Bennett College Edition FUT ^voiTi. xo.,i Bennett Event To Be Colorful DISTINGUISHED GUESTS WILL BE PRESENT College Begins 16th Year Under Jones* Supervision The oak-shaded campus of Bennett College will be the scene this coming week-end of several major events in the history of this distinctive institution for the higher education of Negro women. Distinguished white and Negro representatives of many fields of endeavor will gather in the Gorgian buildings which surround the grassy quaarangie of the college, to attend the Founders' Day celebration on Friday, October 31, the Conference for Youth Advisors on Saturday, November 1, and the formal dedication of the new Annie Mer tier Pfelf'er Chapel and Little Theater on Suoday, November 2. Sixteen Years a Woman's (College, Bennett, which began in September Its ltith year as a womun's college under tho leadership of President David D. Jones, will welcome to its campus several college und university presidents, as well as numerous beads of other educational Institutions, and outstanding figures in the fields of race relations, employment, and religion. Three bishops will participate in the morning worship service, to be held In the beautiful new Chapel ou Sunday morning. Dett Compositions, Suthero Kerital. Selections by the renowned Bennett College Choir, under the direction of Dr. R. Nathaniel Dett. who has composed two . musical pieces especially for the occasion, and an organ recital by Orrln Suthern will be the musical highlights of the week-end. The week-end of nctlvlUes will also In clude n pageant, "The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory." by Mrs. Iluth Worrell, prornluent churcliwoinnn, of uoiuiubus. O. 0 Many College .Heads To Attend. Among the heads of both white and Negro schools and colleges who will atteiftl dedication week-end at Hen* _ nett are: Presidents M. W. Dognn, of 1 Wiley College: Edward Warner I Price, of Clinton College; Willis 3. King, of Gniumon Theological Send* | nary; J. M. Ellison, of Virginia Un- I Ion University; J. W. Haywood, of * Morrlatown College; W. J. Trent, of Livingston College; T. 1>. Uljiford, of C A.1 and T. College, <JreetislK>ro; M. f Ijifayette Harris, of Philander Smith College; J. P. llruwley, of Clark University; W. S. JSImrpe, of p Pfelffer Junior College; Charlotte h Hawkins Brown, of Palmer Memorial f. Institute: It. L Johnson, of Stephens b College; I* M. McCoy, of Rust Col- It lege; Herbert J. Burgstahler, of Ohio n Wesleyan University; Florence Head, h of Spelruan College, and Dr. Ma?*y p McLeed Behtune. head of Itethune }j Cook innn College. . . g i Funders'? Pay!- Celebration. t \ The week-end* wilUbcgtnwith 'the . psnnal meetlflit of ^rBenett College o Board of Tniatees at 10:30 a.m. on J Friday morning.* At 4 p.m. President t Herbert J. Burgstahler. of Ohio Wea- t tejan University Will deliver an ad- a 4Wsa at the Founders' Dsy exercises, I Jtrhlek wlU be followed by a dinner in e boflior of Mrs. Henry Pfelffer, donor 1 ||^tbe Chapel and other buildings at c B^pert^Mr. Snthern's recital will be c iodt that evening. c On Page Six) URE . GRI CHAPEL , ? .-for, * w;.-. " .if. 1 _X;2; Bl B^> wyj 'Vv-V' The new Annie Merner F lege in Greensboro, and four end, October 31-November 2, i Upper left-hand corner: I upper right. Dean W. C. Jack Board of Trustees, which President Herbert J. Bugstah Founders' Day address; lowei who will give the dedicatory a VIrs. Bethiine I Wain Speaker ? :HARLES A. HARRIS \ ILSO WILL SPEAK > Mrs. Mary McLe**l UvIIiudp, i rtMldent of Itethune-Coukiiuui Col- r *?? will dellvpr the iiimIu Mililr^x t L?r tlie animal Founder*' Day iele- j ration to l?e held at A. ami T. Col* > ?ge, Monday. Noremlier 3, It was an- i ? President F. D. llluford ( ist week. Charles A. Harris, prlnri- j al of Franklin Qounty Training ichool, - T-uurlnlmrg. N. C., will bring f Teetlngs from the ulomtil HSftocial??-. : * . Founders' l>ny at A. and T.'ia also f bserved as Dudley Day .la honor of antes B. Dudley, second president of be college, under whom the Instltu Ion had a period of rapid expansion Dd growth. - j-- :t Mrs. Bethui>e Is one of the greatent ducntlonul fouuders of her day. In 904, In n rented cottage, with $l.r*> * ash capital, and Initial enrollment ' f five pupils, she started tlie school ?f which she la president. Jn 1823, 1 (Continued On Page Two) 1 ?THE :0l sensb'uro. n. c, October 30. is WILL BE DEI 'feiffer Chapel and'Little Thea principals in the forthcoming e ?t the college, when the buildini ilrs. Henry Pfeiffer, of New Yoi son, of Woman's College, who meets on Founders' Day, 0 ler, of Ohio Wesleyan Univers right, Dean William H. Powe iddress on Sunday, November 2 Poacher Trainees Form N. P. A. Chapter The teacher trainees In vocational igriculture at A. aihL T. College, ?