j Kecp^U p\V ith theTimi i|H FUT . iw.&'yot? L NO; ? . " ? ? : r:iiig|feLi.tpf ?;: ! ^Ma&^aduates- . "fjp..&(*jroefcM|f*!!^ students at Mace W^jtonipWte their meefand fake the ' J^xApifnatlon of C09*; .wH't'n^ ^?r th^ . .j tli^lr diplomas. Meb,n* Shroffner, GreensA j f '.fIi\ '* " "* *'.? "'"; Miss Helen" Grace Sutton, HenderV? / 1 . i .' y' \ ilri^E^h Stalnback Swindell, '. z,% Greensijorq^-'- a .. .'*" . Mlas^Rmif^Btiin# Lewis, Tbounta* .,'V' Tllje/t^r V . Mlsa Margaret Louise Jones, Mftxr? .rah^beth'Tlosp.' Polk / vTkUas BMnr WOnt-'Jemld, LuiuGreen i iViiV&J ' V-^v' ' ? Wv ' --V. ^lila^-Maetmy Bed rick, Landls. .* j r ; ^CMlip tucy K.VlUlnw;Herdle AllllR. ,/ .. V- v^Miaa Annie' MaePropsL Concord..'*, , .Maxwell^ Greens .' ' - -:' i-ii ' I ." I^^.f-jlU^ytinJan Jlosa - Ropers, Pitta: Jaanlta Annette - Peterson, Clara Mae Fernbee? *I*hoiuH8V. nw., -. n^^'^r^wilU?t/Ao& Knox Sharp*, ' V_'! vv.*f .t ' ' '^r^MlWEibtoe "Worley, Fairmont. > . ' Aimle Oeo AtUlsap, Hldrten ^ .,'. '.'J' v '" "" ' j ^MlssjaM*.-Johnson, Greens hiro. l ";4 Kllxabeth I-ee, Lexington, j . He)?h Tapp, Hertle lllHa." | ; ..Observance of . | Child Health Day i ^sUifced ^ | ?- ' i {1 i\ vjrrf ..-;.pommdBIns on th? President's B ^ay Pt^Cbwnhtlon, Secretary of B ^v^^^Libor Frances Perkins bo Id: "In the w feV.roonQi^ It may t>e the workJ in thV -war*"production Industries H ^ydlL^deterrntne the outcome of jS 5^ *y-?},t-^w>r effort. Wblle the nail[ *{*^ J*?? lo ^ "t roost He tchHdr^ i oft, live . with thein 9 (i 'r1 the trial? and tension* and ?V\^'.dly toeot tir ;ol d?? ,%?orkt*rw, ^aind ^pHr, tfrplarlytojTeteJarwiat 'WorV' v"^ - i* - '* - yii? ' . N'SBOHO, N. C, SATUtUAV, MAY.gJ v>rrj f - <: I Rrra^B 03fJr ? -* A Rf ? jfl ^pi. i > Norma Stephens, as Education; How- ? ird Hawkins, as Justice; Mar; Alex- 1 inder, as Industry; Dorothy Leget^e, 1 is .Freedom; Dorothy BurwelL, as thfr I Spirit of the Flag; Eura Lee Crump-, i ton, as the Flag of Today; Mrs. M i L. Scarlette, principal; Mrs. -*!. S. i Pucker Radio Chairman (no picture), i In the picture, left to rich: Dupoot ! Cunningham, Mary Alexander, i Charles Jones, Camlyn Gardner, ! Jean /^allacc, Audrey Mitchell. DorCity*Blackout Alarms Will I Be Improved The city's air raid alarm system Is "far from satlsfaetlry," and steps sill be taken to correct the defects. Defense Coordinator Charles G. Vates declared yesterday." The 'alarm proved Inadequate for the teat blackput Friday "night, even when people were listening for'lt, Yates said. '.Yates declared that he was "highly gratified" with the spirit of ^cooperation with which residents of the city entered into the test and said 1 that he was "amazed" at completeness of the'blackout. " The defense co-ordlnator ' praised , highly work Friday night of the po- . lit* department, fire department and air raid'wardens. Boy 'and Girl Scouts and Home guard and declared City Manager C. W. Smedberg had done "a whale "'of a job"* in'perfecting the defense organization before Yates took over the reins." * The thing thHt was discouraging. Yate* Raid, were aereral "glarlnc loin 11 onn" of the blackout retmlatlnria. Karh of these. he Bald, will be'traced down ! an. effort to learn reasons for the vlolntlona and to nee that they don't happen again. ^ ' :hOne-Minute Test XV ./'j t* * ?rr- r; ^*r } T. What continent^ contains prat* Really .-htTf'.!the Acbrld'a* population? ~How^nlnilf Texima-dWd,trather than, snrrerfdar, af ibe Alamd- in' Rrfn Antonio? -4. >& V> Where la thfc Holt tower^Jr'J. t Annualftgaw^lne tenkumptl<^j-.