Food for Freedom ; /: - '.J?;V- - ".-? - >V-.." > Food for Freedom blinked from :iii V-" ' ' " t V( electric lifted sign surrounded with Wi-Sibiff, brown und white ?*ggs' hi rfown %?&f-}ota, this being flanked by well cured I ' _*, hams ahd fronted by buiue canned meats all arrayed on a r?-d, white"and blue background, hs Iteun J. <"*- Mr* Lntighlln of A. and T. College mount. ed the mstrum to deliver the tuiiin ? address of the evening at the Hruwn . Summit High School, March -7, tit S o'clock p. in. "Freedom from want, froui hunger, from under-iionrishinciit and fri>edoni from those who seek to destroy our very way of living." said the head of the deparient of Agriculture at A. and T. college, as he talked from both a practical and national angle. Prizes for products on display were won by MIrs m. Taylor, Harry Wliitsett and Herl?ert Summers. Others contributln gto the Success of the show were: Herman Patrlcli, fleorge Waugh. Azzle Whltsett. Mrs. .lordun and Wllliert Summers. The food show In line with the national emphasis on greater food production hopes to Inspire the already progressive Brown Summit Formers even greater production In pork, eggs, |ioultry and dairy products. These fimdstuffs are essential to our war effort and inust come from American farms to Insure freedom. o such, that no one, or croup of enemy nations can ever hope to destroy it. The show was sponsored by tlie Brown Summit N.F.A. Imyg ami a proup of Vocational Agricultural teacher trainees from A. and T. College. Sears, Roebuck Gives Eight Scholarships Greenslioro?President P. I?. Bluford announced last week that SearsRoebuck and company lias awarded eight one hundred dollar Scholarships to A. and T. college to he given to freshmen In the field of agriculture. The eight freshmen students who received the scholarships last year are now completing their first year of agriculture. They are as follows: Ester McNalr. I*aurinhurg. N. C.; James Harsh a w. I,avendule. N. C.: v- r- . Charles Oaten. Roxboro, N. C.; Willis Jacobs. Peodertnn.. N. C.: .lames M.| C.oode, Macon. N. C.; Rlrhard Spencer. Sllervllle, N. C.; and Howard Fox worth, Rowland, N. C. Recipients of this year's scholarships have not us yet l>een deslgnated. * __ Women's Sports At A. and T. College The Womun's Sports Day Assocla, tlon will have events at A. and T. College on Friday and Saturday. April 10 and 11. The meetings wllf l?e sponsored by the Woman's Athletic association of the college. Members of the HuaoclHtloti are North Carolina State College, How " VI viiinrniii}, UBmpion inntimie, Kennett College and A. and T- College. The fall meeting were held at Hampton, and the winter meetings were held at Virginia" State. Them? will be the first auch meetings at A. * lodT. :S\f ' 'The sports day, which will he hekl ' '' on Saturday, will be preceded by i T*- meeting of association member a on Friday. Included on the program win *w- 'In. aoftball, tennis. " archery, bomeshoe pitching, mass deck tennis and novelty relays. f ADVERTISE IN THE FUTURE OCTIDOK AND WATCH SALES CROW | : :v the Fashion Decrees By KOSKLI.EN CALLAHAN Washington, P. C., and NVw York share honor* till-so days us interna* tioiuil anil fashion center*. We s|n*jit part of this wirk in the nation'* Capital, checking up on future ;'?vernuieiitlll e-llcts Oil fashion and making notes on nhe styles preferred l?y u cross section of women from all purls uf the glulie. We'll start with the delis, who were on a busy round of Faster holiday parties. The 'National Theater audience was dotted I with bright checked and plaid taffeta evening frocks, and hair-do's adorn- 1 ed with gold kid, bows or brill iatti flowers . . . Lunching at the Mayflower Hotel our eye was caught by several girls wearing easy fitting sports suits?iiIko In checks and plaids. One especially smart grtijr pin-striped model had a matching "beanie" made lni|>ortaiit with a gold and sapphire clip . . Tea dancing tit the Carlton Cosmos Room, a young lady In a soft gray wool slim-llncd frock dotted wltli gold unilheads and > set off J by gold cogtuuie Jewelry; sev- I eral very smart women in black I crepe models -brightened by elbow- 1 length gloves in cyclamen, turquoise i or American Beauty . . At Hotel I IMCKl after tlif theater,Hit epidemic i of calots, one with a half doxen pale ' iilue hoe birds; a yellow*and black i hydrangea print frock uml black en- > lot uppllqiied with flowers t?f dress fabric. . . .At the Slioreliiiiii, a brighteyed girl In a navy crept* street dress with crisp white