' ,,'v ' 'V *'? - . *{ Slas. > ' " - . " PAGE TWO : ^ ' PERSONALS MIm Klorene Martin, formerly of Greensboro, who has si>eut the past six months In Washington, was visiting her mother, Mrs. Florene Martin. ' Mr. David Toruln, a former graduate of Dudley high school, spent New Year's day with his parents. ^ Mr. Theodore Irelund, of Niugru Fulls, left Friday, January 2, Hfter spending the Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs. John A. Ireland, of ."23 Irelund street. Mr. Otis lingers, of Washington, D. C.. bus left after spending several days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Rogers, at 1101 S. Cedar street. Mr. Fred Tox. of New York city, is visiting Mr. Julius Meyers Ht 210 N. Dudley street. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark, of r>23 South street, were again made glad by a visit of one of their daughters, namely Mrs. Willie Bell Clark Parks, of Atlanta. Ga. She arrived In the city Saturday. January 3. and left January 8th. Mr. nod Mrs. L. F. Rogers, of 1101 S. Cedar street, were delighted to have with them as. guests for dinner Mitw Margaret Watklns. of Hehlsvltle. N. en't* ' 6f/!828rKli>r "atreet daring, th Tins i SCENE FROM / pjHlfistegi Id a brief service Monday evening, December 29th, at 7:30" o'clock at the home of the britfef 007 East Market .street, Greensboro, .Miss Margaret Henderson, daughter of Mrs. Carrie B. Bluckburn. became the bride of Mr. Lee Leo Saunders, son of .Mrs. Lee Saunders. Iter. J. T. Hurlston. pastor of Shllnh Baptist church. Greensboro, officiated. After the marriage ceremony the bride's mother was hostess at a reception. Miss Daphne Lawson was at the piano assisted h.v Miss Celesta Farrlnjrton. When Byrd Street, spent the Christinas holidays in Burltnitton- with her uncle. Mr. W. H. MeCauley. Mr. Willie Thomas, a former graduate of Dudley high school, who Is now living in New York city, was here visiting his friends ' Christmas day. . . - . Mrs. Kranoeon^ Gordon, of New Jersey, is visitlug her mother; Mrs. Mattle Caldwell, nt 51fl Ireland ?reet during the Christines holidays.) Mr. Eugene Hurshaw, who Is also a former graduate ^of Dudley high school, who Is now living in New York city, visited his mother. Mrs.) E. D. Harshaw, on. Lyndon street.! Miss Slartha Rlckard. of 700- S. Ashe street, .visited her parents." Mr. and Mrs. Rlckard, In Prosperity. S. C-. during the week of Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews Clark, of .r>23 South street, were very glad to have their children to spend the holidays with them, namely Mr. Amos llortlett and Mr. Norman Clark from New York city, and Mr. and Mr*. Lybrant Clark, from Petersburg, Va. Mr. Lybrant Is the principal of the high school there. . Rev. R. S. Sen ye and family, whfl If the pastor of Trinity MethodIbI church, spent a ' few daya at hi! home In Alabama during Christmas Mlsa Geneva .Holmes, who-'ha' heeii lo "Washington. D. C-, returnw to < Maxton January 5 to contlnw teaching. ' VV' ' , Mrs Mattle' Whlteett,' from Whit 't sett, N. C- spenKthe week-end ,wl? * J?er.slRter..Mrs. L.UU6 Austin' at 51 L 1 rela nd^Wtreet/ /? \ Week : f plifht, Janta^^ ai^a6adihroaig - Sunday,January?!"R?-* 1 e Hal raton, ^o#*' ^lnrntraa, f OMo,**ha > cfiarxe^of. the' aennoi V^Wed n??d a I tarruRE outixk)k. gkeexsboro. I MISS HENDERSON , the bridal chorus from "Lohen, crln" was sounded the bridal pair took their places before nn 'Improvised nltnr where music lieKan at 7:15 o'clock. . Miss I.aura Sellers xun; two solos. "Hecuuse" and "At Dawn-, lop." On the ceremony boar Mis* Farrlnjrton sang "My Hero" and "I Love You Truly." Miss Lawson continued to play . melodies of nuptial selections as the chests came to and from. In the dining room Mrs. John Myrick served ' lime Ice punch, diamond, shape cakes, mints and nuts. . * Shiloh Baptist Church ITqc Fninvohln Prnirram ? uiijv;uuii. & * "h ' The program that, was given by the R. T. C. of Shlloh Rapt 1st church Jucsday evening, December SO, was enjoyed by everyone present. The program was sponsored by the Roys and Girls Glee Club of the B. T. U. The program ended by giving each member of the R. T. C. a gift who had been attending B. T. U. regular in 104L ? ;?^ St. Matthews Ladies' Aid Has Good Meeting The Ladies' Aid of St. Matthews Methodist church held Its weeklymeeting at the home of Mrs. Blanche Thomas, 1002 S. Ashe street, Monday night. Deep tuber 29th. ^A large group of ladles were pretwnt Including the pastbr. Rev. J. K. Rrower. She served hot cocoa and fruit and cocoanut cake President. Mrs. M. T. Nelson: secretary, Mrs. Millie Powell, and treasurer. Mrs. Mamie Held - . * Miss Harris Has New Year Party - Miss Jnuulta Harris sponsored u i New Tear's Party January 1 at bei : home, 300 Bennett street. Danclnf i and various games were played He freshtneuta were served which wai Ice cream and cake. The part: t seemed to have been enioyed b; ] everyone. A host of friends mid re!a t fives attended. , ? , . . Miss Catherine Gibson ^ .Entertains Delightfully i ? Mlar Catherine Glbeon on FiraR ? nr^^ntertAlned the Sunday *cho< * dej^rdboent/of^Bt:- Matthews chiirc ? I>ecember Slut s*t her home. ' Tlier ? 