HWA 'the Timet FUT J ;:{.] VOL. L NO. 9' W*'M MB BaHnggB Vs: 1 ^WBgpHM 1 $& r ',, jg^gjgEi^V; - .?: BOOKER T. W TUSKEEGEE UVIN( -' FOUNDER, BOOKE .-,:": K< ,* V- . ?: '.' " . 4' ?2$'Left Orphan At . j^jEarly Age He j?lj? Rises To Heights" f A;-_'C J..i i;: {uuuuilui Booker T. Washington was born Aprll-5. IRTiG. on a plantation *'owned 'by Jama* Burroughs, near f^nde*! Ford. Franklin County, Vlr *His ^motber'a name wan Jane. ;by-Burroughs. So he became 6|jraii>ktr.;"owned by Rurrntighs" until foWpSGS' .When?,7bis mother married a (yggfo^bbof slave by th ename of George gv/?|^aflhlngtbo'jVrguson, .whose middle P^W^We*wa8*adopted"by'Booker aud hlS P-.At*th e nge'of fire, Booker movwl, t his1 niother. his brother Jone. ^SWifi^flUrter "Amanjla. to Maiden; West *^&$|fcjlnla. Here. Jn Maiden, the fourth ffffrpchlld came'to the Ferguson-WashlngJ^^t^jf^plly"through a strange Inrl6 ^V'de^VMraT'Ferguson saw a little or' $pbkn'-bpy In choree of an overseer. ^ g;taken No Jhe poor house, and i^^Thejv^entie heart was deeply touche?l waifs misfortune. AlpMNJwheSnrf mother of three, she the nv?r??* to iiermlt her fgg^^thu- boy to whom she pave df.James R Washington. K^?.,^;Tto6?^Jappy' family thrived for two fc^?fyem*rjMKlAr7tbe kindly guidance of ^^blhjelr n>other.;vQr>e nlpbt In Septem^^bor^"l870, i'fter an Illness of hut 30 Four ure ' > y ' GREE> H:. \ ASHESOTON MEMORIAL TO IT.WASHINCTffl Rationing of Tires' Hits Danville And Vicinity ; Strikes Home In Force In Many Cities;, Many Inconvenienced The tire rationing struck hom here with force Saturday Imposln the first of many coming lncon-en lences due to the wur. A lot of pee pie suddenly realized that If the; were to have a blowout they wouli have to put up the family car, am others foresaw a gradual rbange ti life due to the gradual dwindling o motor traffic. . C. G. Holland, president of th Danville' Traction and T'ower coir pnny said that he was rontemplatin laying liefore the trftard of director a niHterlal expansion of city bus sen Ice feeling that more people nre gi Ing to l?e dependent on puhlle trnni portntlon. Textile workers were highly spe< ulatlve and disturlted because full one-third of the 12.000 people eu ployed In Dan Itlver mills live In th country and rely upon their cars t get to work. No special provision 1 i outlined for such ns these but the | felt reasonably wire of prior tree i raent because the mills' are worlcln on urgent government orders ond t maroon - the workers would he n fleeted In curtailed production. ' ^ Retreading firms hegan 'to ' do land, office, business J^atiirday. 7; * ' Hf Y CXlU ME yfc'.tf- ; >' ' !' TTIVclu'h in "Warner llle will.hold Jta weekly meeting | the^hon?e.-of' Miss Nettle Itelle^I^o Isoo ^ on" 'MhrsH? ; Moodtij\, I> eeitiber'20. st(t n'cioQi*.-^ ' ' When a brewefy vat usretflor.e-.t'/.In' tJ^'/d^. wHter,mpfry of~Jolietll reslijenta got Cklck, our of tnrnlha * .their tva'ler faucets lo ffnd tier fto: ' i . ; ?THE? ! 01 .SllOttorV. C.. SATl'BDAV, JANUAII Odell Lee Is Held For Fatal Stabbing; Tonkins Is Victim , Stabbing Takes Place Near Moonlight Bear Garden, On'South Ashe Odell Lee, 21 year-old negro of 1318% South Ashe street, was l?eing hied lu city Jail Saturday nfternoon on a murder charge for the fatal stabbing of another. Negro. Lewis Tonkins, 21, of 510 poak street, about 8 p. m. Thursday near Moonlight beer I gardenr 825 South Ashe street. ' Up to mld-nfternoon Saturday this] was the only violent death reported for Greensboro during the Christmas holidays, and police said that the season had passed off very quietly for them. / Officers quoted Lee as saying he stabbed Tonkins In self-defense after tbe latter bad allegedly attacked blm with a knife In front of the beer parden. Tonkins was said to have Invited , Lee outside the place after the former had accused him of "humping into me all night." threatening to"pull your damned head off." Police, further quoted Lee as say; ing Tonkins slashed at him twice in front of the beer garden after allegedly holding a knife against Lee's , throat, and that the latter then ran to the corner of Ashe and IdcCulloch [ streets, opening bis knife as he ran. When he stopped at the corner and was allegedly rushed by Tonkins. Lee reportedly said, he stabbed the deceased. " County Coroner Wallace G. Freemen said Tonkins bled to.death aft.j er his Jugular vein was severed, and police said I>ee suffered a cat on the right hand. It was indicated that Lee, who left the scene of the stabbing and went to his home whflrp hi> irue nn-oofuH will be given preliminary hearing In p municipal-county court Monday. Fit p bos been denied haiL - N. F. A. Chapter of r . Florence High Organized 3 ? The N. F. A. chapter