\ 'iKeep Up With the Timet FUT v. VOL. I. NO. 18 Rev. Rr. Brewer Preaches Strong Sermon "Rev. J. E. Brewer, pastor of St. , Matthews Church, conducted Com| 'miiulon service, baptism and preached I a very eojoynble Easter sermon. Sunj } day, April 5. I ?i-, ' Resurrection Love Lessons. "And when the Sabhath whs past, Mary Mngadalene, and Mary, the y mother, of James, brought sweet splces-^-that htey might anoint hlin." . Mark 16 :l-7. > ' ; Intro: On the evening of our lord's I. Vleatli^ Fridays hia body- was buried. Lhn (Kfl r,oW ,lor >ho CaIl^' I ' "ybatto,'~-.V.* ^ P ?.' ^rTtraBfjrasBaH ^ "> ' iatiat and "hi EfiajHWiraP??tW Mat Arthur, with tba new 1 jipiS?]^-'Vj^>Au?trnlla has fWan him a haro'i wi command with hia pramLi (IRE CKEEX Methodist .Men)hers ub St. Matthews Metbo- < 31st cbolr from lfeft to right: Airs. ? S. A. Peace, Mrs. Sallle Morgan, Mrs. L Sylvia Ruff, Mrs. M. V. Pope, (dej; Angels have from heaven descended. And have rollede away the atone." The Divine love Is better , to us than 'all our fears. It Is uilghty In , our ttehalf, and as we go lolngly for ward we find the obstacles In the path .of duty removed. ' Love Is comforting. Re not. afraid. He Is risen. Love'sent on errands. Go. Go. Tell. .. Love makes promises. He goeth before you. Th echolr sang some very beautiful selections. The selections were as fol lows: Father Almighty?Cesar Franck. i My Best' . ft is therto tmpnbHahod "photos of Gas. United Nations commander at saints. ileoma and has united all its defenses ? w that MI shall do mj bast, ,'i. 1 shall idi^. . yjv, ft. BWjPjiy^v -?THE : 01 SBOKO, N. G, SATURDAY. APRIL : ' Fine Choir ceased), Mrs. able Jackson, Mrs. Clara ^ Rogers, Mrs. S. D. Hugbley, Miss Sal lie D. Jones, Mrs. Alice Dean, Miss Jaunlta Wells, Mrs. Maude " " ( . . ~~ T~ O, Sacred Head?J. S. lloch. I >eKend^-Tich allcpweskl. Hnsanna, Hosauna?Lee Rogers. O. Lamb of, God?Gounod. Members of the choir are: Mr. Francis Thomas, Mr. Clarence Dean, Mrs. Sylvia Rurt, Mrs. Clara Roger, Mrs. Anna Stewart (director), Mrs. Mable Jackson, MIhh Sillle D. Jones, Mrs. S. Dehughley, Mrs. Sallie Morgan,* Miss Juanita Wells, Mrs. Alice Dean, Mr. Krnest Raifort. Mr. H. Clint Taylor, Mr. Chester Jenkins and Mrs. S. A. Peace. ? f S . ' Goldsboro Man Holds Out for Parking argain n ..1.1 Jk., . ? . . . Muiusimru,?a VfinuHiKim niHM recently put "one over" on the Wilmington police department according to a report circulating here this week. The man stepped Into a store . to get some change.. When he re-! turned he found a parking ticket on his car and Immediately went to the police station to explain and possibly save the dollar fine. ?The .police sergeant refused to llateen to an explanation, declaring "You violated the .law by parking overtime. It would be the same if you parked one -minute overtime, one j hour or .five days." . ; . So the JfToldsboro man kept the red ticket, left It nnder his windshield wiper. an& used 'the parking place all day. That" night he went by the police station and paid the dollar fortbe days', parking. '* x : v??r Salisbury Opens t ""l' Sub-Fire Station &(s? ol U?e^S*ll*buryx Jnf^ department, the flrnt mitmrhau f unit forthft.^clty, wa? opened * Wwlim*! y." *Ooe\a?ook * and Ta&W^rhC* afa'ttweo pla6?1 at thi nfiftlon f?rvd-fan '"-additional jjlece ol <*jnl'c(m??rf,Vul; hither* wf *ion u II ? .'jpjtijvcior} T. \ < a. captain >haye>'bee* aaalxped Mo the atatloiv, * .which 1 li dealfned to protect and aerr the soatl aide of the city. ?'. ' > r; "'-v* C2 ITU 11, 194?. j /'. WJndsdr.- Hark row men, from left to right: C.-E. Dean. Francis Thomas, S. Thompson, Cllntoii Taylor, E.' I* ltalford, Mrs. Anna Stewart organist.. Red Wings Whip i, '.* " Pond Giants, 8-5 j The Goshen Red Wings, outstanding I Greensboro negro semi-pro i baseball club, enjoyed a successful Easter Monday yesterday, turning back the Winston-Salem Pond Giants. 