PA(.K A-6 THK TRIBUN AL UU \S ED>ESDA’i, JL>E 16, 1976 Soul Train's Coming Attraction W1 Rufus, llie group who music lias been ihrilling isleners with liit after hit, will be bringing plenty of excittnent to Soul Train this weekend. Joining Rufus on levision's Black music THE CHECKMATES showcase will be The Checkmates, Ltd. and a quintet making their Soul Train debut, The Booty People. Rufus' popular appeal lies in iheir invigorating sound stylized from jazz and rock rythnis. With the captivat ing Ciiaka Khan as lead singer, Rufus' brand of music will be evident as they do "Fool's Paradise," "Dance Wit Me," and "Jive Talking." m 1* ■ RUFUS ARIES M*r. 21 - Apr. 19 Tan Hbpics/^ HL BOOTY PEOPLE s u P e r The Checkmates, Ltd. trio began their careers crooning together in the hallways of their Ft. Wayne Indiana High School. Now 18 years later, Bobby Ste vens, Sonny Charles and Marvin Smith are world- reowned entertainers. The Checkmates, Ltd. harmo nize "All Alone by the Telephone" and "Body Language" for the Soul Train gang. The Booty People are also closely knit. The five male instrumentalists have an esprit de corps that can be lell in tlieir musical .''clectiorj, "Spirit ol '76." Soul Train is hosted and j)ro(luced b\ Don Cornelius and sponsored by Johnson Products Co., manufac tures of Black hair care produc ts and cosmetics. Helps Shrink Swelling Of Hemorrhoidal Tissues caused by inflammation Doctors have found a rnedication :hat in many cases gives prompt, emporary relief from pain and turning itch in hemorrhoidal issues. Then it actually helps hrink swelling of these tissues caused by inflammation. The answer is Preparation H®. No prescription is needed for Preparation H - Ointment or suppositories. Your coreer c luck also ... 1 sky-rocket. It has a lot to do with eing in the fight spot helps a lot. A hobby thot you hove long thought trivial, proves to TAUHUS he a money maker now. A full time occupation is Apr. 20 - May 2(1 possible. Extending a helping hand to less fortunate friends not only a help to them, but to you also. CANCKK June 21 - July 22 LEO July 23 - Aujf. 22 viRc;o Au|f. 23 - Sept. 22 New friendships can be cemented this week. They con be meaningful and lasting. Members of your family demand a lot of your attert- tion now. At times it's easier to help others than it Sometimes it doesn't pay to rush into a situation no matter how exciting it seems at first glance. Fanciful whims create large dents in your pockelbook It is fun if you con afford it. when new approaches to prcfclems ore advanced, it is not alwoys easy to occept, but try - it will prove profi table. You can moke a big impression if you will only take the time to think before you speok. Splurge on entertoinment - it will do you good to find relaxation outside of your usuol haunts. Those who have been sure you would not cooperate are in for the surprise of their lives. You follow a most cooperative path this week. It is not the best of times for you. Things seem take forever to finish. Friends too, are difficult. n jDudley & Fuller ProductsQ^j V THAT GUN GOES OFF IN YOUR HOLSTER YOU'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT Continental Featur*^ r If You Don't Vofe-- YouJust Don't Count j UST AZZ I DUDIEV'5 wasTUWZ''^ with COCO JUST JAZZ, JUST WHEN YOU WANT TO HEAR IT. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FROM 8 UNTIL 1 A.M. MAX BLACK KNOWS JAZZ, SO GET TO KNOW MAX THIS SATURDAY NIGHT ON 97 FM. HE PLAYS JUST WHAT YOU UKE JUST JAZ^ lUQmc STEREO 97 FM I y Shop And Save At The Following I i 3131 Campbellton Rd. S.W. ♦ I 698 Nostrand Ave. A 2313 LaSalle St. k I 2020 N. Graham St. I I 3030 Fayetteville St. ♦ . 717 E. Market St. I 2008 Phillips Ave. I I 510 S. Main St. I ” 1240 Montlieu Ave. I A 19 E. Broad St. I I 2 5 00 N. Liberty St. BEAUTY COLLEGE, 2291^ S Phone 275-4287 Atlanta, Ga. 344-8530 Brooklyn, N.Y. 774-7700 Charlott te, N.C. 392-4580 Charlotte, N.C. 333-1568 Durham, N.C. 688-0369 Greensboro, N.C. 275-3069 Greensboro, N.C. 274-5494 Greenville, S.C. 233-3406 High Point, N.C. 888-4210 Richmond, Va. 648-5514 Winston-Salem, N.C. 724-6851 Ill Street, Greensboro, N.C. 274UJ i