Welcome, Old tira?\ FU1 Housing-Body " Will.Discuss \ Negro UnitV y The CiVeensboro HouWng authority *lll meet at noon today to discuss dditloDal details of Its construction alane with. II. W. Sullivan, of "Wash.ngton, senior project supervisor of 4 he United States Housing authority, ! >t wag announced yesterday by Chairman Alonzo C. Hall. v Sullivan has l?n here since Monday In conference with Ray Warren, executive director, regarding location of the white and Negro units on the Bites recently selected fur theui and also regarding ..landscaping of * the grounds. - J ?- - JrV <v * * Chairman ]la]l^al{l..yesterday that oa the 'basis'o/present calculations there will iVe^'ivpg units for 114 white and 134>Negr^ families, which will snean construction of about 40 baildlngs for. white, families and about ho buildings for Negrd^amilles. One of the next moat important steps to be taken by the authority, will Jje execution of Uie Joan.contra?t agreejneqt/grfth the USHA, the local authority's Vormal application- ~:f6r financial assistance * having. already been reviewed and appro^rh^jn Washington. Chulnjftn Hall "ahd one or more of hla ajuooLiitea on 'jhe 'ao^ thorlty will" p jpfeably po% tb,V"WMhIngton .withid: the next ?wo> jpi~\b*ed Y* T?f 'and' fnftnbers /of tbe '"authority win study details of the' proposed buildlDg plans. : ? Officer Guilty Jn Assault Case ' PoHeaimn E.- H. Anderson," of the dty pollce*departmerit was found guilty of simple assault upon Clarence Hill,"KegrQMjyho was arrested by Anderson the night of October 20 for parking in a no-parking zona near the bus station in "'a hearing beld. before Judge E. Earle Rives yesterday afternoon. lVay#r" ?fpr Judgment was continued .ob condition tha? the officer, pay one-hplf court cfeata, JJfefense Attorney "W. lhike Indicated that he . may file notice of appeal* to Guilford coUjty Superior conrt toduy In open court. Judge Rives commended the officer^ for. telling 'the trutli on the Witness stand but added--that he felt Anderson was/ ' fundanvntaliy lu slapping the Negro. li^Aiuicrson. Hityjltred "on thm. stand \ that he struck :H111 'after tUfi jKefyn tillegnlly ncttd unruly at,/' police Ji?*iul<pjiirierjc3 and * Interfered with tfWoflfder'K ^ecutM^Tof his duties by hjk Itig In. a boisftij^ .manner * 'and attempting to . puVh' hltS^ajgav I from the de*?k, Oihiw police wltrveSo* testified, that boisterous con. dltct--interfeml. witihtJjbelr ^trryinp " out^theLr'duties at thd7telejilv?nWmid lii^pPfp MBflHHiHHiHfliiHVHBPHBBMHii I BP^MnT-'-'f '*fMBBrS^-^%^^^^^'Vl' jSfl^j^H^^mjt ' S V' ?ql^^WK ^ i -g^v> %^c-J ; K&nj^|^ra|(/| i^lHK' Bills 'y>.?B^^^ttgHfi^MB^^^Bj^^y60B| jKbcv^.. Vv.'? flB& |KBr.'.-v3?'? Miss Anne SmW Wright s^'Wl^frm ffe Ch?rle*-,V?v is a .product Of Tidewater Institute, \>h^'?t^ fi^^d high^Bfhooi in 1937. a senior in eomibeVrUl ^daicattoh,\ji a-memhecfofjffijttynatlc- Club, . (be Birthday Cttiti, and hi* bee<K aftivr\n the AlpJiajTiappa ^Sorority, for two years. Miss Wright is a m^iixr'of the-lHilon Baptlji CJrtirth. of s V-e^ni.- W ...