>raiilzed the rullegiate r*lni|>ter of the P. A. ^iontiuy, 'Oetolter JO, for .the. ear 1IM1-1M2. The following officers were elected ; 'resident, Walter Kvuns, A|s*x ; vice resident. James Warren, Sprint: Ii?l?e: ^ secretary, Charles Iianlels. )tirhnni: assistant secretary. Cheater Vlgglns. Zehulon: treasurer. William 'urgersnn. Clinton; rcjiortpr, Kertnlt 3 raves, Muffin; advisor. Profs. K. "Van mid W. T. Johnson. Tin? following objectives wort* rnr* led out lust 3"ear: Had joint banquet of4 trainees uii'l tome economic students'of vocational igrlctdture; Supervised community exhibits at he Greensboro Fair; , Sent a large group to the Stule Pair at Ilalelgh; Published a news sheet; Supplied two departments with itudent-teachers when the regular eachera were absent: Planned the N. F.- A- quia contest 'or the state orgnnlxatlou of the. N. r. a. - - [ ITLC 41 . DICATED ] Or ? B Site -' f^Bt ?; >' : gp? K>B h I c . P BBuMNfe^BMriltitfiiBKIEn ter Building at Bennett Col- " xercises for dedication week- v j will be formally dedicated. e rk City, donor of the Chapel; is chairman of the Bennett ii ctober 31; extreme right, l ity, who will deliver the * rs, of Syracuse University, J Six-Year Plan i Is Successful ; COMPLETION STRIKING 1 IN NUMEROUS WAYS ] The history of Iteuiiett College for I Women, which, with the dedication r this week-end of the new Annie Mor- 1 ner I'feiffer <.'hn|iel and Little Then l ter Ituihlkn^, climaxes un unusually \ successful slx-ycnr hiiihlini; program; | Is striking hi nutny ways. Its growth c lu less than two decades from on o|e I sure little crt-ediicntlniiiil setidiuiry to i n noitrlshimr woiilhi's college Is little < niMlf l III ] l| II L|l IIIJI'ImII, WIIHI U 18 fUlt' ? aiilered that thin growth took place t during it period when funds for edtti ] cations have not l*eeu plentiful. 1 Nevertheless, through the genera*- 1 Ity of the General Education Hoard * and Individuals such y? Mr. and Mrs. I Henry Pfelffer. of New York City, an ' well us other donors and foundations, ' ltennett la able today to offer supe- ' rlor educational opportunity to young < women of the Negro race. Untler the energetic leadership of Praildetit David D. Jones, It haa become a dla(Continued On Page Two) ennett College Edition |'^j? )0K ====== 'Wi PRICK: 5c < Chapel Built | In 11 Months -J 5UILDING BEAUTIFUL N DESIGN, STRUCTURE 1 'L y . ' P.i - L ; . s ..< y>t r i Construction Houses kittle Theater, lift of Mrs. Pfeiffer Rivalling in beauty of struc;ure and design many of the"-' : nore celebrated college chapels n the country, the Annie Mer- . * ler Pfeiffer Chapel of_Bennett College stood completed this reek, 11 months after the rround was first broken for its . j instruction. The Chapel build- V; ng, which also houses a Little ["heater wing, is the gift of ~ * Irs. Henry Pfeiffer, of New ork City, and will be formally dedla ted on Sunday, November 2. It was eslpned by Otis Clay Pouudstone* . .. rchltect, of"Atlanta. C ~ . * It y i Negro Labor Used Throughout. } In accordance with a steadfast \3 ollcy of President Ijavid p. Jones, f Bennett, "skilled and .unskilled ' '> 'egro labor was used, y whenever, vaiiuDie, throughout Uje construction , ^ f the new building, which climaxes building program begun at Bennett ^ lightly more than five years ago. Svo new dormitories, a class room uild.'ng, and a library, have arisen n the Bennett campus during tjds, ' eriod: ^ r*\. Built In Meeting-IIoav! Style. Constructed of red brick ami . *? meat one, with white wood trim, the * -5 ew Chapel is built iu the tradition. f the old New England meeting- -j| ouae, and dominates the Bennett | ampus from the north. White Ionic Masters support the front gable, and vj fie octagonal steeple, topixxl by a reathervane, rises from a clock tow- yfll r and belfry, the four corners of . "3| rhleh are surmounted hy white wood- jfi n urns. .? The entire interior of the Chapel, tjfl deluding the pews, is painted* cream ..JB vory, with walnut trlui. and the^iM mnelling Is In the style of the late rjj^H Colonial ]>eriod. Light la supplied by hree chundellers and side fixtures .VjH! ushloned like oil lamps. A rcredos'JljB villi modified scroll work Is at thn^QH nick wall of the chancel, In whlclftSH pace for t lie console of a KhnbnifffiMM rgaii is provided among the choU^gttg? vats. The Chapel. which also ha8&uj?J& (Continued On Page Two) ;/s|M I PIONEER SPONSORS ENTERTAINED AT DINNggB The first meeting of the'' federation was held last Wi-dnwjJM light Rt 7:30 o'clock at the s composed of sponsors of Y, m?jk' clubs. Mrs. Irene 8. Tuootg^^H :l>e Hooker T. Washington-ykureSPjl luh whs elect ??d president of tqtsb Huly, Cecil C. Miller of.Price rice president; Miss M.'A. Kirki^^^^H >f Washington Street School, secretary; and Moscs/jDUfuH on of East White Oak, Members of the Federatfori^jfiflfl Karl Whitley, principal &^n<9|H School and sponsor of ?r* club; Kzell Blair, aastwiM^BK ; the ciab at Washington Sh^t^pCSjH mar school; J. A- Cowah. jrtn$pijjfljl ina gpormor of Terra ' Oott* and J. B. Williams Do"im* ',s. A%llfl The Federation will ? jneK1b*p%x? &} Wedneoday nleht ?t 7:80 o'clock .*& ! the T. M. o. A. to Oiitllen ptani^foi^Sg the present school year. C>'-^"^WWj|P

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