may not agiiee with eveiything I ve said in tnis campaign, but you know exactly where I stand/^ os taxes: -GeoiigeWood Our tax base has not been changed since 1933. And we need to restructure our taxes in North Carolina. On a piece of equipment, there is a 2 percent sales tax with a maximum of $120. A fellow riding down the river in a $120,000 yacht pays $120 worth of sales tax. Well, that needs to be changed — that and a lot of other inequities in system." ON EDUCATION: The support for public education is there. What we need is the determination, the commitment and the initiative to marshal that support and head it in the right direction. It is high time we made a fresh and bold commitment to strengthening our schools in every community. We can start by raising our teachers' salaries to the national average." ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: "We need to change the industrial climate in North Carolina. We must seek and attract high paying industries which will help raise the state's standard of living. Our economic development requires authority and direction. It should be supervised directly by the governor. One way to do this is to move economic development back into the governor's office." ON A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION: "We need to give our citizens a chance to re-examine, re-think and, if they wish, re-design our state's government. In the process it will become 'their' government. A constitutional convention will permit the people, not the politicians, to shape the government. The constitution sets the whole tone, forms the whole concept of what our democracy is and what it should be." ON A SUNSET LAW: "The sunset act would require a re-examination of each state program every six years. Those that did not demonstrate their value would not be continued. The sun would set on obsolete or wasteful programs." ON WHY HE'S RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR: "I could spend the rest of my life accumulating assets, but I don't think that's meaningful. I think I can do something for this state, and I owe it to myself and to the people to try. I have an interest in the future and the well-being of North Carolina. I'll be a good governor." IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT GEORGE WOOD'S STANDS ON THE ISSUES, WRITE TO HIM IN CARE OF THE WOOD FOR GOVERNOR HEADQUARTERS 3039 MEDLIN DR., RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27607, OR CALL (919) 781-6230