Vp With the Timet FUT .'V VOL. I. NO. 22 '^r Negro On Gory Rampage Kills ' Wife and Two Sisters Tuesday Four people were - killed and two others "Injured, one of them poKHibly fatally, when a Negro, said by police ' " to-be Will Dawkins, ran amuck with a shotgun near Hamlet ' about 10 o'clock t Tuesday morning and later V escaped Into a* swamp near the city * ?3' where police believe7 fie* Js surrounded by a posse. ,' *- ' r , Included In Uie list of dead are J. B. Fallow," chief of -Hamlet police, \\ .-about 48, the wife of-Dawklns and his two sisters. 'Wounded included ;> fwo-cbil.dreo, both believed to be.the ) '.f\ WdM,~Ot Hawkins. One of the children ; W88 shot through .bis hand and 'win * , t-* > ' :.U - ? '^.-.recover. ^ j Vf'. + v Chief Fallow, whci responded to the 1 \ Call < for* help, was riding in a car v".',\wltb - C. B Eacho, Railway special officer, when he was killed. They believed . they had. the Kegro^comered. i accordlne to Tommy Ad kins.' member ' of the Richmond county tire ration - .'.lngvboard, who-wasT- actinias police '"desk sergeant, when' the Negro sllpj , ^pcd up'Jb^rui(th? chiefs car.^stuek j^*the abotgun pirougb a " wlndow\of 'the ?>'ca?jtnd fired,; the load of shor 'tak| *'lnV foil effect rln Chief Fallow'? face 't V.' and head- ' t \ tr. *.-? v/.n>- ' i* * ' f ' y.' ' * ^tegro Flees. ? The jtsegra? who lived on''the"*: Bennettsville, hjghway a mile. south . of V Hamlet, fled loathe dilution of Beni ^nettWille^aiiU Chief _,l?nllaw ^ -died i abmit the'time'he Teached'-"the ho(^ ] ; pltal/', " i ( '. f-1 / * >'i *' . * . . A posse, .headed by - Richmond ' -county^ Sheriff E. B. "Morris, senior ' .police" officer, -E. B. Smith, of Ham- 1 let, all available police, state' prison ' officers "6nd* State hlghwtfy pdtrol, men and volunteers took up'the>trall ;i; i shortly afterwards.-The Negro was > Righted once after the shooting. Ad-, king said, and officers believed that he doubled back and was hiding in a I swamp* neiar^his ^homeT-an. extensive f Si' area( which will1 require .'a number'of 7.17 botifs'to cover. ' - i ?A-" *. ' 1 - Cuis# Mot Known. V j.. Canac tor. the trouble-could mot'be Immediately'determined, Adklns said, ? but in Hamlet It is generally surmls'^ed'thai the shooting at the Dawklns - * home resulted from a domestic quarrel. Dawklns does not hare a police j record' In "Hamlet, Adklns said, and ! ? ao far SB police knpw, they could not *: afceribe any Areal motive for the crime, j . "The negro'Is five feet, six Inches ^ ' tall, weighs about 200 pounds, was ? ' described as ginger cake color, and .has a black mustache^ He was dressed do-khaki clothes.' RallrorfUs leading out of . Hamlet are under guard. Chief Fallow, who was about K-- .** year*, of. aire, had been on ui^ rorre and;had beep chief Vine* /He-via a highly -reapected and efnc^-Cl^ktf Gray atate*^ i?&Ja^ ^ hlB'm1fe W&nd?tw<>^^Uothterit,'^Mra. v Pauline ti^^3bettck^* , Yu u . ?? o1 | ' ; ... .. ..." i . . r ,"j .' * ' '^8 - The body' of-Joeeph Wh"lt< ;l?year oldv^'egro', of r?Q2 Stewarl WtreeCVai taken from the lake *at 'Chrap^Carl nnr 8??*t" "ramp, -earl: thl? tnornlWfl'The lad had been'mla) in* aince-h$-eAtered .?be - Utile; ab&u 4' Wclo lake we 'Jh"jproc***'^hefr^dr*!fx* grappling found at the poln^wh^^lk fkih! ened > had. gode^dowYC f ***tmde^ilrtn eirfabtlahaxrft W which1 tb?