~A t-.Z.,ATt'\~ \Z- *--- M^n, She to the^imhlef of Mt * and Mrs.' ^WUllaioS. Wrtshh if Cape Charles,' .Ya. Mr. ftright! father, to S-well-known ^lsetiBlth In Eaet- , \iU* Va-. and Mrs. VULau Wright to a teacher^In (be public school sj*-/". ' lem In Northampton Oxnrt/." Miss Wright'to'non' the secretary to Mr. 'i W. H. (iamhle, <kan tfthen atthe'hi4T. CollfgeTShfvffl>ei^t at the" A. 4 vs. Morgan College, game, v\hiyh -will be pUjtd _oayN(Jvember 8..* , She to doing community practice work :*t- thfe1 IlnjrS-Taylor pernoriaJ ?. M. C/A-, to dramatic. , ' ~T~ DUDLEYl HIGH SCHOOL BAN . t.. *C%r.>tv-V" irnHHi ' :J^iciiSwjm^'i>^M?S^^^^^^^^ai^'irit1i?ii;,. ". . . \ 2 l^j^lP , >.^w^H Aggies Win Oveir ij] & Paul, 54^0. ^'M'j( but;j Pmn$lo\%b bit.the dua( at' ilynwrlal StadtOm ^ilurd^y "night" w tbe | 1 powerful A, and T. ineehanlzei^dlvj 'slon'^Wamped; their hopes fpc,4l,.-$nty la Cciblere^c^rlii tfttb a 54-0 '^argfp^f- jj ,'^hi.Aggie* began piling u\ yardnfcc / ^rtfce ^flrst quartefthfter Charles XfrW'Aggie tacfae/recovered- a fuh?r Med St Pa^-^trn-n^rjjtn^the kick-' w bft on "the ^gcr8*4-Vyar?Ilne. fyom cl Aalngle .wing bf^t^QC'ttintlon Ilruce. tt trftmedlately got/off Bedash' to St ^ Raul's 19 yard strip.-Powetl;-i5oub; {. and Kfuce worked* the ball--up to the b yard line in-three plays, and tow- m ell bucked the! line for* jthe first ^ touchdown. Roub kicked the' extra Patu. ...... . . v- ~ -" -After two attempts to jjeuctrtfte the a< Aggie defensives had failed on hls;10 of yard line. Corbln kicked, and Dopb ai downed the ball on St Paul's 42 yarVl Une. In a series of line-plunges And end runs the Aggie offensive machine w proved too ^nuch for the "Sowbacks" and with the ball.on the vlsitoiV 20;. da Bruce, flashed around a . swarm,'",of fe Tigers to reach'the .pay dlrtforthe ? second touchdown. 'Doob kicked for V" thi> ert'ra pglnt. ? > Thq^ first. touchdown-~'o? the. secprfci, quarterijwas made ^yhen'j jBpjce & Mpn^ed from the strip. thomgh the Pl'ra|er^ fojwafd wall.to get the pay-off."boub"a pjdfejl 71 edited ; for, tbj?<jxtra ai P^jl^oart^bartt, who did mo^t of B< the "iWrV of ^ ba^kfleld. neatl/^ al- tq way* iclckw]. on ' ^he " Bf^mf^d o wn. ^ .The.recently Appointed fcpfe g^neralf7who haj?lig(f the/iggiw to three victories In his thrfe games of "inter- w' collegiate* foothatt, 'didI 'some' fancy ly bK^ken field running.- He received n "? lateral frop Bru^e on . St raul't 45 R yard^.lbie "?nd,sped to" psy dirt ?behfnd .the henutlfuj^blocklng of ^ Sam ' Bruca, second touchdown fcf the. fl^buarter. Perkins kicked I tit* VxtrH i>olnt ?. In tile third quarter Corbln re- t0 turned the kick-oft to St. Paul's CS yard line. After bejeg "thrown ft?r a ^ (Continued On Page 5) * In D TO PLAY^ . \l 5gyf BHUi^^^B! ;. d trta MB' | ' gj H , BdS'SIH BIH II UVrSM^P|tt FO 3H a :!\ HEyHBI 9 E D* tf pi 11 fa p nted.. and uniformed. ,ThU hantf Is ~< * Wtmbfr 11. Hie Well krtoun band is,- <j *' ffi? ? '"'"' tl p) eteji-- A f7o.t/vl1l\1?fcW by U*? goiirral.alapi'ot.. ^ /'^fliw Louise Qunn was'1 appointed > ictjnj:. secretary by.jtJJ* president, tl jrerc acroed spou J>y the *roup ti ft? ?jw |M\!d every'/ flr^' ^yedntwilay.