ruffled collar and petticoat, asking maestro Barnee to autograph her souvenir menu. Motion picture glamour gowns have l?eeo adapted for the average American woman by llollywiMHl's clever ! designer Adrian, lleeently he showed ' Ills first collection at llonwlt Teller 1 in New York, and drew n record crowd and plaudits for his figure flat- 1 tering fashions. He stressed broad shoulders, soft drape above the wuistliue, slender skirts, high necklines and very gay color combiuutioiis. We liked the dipping beltliiies ou his suits and coats because they give a slimming line where we need it most; the sealing wax emblem buttons on a well cut nuvy suit; the two-piece dinner gowns with snug fitting jackets that < give a one-piece effect: and tin* In- ' oroutt" with sequin studding. Cliui-loiie ("Stepmother") Manwhi came to town the oilier tiny for her Spring wardrobe. She began her shopping tour by buying u ballerina dancing frock, h soft gray wool dressmaker suit with silver buttons and white pique touches, and ull uuvy accessories . . . When Alice Frost Joined the "Woman of Couruge" cast this week, the sponsor sent each of the ' girls on the show u corsage of pink cHinelliuK . . . Hetty ("We Love ami 1 Io*lMkm; and laborers. .. .. 1 J FUTURE OUTLOOK. GREKNSBOKC New Cooked Salad Dressings By IIKTSY NEWMAN Cooked salad |iii1iK I'm going to ifive you 41 couple of I have many tiling. They are economical iumI good. Make a white cillit1 or souffle of the rsi; whites if yon us*' the first dressing recipe.Today's Mentie Moat Cakes with Dumpling* Puttered Carrots Mixed Green Salad with Cookeil Dressing Colonial Cast aril Coffee or Test Meat Cakes with Dumplings 1 l/j lh. ground l?eof IV.' tup. suit % tsp. pepper 2 tsp. prepttml mustard 1 small onion 1 tbsp. flour 1 c. condensed tomato soup . % tsp. salt 'J c. Iiot water Mix ground beef with salt, pepper. L'lmpped onion ami mustard ami shiij?e Into IK small cakes. Drown on l*?th ddes in fat in deep skillet. Lift out meat cakes, Idend flour with fat. add tomato soup, sidt and hot water and replace meat cakes, blend floor wit I. fat, add IihuiiIo soup. salt ami hot water and replace meat cakes. Itriiig In boil. aild dumplings. cover and ulenin for Jiti minutes. Dumplings. J c. flour 4 tap. all-phosphate baking powder. '.*j tsP- Kiiil 4 lL>sp. shortening About 2-3 C. inilk Sift flour, measure and sift again with bakiug powder and salt; cut In abortenlng: add milk to make u soft lough, stirring only enough to moisten dry Ingredients. Drop by spoonfuls on meat mixture. Serves 5 or iS. Cooked Salad Dressing. Yolks 4 eggs b tlwp. vinegar l'/i tlisp. butter or margarine 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. mustard Sprinkling of ]>ep|ier '4 tsp. paprika Ileal egg yolks, stir in vinegar ;radtinlly and add butter. Cook over liot water until thick, then add salt, nustard. paprika mid |?epper. Cooked Salad Dressing. 3 eggs 2 lge tbsp. sugar 1 i lisp, flour 3 rsp. dry mustard '4 1 tsp. suit Vi tsp. cayenne pepper 4 tbsp. melted butter or margarine "1 c. vinegar l c. milk Heat eggs well, add sugar, flour, mustard, salt, cayenne and melted butter; stir In vinegar gradually, then milk, and cook until thick in double Killer. Colonial Custard. 1 pt. milk J eggs 1-t c. mild ronla*?es % tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla Scald milk; stir eggs, molasses, salt and vanilla together; add liot ntilk gradually mid mix well. Pour Into custard cups or dish, place in phii i?f water, and bake at 3.V) decrees F. wtmut 341 minutes. Serves -I. Wen Get Jobs In Norfolk Navy Yard Several young men who have completed tlie six months training In Machine Shop work at the Creensboro Defense Shop have taken advantage of the Civil Service Jobs at the Norfolk Navy Tarda. These young men will go to the NYA Induction (Vviter at Hampton. Va., ami after u period of two weeks will be placed ns machinist helpers st a wage of H 72 i**r >. N. c. Avoid Making Baby Stubborn GAIIICY li.KVKI.AM> MVKItS. I'h.l) ^tuhlioru children were Not Imimi that way. They were made sttthliorii. by the parents who su|r tin* child with hash* run* crowd hint timhily with i*I??llu*s; neither does sin* cram his arms ami logs hurriedly into a garment nor bathe him as if he were a metal doll. She always takes ample time in order to avoid his resist am V ami win his cm operation. When he begins to seize slimII ami dangerous objects from the floor, she gets them from him, probably. by putling something into the other hand, without stirring up resistance in