I \ WRDNESDAY. DECEMRyR 31,1975 •* THE TRffiUNAL AID Page 3 I— CHURCH «1N OUR TIME’ by Rev. R. M. White RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a Deaths And Funerals PRINCE HALL MASONIC CORNER t GREENSBORO 1 Cor. 13:3 - And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love. It proflteth me nothing. Gifts of benevolence and responses to requests for help, in any cause, the extending of a helping hand to aid the feable, feed the poor or a gift to God’s kingdom work -- if done without love, profits you nothing. It is possible to have a comfortable home, fine care, adequate wardrobe, position which pays a fat salary and still be “Spiritually Bankrupt”! Bankruptcy means in common terms: You have allowed your liabilities to so exceed your assets that your position of solvency is totally unstable. “Unstable”, in this sense means, you no longer have control over your material destiny. You are now at the mercy of every wind that blows. You are now tossed to and fro by every wind of your defenselessness...Your situation has become futile. Like being caught up in a gushing wind - then the waves come! You’re gasping for breath! One rush of billowing waves sweeps you off your feet - you can only cry as Peter while walking the water, “Lord save me.” When you reach that point, you are the beginning again. The words of the text mean nothing to you. “And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it proflteth me nothing.” For at this time, you only have love for yourself. ‘ ‘Save me! ”.. .Is your desire and your only cry. However, you must remember... “man’s extremity is God’s opportunity”. So you’ve cried “Save Me!” And you were saved. Now it’s time to help to seek and to save those who are outside of the “household of faith”. If you have not gained enough experience from nearly drowning, yourself, then you are “Spiritually Bankrupt!” You have nothing left to pay your debt to your unsaved fellowman! If you are a Christian, if you have truly been born anew, “Then you are your brothers keeper”! You are now out of bankruptcy. You are now a “mercenary” - asoldier of the cross. Because, everytime you go to battle for Jesus, you’re laying up wealth in the kingdom of heaven! This wealth of which we speak is found in the archives of God’s love. This is the season of the year when we should be especially occupied with the LOVE OF GOD toward a lost world. This is the time when we give special expression of our love to our friends and loved ones. Some of these friends and loved ones which we acknowledged with expressions of the Christmas season will hear no more from us for another year! So much of our expressions of love is so selfish! So much of our love is limited to those who love us in return. This love for friends and relatives may be very strong and sincere, even to the degree of complete personal sacrifice. Jesus expressed this human love when He said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) Now in contrast to human love, think on The Love of God... “But God commandeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” When God sent his son Jesus into the world over nineteen hundred years ago. He knew exactly what men would do to Him. He knew beforehand that He would be rejected, falsely accused, spit upon and hung upon a cruel cross to die. And yet, in spite of knowing all this. He still sent Him forth to die. What was the reason for this strange action of a father sending his son - his own beloved son into the camp of the enemy to be killed by them? We stand amazed at the reason; for it was because God loved those enemies so much that He was willing to sacrifice His Son in order to save them. What else does John 3:16 mean? “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” God bless you during this Holiday Season. MR. JAMES ROBERICK BLOUNT, 55, a former resident of Greensboro died in Charlotte. Funeral ser vice was held at Grier Funeral Home, Charlotte, and burial was in Charlotte Courtesy of BROWN’S FUNERAL HOME Direc tors. MISS BERNICE ED WARDS of 1308 Salem Street died in her home. Funeral service was held at Trinity A.M.E. Zion Church, The Rev. E.N. French, pastor, officiating. Burial service was held at the Cornith A.M.E. Zion Church, Siler City, N.C. CHURCH BROWN’S FUNERAL HOME Directors were in charge of arrangements. FUNERAL HOME Direc tors were in charge of arrangments. MRS. EMMA R. GRAY of 802 Oxford Street died at L. Richardson Memorial. Funeral service was held in the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Charleston, West Virginia. Burial was in Spring Hill Cemetery. BROWN’S FUNERAL HOME Directors were in charge of arrangements. MRS. MARGO G. NES BITT, 26, of 727 Bingham Court. Funeral service was held at New Light Baptist Church, the Rev. Cardes H. Brown, pastor, officiat ing. Burial was in Maple- EVENTS GASTONIA - Mrs. Gretaa F. Mason [left] stands witn Mrs. Mandell Ashe in the background. GASTONIA - The Minnie C. Lyons Missionary Group #2 of Friendship Baptist Church sponsored a Christ mas party Monday, Dec. 15 in the Fellowship Hall. Christmas carols were sung followed by prayer by rev. T.M. Walker. Interesting games were played, pic tures taken, and refresh ments served. Mrs. Maudell Ashe, program chairman of the group, presented Mrs. Gretna F. Mason a corsage for her excellent work as president. Mrs. Ethel Walker was given a token gift on her birthday during the occa- {jenturcs better because T u w u it spreads better. Mrs. Josephine Wash- . • i_ ♦ X" i-u Tests prove OraFix * spreads better ington IS chairman of the other leading denture adhesives — cream or plastic. Other adhesives can leave gaps between dentures and gums. So food particles and air can get in causing dentures to slip. But OraFix spreads better so it can till even tiny gaps. Result? OraFix seals and holds dentures tight. ORAFIX, EVERYDAY, FOR THE SEAL OF CONFIDENCE.