8-!>, before a holiday audience at Memorial stadium, In their home opener. Salem Juinia-d into' an early lead. Th? vlaitiog team from Wlrtstonscorlng five times In the first three innings to take a 1W> lead. Rut the ltcd Wings jumped into the ball game In the last ralf of the third frame by scoring three tliues, adding another lu the fourth to pull up 4-5. ' . Goshen sent King tot he mound In the fourth and he held the Pond Glunta acorlesa the rest of the way, allowing only three' lilts and striking out nine, while the Red Wings came from ltehind with three runs In the eighth after knotting the score with n singleton in the sixth. I/efty Evans' double In the elgth hollowed by successive hits off the hats of Montern, King. Day,. Cher bio and Morehead put the gamt on Ice for Goshen. Score by Innings; -B Pond Giants 'J_ _ 221 000 000?J Red Wings _ 003 101 (Ox?1 # r Kl.MBKOl'GH DAVIS. Leo. S. Klmbrongh. student fron A. and T. College chemistry depart meat, will wed Miss Velma Davit , student In Greensboro from .* Lon ' Beach, Callt,-. on June 32th. > Thl I was 'announced by MJae Davis thl i morning. The young oouple are. ea [ pected to "make tbelr home In Cal i fornla. at the' home of her parent r where she will resume her studies.' Current crop of fighting bulls ai 1 softies, complains a. ^Spanish'^spor 1 writer. * Looks like that flower-taoel J Ing Ferdinand -has,''^fteoall/starU ead The Future Outlook! ] *'vM? DOK PRICE:-Sc Eloise Bowers Improving After Ax Attack Kloise Hiiwws, 2.>yoni" o](l negro woninn of 1)0(5 Wilmington street, was In a "little better" condition nc L. IllchHrdson hospital Inst night, where she was lH?ing treated for a " split scalp, loss of blood and inany cuts and bruises about the body allegedly sustained when struck with an ax. .James Seal, negro ofthe same address, posted $300 Inind on charges of assault with a dealy wenpon with Intent to kill In connection with the affair. Hee will In? heard In municlpnl-*ounty court April 15. . . , ; ' Mlnnla ~ ? 203 x South Gilmer street, was -Riven emergency treatment at the hospital Wednesday after ahe had beeri shot **>. .y. by a pistol allegedly wllded by her ' husband, James W. Thoruus. He made . bond for a hearing April 15 In lclpal-counfy court. ^ . Arthur Gilchrist, of 727 Wllmlng- >V ton. street, was- given emergency V . treatment at the sauie hospital early . - .* Wednesday morning after an uolndpji- ' is tjfled negro stabbed him In the arm > and leg In^, the 200 .block of "West ^ McCulloch street, he told police,'J. T 7 * Contract Let for - .. Fairchild Plant Work -3 Burlington.?General contract cov- -< * erlng all architectural trades for the Burlington branch of.aFlrchlld Engine and Airplane corporation, of */. Ragerstown, Md., has been awrdgd ' the locul firm of H. Frank Mltchell^^ and son. ' f - . ; ; - Confirmation of "the award after4 ^ bigs were canvassed last Saturdny at '. Hngerstown was stated'by a reprc Z sentatlve of the firm by a sentativp ofthe firm here tills week. Work Is expected to begin Inimedltely. _ .. ?* . ?uue actual specifications or con-.., traction may not bc flvwi tall,,it Is aald tha't new construction and renovations . will , wore ' than'^x double the floor space ofthe /orin-r' j contract Is completed. ' ^ Don Devell, general manager ' of' the Burlington branch, said an employment office may not .he opened here until about the middle-of June..He stated however, that many In, quid's have been received at Hagerstown from local-;machinists and ' ^ other skilled workers. In defense y j. work In other states' who are anxious g to return home to\work: when places -- re green fonatufflng L9 I^al^lirui fuppliei' thoeft^for ^Ta^^i \V ?>.MiK^K?r'llCTlc^knd^NgW^g^