liiin. If the object is In his mouth she Is still more skillful at 'getting It from hiui. Should she hurry him ami cause him to grow angry ami resist, she has taught hiui stubbornness. If, on the contrary, she eventually succeeds in getting him to hand her such forefn objects us he finds. approving hlui with sin lies, tender words and loving pats, she hus taught hiiu effectually to co-operate, and not to be stubborn. When To Spank. When your child begins to walk, When your child begins to walk, you will teach him to always avoid a few specific things. As soon ns be has learned the meaning of NO, you can change from spanking as punishment to having hitu sit doing nothing where you can see him for exactly 20 nduutes. Itemember, you will use punishment only to keep liltu froui doing the few forbidden tilings; not to get him to do what you want him to do. Make painful only what he must never do; pleasant what you want him to du. PLAYA GAME By BETSY NEWMAN. If the family Is inclined to be extravagant with sugnr in this emergency,' follow the schcuie one woman worked out. She had nottcved sugar in th? bottom of the children's cocoa cups, and felt more sugar was used on rhe cereal than was necessary, so she lu'ovidetl each mendier of the family (adults and children) with a different colored baking cup containing one-half cup sugar. The game Is to see which one can make his or her sugar lHSt the longest! I'm giving you two cake recipes today which will help save sugar, loo. Today's Menu. Haked Fish Haked Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes Fresh Oreen Salad Snper rteliclmis Chocolate (hike or Dark Cake Coffee "or Ten Haked Fish 2 llis fish steaks or fillets ahout inch thick, or 3 lbs. small, whole dressed fish. 1-4 tap. pepper. 2 tbsp. grated onion Cooking oil Snlt 1 r. bread crumbs Heat the oven to fiOO decrees F.: mix pepper thoroughly Into brem! crumbs. Cut fish In nerving pieces day. The young men who have already gone to the Induction Center are Samuel Smith. fJlhsonvllle: .lames Harvey. Greenal?oro: Napoleon I'enn, Wltiston-Salelii, and Floyd MarHliall. Winston-Salem. There are atlll vocanrles In the (Ireenslioro Defense Shop for young men lietween 17 and 24 years of age. For further Information apply at the NYA Office, 811% East Market street, second floor, room 2. m PAGE THREE ''J~, and 'dip tliem Into a suit solution rondo of 2 tablespoons salt and 1 cup cold water; drain, roll In ruiiib-itnpiidxturo, and put on greased baking . pan. Sprinkle fish with grated onion i hud cooking oil and bake near top , of oven for froja S to Id minutes, tle|H*uding upon tlilrknrss and siss ies of fish. Dark Cake. Vi c sugar 1 c. molasses. Vj <' lard 2 eggs. 3-1 c. hot water. 1 tsp. ('iriiiamon 1 tsp. cloves 2 tsp. soda V.- tsp. salt. 2bj c. flour Cream lard, add sugar a little at n time, and cream thoroughly, then add well-beaten eggs and molasses. Sift flour, measure nnd sift again with soda, salt nnd spices and add alternately with lint water. I>n not add more flour If batter seems thin. Rake In layers or loaf in moderate Wen (3TiO degrees F.) Super Delirious Chocolate Cake. 3 sqs. unsweetened choc?date, melted. 2-3 c. honey 1 3-4 c. sifted flour 1 tsp. soda 3-1 tsp salt 0 c. shortening Vj c- sugar 1 tsp. vanilla. 2 eggs, unbeaten ^ 3 c. water Blend chocolate and honey, cool to lukewurm. Sift flour, once, measure, add salt, and soda and sift tot,*ether 3 times. Cream shortening thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy; add chocolate-honey mixture and vanilla, and hlend. Add eggs one at a time, beuting thoroughly after each addition. Add flour, alternately with Avnter, a small amount at a time, heating after each addition until Mimoth. Hake in 2 greased layer pans in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 30 to 35 minutes. Spread with any desired frosting. The highway department's giant road mngtiet is doing double duty in its war effort. In the first 242 miles covered, the magnet picked up more than a ton of uietal pieces which could shred tires. The metal was contributed to war salvage. Men's and Ladies' SUITS AND DRESSES On Sale At f rvwr?ruu ot r * ???'?" AT CLEANING COST Bftinnine Friday. April '.'4 711 EAST MARKET ST. Get Your Mother's Day CARDS EARLY Beautiful Cards for All Purpose* Tk? Ql IS HO LAA/IV kjliup I 115 S. GREENE College Inn Barber Shop Where Service Is a Pleasure See Our'Expert Shoe Shiner ?71 E. Washington?Greensboro IPARADIDDLR JOE'S SWEET SHOP We Appreciate Yowr Trade 159 EL Washington?Greensboro ^