*V \ Keep Vp With the Time FUT ? VOL. I. NO. 13. MR. RA1F0RD DELIVERS LOCAL RADIO ADDRESS Fine Spirit of Inter-Racial Co-Operation- Is Very Evident In Greensboro ; loft's;a#.-:. vi?.... 'r1-* (The following l? a copy , of the v epeeeh 'on "Inter-racLal Co-operation" * - delivered by Mr. *- U fUlford over the . WHIG Broadrutlot Station. Oreemboro. N. C.. on Febmory 19th. m*. Mr. Baifard I. m number of the 'Unity >t Dadlry bleb reboot. rholrMU of the deport me r t of railberaaUeo .nod ocloneo of tlio N. C. Negro Teocb' oro aanoclatlon. ? member of the exec-, otlre committee of the IMrdmonl I)l?i" Tone here" Auoeiallon. and preol- * -*opt of the Groonoberv Mcn'i el.DO.J-j_. - . ' " ' ' .. I .am pleased to make tills contrl butlon to the local observance of In' j. t^*' j * - ' < El':' g;"V? v - *4: '***> *-.* *; t- >.' >. rCj 7. MR. E. L RAIPORD. ' ter-racial week. "Several public prograins and "religious services have al. ready been held and others are to follow. The general theme for the*week 'is that of developing a finer spirit ^ of inter-r?rl?l cooa.xrin ?nH "Won. It is quite appropriate then that (Continued On Page'Two) Rve Injured In" ' r Automobile Crash ry AT&ftU- y I / Five Negroes . were Injured;. one serloualy.' wbecjhe*carlnwhlch they | were riding was demolished recently , after .striking concrete' pillars and guard'rails of Buffalo'creek, bridge about two ~*mlles from the city on the ' .Winston-Salem highway. Four of the r I number were confined to L..IUchardI son1,Memorial hospital while still another escaped Injury In the accident. jXbe driver of the yehicle, accordI . -lng. to state patrolmen.' was Oscar <. li Cole.; 25, High Point, route 1. He I Is still ^unconscious at the hospital and ik> change .was reported In his condl* j tion. He suffered a broken right arm, I facial lacerations and other Injur 1p? . as yet undetermined.*' . <1*Others hurt In the wreck and their ' inJurUaare"Ralph QUreath, 82, frac; j tared left leg and faclat*-cut*; John a naa'rt*v'?t ^ Hired left nee and severe cut'orer ri*ht ;:eje";'-{XJn(!Uay .Wharton, lb, ; , bi^enqef^|ooC*4nd'Noi^MnjC^vU. jn??? URE . > GREEN WINTER PILOT 1 i -The civilian pilot, training court* for the winter quarter at A., and 1 college Is now open, add all person Interested In taking the course ahoul< send their applications to Prof. J; M Marteena, co-ordinator of pilot train Ing at the college. Applicants who are not enrolled li college must hare satisfactorily com pleted at least'two full years v * col lege work acceptable to the.lnstitu tiou. Applicants still, enrolled In col lege must be'fully matriculated can dldales for a degree and must baVi completed at least one., full year o accredited'college work. , The* course, which Is valued a $500.00, Is.completely financed by "th> United States government. The onl; expense, which the enrollee will'Incu UNDERGROUND F1REBURNING ATWELDONJ.C Smoke Pours From Man} Holes In.Groifcd; Has Burned for Weeks TOPr nnv n? '-? ? ? ? ouimi?ig oi, peopi' have visited the Weldon communit; center grounds here .this week t view 'j;an underground^flre," whlcl local, citizens Tteye termed' the ."my? tery fire,"' which .has', been burn In for several weeks arid shows no sign of abating.'. ^ - </'-!;(> Sinoke poar^ lrom holes punch* In the ground by sightseers, over a: a reft of approximately 400 feet, ver near the community center building The ground In some places hqsminl en about two feet and two large trees their bases burned off, have-topple over. The barbecue pit .where "Hoc Muddles"' were . cooked, has falle apart from the heat~ and the slnkln of the ground'under Its foundation. The'most plausible explanation c the "mystery fire" Is that years nc the present- community center1 built cinden and partly burned coal wer dumped In* a hujre pile. Since thu time the pile wan leveled off and c<r , ered with .aoll and landscaped. Tt barbecue pit was created over th cinder pile and while/the aoldlei j? v^ere ' stationed here ffcardlnjt tt f ^ri'dgea, they'uacd the chmtrinnlty'cei , cne plt'The conakbl heat from th IliSPflMM r .