^f alfcraft In - theUnited, &taW>n .la - - ?. .. . r*? ITU ary School I so < B SV; . V. fn ' CO I I . 1 Wl I L-y er >- 00 H>l|fl nil |v be H9H "7 >.*" fcf -xr;. . th rthy-^Leyette. NoVomLs .Brown; Mary gu Lee Whltaker, Cha^les^-Rlchroond, ha Floyd Rice, JunnltV Allied, ' Lula ie Mae Compton, Martha .l'belps, Dor- ch jthy Bgrweli/jean I'arlu/.Mra. I* J. he Sregg, 3rd row ^ id re. M. ll Ccarlett. dr Seraldine. Wiley, Louise Stephenson, di Bertrude Nash, Epra^Lee, Cnimpton. OT Mrs. D. S. .Enoch, Claudette McDoo pi aid, .Yvonne Lindsay, Howard Haw- dl bios, Rpatba Johnson.. hi . " * '*.< / \. c -V Registration for ,i, Defense Requested ? CDVO is urging the registration of hl all persons who have completed JU*d al Cross first -aid and. home nursing cl classes In order that they may re- m celve assignments under, the emere ency medical services.of Igcal civilian ^ defense organization', Mrs..' JPayton . Shaw. Kelly, executive director, stat- I rt this moraine. f -\y jf..--*". '? "We understand tht*t - these are to many persons,.who .)wwe, taken .-Red ** Crow? courses In., first / aid;and homp ?T nursing -during the-past few months ^ who have not .registered?at CDVO!" Mrs. Kelly kald.? "In-order, for th?>?e m persons to- serve, as volunteers under ^ the civilian defense set-up they must v< be registered with xuL*r?^'\- w Visiting Professor Speaks At Bennett ? A strong plea for putting/in to, ar ei tual practice theT basic principles of Christianity, and the underlying theories of democracy was made at Pen- ^ nett collegp yesterday afternoon by Dr. Hornell Hart, professor of sociol- w orj at I>?ke university,, who apoke at weekly vesper . I' - '> c? Declaring that there la f recently a p' (1 lacrepancy', hetween?j^e p beliefs anif -acfuail^eSiaV^OTlo&^hany v. h a *ca namoves vCh Hatfa ^ . the umlerljliu^ n tJanitj' aT^ .dwo<^c^^ ?rc /forth -ji flghUng'fo^van^reiff?ntr,';' ' a r */,' - ?.* -e . . . n V? Callfonila's tnberCTilosia death rate . - <2.-> - :'1au td The Future Outlook! | )0K PRICE: 5t ligh Value In V )efense Training By GARRY C. MYEKS^Ptl.D. Out of the present emergency "will tne some home bindings In disguise. . Jt why did we iipcil a war to others to take courses in nutrition, imp nursing and first aid? One nlen >nders why mothers-of today Mid t been properly-educated along j ese Hues, while "in the- public \ hools. But since they wer?:hot,\It>splendid for them to'get thl?j edu-' tion now. " Whereas the chief appeal to motif'' s to' take these courses.geoerallj^* ren by the Red Cross, Jj&of .dratne ate defense, especially^tte*piOT56 first aid and Cts and skills gained' urses will l?e Taluable^stfmfe^fc" ir Is over.-l wish all y^S^&offi^s would enroll In arses. They are free.. Within the past few ids lso 'from icationa 'whlA often folio seases, because bo many mothers* ire had training In defense courses* < ' Always Call Doctor. Here I wlsh\to entreat parents I. children to'call the doctor. inugh these parents suppose .they* V pood nurses at home; also "to ire the child checked several times 'ter his npparent recovery. Sucb leeks by the doctor would save ,ao any children from serious effects Mowing these diseases, .such as ear. iroat and heart infection. " >.: Reutrning' to the defense conra?; wish more emphasis were placed i the i^cholo01^geCtIng"the, child choose to eat and enjoy "eating ? foods he should -eat'Oft^n moth s Know what a child ,should haye it are unable to get' him to. eat 'A iw mothers, Indeed, as they, learn ore about choosing proper foods f