M'X r?'?^ : > I Keep Up With the Timet BIT VOL. I. NO. 17. . Main Street Hello! Are you there?Draw up ? chair and listen to u little gossip *n* stuff, by me, who knows. Well, 'tis Easter time again?and springtime. Do you remember? Do you reiuember Easter time when all the boys and girls would tag down on Easter Sunday and stroll the Muln Street (East Market) ; the boys would crowd the sidewalk in front of Marrow's Drug Store and Plaza Suioke Shop, with 11. Wiley and Parron Crump leading the men In styles?and the Royal Garden was the hangout for boys and girls on the "Main Street"?and Andrew Mclntoch had the "convertible car" and wool ilset the" girls' hearts on fire when It. breezed down "Main Street"?And Vernon Marsh was" the young girl's Idea of a second ltobert . Taylor. Remember?years back on Easter there were always Easter egg hunts for the kiddies?Church for the elders and Ranees for the younger set . ?When mother and father would let Junior go to a house party, but must bo back py ID oVjock?Remember when Johnnie could "one-step" . and 1 "waltz" and Jimmle couldn't?he was . .a* wall flower ? Twas*nt -Jitterbugs ?/"lben?Just a fweU party with punch served without the spike and Ice j creain with vanilla w'afets?Remember when A. and T. hat^ bnsebnll on Easter- Monday and you slipped over ' JjLhe fence or came In on a foul ball? 1 And the war In the past with freedom and democratic| future ahead.? , ' j but memories like all earthly thlug^ , decay?Vanish on, and on, and for- , gotten, past. In the worlds beyond. { ? Goradp and Stuff: Tls said by thosf ' who know that the youthful coach of , Dudley high school football team forgets to recognize the friends be had when days were not so bright. Wake op "F. C."?come down to dirt?it walks better than air. Gowlpers have It that Joe (Lefty) Bvans, the Aggie's No. 1 basketball wonder., will f not be , allowed out after 10 o'clock, once the i jive Is broken he'll be thromi In con- i . ceotratinn cnrop. What's wrons[ Brad paldweli u hack frnro N.' Y." C. with u brogue that pounds like the off key of a ?_ - There la a Royal can driver who is \v?ckey about some certain glamour girl. who Is wackor gut hooked. Wonder why Jesse Johnson is picking' up so many safety pins now?Are the^ for defense or what. Jesse? It Is said that Jimnile Moore leaven his Msdaine> at home In tears while be enjoys certain lady's company. , tal* .la I}, be Seeing you again.JRal? i? your old friend of Main ' Jsj*v *>' ' '-'*i Tips oossiPKR.' rpt 'atUpdqd.^h'm .XeH 0p?>Twor^dS>r Mr* Jac&tfp, - wlddeti, Hitf ? t. ^ Terry," Mr* SApa/ tnd^Mrm. Bjfcili; yfe&gfSiBgE; Speakers today were A. L. Turner, of the State College for Negroes law tcbool,' Durham; J. Francis .Price, registrar, Shaw university, Raleigh, md Dr. Rufus E. Cleineot, president >f Atlanta university. c t Woman's Athletic Association To Entertain The Woman's Atffletlc Association of A. and T. College will entertain the Woman's Sports Day Association at the college Friday and Saturday. April-10 and 11., ? % Meinbetg of the Association ure: T. and T. College. >Rennett College. Hampton' Institute. Howard Cnlvefslty and North Carolina State College. This will l?e the first tluie that the sports day has been held at .A. :u?d T. It was held at Hampton last fall, and at Virginia State last winter. TKu u-IH'Ka Kol.l ?tn Cnl.ir. day. Included on the program will "he I, participation in ?K>ftbftll. tennis, archery, lionttboe pitching, innas deck tennla and novelty relays. In ltsN lagt meeting the Woman's Sports Day association endorsed tbe national physical fitness program and expressed Its willingness to lend lt^ cooperation to the success of the pro gram. The W. 5?. D. A. has promoted a physical fltnegs program for s number of years. ' . "Dlmouts** instead of' blsckonts haTt^ been recommended by lighting 'engineers. Enemy wpnots . would ee^only a confusing checkerboard Of'^alpt .Illumination In .wdrifhVoH strategic, landinarks' would bp,blotted yfe/ < \ } tean iflia Catherine MeQpy?Mt*?V. L^wWdell. Tiff . I J fi. 0a lloway; ll r. aoOlni Carter, V M nt vnenton,Vltey.. Poe, M r^ ^a nd Xlr* j.i - i e~ ?THE? : 01 SBOKO, N. d, SATURDAY. APRII. The Co-Operative ?What Is It? By VALKNA K. MINOK. ' In many of tbe mint discussions iilMiut the present wnrhl condition as jroucht about by this mighty World IVar II It has lieen staled that the n