i.ffV* FACE TWO 'irtjfrii Bennett College GoesOn the Airj Varied Program - " ' . ? l*F?r,Children's Sake"; /.Tjde.of Group of Talks '^Presented Each'Monday M ,( t TM of V broadcasts form Bennett College oVer - the network of WBIO waagtveo ob Monday, afternoon, December l, when M* htyrUe^Thtrapeon," head of the ; college Nursery School, gave. the Inl > pal ^alk group^of ^Iscusslona on chlTd-carK'Her talk.' which )sated j for 15 m^nnteB.r was on the alrat 8:90 * *V'?' "For Childrec's Sake"_. la the title of the' group of talkg' which Ml w Thompson and other members of th^ nursery' school staff will continue , to '-present each Monday as part of the Bennett-Col leg^On-theAlr series, The talks will be supplemented by ln.tei^ i views with specialists In the field,' and dramatizations. Among the probx lema of child care which will be'discussed are: Securing willing obedience In children, getting young children to eat. helping a; child overcome shyness, playing with ; children,?and othetaL\>.' ^ . . a v - V.; i\ v f i V-' ? VjWher; weekly^features on the aeries f of Wltalnlng programs to be broad chs?* irjwn the locaT college inclnde' a n^^'*appredatlon ', hour y conducted r by JV Nathanle^ Gatlin,' m uslc instruct tor.*a vconsumer studyIberiod' under > the dixeeticm of Dr. Albert* Turner, bead o/ the lipase ecooobiiiai depa rt . meet and newscasts, wlth^jipeclal ref: erance .to Negro.America, presented ' by'the Bennett College Frees Board. ' $ itRev. Mr. Best Preaches !_;, V Vfe' ywy Helpftil Sermon lt - ^Life's Oreateat Question** traa tbe topic of tho * sermon delivered by Bey?X< R- Weft, tfri ff nffllji L lyn Preabyterlan Church In Charlotte, : m^?.tbet.w?eklypeeper, service at. Beo^ inejtt College JaaJ week, ?na text was i * St. Matthew 27 -JH. \ *?: 'V^Tbere are many Important qoea' tioo* In life," said Dr. Wart, In part lce Q? marriage partner, ?foptfe>?J'??d*.?>d%9* ?*' TOC*" amy - them.' Bat the moat > i^ort?nt "of all la. What " s^rfiX do.^rtih. Jemu fjbrtrtfc "'jVrv'\*T4t0k\caareject testis, or' you can : 1p?re yA be A0"?***1* pointing r. ooCfo/tbe other -hand,;the values I- to ?'Jby recognising J?us theT-yrateat \neo of all accepting him a* a per' sonal'^ll foe wviaeif\."i, Kutur* 'Vesper Services Anmuneed :Dr. Silas Peeler, doe-time head of Benrxrtt. and at prtaeot a member of ; theA Board /Of Xruitoea appke at the '^eolleaer^efrper 'laHt. ^unday.. On De^ peembe^Y, t^^aejVice/whieh'.win be ^.Aeta;irt 6 o'clock;,win ."be(j&TtiBd'to j.'tbe rpreeentatlbt/of Madooi~ na^>a'*erles Id tableaux baaed on Vfaoioua religions painting*. 'The'Una "~Tt*per aerlce jkefore the Christina-' holidays will be held oo December < 14. when tfao annual Cbriatmaa coocert of the college cholt wlllbe prer.?W . , llianksgiring ,Partyt. \'1 >:^gy^eld'At Gymnasium |rt*lnc party at Bennett .Offllege was '.'held last week'In' tbe'aywnaalum of > theOolleae, *^th music' by the 'A. 1 and .V.. Oolletfatigs. ^Ofi'Tecetslnjc : line were: Aetloy Dean!hod-Mrs. W I -'Sat ^V-'V >!'.* I* -i-'t THE J . - ' - - - V " * HHHHflHHHHUIflHHH qMMHM ? , . / . -v.... . r ; .1 Bennett Choir Is On thev Airj.Over Station WBIG : ;->V'>-'-\;.. nft ? .' : . A. aerie* of v week-day. broadcasts from tho campua oC Bennett-College facilities provided by station WBIG, It, was announced at the college. The broadcasts' wlll be-^tven from 3:15 to 8:ft5(p/,m-ilondayp through Fridays, begln^gon December Bennett. $300,000 In Order To ' Secure $200,000; . The: Initial meeting of the Executive Committee'to sponsor. the effort oft Bennett College to raise $300,000" in order to secure $200,000 from the General Education board held at Bennett OoUece- last week, . with Dr. W. C. Jackson, president of the.Bennett Board of Trustees, presiding. Amoag, the items discussed'were the ptybable date 6t the campalgn,ytbe mlniroumgofH for Greensboro; and methods of undertaking the effort Dr, Jackson was authorised to appoint a committee of three to select the campaign chairman. ] > Importance of Greensboro Gift Cited. In discussing the'endowment fund. Dean Jackson pointed, out that "it Is Important for this .city wo", let the General Education" Bo* r d 'and other sections of the country'know what Orrensbbro think* of the local'college Ncftb^wornen. He'said that the response- here would be the. keynote for the response of the rest of'America .In the campaign. which most be completed by Jane. 1942. 