^However, everything 'Including I coal mine and . a_ volcano- ha* ?THE LOl 6BORO, N. C. SATURDAY, KEBRUAIT RAINING COURSE < e will he a small fee for a medical '.j examination.' The college station a wagon makes regular scheduled trips llto and from the airport Two planes |are used so that the student may - progress as rapidly as possible. Five student pilots have completed student flight requirements and are awaiting final examinations In flight work. *.? The age limit, which was formerly from 21 to 2d. Is now from 19 to 20. The appllcaut must have'attained his nineteenth but must not have exf ceeded his twenty-sixth birthday on January 2, 1942. t '} Many .opportunities are open'*to e students who successfully complete 7 the course. The war department has r discovered In army primary training STURDIVANT HAS BIG TIME . AT EXECUTION r Slayer of Wife From Anson County Jokes As He I_ d..i T_ n _ .1 i* rui 10 L?cain RALEIGH.?If ever a man seemed e y to enjoy his own execution. It was ? Robert Sturdirant. 29-year-old Anson ti County Negro, who died last week In Central prison's pas chamber. * Sturdlvant walked the "Inst lulle" s - . . . from his cell on death row to the . execution chamber smiling .and joku * n lng to guards and other prisoners. y "Warden Ralph McLean, who has r. seen many a man pay for a capital crime, said Sturdlvant wasn't worried i "a bit about hla plight and took hla n k punishment, "better than any man.I n hare eevr seen.", -. . g . Just before the Negro stepped Into the chamber, the warden said, Sturif dlvarit laughingly told'his guards: ? . "I could kill. my wife, but I ttvujuu ?. ounac auj ui JUU uujb iu do the name thing. Tou conldn't take ^ it like' roe.*" ' i it .y .7'. r p. Sturdlvant was convicted for murr ^ derlng his wife by flrnt striking her ^ oyer the .head with. the. back of an ^ ax-and then splitting open her body ^ with the blade. ... .. I ? ^ Mrs. Blackburn To Be ? , . Hostess To Garden Club Id }&&&*&&, -4^-- .. ^ . r. .^Th?f*Crt^e'.'TtyTtle .Garden club g, vgfo tntoat^at ^thq hocne of Mm a B. ^qk^nxV80T K .Ms rk et? tree t. on * W^naMpy'ereolng at 8:00 p.m. The m oftlfc^f^afe B. _L. Ort*ti, president; lfftfflf, -XE. Morgan, Secretary. All ^^p^i 'ire .asked tobe prraent. " 1 Ret LIU If 21. 1942. DN AT A. ANDT.|1 that there are Jess than one-third as many ''washouts"' among CPT train- 2 ees as among cadets wl|o have not had the civilian pilot training. Present conditions indicate a gigantic In- " crease In travel by air In the future, 0 and men who are now trained as ' pilots will be among those, chosen to 84 pilot commercial planes. In this case the man who clings to the present c tcrrcstial means of travel will be ^ likened unto the* man who drlveB a n horse and buggy' dowu New .York city's Riverside drive. < ' L A. and. T. college has one of the N best flight Instructors In the /coun- d try, Mr. Robert Terry. There has 1 not heen a major student accident In h the flight program lu.hls two years *1 as flight Instructor. * fi BETTER LOW RENT HOUSES, i FOR THE CITY? 1 i 1 Chairman Charles A. Hines Suggests Study Be Given To Sarin, Plat,.' Chairman Charles A. Illnes recently suggested to fellow' members of Oreensboro Housing commission that thought be given to plans for improving housing i conditions In the low ( rent brackets with the arrival of spring, particularly since the program of the pubUc housing Authority has been temporarily suspended due to the war. The suggestion was made after Rev. R. Murphy Williams, vice chairman of the commission, had expressed the opinion at the February