-tt "tr-" ~/*-"Ct*-7Tvju'. tr?R?" ^Ho^i^Sniith,: 23,- -United States 'nuTj.'a.jftun of llr. end Mra/ytteorge 'the ,Cool Spring cominunFebruary -2. holn^.the ;J"flratj&rijten.-county boy' jto lose his ""'action In the presenti^vorld '- ..ftaf ' A. mesfia^! to the youriR man's te^caj^reocntly; from "hiajvtfe,' ^p^wF.ln >Oolj) rado,\\The > body^ WM at Htai. It waR stated that % - I^oinrade^who.was byy' hla' side* -when .SSfidl.^e-a etter to- the youg?| A ^hranV-wtfe -*nd ahe "wired the inee-. No official notlilcatiori' ^| . /.V Hoyle^Smlth volunteered for wrvk ke,ln the .United States bavy-.three | t ^ crw^opeyBaptlBt ^church.' y?^jW^wemW^P?? r 1TFI a rbo r. vrtierril t j&tafoea*py the"1 Jap&oca&W ! jflU ydfe ?ettm*ea itiei* Ookrra do'jfroiii ?tl^'*HaWal^ '^(ax^teUmda: it-;!?-Doif Imou-n^lier? but iftnTthobithtrto fbe^hDJpptW 'Jglinds. URE .. { - GBKKNSB Vlrs. Donnell's IV Death Occurs B March 5 - .' . . ?' * '* 7" sel Mrs. Lizzie Donuell died March 5, by 10411, at 324 Percy street, Orenaboro, ma N. C. She was 80 odd years old and cjn n native of Charlotte 2s. C. She was Ho a charter member of Provident.Hap- vvo tist church where her funerall was lejj hold. Ilev. J. W. 'Tyne, pastor, of- eTf fi'clated at the service on March S at me, 3:00 p. iu.: Kurlnl was oa South Klro Ug| street. > vt ' t J . Prl Mrs. Donnell leaves three childreu. hip Mr. ,W..W. Donnell, Mr. Ruftis H. Fa; Donnell and Mrs. Minnie Kuckliain. stri All of the children live in. flreens- boro. . - the Mr.r Itufus H., Donnell, manager of wh the colored diivglon -of^ one Qf the eve popular theaters" bf this city* an social , and .clvflv worker, gave Ids tod greatest service to his mother he^ tloi fore and after illness nntil lier death. After she l>ecame unable to care for no herself and totally blind. Mr. J>ounell the called upon.his sister, Mrs. Buckhaui. ar of. Washington,'JX C., where she was i living for aotne five years ago. to Come, home and.giye her attention to le^ the cjire of;tl|elr lovely mother. All Jty (lie-.children .had .high regard and tur rave thebest. of attention to her dor- -? tag,her long ajnl beautiful life. . V ,. ^ mV. W. \y>i^eil, Khi i* va iirtl Kpowh bu3in?|L,man ot the city,'gave ^ her ft l>ome>for^puie thirty /.years ?at ago and prcpared.-tbe'lburial ground rc1 soma forty,arears ago. Mrs. . Lizzie W* D'onnell left ji "host of Relatives and eve friends -to miss her. vi^* : \ ; pej ? "car " ;* Boy Scouts Meet > , ' Th' ->' -.-t > - > bur - ' -t -t, , . ' Troop }Jo. 4^ Boy Scouts of America held their meeting at Sblloh Biyv 1 tlst Aurch Tuesday evening. .Febro- r< ?ry. 24th,. [8 o'clock.* Troop com- P1 tnlttee are: Mr^C. A. Johnson, chairman; Mr. E. A~ McBrayer4 and Mr. K| W. M. GarW.'i"5.; ' ' ? * %'l I .. Missionary Circle Meets T ^ Missionary Orjh^'No. 2 Md their \ nR. 31 on day, February',23. in the j home or^Mra.* Blanche'- Black w ell . on Gray street at* 4 h'cJbclr.V,",?*.' *? . llj1 ^ 6. j ygSE* ' .g -,r .v- ' Ward Wo. Seven of* ^ ^' ' Shilo^ Has Meeting '{ j* '?" ' ' * *" ' * " " ? Ward "So. Sevwi_of Shlloh Bajitlst .> cliurchx.anet - In the home of ..Mrsv V Mabre. Gunn on Vance gtreet..Thur*- . day oUcbtf,Febmiuy 20,',ait 8 o'clock. P-'^r^-rr*ti,- v Church 'Worker* Council . 1 i^floldi'MintMjr Meeting The -Choirc3i^^rTt^f"Ootnicll - -'of .. i Sljllohc Bajrtlljo?chTirch ,v<'heM their ? i tponthjy*nyi&n?~atMlie"church Tnea-.| - j rto-r.' mmiA'InOA -.'O .~AA I o'eUKk. ? * ' ' ] J- . ?' .t .*<. ? )f - ' % 7 J , The pTirpose oflhlt meeting wnB for II^uxllUrffa* ?nd TariouR orronlu- *y. tlorw ofOh^ church"to, r?