'w^^^Un^^uniber of chlldre rf p resentvw&foa ' adofta. <*Mr y Elotse -V"Lofmii :^Penu came In an h played Chrlatmaa carols for the cht U dren' vrtilchrW'M^very lmpreealvp. lt d frcahmenUt S?te?e/'aerred. ?Vh left vwr y cocoa, sandwiches and cookies. AT W/Whlch-WbJilld 'jfrtmenlml n. a I S WEDDING |T L ' *f "-1 y.-*., ft, fi IMtJlW i B^.. (Ntf flK&i'' > m t " '. % \ ; . vMIss Nettie Nash ushered the guests into the reception rootu. . Mrs. C. W. Anderson , and Mrs. Floyd McCollum were In charge . of the gift room. Mrs. riector Charles Miller presided at the bride's register/ Mr. and Mrs. Saunders departed afterward for their wedding trip. The bride who has lived In Greensboro for several years. Is a /recent graduate of ltennett College for Women", ' Greensboro, N. C. The bride- ' groom, a native of Greenslioro, Is now In the service of tl?e army at Fort Bragg. S. Q. : th Very Enjoyable Dance u Given By Les Medames The lies Medatne Club gave a dance at the' Corannmity Center Monday. . December 29, which proved to be a p swell affair. There were exchange* ai of gifts among "the members of the st club. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MUler, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mnrphey, "Mr. and Mrs. James Young, Mr. and Mrs. David Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Junes. Mr. and p. Mrs. Norrls Reld and Mr. Johnnie a Steel and several others. ' j, ~/ Mr. George Garrett iiives x\ew Year rarty Mr. George Garrett gave a Ne\y Year's party January 1. It was- eih " Joyed by each one present.. Those ^ present were: Vera Purvis, Eliza ? Aldrlch, Claudia Scott, Elizabeth Donnell, Margaret Shoffner, Catherine Marsh. Annie Iaiulne Carter, Constance Shoffner, Rowena Alston, h Mllnnle Brown, Thyrecla Scott, o Sarah Ireland, I?e1la Phlfer. Luelln 1 Phlfer, James Reeves. James' Ben- % ton, Augusta llenton, Robert Brower, g Clarence Yourse. Manuel Jackson, i Theodore Jackson, Celester Brown, I Elroy McAden, Lawrence Carter, - t Onthlex Garrlsou. Jflmw Happy , and . I Nettle Rell Rntilnwm.' . : ffl Mrs. Sallie Morgan ? " Ladies* Aid Hostess V . . ^ The ladles' Aid Society of * St Matthews M. E. church met In the home of Mr*. Sullle M or pan, 808 ( Ashe street They hHd a very Interesting topic which was: "After Tblq / Manner ^Prayed." Each member said a/word or two cnncernlnjc the to^jo jj which -made I t.wfcry'Interesting. Thelij >1 chaplain, Mre/.iSidney ."Wllllams^s h attll among .'the shut-Ins. ' e Presidents "Mrs. M. T.Nelson^Sg a retary, Mis. Millie Powell?^ a. urer, Mrs. Mamie Iteld $paroMQ ,d J. K. R rower. , . !t * "?08 * > Mr. Bain Recovers i- Mr. Jasper Pain -has i homo' from SATURDAY, JANUARY IT. l?Cfa?lB roop 43 of Shiloh Church Is Reorganized Tn?op 43 of'Shlloh Baptist churctf > (in riHirCHiilr*HJ Friday evening;, 'r 'i'l inuary 2. at 7:30 o'clock. The of-," '' can are as follow*: \ 3 Chairman of tr &{* Meeting of Circle No. 2 ?; *T. The Missionary Circle No. 2 ot J,yL4 dloh Baptist church will have t-togetbec meeting Monday S o'clock at the church.- -'/. * Tf^ \* . V; Choir Practice The Junior Choir of St/ Matthew*" =IV. ;ld their choir practlrje Tuesday ? -sine atT:3?. \ .. - ' 'H && St. 31atthews C! ab ; . fj.V The Gospel Chorus of S. lurch furnished music f? r- ii.ni omiun) input. JV' yed .by alL . /' ' - Warnersville Hi-li The WarnersvUle Girls I Id its weekly meeting In ' Miss Margaret Shoffner . Ashe St. . , .j . f '* * * "V M- f v ' " T"f\, N. Y. A. Girls Resume The N . Y. A. teir wor^,'after havlnpflth^CJu as'holidays. 'y"J " 7" T-- v/i Has Dinner Guests? ' ??Mrs.' Cora White and ;MriL ' V owell were quests for dinner at nd Mrs. Elbro Reld at 517 Irel reet Sunday, DecernKec 28, ,1W Dinner Guests'^ Mr. and lira." James- Steel was, t uests for dinner at the home ofrl. nd Mrs^ Norrla Held r of 517/Ir tnd street, Monday, December '29. C| a ' - .'*>7?^?' Mrs. Williams Improved ' " HWsaMfc: Mrs. Sidney Williams, >wbo Aba? een 111 foT quite awhile,- ahowIr>?j ajprovetnent and la' y*i :'.yk The Waroersvllle eld Its regular mneting^lSf^htrhon>^ >t Miss Minnie Brwrn*aV?MiB?ir^ and street. President,* "Vera' Putrid; Ice president, Margaret. 8hoffn?rj;. ecretary. Minnie Brown?aaslalaftt ecretary, Thyreda'Seotf1;' treaairw? '1? fiiiWKiiTFOit arx