of the Klor n ence high school was 'organized re * cently under the leadership of Josepl Alllngton Turner. student teacher e The chapter today has completed tw< of its major activities, namely, partlc P ipated in the flreensbom fair an? * carried out lis Thanksgiving program ' The object of the program was t< H have the nrvious members and friend) ' of the chapter to contribute fon products Hnd other useful articles foi *- the needy families ami individuals, y The chapter gave produce" lo threi i- different families In the commit nit}' e These families were very sunwise* o ?nd thankful for the gifts, la The chapter is planning to carrj y out several programs In the common lty such as colling chickens, pruning g trees, Improving school ground, beau o tlfylng borne surroundings and curry 6- Ing out a bam show. The chapter wishes to thank Pro! a feasor Whitley for his co-operation plus the patrons' co-operation In caj '_!? tying out the program.'^ ' 'The officers 'of. the chapter ar [ Wftlfim^ .Fuller, president; Calvti p- William', ?t1<*?"" presldeht; Etnerso |fl Brothers, secretary; Odell "Itendei ^ treasurer, kijd George Alexander, it p- portlir/.i'. . / INDIES' AID HOLDS MEETING. '? 1 ' i; /-jrhe.iuaIM" ' AW ?ptr1 [Matthews-Method!gt ohnridi held 11 biweekly nieeting at the irhur^h in th . . j . . Re JTLI ;Y 3. 1942 Plane Crash I At Inlet Fatal ! To Army Flier 1 Robertson, Married Christmas Eve, Is Crash Victim Second Lieutenant Hoy Holiertson,' formerly an assistant coach at Wof rnrd college. Spartanburg. S. C., was fnrallv Injured and his pinner. Cor- * poral Lewis Walker, seriously hurt Saturday when their observation v plane crashed on the beach near Mnsonboro Inlet, close to Wllinlnpon. Itoltertson. 27. died an hour :u?d 20 minutes after the accident as h^was being ferried In a small boat to a waiting ambulance. His Injuries were too severe to allow his being placed In another plane. Walker, of Meridian," Miss..- was brought to a Wilmington hospital, Robertson, whose parents live in Caroleen, Rutherford county, _jHras married Christians eve to Miss Thesis Fowler, of Union. S. C. A star athlete, he was graduated from Woffonl in 1936, after making the all-state basketball team for two years. He was called back. Into the service a . year ago and took bis flffcbt training at Randolph field. Idle Wise Club Has ' Cocktail Party ?;?? ' . I Jdle Wise club had a Christinas ' cocktail party December 26 at the ' home of Miss Louise Wilson, 271 McCulloch street. The officers of tbe club are: President, Miss Sarry Al- ; , len; vice president. Miss Mury E. Murphy; secretary, Mrs. Mellarce May; assistant secretary, Mr? Elizabeth Warren; treasurer. Miss Hazel Goldston. v IN CHRISTMJ .. K| Vr?"' ?f *-'j Thin Christmas patreiint was sunR at the First ConpreKatlnnal Church. It Is Entitled. "The Mystery (if the - Nativity.'* H haa' a collection ?f beau tlful oljj carols that are not, penerall^ c heard. It staftr- qa^shovlnjc Mary n and Joseph seeking admission XnWt^e n Inns of Rejhlehern. Thd MOR of JlaiV \ ftnjj Jnsepl). Is p'ltl&ii] as Utey, plead - for a place *to^ rfcBtlrThe atAble Ta Qui ' final r^lrii?i>iac?>where^ 'KluRS^vfi^ lapvrs and shepherds allkd. coma to worship the same Christ' *The 'ahpVl that appeared to the Shepher^wjs t- played-by Miss Wella- She alsojlafli Shuhert'a "Av?^ MerlA^to',tlft^yiBff aI Mary!; > the, . afk-phertlrsh'< jjegnfij.jfiBf TV . \ ad The Future Outlook! )0X FltlCR: 5c V ======== . Second Knife Slaying Committed ', In the City Miss Victoria Moose Victim of Butcher Knife; Willie Lee Peay Held Greensboro had Its wrand knife nurder In less than 4$ hours Sat irday whet) Victoria Monw, 30. of 1005 Gurrell street, died of knife round*.- Police said they wore holdng Willie Lee Crenig, 23, alias Wll V?-.- ; . \y* h i; - . , v: ,. . VMIS^ VICTORIA MOOSE lie Lee Peiur, of 334 Husband street, without bond on a warrant charging her with the woman's death. Police said the cutting took place at the Crealg woman's home about 4 :30 p. m. They stated Miss Victoria Moose was stabbed in the neck, severing, the left jugular vein, and iu me icii Nuuuiuer, ine uiaue ?? wie butcher knife penetrating the top of the heart Coroner Wallace Freemnn - (Continued On Page Two) IS PAGEANT I Mr. Iieroy Lindsay, senior and Junior; . Mr. Wllilftiu Thin. and the pastor. Mr..- Llndsey, Jr., aanp *0 Holy NlRht." Mr. Joseph Neal played the , t part of Joseph, thcj father of . |W*iwfijl and enacted his. |?m^?7'-r5. wreir Mra. Waddell played the part of i MMr^Shtj made a very lovely/'pie-. J. tyre' or Mary and also sang her 'part' vreil. The king* were" -MeM?r^l*e,"'^ Xl(l>enii and <>i aS'&'T. Cob^'<. lege. Other people of the cMt^e?g/&'