^ 4 f r \ Homecoming Edition \. km i&eteming > s Ifejebratioh vv*A; & T, mF> : v i , ^i'and^T. College will ttive the rgest 'celebration for home-coming luihnl'of Ay %in thp history of the ? _ sUtetJOn. Faculty and student body ^ tve planned an elaborate ^jirogriim hlch'has as a highlight th^ gigantic aah between two gridiron flolfnth*, ' * ie JL. and T. A&les vs. the 'Morgan ears." . J ' . ' ''. * j. ' The Morgan vs, A. and T. pande- V " onlum' may a long way'In do- * . ;V"4 rmlnlag the. conference champion* tjjtfae- year 19^and will certainly tennlne the- comparative strength '{hS^two team*.' The powerful A. ^ V id ^ line, with those allkJ. L A, A. ospect^Mphlch Clark and iJoward onterj^guai?l, and Jultua Monttfrlo,1 # nter,' iMi. be pitted ' against U? ningeroua Morgan buck Held which t .... ktarimf, Xfrally .Moaby, giant Vu^e' .' v ? ungjjg fulihack^Oscar Given*, half- ' -V ^k^passlng .V^aBatlon; apd>t7nk.' n Kick-off ie ^at In Qreofwboro , <Jthe?victor?Jpiar^i^ 'r'-^ Hjj 1 * ditw.Svhnjijts )ot IheflV tSVlTg V?c? ry <$>1utnntartee^nincc'his appoint ,.'\-.v^ ent^o the gecerant poat in the^JJn- \,r '. \ n frricus, they believe they , have ' C ^' *' hat It Likes to stop die Bo jits' dead*, . * fonquesta. '> -. . *. >.* y'\,. '. . d'w1' : -; V '. **& The triple-threat talents " of Mam * * rtice mint be reckoned wltfi_ In any Ifgte engagement. Twice all-C. I. A. back, Stpn is considered na being ^ . -\ ^ e best punter in the conference. There are many sundry opinions ?a the outcome of the forthcoming luabble, but one thfng is* cerLfto"1. t"' Ith the. nui^erons good backs bod ' * *' ie powerfnV^SRwf'A.'and T. clash-' -V' g trith the tenlble Morgan, offenre. machine, regardless of the .out- " *, u irae. there trill be one great .game to I remember#^ t '^ Tlie home-coming begins with Ji, # taket.bnll game between tlje Varsity; nd the Freshmen at 6:45 p? in.. Frl?y. 'Tlie hHHkeiliHlJ game will he illowed by the annual pep-meeting . * % nd rally nt 7i4f.^>. in. At 8:4"> p. m.; battle of mammoth l?nnfires wf)|?be ' ?-"i on ine coiipko ninieiic riera.- , ?. A full Is koIihIiiImI for * aturday./Thealu'ninl trill rept*Jer ? 0|p ft tn 1 :00 p.' m. In "lhp offlrpc e jrradunft' manager of athletic*. _ irnt fln??r#of?Pudley Ruildtng at the lloaa. The hotne-eomlnc parade will art at 1:15 p m. Alumni (fnd.stn- . ?nt* .will fnrnr a line ft the front'. rrh nf the campus and will marHi .-' ? irmich the city streets to the *tn-.? \'^"r ??*?. ' , ? . V . v; t \ ?*->. Various jjtiident organisation* will '* _.*^v resent a" ihirdde otf^floyta at the ' *. anM! half, u'; Sorort flea'and Fratpi>;\, ?' It ft*. Dramatic auh; Y. w: UA. aod>?t'^; ? fcoral - Sodefcfc^Ilaw 'Anpe jMjfixl.?; ' 7&' S&flM (V. and'T. <\f th^achdnl jtnr* * 'f 'i' lls*2,- will preside over the cejehra V -.f Ion. Ttve%nDnel fcnme-cnmlijB' dance'/j ;.? / , t will dlimai the celebration for .1^ :-'e V-'i t ?; miis*?*.

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