College >MvK?Sl^DigmtariM of ^rafefc)rined" a roilnd of Dr. H. tcra Tayldr. dlry>f'urt"ot^t h^col 1 ege, wjio 'did ZtttjroainUpg'Vln^appreciatlon of the ggraeregj; pr." Nobleman shown In the r iA- * Jo'VJ>r.. Nqhle. whom the years had ^jMle^iojbenfl, accepted the portrait ^with highest praise for the work of ,ifctie*4rtlstj He paid tribute to former UfP/esidect, .lames B. Dudley and reKlUMt?a 'tllO. /wiDom ftUftlr '"Kl/il. V/. ^'commended, to sliig the former presl?lent\!favorlte ;Bong: "I Ain't Conna ii, StudyWar Ho More." . He thanked ^ ^V- ^5?ntlDued' On Page Seven) Cycle Riders Warned At High Point V When an automobile and a bicycle collide, the automobile doesn't suffer ' to'any great extent . * . ;** That Is the latest' approach Chief ? 4? Police .W. O. Frlddle. of. High ^. Tofnt. takes In V warning to bicyclists, A who are .dally becoming more nnroer:.l,ona and flooding downtown High V*'l$)lDt streets' and congested arena, f '/^yChlef Frlddle snya bicyclists are ^flagrantly violating laws and that In gEdolng. so- they are endan^erlne their ^own Uvea and .those of pedestrians - also points out that It^ls Illegal for V-',persona)to., ride wheels abreast. ride a URE fc - -OKEPI UNVEHJNG-87T N I ' ,< "* ' I ' ' H ( >A : \ *'* I . -"v. I v., - ^B 4 W 4^./." A- mod T. College honored Dr. ! occuiOQ of his 87th birthday with program was formed around the un of art< at the college, who did the pa and in advancement of Negro educat . college; Dr. Noble and Professor T New Fanners of America Hold Meet In Nashville, Tenn. ' Participating Art National Officers'of Various States ? - *?S> ? fr- ?1t? " . The national Ivtard of trustees of New; Farmers of America will hold itA neinl-tfanual board meeting at the A. and T. college, Nasjhvllle, Tenn., March 29 to April X. The meeting will be presided over by -Henry' Revels, "national president. Southern univerftltv: Scotland villa. Tj. 'Tha of the / meeting will, be to perfect plana for. the annual convention of the farm youth organization which will be held at the State Agricultural fcnd Mechauical college, Orangeburg, S. C., In August. This information Is released by the national reporter, ttuffln McQhee .. * One of the highlights of the boanl meeting will be that of conferring the honorary superior, degree on Dr. C. fc. Spaulding. president of the North Carolina Mutual Insurance company. The president of the Insurance com-' pany has been a staunch supporter of tliis farm organization of some 73,000 'members, from the date of its begin-1 (Continued On Pnge' Six) I : - * Marines To Occupy' Brick Barracks At New River Soon . t.. " . ? Twelve barracks-and three mess balls at the new permanent marine barracks at New River will be ready tor tne nrst retfment of marines. April 1, It wag learned from J.leutenaot Commander uMdlson Nichols. resident naval officer In charge of construction of thin $3T>,000,000 post. Since their arrival Inst fall, the marines haTe been quartered in temporary tents and'huts near-Jacksonville and Verona.' Construction of the permanent. J>tlck veneer, strip steel barracks at 'H?dnot .Point has been under--waj'for a.number of months,' and^work has been rushed even more rapldiy alnce the'declaration'bit wai\ r<.f * f "'' "bovw be a uniform. a;.; .Sonloni of Sooth, Gate/Call?.eorol tilh^iebiiol a^ioowS* tort mi ?THE? Lj! SBOKO, N. C-. SATURDAY, MARCH i BIRTHDAY A. C. S. Noble, chairman of the A. aim k special program which was held In ceiling of a portrait of Dr. Noble by 1 Inting "in appreciation of the Interest ion." Reading from left to right are: Week's Halt In Sugar Sales Is rv?J ? J viucioi o .'s, All augur sales iu the United States will be halted at midnight April 27, for approximately one week.' government officials announced today after they had set -six days in April and May for the naatlonwlde sugar rationing registration.. i';: ; ojhn E. "Hamm, acting chief *of the office of-price administration, reported that sugar would be off the market on April 28 and would not be available 'to buyers again until about May 5. Hamm explained that the bHn was ordered as a step preparato^r to sales under rationing, which will go Into effect as soon us the morutorlmn on sales ends. Earlier, dates were fixed for the national registration ? biggest hi the history of the United Stutes and Involving every man, woman and child In the country. Frank Ranrv field chief of the OPA, announced that Individual or family consumers would register May 4. 5. 0 nud 7 at nubile olementarv schools, and that wholesaler*. retail* era. bakers, confectioners and other Industrial users would register April 28 and 20 at high " school*. The periods for recording the data concerning 131,000,000 Americans were scheduled at a conference of rationing administrators from the 48 slates. J. ' Rnoe reported that It hud not been determined 'finally whether -Ihe . (Continued On d'ape Three) } ? r+'?.? Chatham Brothers Use Coin To Settle Uratt froblem . f ? r - Rufua otid John llearne, of Ryniim. had ati unusual problem.; . - a They .were both *rHnted deferment from military.eerrloe" becauserof ? dependent mother and brother; They were reclassified.'by the Chatham county selective''service board and told -.that deferment * would" be granted' td^pply^one. The hoard jtuve them permission" 'to/.decide which "one should irtay at home and which -one % >Tb^r; toother .refused to express