® iMPRifrr PRODUCTS • m sunrise hwy. ROCKViaE CENTRE. N.Y. 11570 Clearly prim your name «nd address on a plain pleca social committee, and Rev. T.M. Walker is pastor of Friendship Baptist Church were the event was held. GASTONIA - The annual Christmas Dinner was sponsored by the Minis ter’s Wife’s Alliance at the home of Rev. & Mrs. J.G. Whitfield of 114 Long Continued on Page 7 Denture problems? OraFix holds MRS. ROBERTA TUCK ER, 65, of 222 E. Lee Street died at L. Richardson Memorial Hospital. Fune ral service was held at the House of Prayer, Augusta, Georgia. BROWN’S FUN ERAL HOME Directors were in charge of arrang ments. HIGH POINT ROBERT LEE JORDON, 12, of 1513 McGuinn Street was DOA at High Point Memorial Hospital. Fune ral service was held at First Ammanuel Baptist Church, the Rev. D.D. Mason, pastor, officiating. Burial was in Carolina Biblical Garden. HAIZLIP FUNE RAL HOME was in charge of all arrangements. MRS. MINNIE LONDON 65, of 1010 Sharon Street died in her home. Funeral was at the Green Bay Baptist Church, Lynch burg, S.C. Burial followed in Sanders Cemetery. Courtesy of HAIZLIP FUNERAL HOME. THOMASVILLE JESSE W. MCDONALD of 306 Memorial Park Drive died in the North Carolina Baptist Hospital. Funeral service was held at Central United Methodist Church, the Rev. W.P. Cole officiating. Burial was in Carolina Biblical Garden. THOMAS-HAIZLIP FU NERAL HOMEwas in charge of all arrangements. by; C. M. Winchester 33 Degree Major S. High 33 Degree 111. Peer James Allen Shands, 1905 Double Oaks Road, Charlotte, North Carolina 28206, is District Deputy Grand Master for the Nineteenth District of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina. He was made a Mason February 19, 1929 and has been an active member since that date. He is a member and Past Master of Myersville Lodge #687; a member and Past Potentate of Rameses Shrine Temple #51; a member and Past Commander in Chief of Charlotte Consistory #35; has served as Imperial Deputy of the Oasis of Charlotte and as Imperial Advisor for the State of North Carolina; and he is also a 33 degree Mason, and as such holds membership in the United Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. Brother Shands is a member of Second Calvary Baptist Church of Charlotte where he has faithfully served his church in all departments; is employed at the Southern Knitwear Mills where he serves as an Engineering Supervisor; is married to Mrs. Johnsie Shands and they are the parents of four children. For more than 46 years Brother Shands has given dedicated service to his church. Masonic Bodies and G.I.G. JAMES A. SHANDS 33 Degree District Deputy Grand Master 19th District Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina the community. His willingness to work for the betterment of these bodies has made him one of the leading Masons in the Jurisdiction of the North Carolina Prince Hall Grand Lodge. This Grand Lodge and the other Masonic bodies are thankful for the dedication of Brother Shands and the many other Masonic Brothers like him who have given a lifetime of service for the betterment of the Order and the Community. Brother Shands has worked hard to make his District one of the best in North if J Carolina and with his innovative thoughts and good execution of Masonic t principles, this District will continue to give this State great Masonic leaders y ^ such as the late Illustrious Zack Alexander 33 degree, who was a Sovereign J ->t Grand Deputy; the late Illustrious Caesar R. Blake, Jr., Past Imperial Potentate; )4- ^ and the Illustrious Fred Alexander 33 degree, who now serves as the only Black -♦( man in the North Carolina Senate. )4- -K Jt- 5 (Last Week’s Question: Who was Grand Master when the present Grand J j Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star was organized? J Z Answer to Last Week’s Question: Grand Master James E. Shepard. (1922-23) I % * ^ QUESTION; What Grand Master of the North Carolina Prince Hall Grand J Lodge also served as a Congressman? jf- t * 1000 FOR 1 NAME & ADDRESS LABELS WITH ZIP CODE I jDudley & Fuller Products I I n ■We care...^ HAIZLIP FUNERAL HOME INC. 206 4th St. - High Point - 882-4131 108 Church St. - Thomasville - 476-7472 ) 97 Tm l! I FINALLY THERE'S A STATION PROGRAMMED FOR ADULTS. f I WQMG. MORE AND MORE ADULTS ARE TURNING TO WQMG. 4 f OUR MUSIC IS CONTEMPORARY AND IN BEAUTIFUL STEREO. I * OUR ANNOUNCERS TALK WHEN THEY HAVE SOMETHING TO » i SAY, RATHER THAN TO AMUSE THEMSELVES. THAT ALONE k I MAKES WQMG PLEASANTLY DIFFERENT. I I ,1 \L Q bb" Following LISTEN FOR YOURSELF ON 97 FM. ADULT COMTEMPORARY RADIO 3131 Campbellton Rd. S.W. Atlanta, Ga. 344-8530 698 Nostrand Ave. Brooklyn, N.Y. 774-7700 2313 LaSalle St. Charlott tp, N.C. 392-4580 2020 N. Graham St. Charlotte, N.C. 333-1568 3030 Fayetteville St. Durham, N.C. 688-0369 717 E. Market St. Greensboro, N.C. 275-3069 2008 Phillips Ave. Greensboro, N.C. 274-5494 510 S. Main St. Greenville, S.C. 233-3406 1240 Montlieu Ave. High Point, N.C. 888-4210 19 E. Broad St. Richmond, va. 648-5514 2 5 00 N. Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N.C. 724-6851 BEAUTY COLLEGE, 2291^ S.Elm Street, Greensboro, N.C. 27401 Phone 275-4287 i