'j. : ^ ; "Dean Jackaoo also Toad 'a'51-yearold fetter, signed by outstanding ( reensburgbers .In 1890. which Indorsed the work of the college. He said that the present Executive Committee was following . In their footsteps. i>- 'iyr }# - BENNET the title of the series of sustaining programs now' being prepared for presentation/ by students^ and faculty members! of the' college. ,. They will originate! In the recently-dedicated Annie Meraer Pfelffer chapel and little theater building at Bennett, and will Include contributions from . the Division ot Humanities, the Social science division, the. home economics division,' and the division of natural and biological sciences. r ' 7 ! Committee for Drive At Bennett Named SS ' /' a : Stark S. Dillard, N. Si'; fk Calhoun, J. D.'Wilkins 'A Are Included V . The executive , committee * which' will sponsor thp forthcoming <300,000 endowment drlfe of Bennett College has beencompleted,- according to" nu announcement made by*"Dr. W. C. Jackson,; chairman of the board of; trustees of the college. The campaign Is being launched to secure the offer of $200,000 . f rain the General Kd ucatton Board Of New Yofk Clly on' the Condition' that a total of $900,000 be bubeenb?l by June, liHZ, and paiq by June, UH5- ? ' In addition to ,Dr.Jackson, , the commltteee Is composed of the following members: Stark; S. DIUard. N. S- Calhoun, J. D. Wllklna. lira. Jullua W. Cone, O. B._. Penin,'..Robert .Trwper, Mayor Huger King, Benjamin Gone,. Mooes Klsee, ^Ira. J. P. Turner,. J udge William York,'J. A. Tarpley,- Mrs. -A. W. Plyler, Mrs. C. W. Phillips! Joseph M. Bryan land John 8. V Patterso?L' ' In releasing the Ust of acceptances. Dr. Jackson expressed 'gratification that so represents tire a' group' of citlseea, who are prominent and Influential In tbe llf^ of Greensboro had accepted membership on the committe which aill glre. direction, to the endowment effort. ; v',, '.The first meeting pf the committee was held on Friday afternoon pf last week, lii the lounge room* of Holgatd Library, on the Bennett campus At this meetingit Isfeipetted that lin' portant 'decisions relating to the operI ation of the effort.in Greensboro will be made. yV js"?. jty'? standing in 1826-27 to 896 la. the pre* eot enrollment, and the yearly bodjet which waa 84,007 84 In MMT, la now $180,075.00. J ;x.c. - : 'iti*,'* * V r CHOIR I The general objectiveof the . Bennett broadcasts will be to co-operate with WBIO In Issuing messarfea of enlightenment, entertainment and goodwill'to local, jradlo listeners and* to friends of the cdIIma and tn prtpfwl tbe fun services of the col lego' to^tiie community through" the'? medium '.of 1 tbe . air. Specialll* feature broadcasts will Include music kby, the Bennett choir axxl by the Bennett Little" 8ym- ; phony, Orcheaira, a* "well as drama tie readings and. shit* There,.wlttYalio : ^^^KWlil irURi -- J " I " j, &?ih;; . t *? ' . , ' be. a weekly news summary by the Bennett College Press Board, a music appreciation hoar under the dlnec-.. . *tloo of F. Nathaniel Gatllh, music Instructor, consume hlnfs fmm th? rw ? erumer siudy; Oiub, \ and .suggestidha ' * * cm child cm re by MLsb Myrtle Thompson, director of the Bennett Nurmcry SchooL'< A'-.'; ' " : . . >vAn additional aerlee of IS ; weekly ; t programs on the contribution of the} ' college to,National "Defense will be" ; Lnltinted on January kyfil' ^ i ACHRISTMAS i& |- SPEOALv ; WM | eral;ElecWciR^io;.; 8,(>>mbiriatioh^Coin-f K.plete^with Take?V ' ? B-'ais shown?"idl for v" L).: ; 549.50 - .' -V* B ' i 'TJ I* '/ *'* -'v '. f1 ,%X . 'Asviv|..-V J&rfft1 H Never before have we Z'ltf, H "offered the famous G,'|T,E. Combination at '/ : such an attractive'- , .?vS?i' .price- ; . 3 H Eauy Monthly Fay ? v n mems may oe i . > v >'arranged V\ c m'""'' VV.t*Sj ' ' Morrison-Neesey Ve iled Waiting ' ' B i -'i'.-i- ' -.; -SJ?S Blip r ' * J*T??