r to save money. The Idea behind a *o-op la that, for whatever reason Jt s being operated. It BELONGS fo It* nitrons. Take for a brief instance the x>-operatlve store: A group of Jnler sted people gather to fnrtimliite plain!or the store; tliey buy shares In the rospectlve business; the business Is iuccessful; at regular Intervals dlvllends or profits are returned to the shareholders, NOT on the hasls of the imnher of shares they hold but on the muUr of the amount of trade they mve done with the atore. Another Ignlfleant principle of co-ops Is thai 1 10 matter how many shares In the lore a person may'have, he will have inly' one vote In the meetings con-! ornltttr (lio innn.Bomfttil nt lh? nlnro ' rhus. n mnn who hag hut one share ihs a much say-no a* to -how his lusinesn Is to tie run as the man who urns several shares. True democracy. | There are many other equally dem cratic Idpas by which the co-oiiera;lve movement 1b guided. They are mourn as the Jtochdale principles,: iiken from the name of the place In Insland where the first sucressful co>p was operated 1V) years ago. Some ?f the ideas are: (1) there shall e no discrimination of race or creed. (2) credit shall not lie tolerated. (Jt) roods shnll be sold anil wag*** paid it the prevailing market rate. Thus a co-operative is operated. It an he easily discerned .thnt such or:anlxHtlons would stabilise the eoo>omlc conditions, would prevent molopulies. would raise the standard of Ivlng. To all that say "Co-operalives ire Com m u n 1st I c" and narrow-mlnd"dly refuse to listen Intelligently to liscuHsions "on the subject. the term "Traitor!" can la? applied. It seem* Irue that the salvation of the allied powers and America lies In the establish men t of co-opera Urea Hnd a more united economic frontFor further information'inn the gule Ject of co-operatives contnct The Future Outlook by mall. China Fights On Dual Front "The Chinese are fighting on two fronts, the Japanese front and the edncatli^n front" declared Eugene A/Turner, a Y. M. C. A. worker' l|i China' for '30 years, In his fddrew} to* the Monarch-club tpdny at O. ifenfy hotel.'. Pointing to the determination ' of ^thef* Chinese to resist thelc Japanese'enemies, th'e speaker qupted tbem as saying*"The more!.they destroy us the better-we (fball rebuild." -5,He told nf^the history of the peo pie from the? timeOw? middle king do?n, to/the present and" wild that tyif Chinese herb was not'tbd Shbllef. <>ot the scholar/Harry 1:' W ? JTLI 4, 1942. Local Concerns First To Win In Bond Sales Greensboro, one of the first cities in the nntlon In. which a firm used the voluntary payroll allotment plan of buying United Slates defense bonds yesterday was the scene of the first award of honor certificates to North Carolina firms having 00 per cent or more of I heir employees buying Itomls In cereeonles In " inunlclpiil-rouiity or stamps in this manner, courtroom at city hull lute yesterday | afternoon, C. H. Itoi-ertsou, collector of Internal revenue and state bond administrator, presented tbe first certificate to Juliau Price, state bond committee chairniau. and president of Jefferson Standard Life Insurance company. Price suggested the pay roll allotment plant to national bond sales officials and put It Into effect In his company lonp Iiofore It was adopted officially. E. C. McLean and N. S. Calhoun, co-chairman of the Greensboro-Gullford county bond sales committee, presided. Price paid tribute to Robertson an (Lb la staff for their work In putting tin- drive across.In the state. Itnltertaoii said the state sold JS.(100,000 in series K bonds, the smaller type. In the six months before Pearl Harbor. In December alone, the sale* Itounded to JA.OOO.QPO, and In January to J7.SOO.OOO. Be Introduced Forrest G. Miles and Thomas C. Abernethy. deputy bond administrators. Miles said more than 700 North Carolina firms had Installed the puyroll allotment plan for buying defense iauids. He added that Greenglioro was iKit the only North Carolina city to qualify for the honor certificates, hut was the first to have tliem awarded. R. G. Trooper, secretary of the Greensboro Merchants association and chnlruinn of a local aub-commlttee ni. n.,.1 Mtftll rirmu d.lll many concerns receiving awards had 100 per cent representation, and that In aome instances the wholesale and retail flrmR of entire blocks hnd wqri awards. Awards