W$tKeep Up With the Tiitu FUT ' . . yt^- VOL I. NO. 10 : [ She's Social Editor fa ; The Future Ootlook . f 'Vv '.Mlas Minnie lx?e Brown, grndp^'-uate of James B. Dudley high V school, 1940, Is the news rei>orter L ;of, the Future Outlook. Mlas Brown has made a special study TvV / MINNIE LEE BROWN, journalism.' while In high fl^She' Is a- very active.'Iailysln civic," social, and aa attaint. She Is to gather wtr concerning church ori. "wjfccommunity "clubs, ndjVentiire^gtorles, and' orbltnarles, ro^TIs to, jjiibllah "pictures which tarry "striking news'value. NWv:z??? '. Resident Jones eaves for Meeting ^Washington ' t/iWilson Speaks ; :V^eekly, Meeting On mtemporary Affairs W&X', rfauie rtn.-i.i r\ t ?? ti?? ^ ycwucuv "" * *-? O'H'W *" iett,cotleRe Greensboro yester lay .\n attend a .meeting of the South fern ^Education Foundation at th? fpr<>o\\rigk'Institute In Washington Jones is a nierabei ^S^wfeoard;'1'of Trustees of th< V^iandafiotiC',wh 1 eh la an organlxaUm ^approx lm a teiy thrw SM^on^d.lar&, devoted.to the educa w&?- In the South. Tti Rlm;pre?Meot, the late Or. Jumet ftTarrey/^piliard,.^ was the. uncle ot Vfetark\-DUlard^ president of the loca rchainbey^of .Commerce. Arthur B 5W right la ;at present the head of th? ^ottndaSofy^'/' ' {-. pfAw^a.'.T.'. WllBon, wa > is produc faj^juu^ager.>iid ln. charge of edu proigratns at WB1G. the loca / "spoke a t the weeklj f|KS^ mg j'Oa'fl Cootem po r a r y Affair ^Kpje^j^te^y . morning at the col ey^rafr' Intr^d^ced by John G ofi^iie Tgennkt faculty an< jg,^^T^pp^r^dlft in education In th< SPfjywynCgewwnrggiicy. Albert N. Whit .Instructor, preside* g ' *| - - ga! I URE " GREENS Highlights From Student Meeting Are Reported Miss Helene Jacobs and Miss Edith Whiteman Attend At Urbana, 111. Highlights of the Methodist Student Conference held during the Christmas holidays at Urbana, Illinois, were reported to the studeut body of Bennett college at chapel yesterday morning by two members of the junior class, Miss Helene Jacobs and Miss Edith Whiteman, who attended the conference. Dean Virginia I,. Simmons und Iter. P. A. Taylor of the Bennett faculty were . also present at the conference, at which Dean Slmtnons was a resource leader. juios jhcuur, w iiq prrauueu ai one of the afternoon sessions In Urbane described the purpose and theme of the conference, and gave her impressions of the meetings as a whole. Miss Whlteman, who was active in the Creative Interest hours, presented n summary of the Important addresses. ' Bennett college was also represented at several other national gatherings during the recent holiday season. President David D. Jones visited Baltimore for the sessions of the Association of American Colleges and the meetings of the National' Committee on Education and Defense, an dDr. R. Nathaniel Iiett, head of the music department, traveled to Minneapolis for the annual convention of the Music Teachers National Association.. ? " 1 . * Registrar Wllla B. Player attended meetings of the Committee on Women In College and Defense In Baltimore, and Mlas.Lottie McCoy, presi" dent of the Bennett Student Senate, rcnresenteil th?? rnllwFf of (tin Vh tlonal Christian Student Assembly ? which took place at Miami Unlvep slty In Oxford, O. 1 I ? * ' i 50 Per Cent of Bennett ! Alumnae Now Married ' Greensboro, N. C.?Fifty per cent of the young women who have gradf uafed from Hennett college aince it 1 became a woman's Imttirution are now married. It was revealed in a - recent -communication froin the college. to the Hennett alumnae. Hen nett. which In its curriculnm etn ph a sires home-making ug u carrer. 1 also has reeclved repprts of the f birth during the past year of 24 a children to Its former students. '., j Bennett graduates also are making tlieir mark no rareerlRfa lit other ' fields, the communication showed. B mentioning specifically MLaa Roae Mae.Withers, a native of Greensboro 1 and a 1QS4 graduate of the college, who Is now National Student Secretary of the Y. W. C. A-, and Mia* Elfreda Sandlfer Moore of the clara I of 111)32, who haa established a Glee e Club at the. celebratedI1 Abywlnla K Baptist - Church^lo^ tftrxJjTork ;.Oity. p .other ^ ouliMndlng^graduates, p boti/.'of1' whom are 'yiowj^realdlng Jq $ Greensboro/ are Miss_ Lydia*>J?tou, / "M^re^S^pj^eor^for/th^* NYA. | and-Mrm. Nell ^Artla^-Coley, :8V of ; .' > 1 J a rgt'^rtuinber of the Bennett it graduates are -e*pectedvto-yi?!t the St caropuaVat^the Sinnua1,.Hom?Jcomlne. 