a PT^ference and. th^fioya^aettled/lt by Olppini a coin. "Rufus la now keeping JTLI 28, 1912. Nl? : fit' ft* w gj?] i k; I*., 1 T.'board of trustees for 45 years on * Harrison auditorium last week.' TTie Professor H. Clinton Taylor, director ' Dr. Noble has shown in the college Dr. F. D. Bluford, president of the t : '-y Dietians RocxUtannff O ? For Defense : Demand for Food* , Expert* Beginning . To Outrun Supply v v J i , Dietitians in North Carolina "are i registering this week for arailablllt; 1 In both the state and national' de- i fense programs; where the demand U? beginning to outrun the supply. Persons eligible for registration are dirtltluns In the field, former dietl: i Mans who , nre now homemakers, homeecoQoniirs graduates with a major In foods and nutrition, and other ' foods workers who by their erperl ence would be qualifiedto assumes the duties of a hospital dietitian In an emergency appointment. , The registration is being made All I, overtlie country by the American 1 urewwv uAiaiciHunn inrougn local a if1- . tetlc organizations. Jane Flanes Crow. ' of Salon college, Winston-Salem, .is In charge of the North Carolina gurrcy, tind Mabel Swansoo. of. Woman's" col- , }egc, la In charge of registrations In the Greenaboro area.; Registrants will .be state , their professional Interest, schools jittended nnd position held. They-will*, designate whether or' not In case of ' ?an emergency they will be available for full o rpart time service In civilian or array hospitals'large group feeding.1 consultant 'work In nutrition anifl dietetics, teaching or other fields. Due to the scarcity of dietitian's these registrations will he used In finding peopleJw"hb can substitute tns civilian I hospitals when* the present dietitians tire cauru 10 array appointment*. * ~ r ' ^ Mi?? Eleanor Watkim , Give* Party-At Home ,liln Eleanor Wutklna gave.a ]?r-. ty at. her/ home .on Dudley street Tuesday. . March > ljk Dancing and . card* we re. en joyed ,by alL L\ AroaDd ( 11 o'clock V >repa?t /Vnn'-.wrjfir , Thoae present were Ml** Ixiulw F^or* ance, Mr._and. Mr*.. Earl, Simmons, Edith Jllunt, / Eddie ^and .jAlmnlif Arledge, r?'JtAnsoiv^ ^Buhy; Thompson, .Hubert,, Gaaklnj^/- ltoberf Dobnnm, .Woody ..Jone*,-G?or|Jei?WIli. *00. . 'iFrcdt *Avery,vf'Julian .'"Blunt, Charles. Home andGurneyrWaUrinifc Halfwgy^ mark In v.^he American Bed ^^o^Vid^ve ggf PIUCE: 5c ^ ' Bennett Institute For Home-Makers ifi Reaches Climax Dr. Channing.Tobias, New York City Delivers Address The 16tii annual hoiae-tDuklng- In- " Btitute ot Bennett College ranched Its climax Saturduy. March 22, with an all-day conference of high school : principals arid teachers an?l students of home economics throughout the state.*Several hundred delegates ure expected to be present nt the confer- "v enee which opened In Henry Pfelfferv Science hall at 10 ! o'clock. \ Dr. Chnnnlng II. ToblaR, of New ' ' ! \ York qlty, delivered the keynote address, entitled "The Conservation of Human Values," following remarks by President David D. Jones, of Bennett, who presided. J, P..Bond, admin-, ' Istratlve assistant In the North,Carolina NYA presented Dr." TohIa^_>to; . * \ the conference.? .^ *"? ..." Talks by Beverly C. Moore and 1\> - ' T. illnes o fthls city was ihe high- "l ".. . light of the afternoon aesnlons of the conference which also included'. a ., ; .. number of section meetings on'"Con- . '**' serration'In the Home." A clothing ; / review, followed-by a tea for the con- ' ference .'members concluded the'con- "'-i. ference."-' h V; : A';,?trlklng ' feature of Saturday's?*- . program'whs showing of a aeries of \_ exhibits on "The Home and Civlllaj)'.- 'i' Defense," theme of this .year's .home- v*^!making'institute. v r. , . ~ itifj ' The exhibits, prepared under the (Continued On'Page Two)V>. * ? ?" ' ' One Company Ready for Raids Or To Fight Fire . .Should bombs start. dropping in Qreensboro one' local plant of 35 are [rumen -to meet tnc emergency. The Pepsi-Cola Bottling company, i. \ 100 eParson street, has Just completed organizing Its employes into a defense crew and installing certain " ' defense equipment, according to H. E.\} Plynt, manager. Tie reports that each employe- has " a station l\ case - of *' emergency and Jc no wa exactly''what to' * floj : *.' **:; ..0 .1"" Equipment Includes a hand-operated puinp holding 75 gallons of water . which is kept filled. It.Is placed on; n portage stand along with buckets uf. smjd and shovels.. There ?a re buckets of dry sand," which are kept covered, on each corner of .the pltuij^ . roofv with sfiovels for- each - bucket. ? Flynt : also said . that the plant has first aid supplies on "hand and that n member. of the coocern-.Ja now taking aV first aid course. Upon completion j be_w|ll instruct other employee and act-as supervisor of .a plant first aid station. - r r" "Our coiiipuuy' hna figured out pome -way of taking rare of the plant and the-IIre? of the people within . 1 . lt.'(We are attti trying to learn more and-intend '-add to''equipment' na wjUJr-eceive -mOre Instruction on what U^Tneeded r and; Imw It should be umnl." Flynt said.' ,1,'^ ^ ' F Mfc Pleasant CKristian 1" CKurxKNowyBirild in g -.:-A : ?V.. 'Tt iijSjJlB?* !~Thei .Mount . J'leajunit Chrlitjaoy^gy church,- located ait Ihecomer'of -Gray-^^, and'.South afreets, la now. under^h^^T^ . traction,-.The' structure. whenh> iAcM^wnt be SO hir