werei?resented to exnployers or workers from about 83 firms yesterday, and others will be'sent to companies not represented. Trosper said several concents had qualified for certificates hut not In time for yesterday's presentation. The complete nwards list to date 1s as follows: Hanks Clothing company, Boyd Shoe store. Charles stores. Charm shop. Darling shop. KstinanSmlth company, Ellis Stone company, Fields', Oarrln-Stone Furniture cone pany, Gate City Paint Company, W. T. Grant rompany, Greensboro ,Mt?rrhantM association, Hattaway'n Rtore. Huntiey-Stockton-Hfll company, Jewql box,' Johnaon-Oomatxer anil Aulbert, Lee'a Millinery Rtore, I.I wit Drng company, Mangel's Meyer's, Montajdo'a," ilontgopiery-WarJ . company, John Keeae'and' sons. Gilell Hardware'company, Peggie Hale ahojj, Phlpps Hardware company, ' Pittsburgh Plate Glass company, FnlloeVa, Prago's, Mu Ronea*,^ Rust In Fnrnl^ til re company, Samllaon'a,Saalow'a Serunian anil Sons. Sherwln Fegd and Seed company, Rturr' Electric- company, Tyoxier- Brothers, Walketfa Walla* Ready to Wear, F.'W. "Wool* , tvortji and copipany. .Yonpta-IleBo* I company, " Mocrlaon-Weese^ Fiiniltiir* ' company, . Brooks-Wilson ,1 cotppany zad The EutwrtTOi Hook! )0K v PRICE: Sc Sedalia Farmers Co-operating SEDALIA, N. C.. March 1M. -The farmers of Sedalia shuwvd hearty <. * ? operation with the trainees. HMItert Sessmns, William Tuck, and WHUum A.' Ferguson In sponsoring the-Ham, Eggs, and Canned Meat Show which was . the fifth In a series of shows '/' , since the year of. 1037. The nqroed., . persons are trainees who are' doing.' / tlielr practice work in the Sedalia. Community and under the supervision of Mr. C. E. Dean, of A. and T. col- % lege, and'one of the most outstanding dwellers (of the community. The program was given with a definite purpose, which was explained r . Trainee Hllbert Sessom. The address', was giyen by Mr. B* Hat), 0oU-. '? t ' tort County Agent.for Negroes. He, gave a very Interesting as well as portant message to a well represent: " ed audience of about 200 listeners. *. ?; , Mr. Hall and Mr. Sessoiu brought out ' . |the point'that better meat and eggy ' were product by better feeding andJ'j.jj management proogram. Presiding way ' Mr. D. L. Motgan. who showed great interest in. the show anil gave his p J. hearty support to all phases 6f the $ork. hJrs-.'B. B. Cole^, principal $??*-& jhe school' co-operated wholebeart/ '*'* edly in allowjng us to use the facfl-^ ijies of'the school In the ' There were wonderful demonstrationa carried out by seniors in' home economics department of A.' aw}'.'; ; T. College, whose names are -. Bliss $ Elisabeth Creen and Miss -Dorla Smith. They . demonstrated several ' 5 I ways to add variety to the diet. Th*j_v judges of the bams were Mr. B. N, Hall and Mrs. W. T. Johnson, the la?-". c> ter being an Instructor of Rural Kt^' 'J ginoering at At nnd T.-.College.'The ./ Judge of the canned meats was Miss Mae Sue Roberts, a graduate in th?? field of borne economics at A. and T.Jt. ; College. The Judges'of eggs were Mrs; i Hllhurt Sessoros and Mr.'John Wright. . *' The rankings were.as follows: Eggs. ' first, light brown. Miss I-eouu Mar-f , tin; second, light brown, Mr.., CaH . ; > Rudd ; first, dark brown. MIew Sloidlo ., Benton; second dark brown, Mrs. ^ jfr K. Blackraon. Horn*?First place* Mr? P. B, Blackmon. second place!* (T. W .-Faust; tlilrd place, Mlas Bessie*. ft Wade. Canned meat?First place, "Mr*. . "* P. Jt.' Blncknion; second place, Mrs. < Rudolf Richmond. / Mr. Johnson Hunt, a student, won a ham fn rhaving the lucky ticket ' ?f the show. The awarda were r"1- . Rented t>y Mr. 0. E.Dean, Tliey were granted through the courtesy' of the following: Mr.' W. C..; Boren, < "Jr* president of Pomona Terra Cotta Co.. ; Poweil's WaHferorer Shoe. Co., OdellV f ... Hardware company. Odell Supply Co^ Fblpps Hards-are company, Watson ,f Feed company, and Swift and,com pany, which we feel no much Indebted to for the hearty aiorigtnnce they pave toward innklnc, the ' program poaaihle. ' _. * j. ."Chewing. pom produced In the -IW , r^' United State* gum factories luia annual value at factory of more W6.000.000, an I Dei-en** oif." cent In two year*, cenau* /jeiwrtarA x< dhow. v, Ml* 1 ;? ? jji&& Pattle McNalry and Jewelry company, fyphlffmyt'^1' eraon Standard Life Inimran^ co^*/-.pany^Oate City Life Xnroya