5 .which U to be heid'Uila.yeftr In ton ?THE? LQ! >BOKO, W. C. SATURDAY JANUAI Bennett Goes All Out In Nation's War Efforts President Jones Urges Purchase of Defense Stamps for Future Greensboro, N. C.?Active particl patloD in local defense proprnra, sup port of the Defense Kavinps Stamp drive, nnd other efforts to bolste nod sustain civilian morale pot tin tier way at Dennett collepe I us week, as students and faculty re turned from the Christmas holldayi to enter upon a new yenr over shadowed by the actuality of . war. "Bennett collepe will do Its ut most to support the nation's all-ou efforts for defen.se," declared Presl dent David D. Jones in a recen statement at the collepe. "The entlrt facilities of our institution. If necej wry. will l>e made available foi whatever services it can best i?ro vide, and I am sure that aQ mem Iters ot the faculty and student bod; stand ready to do their share." Urges Purchase of Defense Stamps President Jones In particular urgc< the purchase of Defense stamps a' an investment against the post-wai depression. which he said' Is Inevit able. Defense stamps are for sale aj the bookstore, the library, and In tin btislnesfl office of the college. Register With CDVO. Faculty members and students a Bennett are still enrolling with tht Citizens Defense Volunteer Organize tion which has recently been set ui In Greensboro. Inasmuch as the cltj Is barely within the "target area.' and thus does not anticipate all raids, it Is gearing Itself as a rtran alent post," to provide first old, tem porary shelter and food, etc, to y>os slble refugees from coastal cities and towns. The registrants from Bennett hav? volunteered their services for firs aid and disaster relief, as canteej workers, guards, and members of th< motor corps, and for a number o: other types of relief work. Kadio Programs As Public Service A unique feature of tiie defend effort at Bennett la It* series <? radio broadcasts which went on thi air for the ?flr*t time last week Designed as a public service to helj sustain cllvlian morale, these pm grams include talks each Thursda; night by Faculty members, with i background of music by the Bonnet college choir. The regular week-day rail l< broadcasts from the college whirl began on December 2 also urge thi purchase of Defense stamps, am registration with the local Clvlllai Defense Volunteer Organization, ant are readily adaptable to other phase of the local defense efforts. : Surprise Birthday Partv for Mr T pint - " V ?" Thorp wm plven in tlie hninp'n Mr*. I>?na Crflo on WhltMnjrto street a surprise birthday part | honoring Ralph Levett Monday ev? nln* at 8; o'clock. The party wu id von by" h la brother, J. C. I?v?tU Games were ? played and a v fei danced. Refreshments' wore serve which -was' ;hot v chocolate. slice poaches and cookie*. . 1 Those '/attending jeere:, Claiidl iprtl, Coye Oooaby. Martha Rlckart J.rC Levett, Catherine Marsh. Jitmf Ronton, Ma*fie . Jones, Marfan Sho{fher, Theodore Jackson. Sedonn Leyette,. _ Celester - Brown. Ilka Brown.liorona Carter, Clarcnt Yonrae,', ^Lawrence Carter, Janw Woods and Mann In* Jackson.. -? \ JTLi IY 17. 1942 Bishop Purcell Speaks At Bennett V esper Services Rev. P. L. Shore Gives Reading and Leads In Prayer A plea for a well-balanced outlook k on the present world chaos was s made yesterday afternoon by Bishop r Clare Purcell of the Methodist . church, who spoke at the weekly t vesper service of Bennett college. A - large number of townspeople ats tended the service, which Included - several impressive selections hy the . Bennett college choir under the dl. rectlon of Dr. R. Nathaniel Dett t President David D. Jones of th? - college Introduced Bishop' Purcell t who gave as his text the Lord's exP hortation to Moses In Exodus 25:40, - He said that the specifications for r the Ark of the Covenant symbolized - the sanctity, soverlgnty. symmetry, - and substance ,which should chart acterlxe our individual lives today. Speaking of a welbbalanced appre - uaimu ui me ne bmiu, iu pun: 1 "War tends to make us lose eight s of some of the values "which generar tlon after generation has held sacred. One of these Is a regard for the per1 souHlity of eevry human Itelng, the supreme and most sacred quality known to our world. i "Let us not forget that ufter Ujo present war is over, are going to have to live In the same world with fine people from the very countries which we now consider' our enemies. 