategic reactions in one camp or another prevent me from writing what I believe my resdcrs ousht to know. ii_* r * j There are some Jews who make this fair and reasonable objection to my recent colurnn: they say that 1 am wrong in concluding that the?e is any lessening of official support for srael - that, in fact. President Ford is a more solid supporter of Israel than any previous President They say that I am wrong m assuming the Ford administration 's outtmg pressure on Israel to make concessions -- that, in truth, the U.S. is telling Israel to hang tight” until the Arabs concede the right of Israel to exist in peace. f .u They may be right, and my reading of the situation could be wrong. We can all pray tha the situation never deteriorates to the point where we must find out just how far Mr. Ford and other Americans will go in support ot Isrs-d It is on these kind of issues and interpretations that honest people can disagree - depending on whom one talks to and whom one chooses to believe. It is on matters such as this that I am happy to carry on a civilized and hopefully fruitful dialogue. But I shall not waste a breath or a postage stamp trying to appease people who dish out this “anti-Semite,” “bought by the Arabs” rubbish. To The Point by Ronald Mock by Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. insure that every one gets his fair share of an increasingly scarce resource. Even if a federal policy that stops short of outright rationing is adopted, fairness will still dictate that an impartial federal agency will have to help allocate supplies so that cost will not drive people out of work or make them freeze in unheated homes. I suppose the worst way to tackle the energy problem is to indiscriminately tax all oil products. That would not only discourage some automobile owners from using their cars because of the cost of gas, but it also would raise electricity rates, home heating prices, and have a cumulative impact on the entire economy that would be highly inflationary. Yet that is the solution offered by this Administration, which means it is very likely that the third basic economic problem we face, inflation, will continue unabated. Really dealing with inflation may very well mean some measures, such as price controls, that a lot of people will find unpalatable. But unless we take some bitter medicine, working people are going to be wiped out by the high cost of basic live-or-die items. A little inflation usually means high employment and more take home pay, but what we’ve gone through in the past year or so is hitting working people with all its force. I recently saw an item in the Continued this Page A nineteen year old woman raped and stabbed on a winter’s afternoon. An old man robbed and beaten on a downtown street. A young father shot and killed while standing in a doorway. Today a beast stalks each of us. On a dark night, on an empty street, in a parked car, this beast may attack,..% Frankenstein mon ster that we have created; and which, in turn will destroy us. An article in Newsweek, approximately six years ago, used a phrase that emphasizes the violent nature of this country; stressing that we here in the U.S., the supposed land of the free -- the promised land - live in a “culture of fear”. In fact, the Commission on Crime indicated that violent crimes increase 100% over a ten year period. If that is not disturbing enough, thorough studies report that an American, in a given year, may have 1 chance in 550 of being the victim of a personal attack; 1 chance in 3,000 of being injured; and 1 chance in 20,000 of being murdered. These odds are decreased when one considers that many violent crimes go unreported. As we learn of the political, civil, and social violence that has occurred in this country, we are shocked; and we ask, “How can this be happening?” But, the most illiterate student of life in these United States should be able to see that this country was born and has been bred in violence. Violence has been glorified in this country’s history, literature, drama and films. The Crime Commission stated that we should seek the “twin ob jectives” of making violence “both unnecessary and unreward ing”. I should like to add a third objective: Violence must be made unattractive and unappealing. The public must become increasingly aware of its responsibility; as well paper about how the sales of luxury items are still high. In the same paper v/as a picture of a portion of the crowd of 3,000 Atlantans lining up for only 225 public service jobs. These two items illustrate the fact that the inequalities built into our system have to be changed. Some people are buying new Mercedes while others can’t put food on the table. That’s a sure prescription for trouble. And that’s why the tax program advocated by the President, a program that would rebate up to as, shocked by the fact that the United States, a world leader in search of peace, also leads among modern democratic nations in acts of homicide, assault, rape and robbery. We live in a climate of fear. In a nation where there was a time when few people locked their doors, people today are afraid lo walk on the streets at night alone. The violent beast that awaits us no longer restricts its activities to slum and ghetto areas. It now has become a part of every level of society. For that reason, all of us have become like naked and defenseless prey. Who is to blame? The question which every American, both Black and White, must ask in the privacy of his own mind is “Am I helping to eliminate this climate of violence and destruction?” We CAN do something about it! We, as citizens, can decide on the necessity for buying firearms. We can urge local, as well as national legislators, to deal with the atmosphere of violence. We can recognize our responsibilities in creative acts and attitudes. We can stand up in our communities and proclaim that we are for order not chaos. We can act! If we will! Quite possibly our acts will quell the fears overwhelming this country. Because, when it comes right down to it, the answer to violence lies within each individual and the degree to which that individual is willing to commit himself to action, and to the recognition of his responsibility as a citizen of a democracy. Are we going to ignore the fact that every hour nameless Americans are beaten, robbed, raped and murdered? Who will be next to die, uselessly and violently? Who will be next to face the beast that lies in wait for us? No one is exempt - not me nor YOU. S1,00U for some a tew dollars to many, is wrong in principle. Big rebates confined to low- and moderate income families and revision of the tax structure to make it more redistributive, creation of jobs for all, a basic minimum income for all in need, a national health security program, an energy conservation and production program that spreads the burdens, and clamping the lid on prices are all elements that could go into a bold, visionary national effort to stave off what may be an impending Depression.