meeting of the ttoard at the city hall that a iarger responsibility rests upon the commission because of the arrested status of the nousing authority. One idea is to Interest private capital in making lnvestnmnts In houses lor occupancy by Tamil Wn of the low- < er Income bracket*. ' [i' * I Disc-union'developed that the com- 1 minion Intends to Insist upon own- I era of sub-standard houses making re quired Improvements to make these < units livable rather than demolishing them. It was also brought' out that | there are- more vacant house* In. the i city than ay ear ago, and this Is-ite j carded as a favorable factorial'(he i slam cJenraoce program^I (Continued On, Page. .Right) 'oV 1 } EDITOR J. F. JOIINSONj>. r :* / , CAM.KD"TO NEW JERSEY J. F. John^n.iaitor.ot.tho'rBti^ Oattyok. Vss rolled to'Trentou,' Wednesday by_tb^ nrl<xa>Ulp?aa&jk his;brother. *Hu, expects vto tbi city by the oncl ff id The Future Outlook! I .. / )0K r.-. PRICI 5c REV. MR. POWELL SPEAKER FOR HISTORY WEEK 'aster of Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York; Also City Councilman "Democracy will lose If* place fl? world power if tin# Nt^ru and othr darker races are nut Riven an qual rlpht In the peace," declared lev. A. Clayton Powell! pastor of the ^ . ibyastnlan Baptist church of . New " ' 'ork and only Nejrro ever elected to. > . he city, council of that city, In a. peech at A. and T.. college last, "hursday jilRht, February 12,. In the Uchard B. Harrison auditorium. Reverend PowelV- was presented as ' Je highlight of Negro History Week elebration at A. and T. college. Denn 7. T. Glbbs. who presided In the abwiee of Presjdent F. D. Rluford, In-, rodaced tbe speaker. The college bolr under the direction of Prof.' , iTarner Lawson rendered special "* ' lualc for the occasion.- '?;7-:*v.'"*?*' * ' 5- i: & Speaking on the subject "Abraham y'v V Jnculn, Frederick Ikntglass, and the.. 'p~~ 'ecro Youth of Today,"; the speaker-- . f. ^ eclared, "Aft Abraham LlncoTrta?ST?ir\_; Phte nation cannot be half slave and jT^* alf free"; and Frederick Douglass.- ' !t Is-far hotter to die fighting for , rcedoin than to lire as a sjnvp." We'."! " < re faced with enslavement by fascist'*i. owere on one side, and on the oth-"* *" r. with a pseudo-democracy In which rc cannot give our own Mood or our *i\J . Ives except In certain jltn-crow sec- ' L Ions, to save democracy." i '* \ "We can lose this war," ,he-said:1"* If we win the war. we must lose /C 1 ^ (Continued On Pnge Six) . Rationing of . Gas Is Near WASHINGTON. ? Hatrtnlnc J'of' / asollne In the east appears to he'aft '* arly"-probability as a responsible, " ource said Atlantic seaboard, oil com- ';;,^'A' anles bad -reported that fast dwiriline stocks, due to war loss ,'iiiwr. llrerslon of tanker ships, Jxiatlfle^V. 4estrlctions on'non-essential cbnaump-Vv . lon- : 'ri% r> Oil circles heard that Industry .y? onimlttee reported to Secretary nterlor Ickes. the petroleum co^rdlnator. that consumption should '*'} * * (' le.cut ir? per cent between February '<, 5 and April 1, possibly by use oK oupon books. - ; , r'jNr'" The committee was reported alw>".-y' o have proposed a renewal, of tho f } HHnj*station 7 p. m. to 7 a. m'. ciir-C . 'ew used In the. east last- fall.', whenN, ttocks fell off. and su?e?ted that the.*", ' *? . itatlons-also 1*? closed nll^day ' Sun-V>-/'' lay. V V -J t'h / ,8uch a proeraro. If adopted, would 'j iffect 100.000 aervlce stations and * en million automobile owner* In the. 'r\?V' 17 wutern at a tea. and the District of Y* Tolumbla. V " V One source nalrt I>eoo Henderson. *v - i >rice" arimlnlatrator. already -was, at a-ork on ratlonln* plana for paaollne. y/t yaa nnderatood raSJCfSted a*' restriction ^ij^nrh^be irfcera supply Jbw7atf66eej^rt$Me tanker-glnkltiwband -dl

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