1 Let us continue to enjoy the music, literature,! and other forms of culture from' these countries..' I-et' us recognlte goodness, alne, and beauty wherever It appears." g Rev. P. L. Shore .pastor of th local Calvary Methodist church, pave ? the reading aud led the prayer at I the service. The selections by th? , choir Included Handel's "Sing UntJ p God," Dr. Dett's "When I Survey f the Wondrous Cross." and "Rwlmi Low Sweet Chariot," with Mrs. Lolt lioston of this city as soloist. , ' r Mrs. Carriean Addresses p Freshman Class, Bennetl ' ,J ^ Mrs. Nettle Carrlgan, ntwlstnni " librarian at the Oamegle Nejw k? Library. addressed the freshuini 1 class of Bennett College yesterday a' I the third of Freshman Tnesdnj Morning Honrs, recently Initiated a it the college. Mrs. Carrlgan, who wni t\ graduated from Bennett In 11)34 e spoke on "Bennett Traditions." ^ Mrs. Mamie B. MclJiurin. also i " Bennett graduate. who ia a dortni J tory director at the college, presides * at the rooming hour, which also In eluded the singing of Bennett anng and a talk 'by Prc.ddent Ann! Green of the aenlor class. 11 vmier me auspice* or i?enn vii I plt.la I,. Stmmnna and Hepiatra T; Wllln P. Pllyfr,' the Fresbma ii Tuesday Mornlup Hour* were bejni y not lonp npo ok the second step i *- Bennett's freshman orientation prt a pram. IYcvIobs ,meetlnps have it ?. eluded talks on "Hnw.to'Study'yan v , a . musicals, ^presented by .talente d . freshmen.* Next week, meruher* r d the Bennett faculty will speak, to "th freshmen on the subject of ^Hobbles. ? .. . i. '' -' Weekly Practice d ; * :r ;J r, .*!?.--V> ?t The Gospel Chorua of StJMattfeew n church held their weekly _ practb t In the home of Mrs. R C. .Sharp "e 717 S. Aahe street. Tuesday eernlri >s at 7:90.. Mrs. Rallle Morpan* la tl '.ead The Future Outlook! | DOK ' . >' PRICE; 5c Correspondent for The Future Outlook For Alamance County Prot C. J. Johnson, Jr., principal of the Jordan Sellars high school, Burlington. X. C., has re-_ cently directed the department of Journalism at his school to l>e, ' ' e * Ht v.". n PROF. C. J. JOHNSON. come a correspondent for thc,.y'j/ c FUTURE OTTTIXJOK. The news' will be gathered by students tak- , .'log courses in Journalism under ^ t Miss Dapbney lAwson. Professor Johnson, whi prafl-'^'* W""~ uated from Johnson'(i Smith university, received his M. S. degree and has also done further study toward his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania. He _ Is very active in the cllc affairs of Burlington and has a highly organized Purent-Teachers Asso- . y. elation. ' ' * ' \ The FUTURE OUTLOOK will carry' news conceiving social,' civic, and religious affairs In Burlington, and In doing so, / 1 hopes to bring about better In- + terraclal co-operation In business ' 't ' and community activities. ? Dr. fi. IT. Evans Ta Make Radio Health Talk The Initial broadcast In a speclnl ? rndio series, "Rennetr College '.Coo- y; t tributes to National Itefense" was ? given at Bennett College last eye> nlng, through the courtesy of Stip ' tlon WBIO. Acting Dean W. A. Ban' ner read an address which was espe dally prepared for the occasion by * President David D. Jones of the enl lege, and there were iniudcnl selectiops by the Bennett choir under the i direction of Dr. It. Nathaniel Deft. ' The radio series, which Is being- "f 1 offered by the college as a eommun- ' 'y i- Ity service, will be 'continued for ;, s thirteen weeks, with talks by differe.eut members of the Bennett faculty . rand staff. . Next . Thursday evening -* . ..I Dr. G. H. Evans, college physician. V r will hjk-hk n" "wuer Jiomip ^ n Through Better Health." , n Other defense efforts at the local n college Include active participation h In the Green shorn _ CDVO program. and support of the Defense Savings d Stamp?, drive.- . .. * .. a '| ? ?? V it Shi'oh Circle Has <r * Happy New ..Year, Party f ;The.W.: r. C. rlrele'of^Shlloh Bap-"'jf^^ \ ;tist church held a! Neve Year'a party Tuesday evening at ,6:90 re the home of t Mrs. Mable"- ci\a\h^at?i^^^ e 83,1 Vance Street. Gaines wcrpplayd ' e. and .enjoyed by>wll niemheraC^r^C?^?* i? ent^Namea were"drawn- arid >e were - ei^ianited'^ffhe^ JEfljg

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