*n<1 thctr y, ,-r* ? V;?THE? 01 ORO. N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 1 Ir. Farmer ennett Speaker 'One attains eternal life, not by flshly seeking It for oneself, but seeking eternal blesslnfs for as ny other people as possible,*! dered by Dr. J. Leonard Farmer of ward university, who spoke at the ekly vespe/ service of Bennett col- ; e yesterday afternoon. Dr. Farm- 1 who Is professor of Neif 'Teataat literature In the school"Vf re-' 1 Ion at HdwartU wmr Introduced by ] ndpnl J. A. Tarpley of "Dudley ; h scbool, a former student of Dr. rmer's, when the'latter was an lu- i uctor In Wiley College, Texas. ' 'aking as his topic the' query of ' young man who asked Jesus at he must do. In .order, to, have 1 rlasting llfe,'Dr. Farmer said that ' luq would give the same answer n ay If he were asked that :quca- , l. | 'Have faith In Cod. do wronc to . man. and do the works of God to best of your ^ability while you i here on earth,* He concluded, [lie ve&per service was also markby select Jo'us by the Bennett cole choir.' Bev. S. Si- Seny of TrinA. M.^E. ZLdo: church read script e'and'led . the prayer. J Surprise Party Given ' here was ' 'a surprise^birthday ty glvei in the", home "'of; '.Mri rthn Morrow~ 4b '/Hudeon ^ alley doesday night;-"February .'18.;The fling of fan . was .quite -enjoyable freshmenta"that>were serred 'were idy, cake"1 .peanuts ' and punch. i>se present7 were Dorothy-Itose gb, Itebecca Ma^r^Mary.' Footn,* Rebecca-Mobre, Marft. Brown; eim Carter, Eddie Grlfflii, George )wn, Clarence"." Brown, ' '.'John oot and/very Tate. "T A v | I . wmM irwnftboro,-N* Mr. William Andrew Rhodes la the ff inly Negro graduate composer of the C S*ew England- Conservatory of Mnslc, t ?nd- the Boston . Conservatory ci j* Music. He - was awarded stevcnO J liustcal prizes at tlie .New England- $ ronaervatory.; Rhodes Ji .tb'a^orgUHpl xer. and musical conductor .-of theJf I (Vllilaui Rhodes, Opera soclety,^whlch|?l * Boston's first, established-colored >pera company, and also music critt Homp. Making Institute jS college. They "are also Wolr have also 'had a titHrn' ~f fTnr?||r^j|J m dlacuaalnY V I JRlTh*^ ^ Jonw;' ??*retiry, yVem -Piinrliifi?^ ; il?tAnt'^iaer?tary,V Sllza Aldrldgf# $ hTMOTer,5tTOTy' McAden librarian, ch Dorothy ^ Wnrphy ; * Hi SsFv ifi0#82jffipL JBHODE^i%|.j,' W.i'?- C-N- V - ??~t? ' " ' itxialBv ^ch ipomivoHera asJRrahms. nil' apd,oar* own 'oiitKfHudliiR Dr^!?," ^ Lti will ,be represented ou the'pro- v.'y,, inh^k" foil lx>u?e In *xi>eot*d for g/"Homecoming" Occasion. , . :'- s*. liloh Singing Group . Spiritual Hour \^V.y te^V; v m&f Che special singing Rr V ptlat,jch"^rch^rreeented . a .spiritual * -J |v> op ? Monday; nls^ Febxyurj^^d/^ptsJr sVeioct'*Ttils special service was poVln/honor' of .'the official -ataffj>_.i^j>: igto'^bniciki.-.: [The'speaker ofjthe hour w?B\At- ' ale Herbert .Parks. Ho admission U taken at 'the door, but ' there, its'a; silver offering taken up. The' jney that'was raised was given fnr^ y; e^.new ihurch. r; -i y ^..y'^' jv fej''Junior, ChoirViiU' ThbDunlor iOboIr oC KhHohv Baf>l; ' cboLr-^el^rsat^at' ** ^STOrS^F?djGriw?!ri5,JPVB6^^;^4 oi'lt'!Tli4do^LJunior Choir Practice 7\ . ' The Junlpr Choir of St. Matthews ' ' tireh hrid choir practices on Toes- ; Kil__*nd Friday ereplnfl. ^at 7 :S0 ibaC' Tebruary .17, and. 20th. .A ; inni Clulj^M c<-1 & prnfmrnM^iirdi.' -toe! e&lofi^at ^the 'Chnrch lrr1di^j*Vpro^*?y^ ipj??fo?- 2^'7 * Wroop No.' 43 Mrcti."-. Sj^Ellni '<4?e?/