* lfrS&y * THE? IJ& SXSBORO, N. C, SATURDAY. MAY jj^ who Is a member of the chapter "and a senior, will also appear on the program. ? Phlllppa, for a number of years, has been known for her exceptional ability as a pianist and a composer. She recently - won her aevcenth consecutive price at Carnegie hall. Sl?e has toured extensively In the east*, appearing on Concert stapes and sCrtaken reported that no water was found In1 the lungs,' Indicating that the. .boy may .have died of a heart attack instead of drowning. **""* . The hoy vug reported missing late Sunday night .'and his. clothing and bicydle were fouud 'on the dam yesterday about '3:15 p. ro. by ^lelvln McNair^. Negro," 429 Stewart .fitraet, who was assisting the, boy's ?ather In the search. , ,r ^ It developed .thgt the-; drowned youtii and seven Negro, companions, had ridden to the .lake Sunday afternoon. The White, boy.-'Jumped' In the water and. went under almost, imrae . diately.< Eugene : Garrett,'- 12 one oi White's, companions, said ' he anC ' Walter Hennett, 13,''attempted"to res ' cue the youth'but were unsuccessful He ^aald.Jhe. group -became fright ' ened and decided to say nothing con cernlifg the. Wblte"bi P WooiAo'i SocMt^ WT Ctrr?*t?kn Skrkk y cTaS* Wc? fhmrrtif Ateo O* <*fflnlaliaw1r utabea'cent .V ?- AfHcV -v 5? >S$ tVlAV^r id The Future Outlook! | )0K . TRICE: be National Negro Trade Week May 21-29 National Negro Trade Week Caui algn beginning Thursday, May 21-28, * iponsored by the *' Negro Business >cngue of Greensboro. . 4? " * Theme:'Co-operation and cdmblrinlon are the-modern trends in bualiess. This event is expected to take dace on the J. C. Trice school cnm>us Thursday evening, May 21, with I musical festival and end On the .- orner of E. ' Market and Clinton itreets.-Next-to the United JnstltuIon Baptist church. There where inroductofy of the; Important features] ^ ' hat will take place in the campaign; ;/* rill take place with - striking pep," alks by outstanding business men of* Jurllngton, .Beidsville, ' High Point," intf)Wldston-Salem% PatMOtic "toirfci till be furnished by the local bands; if the schools hnd'AmCrfcan. Legion.: Sunday,. May 24, the minister's^aUl-j . nee pledged themselves to glFe their/ s* i|M^cqh?peratlon In their, churches^ y-enqohroglng.the congYegatlons to.,:" nke this message throughout .the^'f It? and do some business, matter not .? 'o* largg\or small, -with some Negro . uainess. * " . , > . V " > - - ' Prizes will be awarded to the bosles8 proprietor .that had the largest ' ^ncrease during the campaign. Prizes ' ? ' rill be awarded to the most attrac Ive business surrounding. Prizes *" kwarded the business that gives the ?^st co-operation ' duriug the cam aign.* V;-."; ' All firms will" be grouped nlttees accordlng/'to the \ business hey are engaged In Tbey are La fob ! owb: The beauty shops, the barber shops, the woodyards, the landscape,- , he. painters, .the restaurants,-shoe ihnpd, retail grocers mechanics, tailors, dry cleaners, newsstands and .. . undertakers. All expect to enter Into ' : the trade week campaign. V The beauticians will, meet Tuesday/; May 5,' at 505 E. Market;atreeL/TWe jt? reta'h ^merchants wljrfce^VTW^loea-"V , day. Hay .6,/the- barbers will /mee^/VV Thursday,Hay T^ J0,..V>5 ket 'gtgeetT*; KjecpVlv^ % Vom'mjtteesV * John Ik. Vine, chairman, IL^.R, Russell,'president of the Business League, J. Percy' Brown, Miss Rhucell Alex-' \ ander^XT? H. Peck, J. F. Johnson, promoter '?' *. J'- " ' * *.' * ' X '*? , v:; " ? ' .. ' Mi? Wells Conducts Woman's Society/, " ' ;-* St?:' ; I.- Well8 conducts the T)lsr- V " tx'lct" 'Woman's Society of Christian, ; Service In Its-'second annual, district , \ meeting * at Jnnesbnro^ Methodist ?>' I Church. - Itev.* R. C. Sharpe, pastor;.-.5'v Outstanding speakers for the oirea- / . sioh were 'Miss Lillian Warrick,'"of/... Philadelphia, Mrs. D. D. 7ones,^Mrjt. s:'. Pe.c* miule